Monday, April 22, 2024

What was God up to in Ephesus?

Great works happening in Ephesus:

1)  Apollos preached there - got his start
2)  Paul taught there in the synagogues
3)  Paul went back to Jerusalem, then to his home church of Antioch, and then hurried back to Ephesus
4)  Paul wrote the church a letter known as Ephesians
5)  Jesus wrote them a letter in Revelation
6)  Paul spoke boldly in the synagogue here for 3 months
7)  Paul was pushed out and for two years so spoke in the Hall of Tyranus.
8)  God did extraordinary miracles through the hands of Paul.
9)  Believers came, confessed their sins, especially magic arts
10)   Had a camp experience - burned their Dark arts materials.
11)  Paul was there 3 years.  Timothy would Pastor there

Acts 19:20 - The word of the Lord continued to increase and prevail mightily.  God was up to something special in Ephesus. 
Ephesus was the capital of the Roman Province in Asia.  Had the giant Temple of Artemis or Diana (one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world) - people came from all over to see the temple, worship at the temple.  The whole known world had people who came to Ephesus.

Acts 19:21-22 - Paul = very strategic guy.  Made plans to visit some very strategic cities.  Sends his two helpers on, but stays back in Ephesus.  Why?  Probably because the Artemesian Games (little Olympics, partying, tourism, big crowds) fixing to start.  Took place every spring - people came from all over world.
Great opportunity for the merchants in the city to make money.
Provincial Officials were all there.  Most events centered around the worship of the goddess Diana.

Acts 19:23 -  The word of God was bad for seedy business.
                     Motivated by greed.
                     Do YOU love money or ______ more than God?
This was bad for business because Paul was teaching that there was no other God except the true God and the idols they were making and selling were good for nothing.
They knew with all the people coming, this is how they would make their money.

Paul was turning their hearts away from idolatry to the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob.

Obviously, Demetrius saw God's power displayed thru the miracles Paul worked, heard the preaching, saw people turn and change their lives, yet he didn't submit to God.
Matt. 6:24    Matt. 6:19-21 - Where our treasure is, there our heart will be.

Demetrius - money was his god.  Not all that concerned about the worship of Artemis.
Judas sold Christ for 30 pieces of silver
Are stories of tavern owners and brothel owners in the old west who would run preachers out of town and burn church buildings - because money was their god and gospel had hurt their businesses so much.

Acts 19:18-19 - in Ephesus, people were coming to Christ and REALLY repenting.  They couldn't support their bad practices anymore.  They told the truth.

Where is our treasure?  Where is YOUR treasure?   Often times it is NOT God.

Why does this type of stuff NOT happen now?  Happened in Ephesus because people were coming to Christ and really Repented.   They looked different than the world around them.

Question:  Does your life look different than an unbeliever?  Can't expect an unbeliever to act like a Christian?  They are unbelievers.  But, there is a problem when we Christians act like unbelievers.
So many look, act, speak, think, spend and talk like pagans (unbelievers).  Hard to distinguish from the non-believers)
Problem in America is that we try to preach the gospel without preaching repentance.

You can't separate repentance (turning away from) from the Gospel.

Are there things in our life that need to go?  everything that hinders and sin entangles.  If that stuff is your god, then Jesus is not.  If Jesus is not your Lord, than He's not your Savior.  If He's not your Savior, then He's nothing.

Christians should be different.

Jesus calls us to come and die. To take up our cross and follow Him.  Turn from our sins and follow Him.  It's sad that we've come to a place in America that we think the way we're going to win people to Jesus is by convincing them that they don't have to change.  We're just like them.  WE SHOULD BE DIFFERENT.
Heb. 12:1-2  

Sin is slowing us down, clouding our vision, killing our witness.
The problem isn't that we're not cool enough.  Church stopped being the church!
The problem is we've watered down the truth and are bogged down in our sin!

Why would the world want anything to do with us, if we are exactly like them!  They don't see any need to change if we act the exact same way.

This was not the case for the Ephesian believers.  Not the case with Paul.

Acts 19:28-32 - theater - held between 20 and 30 thousand people.  Most didn't know why they were there.  Filled with good intentions but empty heads. 
    Mobs then did not have cars, spray paint, buildings to set on fire, just slogans to shout.
Message to us all - don't let your emotions rule.  Think clearly.  Think like a believer.

Notice the courage of Paul.  That was some serious courage.  God gave Paul a special courage
How could he have that?  Been a few years since he was beaten, drug out and stoned, etc.

  Paul wrote "to live is Christ and to die is gain."  Phil. 2:1 
   to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.  2 Cor. 5:8,
   2 Tim. 1:7 - God did not give us a spirit of fear.
Paul really believed this!

Do your lack courage

Courage comes when eternity is settled and we're walking faithfully with the Lord.  Then God has a way of giving us boldness.

Be ready when you are called. 

 Ask God for courage. 
Acts 19:33-34 - shouted over and over.
Spend some time and ask God for that courage.

Acts 19:35-41 - mayor gets them calmed down.  Were a free city in Roman Empire.  Didn't want to lose that status.  

God continued to do stuff through the Ephesian Christians.

Rev. 2:1-4 - Jesus' letter to Ephesus.  Commends them for having being Biblically sound church.  BUT, vs 4 - I have this against you.  Lost your first love.  

Serious warning to all of us:  can get to the point where we have the head knowledge, know the truth, stick to the truth, and that's good.  BUT start just going through the motions, hearts not right, have grown cold.  Jesus says return to your first love.

Greatest commandment = "love the Lord your God with all your heart, and mind, and strength...".  Somewhere along the line they lost that first love.
Let that never be said of us, our church.  We are all in danger of that if we do not give God the time that He desires.  If we try to live this life, do the ministry, walk the walk on our own power, our own will, our own might.  Very difficult to do God's work without spending time WITH GOD!!!

Really hard to tell people about Jesus when you haven't spent any time talking with Him.

Really hard to get up in front of people and share a gospel message when haven't spent any time saturated in His Word and in prayer.

Don't let this be you.  don't let this be us.  Don't let God say of this church, you have lost your first love, and I will remove the lamp stand from you.

Exercise:  self-evaluation - if Jesus were to look at your life, what would he say was right, wrong. 

Do you lack love?  Are we really being all that God called us to be?  God is not done with the Ephesians.

Closing Scripture:  Eph. 2:1-10


Monday, April 15, 2024

Paul at Ephesus

 Ephesus = port city, major commercial trade center, AND has temple of Artemis (4 time the size of the Parthenon in Athens) - one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world

Paul's 1st visit - Acts 18:19-21 - well received, asked to stay!  Only there a short time.
But .... left to check on other churches, then to Jerusalem, and on to Antioch (his home church)

Paul's Return to Ephesus - Acts. 19:1, 8-10
Again = well received ..... BUT within 3 months..
   (1)  some grew obstinate (stubborn, hardened)
  (2)  some refused to believe  (a choice in spite of the evidence)
  (3)  some publicly maligned The Way  (spoke openly against Christianity, tried to verbally discredit the message, Christ Himself)

NOTE:  gradual decline!!  Compare to Rom. 1:21 - followed by 3 statements of
"gave them up to/ over to"..... "reprobate, depraved mind" = 3rd. and final stage

POINTRefusing to accept, receive what God had revealed to you leads to HARDENING (callousness)

APPLICATION:    You may NOT be in danger of hardening to the point of Condemnation
Any/ALL refusal of God's revelation/Holy Spirit prompting leads to Some Hardening  (which = insensitivity)

Light received ..... increases light.
Light refused ......increases darkness

So... Paul left the synagogue for a lecture hall....
Note:  (1)  he took many with him
          (2)  (obviously) gathered many more
         (3)  lectured, discussed DAILY .... for 2 years!!!

Acts 19:10 - "word spread throughout the province"
Not all went to the lecture hall, however everyone heard....  likely the disciples/students took the gospel HOME with them.
This area includes the 7 churches spoken of in Rev. 2 and 3

NOTE:  on one hand, Paul encountered much opposition
             however, Paul experienced great success!!
Had highs and lows, ups and downs.
POINT:  that's how Christian life and ministry works!!!  is always going to be some opposition, but also successes.

So... Christian shouldn't be 'doomsday pessimist' - Matt. 16:18 - the church will rise and survive!
However, Christian shouldn't be a 'foolish optimist' - 2 Tim. 3:12
(between) should be a REALIST
BUT ... a Realist with a Biblical HOPE - Isa. 55:10-11

John 5:17 - "my Father is always at work...."
Acts 19:11-12 - "extraordinary miracles" - example:  Paul's sweat rag, apron healing people
compare:  Jesus' robe  (Luke 8:44)  Peter's shadow  (Acts 5:15)

Question:  Why such miracles?
Maybe because Ephesus was home to so much DARK MAGIC  (Voodoo)
Evil forces working in a big way here.   ( Hence, Holy Spirit activity to counter and verify the Gospel.)

