Monday, September 4, 2023

Opposition Begins

 Acts 6:7-10 -->Luke 21:12-18 -->Acts 6:11-14

Acts 6:5 - Stephen appointed as one of the first deacons

"Freedmen" = freed Jews?  people from Libertina in Africa?  Basically people from all over the Roman Empire.

Apostles having great success.  Brings great opposition.

(Cyrene and Alexandria - north Africa)  Celicia, Asia Minor - north and west
(were 480 synagogues in Jerusalem at this time!  Mostly composed of like-minded people)

Side note:  "false witnesses" - Ex. 20:16, 23:1   Deut. 19:16-19

What of accusations of Acts 6:14? 
(1)  Jesus said temple would be destroyed - Mark 13:1-2
      He did NOT say HE would destroy it!

(2)  Jesus said the law will not pass away  - Matt. 5:17
      But He didn't uphold their interpretation of the Law
Example:  healing on the Sabbath

POINT:  they've take PARTIAL TRUTHS and twisted them to their own use!!
       BEWARE of this!!!!  2 Tim. 2:15    Most cults have some truths

Acts 6:15-7:3
followed by a brief overview of Israel's history.   (covers 2,000 years)  which the listeners already know!!!
We don't know why Stephen did that whole history.

Stephen's Point!! 
On one hand, YES!!  God did choose us, call us, give us the Law, the Land, the Temple.....
However, generation after generation of Jews have shown themselves UNFAITHFUL to that calling, privilege.
Example:  Acts 7:39 

NOW... Stephen makes sudden, hard application!!!
Acts 7:51-8:4

Lessons?? Applications?  for us:

#1.  people are not much different today!  basic makeup = the same.
Jews claimed "good standing" with God based on...
     (1)  Inherited Righteousness - ie.  assumed privileges passed from Fathers; WHO THEY WERE!!!
     (2)  Earned Righteousness - ie:  assumed good standing based on their moral stance: 
          WHAT THEY DID (and didn't do)

Compare Americans today:  "I deserve heaven because of..
          (1)  who I am  (inherited)
         (2)  what I do  (don't do)  (earned)

The Gospel says:
       (1)  You are not as righteous as you think, claim!  Rom. 3:23
       (2)  You're (earned) righteousness is NOT (never) sufficient!! - John 14:6

#2.  The Gospel tends to be offensive - example:  Ugly Pill!!!  - have a pill that will cure the "uglies".  Great news.  Bad news = YOU need the pill!!
         However, doesn't give you license to be offensive  (a jerk)

#3.  nevertheless, We are all called to share the Gospel   Acts 8:4 - NOT just the preachers!!

#4.  We cannot predict how people will respond.
Contrast with Acts 2:37 - people were cut to the heart.  

Our job = share
God/Holy Spirit's job = convict, convince, persuade - Isa. 55:10-11

#5.  We are to be true to the Gospel regardless of how people respond.  We are not to withdraw

Corresponding passage:  Luke 21:12-18
Compare Vs, 16 and Vs. 18?  How do we answer that?
Answer:  Luke 21:19
We are never promised not to have persecution, ridicule, etc.


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