Sunday, April 9, 2023


 Introduction to Resurrection Celebration!

Matthew's account:  Matt. 28:1-8

Luke:  angel - "why do you seek the living among the dead?  He is not here!"

Later that evening (Sunday) -- John says "disciples were together with doors locked for fear of the Jews...")  Jesus appears to the disciples!!  Luke 24:36-48

Jesus continued to show himself for 40 days/ then ascends to heaven.  (Acts 1:9)

10 days later (Pentecost) Holy Spirit comes, Peter preaches to the crowd.... includes - Acts 2:32

On one hand, work of redemption "finished" on the cross
However, how could we be sure of that without the Resurrection?

One more thing:  Resurrection is more than Jesus' victory over death.  It = proof of Our victory over death!!
1 Cor. 15:20

The disciples really hoped that this was the guy who was going to deliver them, restore Israel, etc.  Then He died.  Besides that, Jesus was a loving friend to them. 

1st. Reactions (of the disciples?) - Before Sunday = devastated!!! - Luke 24:21
Then, Sunday morning ... additional grief - "body gone"
Angel to the women left them stunned!!  Shocked!!
Disciples = same!! - Mark - "trembling and bewildered)

Then Sunday evening Jesus appears (behind locked doors!!) 
Now = they are Elated!!
But also ... Confused!!
(1)  dead people don't rise  (this was not resuscitation/ they know that!!  Lazarus had a miracle worker to raise him, But dead miracle workers don't do miracles!!!

(2)  dead people don't rise..... glorified!!
Friday evening = dead and disfigured
Sunday evening = better than ever!!!  (same! yet different!!)

Then = question of why!!  Why not just stay Alive???
(forgo trauma, torture, grief, pain, confusion)

Answer:  becomes clear to the disciples over the next 40 days.

So.... some simple truths the disciples came to recognize that Apply to us today!!

#1)  The Resurrection PROVED Jesus had the FULL APPROVAL of God - Rom. 1:4
Point = all Jesus said and did had (has) FULL BACKING of GOD

Which leads to
#2)  Resurrection Proved Jesus has ALL authority over ALL things ALL the time!!!  (even over own death)
On one hand did many miracles
However, Raising himself up in glorified state???  - Matt. 28:18

#3)  The Resurrection convinced the disciples that Messiah's main mission was to deliver mankind from sin's consequences  (not Gentile oppression)
Matt. 1:21  
Disciples came to understand that Jesus' death was necessary for our forgiveness, our reconciliation!!

These three truths lead us to some very practical and applicable truths for our life today:

#1).  In Christ you can be fully forgiven for your sins. 
Sin = conscious, willful violation of God's Law.  (which amounts to Rebellion!)

BUT in Christ there is full forgiveness full reconciliation

#2)  In Christ you can find assistance for everyday life.
ie:  He has ALL authority, AND He = with you!!
Rom. 8:31, 38-39
This doesn't mean you can control life, or that life will go smoothly, or life's situations will always make sense.
Sometimes life doesn't make sense at all!!!   Rom. 8:28
It does mean that God is with you in all situations!!!

#3)  In Christ you can have total confidence in your future
Because ... His authority is more than here and now.   It = forever!!
AND... He promises to make all right (compensate)  - Rom. 8:18  2 Cor. 4:17

Which leads to
#4)  Therefore, In Christ you need not fear death
(A)  He is greater than death
(B)  He overcame death for us also!!
1 Cor. 15:20   John 11:23-26

(contrast:  fear of dying (act) vs. fear of death (state)

Which leads to a Summary statement  (challenge)
#5)  You CAN and SHOULD trust Jesus!!
not just for salvation .... but for and in all things! -  doesn't mean you'll always understand.
He has proven Himself trustworthy, caring, all powerful... so why Not entrust yourself to Him?   2 Tim. 1:12

I've used a Key phrase ... "In Christ .... you can....."

"In Christ" means you've accepted Him, He's Received you!! 
(doesn't mean you are sinless.... means you are in Right Relationship with Him.

"In Christ.... you can...." = you can choose!  therefore, you CAN have Him in your life.
BUT you'll have to decide.
         You'll have to act on that decision!!!  It's your choice!!

World offers you many faith options, many 'paths' to eternal life.

Examples:  atheism, agnosticism, polytheism
((polytheism = find the god that suits you and go with it!!)

Liberal Christianity - "I'm OK, you're OK"

Good works theology includes...
Salvation by service, sincerity, subtraction (I won't do these things), salvation by comparison, ritual, heritage

In contrast Jesus says 1 WAY!!  John 14:6
(that sounds narrow minded?   Actually Bible offers 3 ways to get to heaven:

#1.  Be Perfect - never violate ANY of God's laws for whole life

#2.  Pay your own way - build own bridge.
Problem = 1 Pet. 1:18-19 - (can you match that?)

#3.  Accept the payment already made for you!!  (ie:  Christ's death shown to be valid through the Resurrection!!)

Wherever you are in your spiritual pilgrimage ... the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ = GOOD NEWS!  In this you can find ... forgiveness, assistance, confidence

ie:  IF you are willing to TRUST (this) Christ...
     which = accept Him  (substitutionary sacrifice, Active Presence)
                  follow Him (as disciple, student)
                  serve Him  (as Lord and Master)
                  promote Him

How are you doing with all that???

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