Note again:  Acts 19:11 - GOD did miracles ... THROUGH Paul.  ie:  Paul - instrument, tool.... in hands of the Master Craftsman.
Question:  Is it any different for you and me?
TOOL need only be .... AVAILABLE and WILLING  

One Example of "unusual events at Ephesus.... - Acts 19:13-16

Note here:  (1)  The demon KNEW Jesus
                  (2)  The demon KNEW "about" Paul! - ie:  his reputation preceded him INTO spiritual (demonic) realms!
                 (3)  the demon Knew something about the Sons of Sceva - ie:  they had no real connection with Jesus, no authority!!

Question:  does your reputation precede you in the spiritual realm?
IF SO.... are you considered ... A THREAT?  or AN INSIGNIFICANT PLAYER?   ie:  bench sitter

Acts 19:17-20 - Result of ALL these things.....
    (1)  The WORD spread ... text/ the stories/ = WORD of GOD!

    (2)  people "seized with fear"... = ?  suddenly recognized you don't toy with the name of Jesus

    (3)  Name of Jesus held in high honor!!!  even by NON-Believers!

   (4)  there was EVIDENCE of REPENTANCE
ie:  believed - confessed - acted on that confession!!! (burned scrolls - estimated million $$ worth)

Acts 19:20 "in this way... word spread and grew in power"

(1)  Paul's preaching/teaching
(2)  Disciples doing likewise - carrying it to cities in surrounding area
(3)  extra-ordinary miracles

So...... in Absence of "extraordinary miracles... what are we to do?
(1)  teach/preach/proclaim/spread the Good news
(2)  Encourage our disciples to do likewise
(3)  trust the Lord to work according to His will and wisdom    
(4)  respond to promptings of the Holy Spirit IN YOUR OWN LIFE  (ie: be WILLING - be AVAILABLE)


Closing Scripture:  1 Cor. 15:58     

Monday, April 8, 2024

Ephesus, Apollos, and Knowing Jesus More

 Recap:  Paul has been in Corinth - city of great vice.  Had 1 1/2 years of encouragement, success, no beatings devoted himself to the ministry, and made new friends - Priscilla and Aquila.

Now, is called to leave Corinth, but brings Priscilla and Aquila with him.

Acts 18:18 - Paul stops to get his hair cut - probably Nazarite vow - ex. Samson, John the Baptist -
                    probably to say 'thanks' for the refreshing time at Corinth
                    Jewish custom to then go to temple in Jerusalem and present hair as thank offering

Point #1:  Remember to thank God
                2 Thess. 5:18 - Give thanks in all circumstances
                Phil. 4:6 - do not be anxious about anything
               Acts 18:19-21 - reasoned with the Jews.  Will return if is God's will

Point #2:  Remember God is in control
               James 4:13-16
               Acts 18:22 - went up to Jerusalem, then back down to Antioch (Paul's home-sending church)
               Acts 18:23- no doubt gave report of his journey.  Then went on 3rd. Missionary journey.  Begins retracing 2nd. journey's stops, but breaks it off and goes straight to Ephesus
              Acts 18:24-25 - meets Apollos

Apollos = gifted speaker, intelligent (from Alexandria, has library, Septuagint written), is mighty in the scriptures, passionate
Although he was very intelligent, he lacked some very important information.
However, he was very accurate with what he had. - 'the Messiah was coming, need to repent, maybe even knew Jesus was the Messiah, but he did not know of the death,burial, resurrection, ascension before now.

Acts 18:26-28

Point #3.  Don't discourage (or ignore) young believers. 1 Tim. 5:1
              Note:  kindness of Priscilla and Aquila - (didn't correct him in public)
              Note:  humility of Apollos - like the Bereans, like John the Baptist
              Note:  Unity of the brothers, sent letters to disciples in Achaia.  Was a great help to all believers.
             Note:  a great outreach to the Jews

Point #4:  Be Open to Instruction - like Apollos
                Prov. 12:1
                Prov. 11:2

Point #5:  Be an Ambassador of Jesus - 1 Pet. 3:5
                2 Tim. 2:24-26
                Luke 10 - Jewish lawyer - who is my neighbor?  Good Samaritan
You never know what God might have in store for us.  Be an ambassador for Jesus Christ.              

 Acts 19:1-7 - These men perhaps converts of Apollos, were pre-Paul, possibly knew John the Baptist, but left before Christ's death, burial, resurrection, and ascension
Paul doesn't mock, but teaches them.  They believe.  They were baptized
                Rom. 10:9 - "if you confess ... will be saved."
                Rom. 8:9 - more theological in nature.
Acts is descriptive of a special transitional time.  - Descriptive, not prescriptive.  Is not a second filling or gift.

Closing Scripture:  2 Cor. 5:14-17


Monday, April 1, 2024

Easter Sunday: The Resurrection - Why It Matters

 I.  Why is the resurrection so important? 

     A.  The Resurrection Confirms Jesus' message - If Jesus hadn't raised from the dead, He would have been a liar.  Matt. 17:22-23, Mark 8:3, Luke 9:22
This confirms the message of God through scripture. 
Deut. 18:20-22 - false prophecy = false prophet.  Bearing false witness would have blemished sacrifice.
Jesus quoted or drew from all the Old Testament collections (history, law, poetry, and prophets).  The resurrection proves His words are reliable.
Jesus put His stamp of approval on scripture - adds to and gives weight to all the scripture.

    B.  The Resurrection confirms Jesus' authority - Rom. 1:4 - Son of God
          Rom. 6:8-10, Acts 2:24 - proves His authority over death - Matt. 28:18-20 - has authority over death - HE IS ALIVE!!!!

   C.  The Resurrection makes justification possible - Rom. 4:25 - Justification - to be declared righteous, acquitted
Who all is justified?  Rom. 4:18-24 -   
 Rom. 10:9-10 - resurection is essential for salvation.   What we believer about Jesus matters!!

    D.  The Resurrection gives believers a living hope!   1 Pet. 1:3-5 - hope = confident optimism.
         1 Thess. 4:13-14, 2 Cor. 5:8 - absent from the body, present with the Lord

II.)  What should we believe in the resurrection?
The Bible says so.  However, other things to consider:
      All 4 gospel accounts mention women as the first witnesses of the resurrection.  In this culture, women were considered of no account when it came to testimony.  If this wasn't absolutely true, it would never have been mentioned.
     Non-biblical historical accounts written by:  Josephus, Tacitus, Pliny the Younger.  There were people who were absolutely convinced of the truth of this.
    Eyewitnesses - the 4 gospels are supplemented with multiple letters and countless verbal agreement  - 1 Cor. 15:3-11.  The movement grew WHERE it happened (in Jerusalem)
    No body.  Many theories - swoon theory, wrong tomb?  They had just been there 2 days before.  Now the guards, women, Joseph of Arimathea - all forgot where the tomb was.  Not likely.  However, to disprove, still need to produce the body. 
The most famous theory perpetrated between the chief priests, Jewish elders, and Roman guard = Disciples stole the body.  Matt. 28 - while guards were sleeping??  Galilean boys vs. Roman soldiers???  Unwrapped and folded the linens He was wrapped in??? Hid the body successfully??? 
Supposed all that happened??

The Apostles were ALL willing to go to their deaths rather than recant their story.  Many of them suffered cruel and horrible deaths.  

III.)  How should we live in light of the Resurrection?
    Acts 17:30-31 - He's risen and coming again to judge the living ad the dead.  ARE YOU READY??? 
    John 11:25-26 - Will you believe like Martha?  

