Tuesday, March 26, 2024

The Lord's Supper and You

 Origin of hte Lord's Suupper -- disciples gathered in Jerusalem to celebrae (commemorate) the Passover (Ex. 12)

They celebrate (commemorate)
(1)  their deliverance - from slavery in Egypt
(2)  their election (selection) as God's chosen people - NOT because they were Jews
(3)  the promises - that accompany that privilege

This = a Covenant arrangement/contract, agreement God made with them

NOW Jesus introduces a NEW  Covenant, arrangement, new agreement AND a New People Group. - came to be known as the church, Christians.

ie:  The Lord's Supper - Matt. 26:26-28

With this new Covenant there is also...
(1)  deliverance  - *from penalty for sin) - death, separation from God
(2)  election - (He chooses a New people group)
(3)  promises - "be with you.... never leave, forsake"  These come with being chosen

So....Note:  1 Cor. 5:7  "Christ... OUR Passover lamb"

As the Jews celebrate their deliverance (through the Passover meal)
So we (Christians) celebrate...
     Our deliverance (through Jesus' sacrificial death)
     Our election
     Our standing (and promises that go with it)

The primary text for the Lord's Supper - 1 Cor. 11:23-26
The primary admonition within the text = "DO THIS Was 1st. spoken to the disciples.
Eventually recognized as applying to ALL Christians.

of..... what He did   (cross, death, resurrection)
  ......  why He did it  - John 3:16, Rom. 5:8
  .....   who He did it for.
            On one hand, the world, mankind
           On the other hand, me, you, individual

IF you've even felt God's call, Holy Spirit's draw  THEN He's chosen you!!!
This = Awesome Privilege!!!  Is NOT to be taken lightly

Could Add ... do this in Remembrance of.....
                     what He's doing (presently) - He hasn't quite acting in my life
                     what He's going to do  (future)  - anticipation
Example:  1 Pet. 1:3-4, Col. 1:12

This makes the Lord's Supper a comprehensive act of Recognition and Thanksgiving   (as well as confidence & trust!)

II)  DO THIS TO PROCLAIM   1Cor. 11:26
AS Public Baptism = non-verbal declaration...
SO Lord's Supper = non-verbal declaration of...
     (1)  your Belief in Him
     (2)  your Confidence (trust, faith) in Him

This is more than head knowledge ... it = trust, confidence, a personal commitment of self to Him.   As Savior,  as Lord!

Is not stated here but universally accepted by Christians...
III)  DO THIS TOGETHER - as a group, congregation, church

Old Testament, Jews ... Deut. 7:6 - holy, set apart
New Testament, Christians ... 1 Pet. 2:9-10 - special people set apart to declare His praises
Both texts = a people group!!

On one hand, the Lord's Super =  a very personal observation!
However, traditionally, universally is celebrated as a group, congregation - "a people of God"
Example:  "may not sing in harmony... but all singing the same song"

OBJECTION!  "I feel unworthy!"
Answer:  = you are unworthy.  BUT  1 Cor. 11:27 - "manner"  (attitude)

Still feel uncomfortable!"  Answer - let it pass by!!

How We do This = (1)  gather (add any singles to join your group if alone)
                              (2)  worship
                              (3)  Partake
                              (4)  Fellowship

If have never accepted Christ?  Can do that before this evening!  (may want to share than before the supper)

Need to Re-dedicate?  Re-commit?  do it this afternoon (may want to share that before the supper)

Closing scripture:  Psm. 95:6-7

Friday, March 22, 2024

How to Refresh a Weary Spirit

 Last time = Paul in Athens.  Very intellectual city - philosophers, elites.  Had Areopagus (council that set the morals for the society). 
Preached at the Synagogue, also in market place.  Some repentance, some believed, but also mockers.  Paul didn't stay in Athens long. 

Next stop = Corinth - 50 miles west.  Very different from Athens.  debauchery, drunkenness, immorality.  Aphrodite - love goddess.  Big temple to her.  City of vice!.  Very pagan.  Totally immoral place.  Became an insult to call someone a "Corinthian".

Interesting side note:   short time in Athens VS 1 1/2 years in Corinth.  Had for God to do anything with intellectuals but He can do a lot with dirty, rotten sinners.  We're all dirty sinners.
This is first step:  you must realize you are no good and are in need of someone to save you.

