Monday, March 3, 2008

2/3/08 AM - When We Experience Tragedy

When We Experience Tragedy
After tragic death of two Octavia residents (father and son) on Thursday, Jan. 31..


#1. We live within inches of death

How many near misses have you had? How many misses that you are unaware of?
Question? Why did it happen? Question: Why were we so often spared?

#2. You are not immune (exempt/secure)

How many drive the same route? There is no perfectly secure place.

#3. You should prepare yourself. Being within inches of death means within inches of eternity) Scripture: Gen. 28:12 & 13 John 1:51 If you haven’t crossed the bridge and accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, Why?????

#4. You should prepare others --- Connect People to God.

You can’t decide for others, but you can introduce them to faith, and Christian concepts and other Christian workers Especially true of the younger ones. Sunday School, AWANA program, Bible Release Time

#5. You should offer assurances – to your family and friends who love you.

“I’m OK” and include WHY you’re OK. Personal testimony is a very effective witness. Scripture: John 9:25 & 33

#6. You should seek assurance

Ask….”where are you in your spiritual pilgrimage? Walk with God? Relationship with Christ?”

Ask: What can I do to help you along on your journey?

#7. We as a church should be serious about being a church.

We’re not just here for fun. We should be intense about connecting people to God and making an eternal difference.

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