2 Cor. 5:17-21 - Go be His ambassador.  Go be a witness!!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

The Lord's Supper and You

 Origin of hte Lord's Suupper -- disciples gathered in Jerusalem to celebrae (commemorate) the Passover (Ex. 12)

They celebrate (commemorate)
(1)  their deliverance - from slavery in Egypt
(2)  their election (selection) as God's chosen people - NOT because they were Jews
(3)  the promises - that accompany that privilege

This = a Covenant arrangement/contract, agreement God made with them

NOW Jesus introduces a NEW  Covenant, arrangement, new agreement AND a New People Group. - came to be known as the church, Christians.

ie:  The Lord's Supper - Matt. 26:26-28

With this new Covenant there is also...
(1)  deliverance  - *from penalty for sin) - death, separation from God
(2)  election - (He chooses a New people group)
(3)  promises - "be with you.... never leave, forsake"  These come with being chosen

So....Note:  1 Cor. 5:7  "Christ... OUR Passover lamb"

As the Jews celebrate their deliverance (through the Passover meal)
So we (Christians) celebrate...
     Our deliverance (through Jesus' sacrificial death)
     Our election
     Our standing (and promises that go with it)

The primary text for the Lord's Supper - 1 Cor. 11:23-26
The primary admonition within the text = "DO THIS Was 1st. spoken to the disciples.
Eventually recognized as applying to ALL Christians.

of..... what He did   (cross, death, resurrection)
  ......  why He did it  - John 3:16, Rom. 5:8
  .....   who He did it for.
            On one hand, the world, mankind
           On the other hand, me, you, individual

IF you've even felt God's call, Holy Spirit's draw  THEN He's chosen you!!!
This = Awesome Privilege!!!  Is NOT to be taken lightly

Could Add ... do this in Remembrance of.....
                     what He's doing (presently) - He hasn't quite acting in my life
                     what He's going to do  (future)  - anticipation
Example:  1 Pet. 1:3-4, Col. 1:12

This makes the Lord's Supper a comprehensive act of Recognition and Thanksgiving   (as well as confidence & trust!)

II)  DO THIS TO PROCLAIM   1Cor. 11:26
AS Public Baptism = non-verbal declaration...
SO Lord's Supper = non-verbal declaration of...
     (1)  your Belief in Him
     (2)  your Confidence (trust, faith) in Him

This is more than head knowledge ... it = trust, confidence, a personal commitment of self to Him.   As Savior,  as Lord!

Is not stated here but universally accepted by Christians...
III)  DO THIS TOGETHER - as a group, congregation, church

Old Testament, Jews ... Deut. 7:6 - holy, set apart
New Testament, Christians ... 1 Pet. 2:9-10 - special people set apart to declare His praises
Both texts = a people group!!

On one hand, the Lord's Super =  a very personal observation!
However, traditionally, universally is celebrated as a group, congregation - "a people of God"
Example:  "may not sing in harmony... but all singing the same song"

OBJECTION!  "I feel unworthy!"
Answer:  = you are unworthy.  BUT  1 Cor. 11:27 - "manner"  (attitude)

Still feel uncomfortable!"  Answer - let it pass by!!

How We do This = (1)  gather (add any singles to join your group if alone)
                              (2)  worship
                              (3)  Partake
                              (4)  Fellowship

If have never accepted Christ?  Can do that before this evening!  (may want to share than before the supper)

Need to Re-dedicate?  Re-commit?  do it this afternoon (may want to share that before the supper)

Closing scripture:  Psm. 95:6-7

Friday, March 22, 2024

How to Refresh a Weary Spirit

 Last time = Paul in Athens.  Very intellectual city - philosophers, elites.  Had Areopagus (council that set the morals for the society). 
Preached at the Synagogue, also in market place.  Some repentance, some believed, but also mockers.  Paul didn't stay in Athens long. 

Next stop = Corinth - 50 miles west.  Very different from Athens.  debauchery, drunkenness, immorality.  Aphrodite - love goddess.  Big temple to her.  City of vice!.  Very pagan.  Totally immoral place.  Became an insult to call someone a "Corinthian".

Interesting side note:   short time in Athens VS 1 1/2 years in Corinth.  Had for God to do anything with intellectuals but He can do a lot with dirty, rotten sinners.  We're all dirty sinners.
This is first step:  you must realize you are no good and are in need of someone to save you.

Paul was discouraged on his arrival - 1 Cor. 2:3 - before his arrival he'd been beaten, imprisoned, threatened, run out of town, mocked.   Was beat down and discouraged.  Even the Apostle Paul got discouraged.  Will happen to every Christian.

1 Cor. 2:3-5 = God used Paul's weakness to demonstrate His power.  God refreshed Paul for 1 1/2 years in the most unlikely of places.  (Corinth)  How we an be refreshed and encourage one  another.  WE NEED EACH OTHER.  

Acts 18:1-4 - Meets Priscilla and Aquilla.  Christians recently kicked out of Rome by Claudius.  Mainly over tumult about Christ.  fight was over Christ. 
Before Paul got there were already Christians there. 
Rom. 1:5-8 Rom. 16:3-4  Paul was encouraged by these new friends. 

Christian Friends are Refreshing.  1 John 4:7,  1 Thess. 5:11

Acts 8:5 - a lot happening here.   1 Thess. 3:6-10 - Paul writing to Thessalonians about what is happening here.
Good report showed that God was doing a good work in this city.  

A.  Affirmation of your work and ministry is refreshing.  All his work was not in vain. 3 John 3-4

It's good to know that God is using us and uses us in His plan.
Encourage someone and let them know.  Tell them thank you.  

Not only did Silas and Timothy bring encouragement through the report.  They brought something even better - MONEY. - 2 Cor. 11:9  Phil. 4:14-15  Certainly not end all be all, but???  

B.  Support is Refreshing.  - Paul doing work in order to not be a burden to anyone.  Philippians gift came, freed him to be more devoted. 
Is refreshing to be able to focus on ministry and not  be spread too thin.  Is good to support missionaries and ministries.  

Now Paul has lots of encouragement, and support.  Acts 18:6 - But also more opposition from unbelieving Jews. Paul is fed up!

Shake dust - Matt. 10:14-15 - Jesus - to disciples.  Did this before on 1st. Missionary journey at Pisidian Antioch.   Essentially, Paul is saying it's not the Gentiles who are unclean, but you!!

He said "good riddance", walked out of the synagogue, and right next door!
Acts 18:7-8 - Didn't totally give up on the Jews.  Led the leader of the synagogue and many other Corinthians to Lord.  Probably made that group even angrier. 
Probably considering leaving.  

Acts 18:9 - God's promises are refreshing
At Corinth a year and 6 months.  Won't be attacked, no harm. and
Acts 18:10 - fruitful ministry!   Good for Paul to have these promises from God. 
This is good for us as well. 
Good for Christians to hold on to truths that are in the scripture. 
Matt. 11:28   Phil. 4:6-7  1 John 1:9  Rom. 8:1

Acts 18:12-14 - didn't have to defend himself.  
Acts 18:14-17 - Sosthenes - ruler of the synagogue.  Don't know for sure what happened to him.  1 Cor. 1:1 - did Sosthenes come to Christ?  - would have made them mad.  Was God protecting Paul through all of this.  He encouraged Paul by this.  

Encourage one another!!


Monday, March 11, 2024

Paul's 2nd. Missionary Journey

Acts 13-14 = 1st. Missionary Journey - 1200 to 1500 miles, 1 - 2 years

 Now 2nd. Missionary Journey - Acts 12:36 - going back to check on churches established on first journey

PROBLEM!!  Acts 15:37-41 - John Mark - abandoned them early in the 1st. Missionary Journey

Point:  Christians sometimes disagree!  Even tot the point of separating ministries! 
BUT should not lead to "can't fellowship with one another"
Question:  who was right?  wrong?  Valid arguments on both sides.

So.... Barnabas takes John Mark - goes to island of Cyprus
         Paul and Silas take the land route - en route - pick up Timothy
AND after checking on the established churches, ventured into New Territory!   

Acts 16:6 - "kept from preaching"  (north into Asia (Galacia)

Acts 16:7 - "kept from Bithynia" - also to the North

Acts 16:8 - So "passed by (through) Mysia to Troas"  - seaport city

Acts 16:9 - Paul's vision "come over to Macedonia"  (Greece)

So... acts 16:10 - Gospel goes to Europe

Acts 16:11 - straight course to Samothracia then to Neopolis (port city)

Acts 16:12 - then to "Philippi" - 10 miles inland - a major city for both Greeks and Romans 

NOTE:  Acts 16:6 - "kept by Holy Spirit" = why?  how?  don't know
             Acts 16:7 - "Spirit of Jesus wouldn't allow"
             Acts 16:10 - "God had called us"
Was this an unconscious reference to the Trinity!!!??? - ie:  Father, Son, Holy Spirit

Acts 16:13 - Why didn't Paul go to a synagogue in Philippi, as was his normal custom?  Apparently there was NO synagogue in the city.  Oral tradition states that must have 10 male head of households to make a Synagogue.
In lieu of a Synagogue ... had a "place of Prayer" - often on a river bank - so water handy for ceremonial rituals.

Question?  Did Paul know about this place or just discover it?  What he found was a Ladies' Sunday School Class!!

Acts 16:14 - "Lydia"   (1)  a Gentile (not Jewish) convert or (near convert)
                                  (2)  dealer in purple cloth which was linen dyed in the purple mucus of sea snails.  Estimated that it took 250,000 snails to make 1 ounce of dye!!! 
                                  (3)  wealthy  had a business/a large home, servants)
                                  (4)  Was open to God's Word, Holy Spirit
                                 (5)  An influential leader among her own people - Acts 16:15 - "household baptized"

Applications??  Lessons for us today??  