Paul was discouraged on his arrival - 1 Cor. 2:3 - before his arrival he'd been beaten, imprisoned, threatened, run out of town, mocked.   Was beat down and discouraged.  Even the Apostle Paul got discouraged.  Will happen to every Christian.

1 Cor. 2:3-5 = God used Paul's weakness to demonstrate His power.  God refreshed Paul for 1 1/2 years in the most unlikely of places.  (Corinth)  How we an be refreshed and encourage one  another.  WE NEED EACH OTHER.  

Acts 18:1-4 - Meets Priscilla and Aquilla.  Christians recently kicked out of Rome by Claudius.  Mainly over tumult about Christ.  fight was over Christ. 
Before Paul got there were already Christians there. 
Rom. 1:5-8 Rom. 16:3-4  Paul was encouraged by these new friends. 

Christian Friends are Refreshing.  1 John 4:7,  1 Thess. 5:11

Acts 8:5 - a lot happening here.   1 Thess. 3:6-10 - Paul writing to Thessalonians about what is happening here.
Good report showed that God was doing a good work in this city.  

A.  Affirmation of your work and ministry is refreshing.  All his work was not in vain. 3 John 3-4

It's good to know that God is using us and uses us in His plan.
Encourage someone and let them know.  Tell them thank you.  

Not only did Silas and Timothy bring encouragement through the report.  They brought something even better - MONEY. - 2 Cor. 11:9  Phil. 4:14-15  Certainly not end all be all, but???  

B.  Support is Refreshing.  - Paul doing work in order to not be a burden to anyone.  Philippians gift came, freed him to be more devoted. 
Is refreshing to be able to focus on ministry and not  be spread too thin.  Is good to support missionaries and ministries.  

Now Paul has lots of encouragement, and support.  Acts 18:6 - But also more opposition from unbelieving Jews. Paul is fed up!

Shake dust - Matt. 10:14-15 - Jesus - to disciples.  Did this before on 1st. Missionary journey at Pisidian Antioch.   Essentially, Paul is saying it's not the Gentiles who are unclean, but you!!

He said "good riddance", walked out of the synagogue, and right next door!
Acts 18:7-8 - Didn't totally give up on the Jews.  Led the leader of the synagogue and many other Corinthians to Lord.  Probably made that group even angrier. 
Probably considering leaving.  

Acts 18:9 - God's promises are refreshing
At Corinth a year and 6 months.  Won't be attacked, no harm. and
Acts 18:10 - fruitful ministry!   Good for Paul to have these promises from God. 
This is good for us as well. 
Good for Christians to hold on to truths that are in the scripture. 
Matt. 11:28   Phil. 4:6-7  1 John 1:9  Rom. 8:1

Acts 18:12-14 - didn't have to defend himself.  
Acts 18:14-17 - Sosthenes - ruler of the synagogue.  Don't know for sure what happened to him.  1 Cor. 1:1 - did Sosthenes come to Christ?  - would have made them mad.  Was God protecting Paul through all of this.  He encouraged Paul by this.  

Encourage one another!!


Monday, March 11, 2024

Paul's 2nd. Missionary Journey

Acts 13-14 = 1st. Missionary Journey - 1200 to 1500 miles, 1 - 2 years

 Now 2nd. Missionary Journey - Acts 12:36 - going back to check on churches established on first journey

PROBLEM!!  Acts 15:37-41 - John Mark - abandoned them early in the 1st. Missionary Journey

Point:  Christians sometimes disagree!  Even tot the point of separating ministries! 
BUT should not lead to "can't fellowship with one another"
Question:  who was right?  wrong?  Valid arguments on both sides.

So.... Barnabas takes John Mark - goes to island of Cyprus
         Paul and Silas take the land route - en route - pick up Timothy
AND after checking on the established churches, ventured into New Territory!   

