Sunday, October 15, 2023

Following Saul's Conversion

 Last week - Acts 9:1-16 - Saul's Conversion account

Today:  Acts 9:17-25 - Saul receives physical healing (sight restored) and spiritual healing.  Vs. 22 - Jesus IS the Christ, the Son of God 
Vs. 25 - Saul already has followers

The order of events?? 
(1)  short time in Damascus (preaching in the synagogues
(2)  went to Arabia  (covers a large area, not exact as to where)
(3)  back to Damascus  (see 2 Cor. 11:32-33)  is making a real stir
(4)  eventually (after 3 years?) goes to Jerusalem

Acts 9:26-30

Acts 9:31 - "time of peace"? for THE church.  Why?  Saul = been out of commission for three years.

Possible answer:  (according to Josephus and Philo)
In the 3rd. year of Caligula, Roman ruler (39AD?) he sent Petronius to Jerusalem (with a large army) to set up a statue of himself ... AS a God ... IN the temple!  (Holy of Holies!!)  with orders:
if Jews opposed ...
(1)  put all to death who resist
(2)  make the rest of the nation slaves
(he was finally dissuaded by King Herod Agrippa)

Acts 9:31
(1)  The church was strengthened  (in faith and testimony, witnessing, etc.)

(2)  The church was encouraged  (by the holy spirit)
(His presence with them and in a noticeable way!!!)   experiencing His presence

(3)  The church grew in numbers.


#1.  Christian conversion is a turning around.
is more than an decision to join a religious group.
== a turning ... from MY way... to HIS way!
(FROM "I direct my life" TO "HE directs my life")

hence need to present Him as BOTH Savior AND Lord!!

#2.  in the new Testament model ... baptism follows conversion.  (hence = believers baptism)
Baptism = a public declaration of decision and intent

#3.  An extensive Bible Knowledge does not guarantee a mature faith (or Christian lifestyle)
Examples:  Saul, Satan - both knew the scriptures inside out

Ed's definition:
Faith = Action based on Knowledge  (living according to the knowledge God gives)
On one hand, James 2:17
However, Rom. 10:1-2
mature faith requires both!! - Zeal and knowledge doesn't get you saved.

#4.  Your best argument, testimony, and prayer will not convert anyone. 
Example:  Paul - had many converts!  Also, had many enemies!!
What to do?
(1)  Present your best argument, testimony. - do the best with what you have and know.

(2)  Pray the Holy Spirit will use it  - 2 Cor. 4:3-4

(3)  leave the results in God's hands
(which doesn't mean don't continue to witness, pray)

NOTE:  The Gospel was offensive in Paul's day....  the Gospel is offensive TODAY!!!!  - Gospel exposes our sinfulness. Shows us who we are.

Therefore, you'll have some success
AND you'll have some opposition

Now.... concerning teaching, preaching, witnessing, leading, etc.

#5.  Not everyone can be a Paul = amazing leader
     BUT, anyone can be a Barnabas!!
The Jerusalem Apostles didn't trust Saul!!  BUT .. they trusted Barnabas!!  Therefore, on his word, they accepted Paul!!!

Barnabas = an encourager, helper, promoter, supporter

Closing Scripture:  1 Cor. 15:58

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