#1.  Don't go through life without a plan ... BUT .. be open to God changing your plan(s). 
This started as a "check up on the churches" which became a 3 year evangelistic, church planting trip!!!

And note... His specific) plan for you... tends to unfold 1 step at a time!!  ie:  He reveals it TO you AS you progress!!

Another time will look at determining God's Specific Plan for your life!

#2.  Recognize the need to present the Gospel (wherever you go & in whatever ministry He places you!) - Great Commission. 
On one hand, lifestyle evangelism is very important especially in small community
However, your lifestyle doesn't present/ explain the Gospel.  Doesn't direct anyone to Christ, the cross, how to be saved.
Romans 10:13-14   This was fundamental to Paul.  ALWAYS presented the Gospel

#3.  Recognize you can't always know who will accept the Gospel. 
Example:  in Acts 16 = Macedonians!!!  Not in Paul's plan!!
Example:  John 4:35 - Samaritans!!  (who would have thought that a chance stop at a well would bring this result)   If people don't accept, it's not on you.  You are to Present

#4.  If you find yourself working in a field not ripe for harvest ... plant some seeds!! 
Paul did a lot of that!!  1 Cor. 3:5-8 

#5.  Don't ever despise a small ministry. 
from Ladies' Sunday School Class to a church at Philippi  (1st. Church on the continent of Europe)  Book of Philippians resulted
Example:  Jesus' parable of the talents = same praise, reward for 5 talents as for 2!!  Results not for us to measure.

We often say "Paul's missionary journey" But... in fact... each was a team effort!!
Example: Acts 16:6-10 - # of references to "we, they, us" plural!!!
Acts 16:10 - One one hand = Paul's Vision
                    However = we concluded God called us" - as a team

#6.  Ministry is generally best achieved as a TEAM!!  1 Cor. 12:12, 18, 7
This is why "church" is called "Body of Christ"

Application  IF God has called and placed you in Octavia Baptist Church, THEN it is to be part of our TEAM!

Which means... more than a spectator!!
But a Player and/or Supporter!! 
God's plan = to be doing something.

2 Objections:  

(1)  It's easier to watch and enjoy and not assist!!

(2)  it's frustrating ... when want to help but can't seem to get plugged in!
     (A)  IF God wants you at OBC ... THEN He has a plan and a place for you here!!
     (B)  Hang in there - do what you can - help out & fill holes when you can... and your ministry WILL surface.
     (C)  meanwhile ... serve the Master and feed (nurture) His sheep.

Christian life doesn't always unfold the way we HOPE, or the way we PLAN 

Therefore, AS a Christian ... (1)  BE OPEN - let God direct you
                                            (2)  BE FLEXIBLE
                                            (3)  BE AVAILABLE
                                            (4)  BE PATIENT
                                            (5)  BE CONSISTENT - athletes don't train occasionally

Closing Scripture:  2 Pet. 1:3, 5-8

Monday, March 4, 2024

Apostle's Guide to Evangelism and Short Term Mission Trips

Acts 17:16-34 - How the lonely seedpicker educated the intellectuals

Paul was run off from Berea by the Thessalonians.  Silas and Timothy meeting him in Athens.

Athens = cultural center of Greece.  At its pinnacle, home of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle. 
Epicurus - developed Epicureanism;  Zeno - developed Stoicism.  These were the predominant philosophies of the day.  

Acts 17:16 - Athens = beautiful city.  But Paul's spirit provoked. "Angered or irritated by all the idols.  Psm. 69:9 Other examples:  Moses (golden calf), Jesus - drove money changers from the temple.  They all had great zeal for God, and took the worship of Him very seriously.
There was the Parthenon to worship Athena; the Erectheion - worship of multiple gods; a temple to the goddess Roma, and tons more.  Paul could not help himself.  Had to do something.  Had a great zeal for the Lord.

Things needed to be a good missionary.  

A.  Good missionaries must have a zeal for God's Glory.
Acts 17:17 - Paul went to the synagogue.  Also, the market place everyday.  He couldn't stop.  Had a love for the people.

B.  Good missionaries must have compassion for people.  Mark 6:34 - Jesus had compassion for people.
Acts 17:18 - While on the streets, ran into the Epicureans and Stoics.  According to John MacArthur, "Epicurean philosophy taught that the chief end of man was the avoidance of pain.  Epicureans were materialists - they did not deny the existence of God, but they believed He did not become involved with the affairs of men.  When a person died, they believed his body and soul disintegrated.   Stoic philosophy taught self-mastery - that the goal in life was to reach a place of indifference to pleasure or pain."

Least self-aware statements ever made "what is this babbler trying to say?" - word for seed picker (bird) just picking up bits of knowledge.

Acts 17:19-21 - Areopolis = place where the council that used to convene.  The used to govern the city-state.  Council was the gatekeeper of religion and morality.   On the hill of Ares - the Roman equivalent of Mars  (god of war and agriculture).  This was a very big venue.  Was Paul nervous?  Probably not!!

Acts 17:22-23 - was a common group.  Started off with a compliment.
C.  Good missionaries meet people where they're at.  ie:  Zacchaeus - Luke 19:5-10  (tough person to love)
Acts 17:24-28 - Paul hits truth.  Who GOD  is.  (greater than all the gods)  One man Adam, Greeks and Barbarians, build kingdoms.  All this flies in the face of pagan Greeks.

D.  Good missionaries are bold!!! 
   Comes fro righteous living and right standing with God - Prov. 28:1
   Comes from time with Jesus - Acts 4:13 
   Comes from knowing the truth.  

E.  Good missionaries call people to repent and turn to Christ.
  Acts 17:27-31 - God is not far,is omnipresent.  He is invested here.  Philosophers not like that.  Judgment is coming. 
Paul quotes Epimenides of Crete and Stoic Poet Aratus.  Connection point = truth in God's word.  Does not agree with everything. 
Acts 26:24 - Paul = brilliant.  Stands on truth and the Holy Spirit.

F.  Good missionaries know their audience.

G.  Good missionaries aren't ashamed of God or His Word - Rom. 1:16, Col. 2:6-10
   Paul talks a lot about the resurrection even though ghe Greeks mock it.  (thought he was talking about two deities.)
   But, Paul on solid ground.  Polytheistic Greeks were not.  Philosophers were not.   We are to be ambassadors, serving Christ as King, building the Kingdom,  He is head over every power and authority.

H.  Good missionaries know God will handle the results.  Acts 17:32-33
Some mocked, some looked down noses, some postpones, but some believed - Dionysius - member of the council and possibly a bishop; also a woman named Damaris, and others.

We don't control the results.  Must be faithful, have passion for God, compassion for people, proclaim the truth of the Word, have guts to share.  Paul had a burning passion.  Do you? 
Maybe you are headlong into religions and philosophies but left empty.  Thirsty.  

Come to Jesus.

Closing Scripture:  Psm. 72:17-19

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

How to Hear From God: A Lesson From the Bereans

 Acts 17:10 - Background:  2nd. Missionary Journey, visiting churches established on first journey, new territory, Macedonian province, Greece, Europe.  Paul run out of Thessalonica.

Acts 17:11-15 - Jews were more noble then the Thessalonians. 

I)  They were eager to hear from God.  They didn't just accept Paul's word, but wanted to hear from God.  They were eager to learn and know God better.  They received what they didn't know or comprehend.  In this case, Jesus.  They admitted they didn't know. 

A)  Things that hinder our ability to hear from God.

        #1.  Pride
- Bereans - willing to learn and be taught.   If want to be a Berean, learn to be humble.
God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble" - Prov. 3:34  James 4:6
Matt. 18:2-4  Dan. 10:12 - Humility is a prerequisite to hearing from God.

Isa. 55:8-9 - You are never going to completely grasp God. 

        #2.  Sin - Psm. 66:18 - confess and repent, uncherish - need to hate our sin, not love it.
1 John 1:9

       #3.  Wrong priorities  - Matt. 6:33  Luke 12:34 - The Bereans certainly seemed to prioritize preaching and study

II)  2nd. thing that made them more noble. 
The Scriptures were their authority.  They didn't just accept the message because Paul said it.  They checked the scriptures for themselves.  The Bible records this as a great thing.  God's word is perfect.  People will let you down.  Faith in people not checked by scripture is how cults get started. 
Examples:  Jim Jones,  Joseph Smith.
It's intimidating, but wouldn't have it any other way.  Paul pointed them to scripture.  We should, tool.

