Sunday, August 18, 2019

Big Words -- Bigger Concepts

Rom. 1 - Gentiles received some light and rejected it.  Therefore are "without excuse"

Rom. 2 & 3 - Jews received much light and juggled it, misapplied, mishandled it --- therefore, are without excuse"

Which leads to BAD NEWS!!  Rom. 3:23
But, there is also Good News!  Rom. 3:24 - all are capable of being justified

Expanded version:  Rom. 3:20-26 - primary text

Paul uses Big words and Bigger concepts!!  Example = in the text:  righteous, righteousness, justify, justification, redemption, atonement, propitiation

So:  terms defined with (1) bridge illustration  (2)  Bible - lev. 16:6-10, 15-16, 20-22

This = Foreshadow:  a vague, partial picture of that which is  to come!
These goats, this ritual (sacrifice) did not remove sin!!!  Heb. 10:3-4

This ritual/ sacrifice/ goats ... pictured  (portrayed, foreshadowed) the act that WOULD remove sin!!

Today:  look at Big Words and Concepts Paul uses that are illustrated by the Bridge illustration and scapegoat.

#1.  Substitution  (substitutionary sacrifice)  - goats for Israel   Christ for us

#2.  Propitiation/ Atonement  (interchangeable)  to Cover  therefore Satisfy therefore deflect consequences.
Example:  = cover your debt, satisfies obligation, deflects consequences
Rom. 3:25   1 John 2:2
(Hebrew = Kipur  where they get Yom Kipper - Day of Atonement)

#3.  Expiation - "ex" out of, removal - hence -- SCAPEGOAT  - 1 Pet. 2:24

#4.  Redemption  (Ransom)
payment for deliverance from bondage to sin.  Example:  in a kidnapping - pay a ransom to win freedom of on kidnapped
1 Tim. 2:5-6   Matt. 20:28

#5.  Justification (legal term)
payment made, now justified
just demands of the law now met... on one hand known to have been guilty, however now not viewed (treated) as guilty!  Rom. 3:23-24, 26  - back in right standing

#6.  Righteousness = right standing, ability to stand at ease!  (Old English "right wise" - compare to "crosswise")  Rom. 3:21-22

#7.  Reconciliation = restore to proper relationship (in agreement, in harmony) -Rom. 5:1-2, 11

ie:  to be rescued from, delivered from  - example:  "saved by the bell"

What is the Christina saved from?  Matt. 1:21
(primarily) the Consequences of sin!!!  - 1 Thess. 1:10 - rescues us from the righteous anger of God

So:  substitution
    + propitiation
    + expiation
    + redemption
    + justification
    + righteousness
    + reconciliation___

Is this "salvation by sacrifice?"
on one hand, "yes ---His sacrifice makes all this AVAILABLE!!

However, (technically and practically) Salvation is by FAITH in His Sacrifice!!
examples:  cross the bridge, bend the knee, bow before, make Him Lord, etc)

"BY GRACE ................ THROUGH FAITH!!"
Example of what Paul calls "the foolishness of the cross"!!

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