Acts 16:6 - "kept from preaching"  (north into Asia (Galacia)

Acts 16:7 - "kept from Bithynia" - also to the North

Acts 16:8 - So "passed by (through) Mysia to Troas"  - seaport city

Acts 16:9 - Paul's vision "come over to Macedonia"  (Greece)

So... acts 16:10 - Gospel goes to Europe

Acts 16:11 - straight course to Samothracia then to Neopolis (port city)

Acts 16:12 - then to "Philippi" - 10 miles inland - a major city for both Greeks and Romans 

NOTE:  Acts 16:6 - "kept by Holy Spirit" = why?  how?  don't know
             Acts 16:7 - "Spirit of Jesus wouldn't allow"
             Acts 16:10 - "God had called us"
Was this an unconscious reference to the Trinity!!!??? - ie:  Father, Son, Holy Spirit

Acts 16:13 - Why didn't Paul go to a synagogue in Philippi, as was his normal custom?  Apparently there was NO synagogue in the city.  Oral tradition states that must have 10 male head of households to make a Synagogue.
In lieu of a Synagogue ... had a "place of Prayer" - often on a river bank - so water handy for ceremonial rituals.

Question?  Did Paul know about this place or just discover it?  What he found was a Ladies' Sunday School Class!!

Acts 16:14 - "Lydia"   (1)  a Gentile (not Jewish) convert or (near convert)
                                  (2)  dealer in purple cloth which was linen dyed in the purple mucus of sea snails.  Estimated that it took 250,000 snails to make 1 ounce of dye!!! 
                                  (3)  wealthy  had a business/a large home, servants)
                                  (4)  Was open to God's Word, Holy Spirit
                                 (5)  An influential leader among her own people - Acts 16:15 - "household baptized"

Applications??  Lessons for us today??  

#1.  Don't go through life without a plan ... BUT .. be open to God changing your plan(s). 
This started as a "check up on the churches" which became a 3 year evangelistic, church planting trip!!!

And note... His specific) plan for you... tends to unfold 1 step at a time!!  ie:  He reveals it TO you AS you progress!!

Another time will look at determining God's Specific Plan for your life!

#2.  Recognize the need to present the Gospel (wherever you go & in whatever ministry He places you!) - Great Commission. 
On one hand, lifestyle evangelism is very important especially in small community
However, your lifestyle doesn't present/ explain the Gospel.  Doesn't direct anyone to Christ, the cross, how to be saved.
Romans 10:13-14   This was fundamental to Paul.  ALWAYS presented the Gospel

#3.  Recognize you can't always know who will accept the Gospel. 
Example:  in Acts 16 = Macedonians!!!  Not in Paul's plan!!
Example:  John 4:35 - Samaritans!!  (who would have thought that a chance stop at a well would bring this result)   If people don't accept, it's not on you.  You are to Present

#4.  If you find yourself working in a field not ripe for harvest ... plant some seeds!! 
Paul did a lot of that!!  1 Cor. 3:5-8 

#5.  Don't ever despise a small ministry. 
from Ladies' Sunday School Class to a church at Philippi  (1st. Church on the continent of Europe)  Book of Philippians resulted
Example:  Jesus' parable of the talents = same praise, reward for 5 talents as for 2!!  Results not for us to measure.

We often say "Paul's missionary journey" But... in fact... each was a team effort!!
Example: Acts 16:6-10 - # of references to "we, they, us" plural!!!
Acts 16:10 - One one hand = Paul's Vision
                    However = we concluded God called us" - as a team

#6.  Ministry is generally best achieved as a TEAM!!  1 Cor. 12:12, 18, 7
This is why "church" is called "Body of Christ"

Application  IF God has called and placed you in Octavia Baptist Church, THEN it is to be part of our TEAM!

Which means... more than a spectator!!
But a Player and/or Supporter!! 
God's plan = to be doing something.

2 Objections:  

(1)  It's easier to watch and enjoy and not assist!!

(2)  it's frustrating ... when want to help but can't seem to get plugged in!
     (A)  IF God wants you at OBC ... THEN He has a plan and a place for you here!!
     (B)  Hang in there - do what you can - help out & fill holes when you can... and your ministry WILL surface.
     (C)  meanwhile ... serve the Master and feed (nurture) His sheep.