The Scriptures must be the authority because they are true and powerful!! 
2 Tim. 3:16-17, 2 Pet. 1:20-21, Heb. 4:12, Isa. 55:10-11 - The authors were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

Sola Scriptura = scripture alone!  Not reformers' ideas.  Were God's. 
Scripture is God's revelation of Himself for all believers to read and understand. 
Can you limit God?  Put Him in a box?  The Bible is the final authority.  Must put scripture above other things, feelings, etc. 

If you never humble yourself and desire to learn, and never put in the work fo studying the scriptures, you will not grow like God would have you to do.

Ask God to prepare your heart (reveal sin, pride, priorities)
Ask God to teach you.
Prioritize Bible Time this week.

Closing Scripture:

Psm. 63:1-4

Monday, February 19, 2024

Know/Teach the Real Jesus

Recap:  Paul gets an apology from the authorities for the beating and imprisonment; encourages the believers there at Philippi, departs for Thessalonica.  Passed through other areas.  Why?  Thessalonica was the capital of Macedonia Province, had over 200,000 people, AND a synagogue!!

 Acts 17:1 - Jews and Gentile God fearers - worshiped at the synagogue.  They have the Old Testament.  

Acts 17:2-3 - Paul reasoned, explained, persuaded them over 3 Sabbaths.
Reasoned = dialogued, answered questions
Explained (opened) - Paul KNEW the scriptures, taught by Gamaliel, but Christ opened his eyes to the truth, and Jesus gave him the Gospel. - Galatians 1.   What a Bible study!
Persuaded them that Christ MUST suffer and rise from the dead.

Question:  did he walk them through Isa. 53 - that He was despised and rejected, pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our iniquities, stripes, wounds, cut off from the land of the living?  Or, Psalm 22 to point them to the cross?  Or Psalm 16:10 - resurrection, like Peter preached at Pentecost?
Perhaps he went to Genesis and explained that all things were created by, through, and for Christ.  Genesis 3 - He was the seed that would crush Satan's head

John 5:39 - The searched the scriptures;  they bore witness to him.

Matt.  16:15 - Jesus came.  Not debated.  He existed.  NOW - what do you do with Him?  Who IS Jesus?  "Who do you say that I am?" 

Everyone believes in Jesus. 
Muslims - prophet/messenger but not God. 
Sikhs - holy man or saint.
Jews - false messiah and blasphemer
Moderns - peaceful revolutionary, a communist, an environmentalist, a philosopher, whatever they want Him to be.

The guys who recorded the Bible were willing to die for what Jesus said in this book.  

The New Testament makes some wild claims about Jesus: 
Born of a virgin
Angels announced and celebrated
Walked on water
Turned water into wine
Healed the lame, the sick, the blind
Raised the dead
Cast out demons
He died, resurrected, ascended and is reigning at God's right hand.

What did Jesus say? 
He claimed the Old Testament testifies about him - Luke 24:44
He said He and the Father are one - John 10:30
That He is from above. - John 8:23
He is the way, the truth, the life.  If you know Him you know the Father also.  John 14:6-7
He has authority to forgive sins - Luke 5:20-23
Before Abraham was, I AM.  John 8:58, Exodus 3
He flat out says He is the Messiah or the Christ in John 4:24-25 and is Christ/Son of God - Matt. 16:16-17 with Peter, and to the High Priest = Mark 14:61-63

We must believe in the real Jesus.  We must teach the real Jesus.

C.S. Lewis - said only three choices:  Liar, Lunatic, or Lord - there is no neutral ground on Jesus.  Can't change who He is.

Acts 17:4 - only some of the Jews?  This seems to be Paul's experience.  Is not the case everywhere he went, but disheartening.  He spent 3 Sabbaths expounding and explaining and trying to convince.

Don't be discouraged if you don't see the results you expect. 
We can't change hearts, but we can be faithful.  However, a large number of Greeks and not a few prominent women believed!  Probably not what Paul expected, but was awesome!

God can and does change our vision and our course - Prov. 16:9 

Acts 17:5 - Jews teamed up with the ruffians to riot and attack Paul and the believers.  Jason was a Jewish believer.  

Acts 17:6-9 The accusation wasn't wrong.  He WAS upsetting the order taking power and influence.  The message was used by God to turn the world upside down.   The message changed Greece, Rome, European world, History forever.  Another King?  Yes!  Jesus is the TRUE King of the world!
Early Puritans - no king but Jesus!!!

Polycarp was burned at the stake because he would not deny Christ. 
Paul was beheaded in Rome.
Timothy was beaten and dragged thru the streets for preaching against the Ruler of the time.

Is Jesus your King?  Are you telling the truth about the King.

Rom. 1:16 - the Gospel is powerful.

1 Thess. 2:3-4 - Trying not to please men, but God who tests our hearts.


Monday, February 12, 2024

How Jesus Sets the Captives Free

Recap:  Paul and Silas = 2nd. Missionary journey to check in with churches previously established, to strengthen their faith, as well as expand the territory.    Were seeking to go other places.  Holy Spirit directed them to Macedonia - city of Philippi.  They met with a women's prayer meeting at first and that meeting came to be the first church established in Philippi. 

How Jesus Sets the Captives Free

Acts 16:16-17 - possessed slave girl - had Spirit of Divination.  God's people forbidden to do this.  Was spiritual warfare going one.
Divination (Deut. 18:9-10) - the worship of other gods.  Paul connects to demons in 1 Cor. 10:20.  These things are making a comeback.  Young people,beware of this stuff on Tik Tok.  You are not messing around with this.  It is messing with you.  (witchcraft, the occult, spells)  -  All are connected to the worship of other gods (demons).

This slave girl proclaiming that Paul and Silas were sharing how to be saved.  On the outside, seems like a good thing.  However, demons know who Jesus is.  Her spirit knew Jesus.  They all do.  Mark 5, Mark 1:24
Demons believe in God (James 2:19) but they do not want to serve God.  They work against Him. The can not stand.  Phil. 2:10 = everybody

Acts 16:18 - Why did Paul cast out the demon? 
Possible reasons:  didn't want the association, disturbance, hindrance, annoying, not everything is brought on by a demon.  Often times because of our own selfish desires - James 4

Paul given that authority like the other disciples, Matt. 10:8, Luke 10:17
However, there were pretenders - Acts 19:14-16
We are all in bondage to our own sinful desires - Rom. 6:15-23
However, God has enough grace for even you - Rom. 6:20-23
Jesus sets us free to be what we are created to be.

Was a weird blend in Philippi - wealthy business woman (Lydia), demon-possessed girl, and a suicidal prison guard.  All with great testimonies. 

Every believer has a testimony.   

Acts 16:19-24 - magistrates violated their own law:  no trial or opportunity for defense, then whipped Roman citizens (1 Thess. 2:2 "Shamefully treated")

Note:  the Gospel can affect profits.  Examples:  Simon the magician in Acts 8, Demetrius - silversmith in Acts 19.  Wouldn't it be great if this happened in America where the lucrative, sinful businesses were just shut down because people were changed and following the Gospel.
Paul and Silas messed with the money, and thus the great opposition.  

Note:  Sometimes it looks like the enemy is winning.  HE IS NOT!! 
Examples:  Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Joseph, the Cross, Peter, Satan, Satan and Judas
Even things meant for evil, God can use for good.  Rom. 8:28

Use Prayer, Praise, Proclamation - to fight off attacks of Satan.

These 2 had a tough day - beaten, bruised, blood, chained, can't sleep..... so what to do after a day like that??
Acts 16:25 - Phil. 4:4,  Col. 3:15-17 - Paul practiced what he preached.  Do you?
His life and his attitude were great testimony to the Lord Jesus.  Is yours?  Matt. 5:16

Your life is a testimony for Jesus.  Is it a good one?  at school?  work? ball field?  basketball gym?  business?

Some things to think about:

Acts 16:26-28 - Were the other prisoners believers ant this point?
Acts 16:30 - Their life did the majority of the work
Acts 16:31 - the Gospel
Acts 16:32-34 - Was it the same pool?  Jesus not only reconciles us to God, he also reconciles us to each other.  

1)   Be reconciled to God
2)  Pray for enemies to be reconciled to God
3)  let your light shine before men.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Prioritize Praise

 Psm. 148:1-13

Many things we listen to leave us empty, stressed, afraid.  Give no benefit at all. 
However, when force self to worship (ie:  singing praises to God) - am never left empty.  

That's what we are created to do!!!

Worship:   To honor or show reverence for a divine being or supernatural power.  To regard with great or extravagant respect, honor or devotion.

There are many ways to worship.

Romans 12:1 - "I appeal to you, therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God to present your bodies as a living sacrifice....."  ie:  our whole being, all that we are - we are to give God our very best.

How do we do that?

