Acts 13-14 = 1st. Missionary Journey - 1200 to 1500 miles, 1 - 2 years
Now 2nd. Missionary Journey - Acts 12:36 - going back to check on churches established on first journey
PROBLEM!! Acts 15:37-41 - John Mark - abandoned them early in the 1st. Missionary Journey
Point: Christians sometimes disagree! Even tot the point of separating ministries!
BUT should not lead to "can't fellowship with one another"
Question: who was right? wrong? Valid arguments on both sides.
So.... Barnabas takes John Mark - goes to island of Cyprus
Paul and Silas take the land route - en route - pick up Timothy
AND after checking on the established churches, ventured into New Territory!
Acts 16:6 - "kept from preaching" (north into Asia (Galacia)
Acts 16:7 - "kept from Bithynia" - also to the North
Acts 16:8 - So "passed by (through) Mysia to Troas" - seaport city
Acts 16:9 - Paul's vision "come over to Macedonia" (Greece)
So... acts 16:10 - Gospel goes to Europe
Acts 16:11 - straight course to Samothracia then to Neopolis (port city)
Acts 16:12 - then to "Philippi" - 10 miles inland - a major city for both Greeks and Romans
NOTE: Acts 16:6 - "kept by Holy Spirit" = why? how? don't know
Acts 16:7 - "Spirit of Jesus wouldn't allow"
Acts 16:10 - "God had called us"
Was this an unconscious reference to the Trinity!!!??? - ie: Father, Son, Holy Spirit
Acts 16:13 - Why didn't Paul go to a synagogue in Philippi, as was his normal custom? Apparently there was NO synagogue in the city. Oral tradition states that must have 10 male head of households to make a Synagogue.
In lieu of a Synagogue ... had a "place of Prayer" - often on a river bank - so water handy for ceremonial rituals.
Question? Did Paul know about this place or just discover it? What he found was a Ladies' Sunday School Class!!
Acts 16:14 - "Lydia" (1) a Gentile (not Jewish) convert or (near convert)
(2) dealer in purple cloth which was linen dyed in the purple mucus of sea snails. Estimated that it took 250,000 snails to make 1 ounce of dye!!!
(3) wealthy had a business/a large home, servants)
(4) Was open to God's Word, Holy Spirit
(5) An influential leader among her own people - Acts 16:15 - "household baptized"
Applications?? Lessons for us today??
#1. Don't go through life without a plan ... BUT .. be open to God changing your plan(s).
This started as a "check up on the churches" which became a 3 year evangelistic, church planting trip!!!
And note... His specific) plan for you... tends to unfold 1 step at a time!! ie: He reveals it TO you AS you progress!!
Another time will look at determining God's Specific Plan for your life!
#2. Recognize the need to present the Gospel (wherever you go & in whatever ministry He places you!) - Great Commission.
On one hand, lifestyle evangelism is very important especially in small community
However, your lifestyle doesn't present/ explain the Gospel. Doesn't direct anyone to Christ, the cross, how to be saved.
Romans 10:13-14 This was fundamental to Paul. ALWAYS presented the Gospel
#3. Recognize you can't always know who will accept the Gospel.
Example: in Acts 16 = Macedonians!!! Not in Paul's plan!!
Example: John 4:35 - Samaritans!! (who would have thought that a chance stop at a well would bring this result) If people don't accept, it's not on you. You are to Present.
#4. If you find yourself working in a field not ripe for harvest ... plant some seeds!!
Paul did a lot of that!! 1 Cor. 3:5-8
#5. Don't ever despise a small ministry.
from Ladies' Sunday School Class to a church at Philippi (1st. Church on the continent of Europe) Book of Philippians resulted
Example: Jesus' parable of the talents = same praise, reward for 5 talents as for 2!! Results not for us to measure.
We often say "Paul's missionary journey" But... in fact... each was a team effort!!
Example: Acts 16:6-10 - # of references to "we, they, us" plural!!!
Acts 16:10 - One one hand = Paul's Vision
However = we concluded God called us" - as a team
#6. Ministry is generally best achieved as a TEAM!! 1 Cor. 12:12, 18, 7
This is why "church" is called "Body of Christ"
Application IF God has called and placed you in Octavia Baptist Church, THEN it is to be part of our TEAM!
Which means... more than a spectator!!
But a Player and/or Supporter!!
God's plan = to be doing something.
2 Objections:
(1) It's easier to watch and enjoy and not assist!!
(2) it's frustrating ... when want to help but can't seem to get plugged in!
(A) IF God wants you at OBC ... THEN He has a plan and a place for you here!!
(B) Hang in there - do what you can - help out & fill holes when you can... and your ministry WILL surface.
(C) meanwhile ... serve the Master and feed (nurture) His sheep.
Christian life doesn't always unfold the way we HOPE, or the way we PLAN
Therefore, AS a Christian ... (1) BE OPEN - let God direct you
(5) BE CONSISTENT - athletes don't train occasionally
Closing Scripture: 2 Pet. 1:3, 5-8
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