Last week "Jerusalem Council" (addressed matter of Gentiles and the Law) - whether new Gentile believers needed to follow Jewish Law - mainly re. circumcision
Now ... Paul and Barnabas return to Antioch with that decision. (with Judas and Silas, a church leader in Jerusalem, trusted by the council, called a 'prophet', Roman citizen/
Answer to the question: No. Gentiles did not have to keep the ceremonial laws or Jewish civil laws. Only obligated to the Moral Law.
Acts 15:35 = "They and MANY OTHERS taught and preached...."
Point: the church was growing and raising up their own leaders, teachers!
Paul and Barnabas remained there and taught and preached.
Acts 15:36 - '2nd. Missionary Journey' ... returning to churches established on first journey to check, correct, encourage, etc. (This was because the early church had NO New Testament as of yet!!) Apostles directed the churches by word of mouth. New Testament writings came later. Early churches could easily get off track.
But...PROBLEM!!! - Acts 15:37-38 - John Mark
(1) young cousin of Barnabas
(2) with Paul and Barnabas on 1st. Missionary Journey
But (3) "deserted them" (early on/ BEFORE the persecutions!!) - not reliable
Nevertheless, LATER (4) grew in the Faith - 2 Tim. 4:9-11 - been a change in Mark"
and Reconciled to Paul - Col. 4:10 - he grew up in the faith.
And (5) (eventually) wrote the Book of Mark (Peter's account) - Both Paul and Peter refer to him as 'son'.
So... Acts 15:39-41 - Paul and Barnabas split - Barnabas and Mark go to Cyprus to the churches there. (where the 1st. Missionary Journey began.
Paul and Silas went to the churches on the Mainland (land route)
So.. Paul & Silas visited Lystra (where Paul was stoned!) Found the church alive and well.
They found a young disciple named Timothy known in Lystra and Iconium (20 miles apart). Had a good reputation in both places. His mother = Jewess, father = Greek (probably deceased as no mention of him in the scriptures) - was the recipient of the two letters (1st. and 2nd. Timothy) from Paul.
Later = pastor of major church at Ephesus - was called "my true son in the faith" - 1 Tim. 1:2
But - never circumcised!! Acts 16:3 - So......was circumcised "because of the Jews" - who lived in the area and who they were trying to reach.
On one hand, Paul staunchly resisted the notion that Gentiles mus keep the Law.
However, he recognized we should sometimes bend so no to offend!!
Example: Jesus - Matt. 17:24-27 (Temple tax, 2 days wages) Did so as to not offend unnecessarily.
Acts 16:4-5 - "so..."the church grew in numbers and strength" was it a consequence of... efforts of early converts? Timothy's circumcision? Encouragement & teaching? accepting the Council's decision?
all of the above? "the church grew in numbers and strength = (similar statement 5 times in Acts.)
This passage is RICH in teachings, lessons, illustrations FOR US today!
Are going to start at the end of the passage and work our way back)
#1, The aim of the church is to GROW ... in BOTH numbers and in the Faith - Acts 16:5
Which = evangelism AND discipleship (need both) - Eph. 4:11-15 - purpose of teaching and equipping the body. We are all babies when we accept Christ. Church members need to be involved in personal evangelism and discipleship as well as does the church.
#2. APOSTOLIC AUTHORITY is as important today as it was then. The same authority the early church was going by.
They didn't have the New Testament therefore needed the words of the Apostles
We have the New Testament ... which IS the word(s) of the Apostles!
In other words, same measuring tool.... Verbal or Printed.
We have to decide if the Bible is the Word of God and whether the men who walked with Christ, were taught by Christ, witnessed His resurrection know more about God or some 21st. century liberal academic who says he has it all figured out.
#3. We are sometimes called to compromise on NON-ESSENTIAL issues!
1 Cor. 8:8-9, 9:19, Rom. 14:19-21, Rom.15:1
Example: Timothy's circumcision. Church unity is more important than your personal liberties.
Be careful!! Don't jettison long standing church traditions without a thorough examination!! - We are all subject ot this because of our pride, arrogance, hard headedness.
#4. Christians will sometimes disagree on church issues.
Differences in Worship Style, church government, Bible translation, mission projects, etc.
But contrast "can't cooperate with that" vs. "can't fellowship with you". This does not include fundamental, orthodox doctrines = truths all Christians must hold.
#5 future church leaders need current church support.
(discipleship, training, encouragement, support...) - Prime example is John Mark
Great Commission = share Christ - "Make disciples"
#6. don't quickly abandon Christians who mess up. example: John Mark - THEN & LATER!
Everyone who is born again is a baby, and can mess up from time to time.
However ... there comes a point.... example: Demas - Col. 4:14 (Philemon 23 & 24)
Contrast 2 Tim. 4:9-10 - Good start doesn't always mean a good ending.
(1) have you accepted Christ?
(2) have you made it known? (baptism, public testimony)
(3) are you training a disciple?
Closing Scripture: Heb. 13:20-21
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