The 1st. mention of "Worship" in the Old Testament was when Abraham was preparing the sacrifice of Isaac.

But... a big part of worship is praise.

Praise = to express a favorable judgment of.  To glorify, especially by attributions of perfections.

Who doesn't like praise?  Is a natural response to good.

No one is worthy of praise (like the one who gave His life and redeemed us back.  We should spend time praising this One who is worthy of praise.  We were created to worship God.

Hallel (praise)  Yah (YHWH)- the Lord.  ie:  Praise the Lord!

All of creation was created to Praise the Lord.  Luke 9:40 - "He answered if these were silent, the very stones would cry out." God has created in the heart of man the desire to worship.

A)  Angels are commanded to Praise.  Psm. 89:5,  Psm. 103:20, Psm. 148:2 
We can catch a glimpse of eternity. 

B)  We can praise God with shouting - Psm. 33:1

C)  We can praise God with dance - Psm. 150:4

D)  We can praise God with instruments - Psm. 150:3-5

E)  But perhaps the easiest and most prescribed way to praise is through songs. - Isa. 12:5  Psm. 95:1-2

When we sing praises to God, He does and amazing work through those songs of praise.  He has a way of bringing peace, of blessing, of putting into perspective.  We are commanded to do this, and God has purpose in His commands.

Spiritual Disciplines.  - Make it a point to praise every day!  Sing unto God and high Hosannas raise!!

Closing Scripture:  Psm. 150:1-6

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Acts 15 continued

Last week "Jerusalem Council" (addressed matter of Gentiles and the Law) - whether new Gentile believers needed to follow Jewish Law - mainly re. circumcision

Now ... Paul and Barnabas return to Antioch with that decision.  (with Judas and Silas, a church leader in Jerusalem, trusted by the council, called a 'prophet', Roman citizen/
Answer to the question:  No.  Gentiles did not have to keep the ceremonial laws or Jewish civil laws.  Only obligated to the Moral Law.

Acts 15:35 = "They and MANY OTHERS taught and preached...."
Point:  the church was growing and raising up their own leaders, teachers!
Paul and Barnabas remained there and taught and preached.

Acts 15:36 - '2nd. Missionary Journey' ... returning to churches established on first journey to check, correct, encourage, etc.  (This was because the early church had NO New Testament as of yet!!)  Apostles directed the churches by word of mouth.  New Testament writings came later.  Early churches could easily get off track.

But...PROBLEM!!! - Acts 15:37-38 - John Mark
(1)  young cousin of Barnabas
(2)  with Paul and Barnabas on 1st. Missionary Journey
But  (3)  "deserted them" (early on/ BEFORE the persecutions!!) - not reliable
Nevertheless, LATER (4)  grew in the Faith - 2 Tim. 4:9-11 - been a change in Mark"           
                           and Reconciled to Paul - Col. 4:10 - he grew up in the faith.
And (5)  (eventually) wrote the Book of Mark  (Peter's account) - Both Paul and Peter refer to him as 'son'.

So... Acts 15:39-41  - Paul and Barnabas split - Barnabas and Mark go to Cyprus to the churches there.  (where the 1st. Missionary Journey began.
Paul and Silas went to the churches on the Mainland  (land route)

So.. Paul & Silas visited Lystra (where Paul was stoned!)  Found the church alive and well.
They found a young disciple named Timothy known in Lystra and Iconium (20 miles apart). Had a good reputation in both places.  His mother = Jewess, father = Greek (probably deceased as no mention of him in the scriptures) - was the recipient of the two letters (1st. and 2nd. Timothy) from Paul.
Later = pastor of major church at Ephesus - was called "my true son in the faith" - 1 Tim. 1:2

But - never circumcised!! Acts 16:3 - So......was circumcised  "because of the Jews" - who lived in the area and who they were trying to reach.
On one hand, Paul staunchly resisted the notion that Gentiles mus keep the Law.
However, he recognized we should sometimes bend so no to offend!!
Example:  Jesus - Matt. 17:24-27  (Temple tax, 2 days wages)  Did so as to not offend unnecessarily.

Acts 16:4-5 - "so..."the church grew in numbers and strength"  was it a consequence of... efforts of early converts?  Timothy's circumcision?  Encouragement & teaching?  accepting the Council's decision? 
all of the above?
  "the church grew in numbers and strength = (similar statement 5 times in Acts.)

This passage is RICH in teachings, lessons, illustrations FOR US today
Are going to start at the end of the passage and work our way back)

#1,  The aim of the church is to GROW ... in BOTH numbers and in the Faith - Acts 16:5 
Which = evangelism AND discipleship (need both) - Eph. 4:11-15 - purpose of teaching and equipping the body.  We are all babies when we accept Christ.  Church members need to be involved in personal evangelism and discipleship as well as does the church.

#2.  APOSTOLIC AUTHORITY is as important today as it was then.   The same authority the early church was going by.
They didn't have the New Testament  therefore needed the words of the Apostles
We have the New Testament ... which IS the word(s) of the Apostles!
In other words, same measuring tool.... Verbal or Printed.
We have to decide if the Bible is the Word of God and whether the men who walked with Christ, were taught by Christ, witnessed His resurrection know more about God or some 21st. century liberal academic who says he has it all figured out.

#3.  We are sometimes called to compromise on NON-ESSENTIAL issues! 
1 Cor. 8:8-9, 9:19, Rom. 14:19-21, Rom.15:1
Example:  Timothy's circumcision.  Church unity is more important than your personal liberties.
Be careful!!  Don't jettison long standing church traditions without a thorough examination!! - We are all subject ot this because of our pride, arrogance, hard headedness.

#4.  Christians will sometimes disagree on church issues.
Differences in Worship Style, church government, Bible translation, mission projects, etc.
But contrast "can't cooperate with that" vs. "can't fellowship with you".   This does not include fundamental, orthodox doctrines = truths all Christians must hold.

#5  future church leaders need current church support.
(discipleship, training, encouragement, support...) - Prime example is John Mark
Great Commission = share Christ - "Make disciples"

#6.  don't quickly abandon Christians who mess up.  example:  John Mark - THEN  & LATER
Everyone who is born again is a baby, and can mess up from time to time.
However ... there comes a point.... example: Demas - Col. 4:14  (Philemon 23 & 24)
Contrast 2 Tim. 4:9-10 - Good start doesn't always mean a good ending.

(1) have you accepted Christ?
(2)  have you made it known?  (baptism, public testimony)
(3)  are you training a disciple?

Closing Scripture:  Heb. 13:20-21

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Dealing with Church Conflict

 After their return from 1st. missionary journey, Paul and Barnabas gave a report.  Conflicts arose.

Acts 15:1  Jews have the history, were God's chosen people.  Established the sacrifices, upheld the Law, have been worshiping God for years.
Then .... Gentiles come in.  Jews feel must become Jews first - be circumcised, keep the Law, attend synagogue, etc.   Circumcision = proof of the covenant given to Abraham. 
Gentiles are coming from idolatry paganism, many ungodly practices.

Acts 15:2 Paul is upset.  Relates his credentials - Hebrew, tribe of Benjamin, pharisee, taught by Gamaliel, Christ personally gave him the Gospel.  (Gal. 1)
Gal. 2:15-16 - What he taught.
Eph. 2:8-9 = for by grace you have been saved.
Yes, Paul was upset.  He labored hard to reach these Gentiles.  The later, Gal. 5:12  Gospel was preached.  Then the cults moved in.

Wasn't only Paul.  The Jerusalem church had to deal with the situation.

Acts 15:3-11 = Peter gives his credentials.  Says, no distinction.  Hearts are cleansed by faith!  Saved through grace just as they were.  Same teaching as Paul!!

Another testimony:  James (half brother to Jesus, leader of the church in Jerusalem)  'We are saved by grace through faith!'
Acts 15:12-19 - James sided with the others.  God gave clarity and unity on this.  Message came from God to the Apostles then to the church.
Amos 9:11-12 - old testament trial laws.  - 2 or more witnesses = Paul, Barnabas, Peter, James, Scriptures, miracles.  God was affirming these guys.

Question:  Salvation has come to the Gentiles and they can do whaever they want?  NO.  Are other things need to be done.  

Acts 15:20-21  Not salvation, but 4 important things for Gentile believers:
1)  abstain from things sacrificed to idols    2)  sexual immorality  3)  strangled meat  4)  consuming blood
Of all the things, why these?  Way more to do and not to do?  Not an issue of salvation.
These likely were specific problems with specific groups.

Two reasons these were addressed:
1)  Untangle from idolatry, idols, sexual immorality
2)  Strangled and blood?  - (Noah - Gen. 9) but was pagan as well.    Not the main reason.  But, you don't need to stop being a gentile when you come to Christ, but you need to stop being a heathen.
Christ calls us to a holy standard of living.

