Friday, July 7, 2023

Fears of a Setting Sun

 Book by Benjamin Franklin - the Premise = The disillusionment of America's founding fathers

"Fears of the Founding Fathers" included:

#1. Partisanship/party loyalties TO an extreme/ for personal interest, at expense of the nation.
George Washington was the most disturbed by this.

#2.  The question of Federal or State control,  Federalists wanted strong federal government   Republicans - states rights, 
Example:  Alexander Hamilton believed the federal government formed by the constitution = too feeble to survive (hence - 13 separate governments instead of a United States.)

#3.  a lack of moral virtue - (or Civic virtue)
Examples:  John Adams .... life long fear!!! 

#4.  the slavery issue - though seldom publicly addressed by the founding fathers ... none the less was a grave concern!!

#5.  (less recognized)  Immigrants rights  example:  Alien and Sedition Act
       (1)  raised citizenship time from 5 years to 14 years  (1798)
       (2)  gave president authority to arrest, imprison, deport non-citizens (in Wartime)
       (3)  made it a Crime for ANY citizen "to print, utter, or publish any false, scandalous, malicious writing about the government"!!

NOTE I:  These fears were not totally unfounded!!  example:  Civil War!  Gettysburg Address - 1st 2 sentences.

NOTE II:  These issues all have contemporary parallels!

(1)  party loyalties?  democrat/republican    Red/Blue
seemingly ... without compromise, at the expense of unity!

(2)  state or federal control? 
immigration?  abortion?  legalization of drugs?  gay marriage?  gun control?  public schooling?

(3)  morals of American people!!

(4)  Race issues  (reparations)  abortion ( right to life)

(5)  immigration - who to let in?  out?  what rights do they have?  what government services for them?

POINT HERE:  Governments change!!  (structure, policy, theory, etc.)
BUT ... human nature does NOT change!!

So.... on one hand, we should do all we can to build, develop, establish a Godly government, public, nation...
However, will often find ourselves fighting same battles over and over  (with different names, titles, clothes, etc.)

What does this say to us a s Christian Americans?  What to do?  How to respond?

Some thoughts based on Scripture and Scriptural wisdom:

#1.  Recognize our nation as a blessing from God = Psm. 127:1

#2.  Recognize this as BOTH a National blessing AND as a PERSONAL blessing!!
ie:  We are blessed as a nation
      You are blessed as an American!

#3.  Recognize/Remember ... God is in Control!
Which ultimately means We're not
#4.  Also remember God has entrusted US with the OVERSIGHT of this nation!! 
Stewardship!!!! Gen. 1:28  Rom. 13:1-2, 3-7
#5.  don't despair when the nation appears to be going downhill!!  Concern is one thing.  Be concerned!  But despair says we don't trust God.
Example:  forefathers THEN and Us today!!
Because:  (1)  the situation may NOT be as bad as it appears
               (2)  nations do sometimes turn around!  (example:  Slavery)

#6.  Balance your pessimism and optimism!
We have (you have) (1)  limited knowledge - we don't know the future;  God does.
                       plus  (2)  God's grace
Job 12:1-2
On one hand, is legitimate (and necessary) to assess and criticize ..

#7.  Don't let your criticisms consume you!
Examples:  founding fathers & 1st. 20 years!  US and the news media today!

On one hand our government = seriously flawed and poorly run
However, we're not building walls to keep people IN!! - Phil. 4:8

#8.  Prioritize your citizenship - Phil. 3:20
On one hand, we have dual citizenship - here and in heaven
However:  which = greater?  more important?  Matt. 6:33

#9.  pray for our governmental leaders - 1 Tim. 2:1-4

#10.  Remember ... God's blessings are not always immediately evident!
Contrast the 1st. decades f our nation with today
(don't let obvious problems obscure the blessings!!)

God has blessed America..... Is blessing America.... Is blessing you (as an American) 
therefore, we should take time to recognize, thank, celebrate!!

Question:  have your committed yourself to this Blesser?
                Can you trust Him .... with your Nation?   with your Eternal State?

Can you balance criticisms and celebration?
in other words, "thanks for what we have/  help us make it better!

Closing Scripture:  Psm. 33:12, 20-22

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