Epistle from Paul to Timothy from prison. Timothy - pastoring in Ephesus
Paul = concerned for Timothy and for Ephesus. His young protege whom he loved and the church had an effective outreach for 2+ years. Acts 19:10 - preached in the hall - "all the residents of Asia heard the word of the Lord". Ephesus = an important hub and church. Were deserters and troublemakers, Timothy seemingly getting worn out/discouraged. Paul wrote from prison - don't be afraid, don't quit, keep going, don't be ashamed, be strong. Remember what God has done. Some instruction as well.
Timothy showed great promise and had proven himself and was faithful and would become a great hero of the faith, but even he was prone to discouragement or being overwhelmed or shying away from the moment. Timidity.
2 Tim. 1:7 - God did not grant us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and self-control
I hope that today would be an encouragement to anyone who feels like that.
2 Tim. 2:1 we should be about investing in the next generation - someone younger.
I) Guard by being strong. Be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus. Grace is so important to Paul. All 13 epistles begin and end with Paul's grace. Grace and peace become a greeting.
Why such an emphasis on grace? First off, what is it? Justice = God gives us what we deserve. Mercy = God gives us what we don't deserve. Everything we have is of grace.
Salvation? did you earn it?
Eph. 2:8-9
By grace God draws us, saves, us, keeps us.
Fruits of grace = love, joy, peace, patience ... these are a gift of grace.
1 Cor. 15:10 - Grace = free gift of God. Can't work our way to God.
Remember, it's God who does the heavy lifting
So, how are we strengthened by grace?
A) Remember, it's God who does the heavy lifting. Take rest in that it doesn't all depend on you. Especially in ministry. God saves. God chooses to work through you to do His work.
Phil. 1:6
Phil. 2:13
B) Remember, God doesn't change. His Word never changes. His power never changes. His love for his people and His promises to them never change.
So, be strong, but recognize where that strength comes from.
II) Guard by multiplying parable of the talents. Don't let it end with you. What I did for you, you do for others. Entrust. Find the right men and teach and train. This is a chain. Don't break it. A chain through the centuries. Don't be selfish. Train up. Look for opportunities and those relationships. You are a disciple maker if you have the Holy Spirit inside you.
III. Guard by suffering - How?
Example: 1 - the soldier. Willing to lay down life. Jesus, Paul, Timothy.
Total commitment
Singular focus
Example 2 - The athlete. The rules? Ancient Olympians went through 10 month training period and swore an oath that they did that.
1 Cor. 9:24-27
Probably, discipline and Self Denial
Example #3 - The Farmer.
Straight up hard Work. No glory, no praise. no one looking, long hours.
Be strong, guard and multiply - in our heart, in our homes, in our community.
It'll all be worth it.
1 Cor. 15:58
Encouragement: Guard the good deposit