1 Cor. 6:9-11 and  2 Cor. 5:17   James not dealing strictly with that.  Acts 15:20-21 again.  Was dealing with protecting the unity and the witness.

Paul deals with the meat issue:  Rom. 14:13-23 - 1. Cor. 8, 1 Cor. 10

We should want to get along.  Psm. 133:1

Preacher once said "Is it bothering God or is it just bothering You?"  - good thing to consider when conflicts arise.

Acts 15:22-23 - Is that not the biggest miracle?

Acts. 15:24-28 - God is good!  Agree with God.

Acts 15:29-33  Stand on the truth.

Closing:  1 Cor. 9:19-27

Thursday, January 18, 2024

The Mixed Reviews of the Gospel

Example:  Question - "How was the morning sermon?"  Answer = "mixed reviews!"
No matter how well the gospel is presented ... will always get "Mixed Reviews!"

Paul and Barnabas ... sent out by the church in Antioch in Syria  (Acts 13:1-4)
1st. Missionary Journey - in Modern day Turkey
Covered approximately 1200 miles - round trip
Travel time = approx. 53 days
Journey lasted ?  1 - 2 years

How will were Paul and Barnabas received? 
Answer = Mixed Reviews!!!

Acts 13:42-52 - in Pisidian Antioch - Gentile city
On one hand, "word spread throughout the whole region"
However, Paul and Barnabas were "expelled"  (driven out!)
The disciples were still at Antioch - vs. 52

So... went to Iconium  (90 miles) - Acts 14:1-7
On one hand, "great numbers believed" 
However, "unbelievers stirred up/ poisoned minds"

Result??  (1)  city divided  (2) plot to stone them!!!

So.... the fled to Lystra and Derbe  (20 miles)  continued to preach!!
Acts 14:8-13  (Note confusion over Zeus and Hermes - messenger) 
Were perverting the gospel to their own ideas
Acts 14:14-18
On one hand, people probably not pleased when they stopped the Sacrifice!
However, No TALK of STONING THEM!!!

Until... Acts 14:19-20
(Paul stoned and left for dead and ONLY 1/2 of one verse regarding this!!)

So.... next city = Derbe  (75 miles)  Acts 14:21a
no mention of opposition there! 

But Note next Move!!

Acts 14:21b - retraced steps/ revisited churches in...
(1)  Lystra - wehre Paul was stoned!
(2)  Iconium - where people planned to stone them (they fled)
(3)  Antioch (Pisidian) where were 'expelled' (run off)

 Why?  Acts 14:22-23  "to strengthen,  to Encourage, to appoint elders
Point:  Paul and Barnabas were evangelists!! = church planters, disciples!
On one hand, evangelism = necessary step in propagation of the gospel.
However, it is only a step.
Then, they continued to retrace their steps ... back to Antioch (Syria)
Acts 14:24-28
Where they (1)  gathered the church
                  (2)  gave a report of their travels
                 (3)  stayed for a long time

Mixed reviews of the gospel message = expected
BUT ... why such Extreme opposition?  (violent opposition)

Some Reasons:
#1.  Religious Reasons - ie Christianity can be seen as a False religion/ a danger to society
Examples:  the Jews in Paul's day, the Muslims today

#2.  Cultural Conflict  (CHANGE!!)  with acceptance of the Gospel comes new worldview, new lifestyle which may conflict with long established customs - considered essential to truth and community well-being!!

#3.  Financial Reasons  (ex = Ephesus  in Acts 19)
Christian morals often clash with accepted business practices!!

#4. Political Reasons  ex. = eventual conflict with Rome.
Today?  abortion?  homosexual marriage = Political Points or Moral Issues??

#5.  Relational Upsets - Matt. 10:34-36
Example:  1 spouse accepts Christ and the other doesn't ?!?

#6.  Spiritual Opposition  (spiritual warfare!)
The Gospel Message = a threat to Satan's plans!
AND Spiritual attacks often manifest themselves in physical ways!
Example:  Job - lost his kids, cattle, health
Example:   killing prophets, stoning Saul

#7.  (above all/or combo of the above...)
The Gospel challenges a person's sense of Self Righteousness! 
Challenges the way of thinking, acting, living, etc.


(1)  The Gospel is Offensive  (to many)
Example:  Ugly Pill
This is NO excuse to BE offensive!)

(2)  The Gospel is Divisive  (as per Matt. 10)
Gospel invokes STRONG feelings!
Therefore some = readily accept/ some gradually accept/ some refuse to accept/ some ACTIVELY Oppose!!
So.... 1 Pet. 4:12-16 = don't be surprised when you encounter opposition

(3)  The Gospel is NON-Negotiable!!   IF you customize it to fot your notion, preference, etc.... it won't be the Gospel!!!  It was established by God and stands as written!!!

(4)  IF you share the gospel (as instructed...)
     Expect Opposition!!  (in varying degrees)  Mostly here in the US, opposition won't be violent.

(5)  should also Expect a Positive Reception  "mixed reviews!"  You never know who or when someone will accept the Gospel.

"Positive Reception" - on one hand, are many opposed!  However, "great numbers believed!!"

(6)  Determine (in advance) to Persevere  -- results belong to God
ie:  (1) in the Faith  (example = Book of Hebrews)
     (2)  in evangelism  (a Christian lifestyle includes evangelism)
    (3)  in discipling!

(7)  Be Realistic ... many will reject/oppose.  BUT many will accept, continue, spread....
The "church" grew then!  It's still growing (worldwide) today!
(And... you NEVER know who will accept, reject)

S0.... concerning the gospel message.... what are you doing??  and what should you be doing?

If you have never accepted Christ, give Him a fair review - NOT a knee jerk reaction  (as in these chapters of Acts.
The Question is NOT does the Gospel conflict with YOUR religious view?  With your cultural preference, with your political stance.

The Question = IS IT TRUE??
And, IF IT IS .... How should you respond?

If have accepted Christ, examine yourself - are you an active part of His plan to change the world?  Usher in His Kingdom?
(through sharing, spreading the Gospel Message)

Closing Scripture:  Matt. 28:18-20

Sunday, January 7, 2024

The Realities of Ministry

Recap where we were before Christmas.

Church in Antioch is booming.  God set apart Barnabas and Paul for mission. 
Church fasts, prays, lays hands on them and sends them out.
Traveled to and through Cyprus with an assistant names John Mark.
Proclaimed the word of God in the synagogues.  Led the Proconsul Sergius Paulus to faith. 
Had a run with a false prophet who God struck blind.

Every Christian should not only be disciples but workers as well.

Acts 13:13 - John Mark bailed.  why??   Paul gets upset.  Ends up causing a fight and a split between Paul and Barnabas later.  Barnabas took John Mark.  Paul takes Silas.

Point #1:  Christian People will hurt you the most!
Why?  James 4:1  Was Paul bad?  Was Mark bad?  Were people rooting for them to fail?  Is the church full of hypocrites? 
They and we are all people - all sinful
But ... who does God use?  God uses broken, sinful people.  No one perfect except for Jesus.  God uses us in spite of our sinfulness and brokenness.  

Point #2:  Failure to forgive will kill you!" 
Eph. 4:32 - Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you!

Heb. 12:1 "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses...."

Holding grudges when hurt:   We need help daily to overcome!   Matt. 6:12-15  (Lord's Prayer)  

Unfortunately, with some people it is way easier to hold a grudge, then to forgive and let it go.

Paul and Mark did reconcile.  (See Col. 4:10, 2 Tim. 4:11)  Paul would go on to be the greatest Christian missionary.   Mark would serve closely with Peter 1 Pet. 5;13, and probably wrote the book of Mark as Peter's account of Jesus' life.

Point #3.  Make sure it's Jesus you are following! - not people.  People will let you down.

Acts 13:14-16
Paul's credentials:  tribe of Benjamin, Pharisee, taught by Gamaliel, Damascus road encounter - received the gospel directly from Christ.

Quote from Adrian Rogers - "Paul went to Arabia with the writings of Moses, the prophets and the Psalms in his knapsack and came back with Galatians, Ephesians and Romans in his heart and mind"

Jesus said search the scriptures because they testify about me.  Paul was always studying them.  2 Tim. 4:13

Point #4.  There is no off-season to ministry.
2 Tim. 4:2 - Preach the Word... Be ready in season and out of season.
1 Pet. 3:15 - always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for the hope that is in you ... with gentleness and respect.  The best way to do this is spend time with God.  Is a miserable place to be in when trying to share the Lord with someone if haven't spent time with the Lord.

