Trick Question: Is God a Person?
Answer: Technically, NO. God is three Persons. This = doctrine of the Trinity.
Question: What is meant by Christians regarding the Trinity?
A. Trinity = triunity or three in one. One being - three persons
God is one WHAT (nature) and three WHOs (persons).
B. Nature = the essence of the type of a thing that makes a thing what it is.
Example: A styrofoam cup has a nature but it is not a person.
C. Person = What makes you who you are:
3) Relationality
A. There exists only one God (divine nature being) B.
The Persons of the Trinity are eternally distinct
from each other. Can be distinguished from each other.
Misconceptions and Heresies
A. Unitarianism: the idea that there is only one Person in the Godhead.
B. Modalism: God is one Person that appears in various modes.
As the Father, the Son and Holy
C. Tritheism: each of the Persons is a separate God
D. Polytheism
Bad Analogies:
First, there are no good analogies!
The Trinity is like…
A. A man who is a father, a son and a husband
B. Water, which can take the form of
liquid, solid or gas
C. An egg
Really!!! God is like an egg!!
Misconceptions and Heresies
A. Unitarianism: the idea that there is only one Person in the Godhead.
B. Modalism: God is one Person that appears in various modes.
C. Tritheism: each of the Persons is a separate God
D. Polytheism
Bad Analogies:
The Trinity in Scripture:
First - the 'word' Trinity is not found in Scripture. The CONCEPT is!
Three classes of Scripture:
I) Class 1 - demonstrate essential oneness or unity of God
O.T. - Deut. 6:4 N.T. - Mark 12:29
II) Class 2 - demonstrate the full Diety of the distinct Persons of the Godhead
Use of 'ho theos' - for God the Father. Use of kyrios (Greek for Lord) to reference Jesus as opposed to ho theos. Kyrios in O.T. = Yahjey
Diety of the Son: 2 Cor. 1:2, 1 Cor. 8:6, Titus 2:13
Diety of the Holy Spirit: Acts 13:2, 5:3-4 The Holy Spirit is Diety
III) Class 3 - demonstrate the simultaneous distinction of the three Persons of the Godhead
Baptism of Jesus - John 3:16-17
Great Commission - Matt. 28:19-20
Upper Room Discourse - John 14:16-17, 26, 15:26. Not only mention three Persons in same passage but make clear distinction between the three.
Why Care About the Trinity?
Given God is a Trinity, need to understand Him as a Trinity.
Trinity is essential to Christian faith - is necessary and unique to Christianity. All other religions reject the Trinity.
Other religions that claim to be Christian, but are rejected by orthodox Christianity primarily on the basis of their view of the Trinity.
Faulty view of Trinity = faulty view of Jesus and His atoning sacrifice.
Worship: to worship in truth must have a knowledge of God in His Trinitarian form. If don't differentiate between the different Persons of the Trinity, cannot properly appreciate or praise the work of each of the Persons.
Lack of understanding of Trinity confounds ability to:
A. Evangelize - point out inadequacies of other religions
B. Defend Christian faith against other false religions
C. Teach the faith to new or unlearned Christians
D. Refute unsound doctrine
Closing Statement by J I Paker:
We have been brought to the point
where we both can and must get our life’s priorities straight. From current
Christian publications you might think that the most vital issue for any real
or would-be Christian in the world today is church union, or social witness, or
dialogue with other Christians and other faiths, or refuting this or that -ism,
or developing a Christian philosophy and culture, or what have you. But our
line of study makes the present-day concentration on these things look like a
gigantic conspiracy of misdirection. Of course, it is not…But it is tragic
that, in paying attention to them, so many in our day seem to have been
distracted from what was, is, and always will be the true priority for every
human being—that is, learning to know God in Christ.
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