Christian life doesn't always unfold the way we HOPE, or the way we PLAN 

Therefore, AS a Christian ... (1)  BE OPEN - let God direct you
                                            (2)  BE FLEXIBLE
                                            (3)  BE AVAILABLE
                                            (4)  BE PATIENT
                                            (5)  BE CONSISTENT - athletes don't train occasionally

Closing Scripture:  2 Pet. 1:3, 5-8

Monday, March 4, 2024

Apostle's Guide to Evangelism and Short Term Mission Trips

Acts 17:16-34 - How the lonely seedpicker educated the intellectuals

Paul was run off from Berea by the Thessalonians.  Silas and Timothy meeting him in Athens.

Athens = cultural center of Greece.  At its pinnacle, home of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle. 
Epicurus - developed Epicureanism;  Zeno - developed Stoicism.  These were the predominant philosophies of the day.  

Acts 17:16 - Athens = beautiful city.  But Paul's spirit provoked. "Angered or irritated by all the idols.  Psm. 69:9 Other examples:  Moses (golden calf), Jesus - drove money changers from the temple.  They all had great zeal for God, and took the worship of Him very seriously.
There was the Parthenon to worship Athena; the Erectheion - worship of multiple gods; a temple to the goddess Roma, and tons more.  Paul could not help himself.  Had to do something.  Had a great zeal for the Lord.

Things needed to be a good missionary.  

A.  Good missionaries must have a zeal for God's Glory.
Acts 17:17 - Paul went to the synagogue.  Also, the market place everyday.  He couldn't stop.  Had a love for the people.

B.  Good missionaries must have compassion for people.  Mark 6:34 - Jesus had compassion for people.
Acts 17:18 - While on the streets, ran into the Epicureans and Stoics.  According to John MacArthur, "Epicurean philosophy taught that the chief end of man was the avoidance of pain.  Epicureans were materialists - they did not deny the existence of God, but they believed He did not become involved with the affairs of men.  When a person died, they believed his body and soul disintegrated.   Stoic philosophy taught self-mastery - that the goal in life was to reach a place of indifference to pleasure or pain."

Least self-aware statements ever made "what is this babbler trying to say?" - word for seed picker (bird) just picking up bits of knowledge.

Acts 17:19-21 - Areopolis = place where the council that used to convene.  The used to govern the city-state.  Council was the gatekeeper of religion and morality.   On the hill of Ares - the Roman equivalent of Mars  (god of war and agriculture).  This was a very big venue.  Was Paul nervous?  Probably not!!

Acts 17:22-23 - was a common group.  Started off with a compliment.
C.  Good missionaries meet people where they're at.  ie:  Zacchaeus - Luke 19:5-10  (tough person to love)
Acts 17:24-28 - Paul hits truth.  Who GOD  is.  (greater than all the gods)  One man Adam, Greeks and Barbarians, build kingdoms.  All this flies in the face of pagan Greeks.

D.  Good missionaries are bold!!! 
   Comes fro righteous living and right standing with God - Prov. 28:1
   Comes from time with Jesus - Acts 4:13 
   Comes from knowing the truth.  

E.  Good missionaries call people to repent and turn to Christ.
  Acts 17:27-31 - God is not far,is omnipresent.  He is invested here.  Philosophers not like that.  Judgment is coming. 
Paul quotes Epimenides of Crete and Stoic Poet Aratus.  Connection point = truth in God's word.  Does not agree with everything. 
Acts 26:24 - Paul = brilliant.  Stands on truth and the Holy Spirit.

F.  Good missionaries know their audience.

G.  Good missionaries aren't ashamed of God or His Word - Rom. 1:16, Col. 2:6-10
   Paul talks a lot about the resurrection even though ghe Greeks mock it.  (thought he was talking about two deities.)
   But, Paul on solid ground.  Polytheistic Greeks were not.  Philosophers were not.   We are to be ambassadors, serving Christ as King, building the Kingdom,  He is head over every power and authority.

H.  Good missionaries know God will handle the results.  Acts 17:32-33
Some mocked, some looked down noses, some postpones, but some believed - Dionysius - member of the council and possibly a bishop; also a woman named Damaris, and others.

We don't control the results.  Must be faithful, have passion for God, compassion for people, proclaim the truth of the Word, have guts to share.  Paul had a burning passion.  Do you? 
Maybe you are headlong into religions and philosophies but left empty.  Thirsty.  

Come to Jesus.

Closing Scripture:  Psm. 72:17-19