The Arrest - Mark 14:43-52 - not the Romans, but the Jewish leaders
John - Sword bearer = Peter
Servant's name = Malchus
Luke - right earring/ Jesus healed it
This is a real, historical account.
Matt. 26:52-54
John 18:4-6
Luke 22:53 - hour of evil, hour of Satan
The Trial - (before the Sanhedrin - 70 members of powerful court)
2 leadership figures:
1) Annas - had been High Priest for 7 years, but deposed by Pilate's predecessor.
2) Caiaphas - Anna's son-in-law/current High Priest (would serve as High Priest for 19 years)
Jesus tried by the Sanhedrin, BUT they needed civil authorities to execute
Mark 14:53-59 - Jesus' words - Jews thought was blasphemy against the temple
John 2:18-22
Mark 14:60-65 - fulfillment of Isaiah 53:7
with Matt. 26:67-68 (From Isa. 11:3 - Messiah "will not judge by what he sees with his eyes or hears with his ears")
Mark 15:1
This = historic account of events/ not teaching, instruction, explicit doctrine.
Nevertheless, passage does teach and illustrate some major things:
#1) Scripture must be fulfilled - as seen in the many texts about Suffering Messiah!!
Which also means ... Scripture about His return in glory ALSO must be fulfilled!!! - "Christian Hope"
This still stands - past and future
#2) What God ordains (determines) WILL come to pass!
This does NOT VIOLATE man's free will!!
Though God knew it would happen this way.... does NOT excuse their behavior!! Acts 2:22-23- did it out of their own selfishness
#3) The Christ (Messiah) must suffer
Often prophesied in the Old Testament
But the Jews didn't see it!!! - Luke 24:25-27 They thought Messiah would be mighty warrior, deliverer, etc.
Sometimes we are so sure of our interpretation/ understanding ... THAT WE CAN'T see God's message!!
Question: Why did Christ have to suffer??
Answer - God ordained it!
Question: But WHY did God ordain it??
Was there NO OTHER way to accomplish this?
Answer = sometimes God's methods remain a mystery to us!!
But.... what is clear (not a mystery) is that to accomplish our salvation, God used Christ as a Substitutionary Sacrifice. (foreshadowed by Old Testament sin offerings)
How Substitutionary Sacrifice works:
(1) Sin = a Violation of God's righteous law(s)
(2) Our sin is usually deliberate, willful disobedience ... which = Rebellion (against God)
(3) Therefore punishment is due (payment, reparation, making things right again)
(4) BUT we cannot make the make the payment / cannot set things right!
So.... (5) IF it's to be done... someone must do that for me!!
ie: (1) the Sinless One
(2) who suffers on our behalf.
Scriptures re: substitutionary sacrifice:
1 Pet. 2:24
Gal. 3:13
2 Cor. 5:21
Matt. 1:21
IN THE Substitutionary Sacrifice we see...
God's Righteousness
and my (our) guilt - (I'm guilty, therefore I need a Savior)
My inadequacy
and God's Provision ((I can't, God can)
God's Justice (sin must be paid for)
AND God's Mercy - (He pays it for me!! )
From praise song "Here is Love" -
"On the mount of crucifixion fountains opened deep and wide
Through the floodgates of God's mercy flowed a vast and gracious tide.
Grace and love like mighty rivers, flowed incessant from above..
AND Heaven's Peace AND Perfect justice,,, kissed a guilty world in love"
All of this adds up to this... in His Substitutionary Sacrifice we see ... GOD'S LOVE .. FOR US!!!
John 3:16 Rom. 5:8 - He shows us His love.
Might add... we also see...Your Value to Him!!
The Suffering Messiah, the Substitutionary Sacrifice illustrates 2 very important facts about you....
#1. Your sins/sinfulness s greater than you realize or care to admit - so great that Jesus had to come and die to remove them/ reconcile you.
#2. Christ's love for you is far beyond anything you can imagine!! You matter so much He came and suffered and died to redeem/reconcile you!!!
Closing Scripture:
1 John 4:9-10
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