Point #5.  Create opportunities to serve God 
Not random.  Use strategy.  Paul visited the tabernacle.  Jews gathered there.  As visiting rabbi, he was asked to share a word in the tabernacle.   Was customary. 
Acts 13:17-41 - Paul summarizes Jewish History and uses the Old Testament to show Jesus is the Christ.

Acts 13:42-52  - Salvation through Jesus Christ is open to all, but when message rejected by the Jews, Paul turned his focus to the Gentiles.  The church today is predominantly Gentile. 
However is coming a time when there will be a great revival among the Jewish people. 
John 14:6 - Jews must enter through this gate as well.

When you fight for Jesus, you're certain to run into the enemy.
Jesus = Redeemer, author of Truth, Life more abundantly   
Satan = Accuser, Father of Lies, Steal, kill, destroy

Point #6 Don't let the enemy call the shots   There is a dividing line when you follow Jesus.

Closing Scripture:  Gal. 6:7-10

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

New Beginnings in CHRIST

New Year's Eve Resolutions:  Stats

2023 - poll taken in 2022 - found 37% of Americans said they had a goal or resolution for 2023.

87% said they were VERY or somewhat likely to keep it through the year.

Top 3 Resolutions for 2023: 
   #1  exercise more
  #2  eat healthier
  #3  lose weight

Success rate  (for all years ... estimated by the polls ..)
   23% quit, abandon their resolutions by the end of the 1st week!
   43% quit, abandon by the end of January
   only 9% who make resolutions complete them for 1 year!

The 2nd. Friday in January has been (unofficially) declared "National Quitters Day"!!
(polls vary but have similar findings)

Contrast:  most common New Year's Resolution for 2023 1) exercise, 2) eat healthy  3) lose weight.

For 2024 - #1 = SAVE MORE MONEY!!!  (or Spend Less)

On one hand, the Bible doesn't (directly) address New Years Resolutions
However, IT HAS A LOT to say about NEW BEGINNINGS!!

So.... New beginnings in Christ

Summary verse = 2 Cor. 5:17

On one hand, not everything has changed (I still look the same!)
However, much has changed ... IS Changed ... Will change

So... revisit what Christ has done, IS doing, will do...
should .. (1)  Inform us
             (2)  Remind us
            (3)  increase our Resolve - thankful and resolute in following Him

#1.  In Christ you have a New Beginning - fresh start - John 3:1-7  "new birth, 2nd. birth, spiritual birth"
With the new birth comes ... (1) forgiveness (from sins of rebellion!)  (rebellion like the sin of witchcraft)
                                           (2)  Cleansing  (Lev. 16 - example:  2 goats)
                                          (3)  reconciliation = NOW in proper relationship with God!   example:  Bridge
Summary verse - Rom. 8:1

#2.  In Christ you have a new status - new standing with God, new position, title, descriptive name, label, designation
       A.  "Child of God" John 1:11-12
       B.  "Saint"   as adjective = Holy Spirit, Holy vessels, Holy Temple, etc.  But as a noun, in reference to People = Saint(s)

Contrast Positional sainthood with Practical sainthood - 1 Cor. 1:2  (Holy ones)

#3.  In Christ you receive a new heart  ie:  new desires, affections, new mind, worldview,
Prophesied 500 years BC  Ezek. 36:26-27  (Jer. 31)

Problem!!!  On one hand, new inner being!!  However, old man dies hard!
Hence, Rom. 7,  Rom. 6:11-14

#4.  In Christ you have a new Master
Jesus = Savior AND Lord!!!   Boss, director, *LIFE COACH*

The Christian life more than accepting, adhering to written rules. 
Christian life = response to LIVING LORD!!
So, on one hand, should study, accept, apply His rules  (Word)
     However, should look to Him for specific directions

Following Rules = easier than following the Ruler!!  (Rules = impersonal.  Ruler = personal!!)

new heart plus new master means...
#5. In Christ you should have a new lifestyle!!
Visibly, measurably, noticeably DIFFERENT!!   "fruits"

On one hand, God makes great changes in you.
However, you must put forth effort!  Example = Paul - "Put off/ Put on"

Example:  Eph. 4:1 (hinge verse) - chapters 1 to 3 = what He's Done
                                                    chapters 4 to 6 = How You should Respond (practical application)

#6.  In Christ you have New Hope = expectation, anticipation of good things  1 Pet. 1:3
("living hope" hard to define, but very descriptive)  not man made
Confident expectation for ... (A)   this life  (1)  His presence, concern assistance
                                                       and   (2) richer, fuler, more blessed life

                                           (B)  next life - Rev. 21:3-5
(In light of what He has done, these are Reasonable Expectations!!)

#7.  In Christ you ahve a new (extended) family.  The church, the body, many brothers and sisters
So, regardless of language, race, culture, style of worship ... there is a 'Same-ness'  (BOND)

*Not all family members are equally friendly, supportive, sympathetic, helpful, accepting, loving, etc.
BUT ... "blood is thicker that water"  AND it is HIS blood that binds us!!

SummaryYou should Resolve to Know, Grow, and Show!!

Know what He's done, is doing, will do
Grow in you Faith; in your confidence
Show appreciation ... with and through lifestyle, service

If have never received Christ?  Consider Starting New Year with Him.
Already in Christ?  Consider intensifying your Resolve!  

Any Resolution to do better = good thing
But this Resolution ... will make a huge difference!!!

Closing Scripture = Phil. 3:12-15



Monday, January 1, 2024

The King Is Born

 Luke 2:1-20 = the most popular christmaw passage n the Bible.  

This passage changed everything.   We count the years like we do because of this event.
AD - Anno Domini.  God Himself took on flesh and dwelt among us. 
Immanuel - God with us.

Luke 2:1-3
Caesar Augustus - emperor of Rome from 27 BC to AD 14.  He set himself up as supreme ruler.  Roman Empire would refer to their dominion as "the world".  He took on name Caesar Augustus - Augustus meaning holy one or exalted one.  Reserved for gods up until then. 
So here was a proclaimed "Holy" and "exalted" one who ruled over the "world" and brought peace on earth. 
Of course, this was self-proclaimed, but widely accepted.  Was just steeped in idolatry.  Issued a decree over all the "world" to be counted, ruled, and taxed. 
This is the scene setting up the birth of Jesus.

 Luke 2:4-6
Mary & Joseph traveling to Bethlehem of Judea.  Joseph was of house and lineage of David.
Important, why?  God made a promise about 1,000 years earlier to a king named David in 2 Sam. 7:16 that his rule and his throne would be established forever. 
Compare:  Luke 1:32-33 - angel Gabriel talking to Mary.  Also, Matthew tells that Joseph was of the lineage of David.  

This Savior, Messiah, new king must be born in Bethlehem of Judea.  Around 700 years earlier, prophet Micah prophesied this.  Micah 5;2 
Jewish people very aware of this prophecy. 
When wise men came, Herod called the chief priests and scribes to tell him where this king was to be born.  They knew right away.   Isa. 7:14
The king would be born of a virgin.
Now, that really narrows it down.  Reference conversation between Gabriel and Mary in Luke 1.  Mary very confused as to how she could be pregnant.  Luke 1:34
Adrian Rogers preached a sermon called His Unequaled Birth as he talks of the significance and importance of just this one thing.

God is in control of history. 
God keeps his promises.  
God's timing is perfect.

He orchestrated all of this and there is a lot more, but He is pulling all things together to bring into this world its King - His very own Son. 
Comes as a little baby to humble parents, 70 or 80 mile journey to reach Bethlehem, pregnant Mary, born in a stable, laid in a manger.   

1 Cor. 1:26-31

Examples of people used by God for great things:  Gideon, David, Galilean fisherman, Mary (Luke 1:48)

God uses humble servants - to bring about major things.

God looks at the heart - Luke 2:8-15
God and shepherds. 
Moses herding sheep when God spoke thru burning bush.
David was watching sheep when prophet Samuel came to anoint him as king of Israel.
John 10:11 - Jesus calls Himself the good shepherd.
Jesus tells Peter to feed His sheep
Here He announces the birth of the king to shepherds nearby ... why?
Probably has something to do with these two point mentioned above.  These shepherds were low on the social ladder.   Possibly were tending some that would be used for temple sacrifices.  Soon would be no need for the lamb sacrifice for Jesus would be the final sacrifice.  

Back in Genesis 3 God killed an animal and used its skin to cover the nakedness and shame of Adam and eve when they sinned.  Not sure what the animal was, but wouldn't it be neat if it was a lamb? 
Later on when God was going to deliver his people out of the slavery and bondage in Egypt, his final plague was death on the first born of every family.  His people told to slaughter a lamb and put its blood on the door posts of their homes.  All who came into that house would be saved.

Later, John the Baptist was announcing Jesus and said, "behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world".  

Here is the deal:  no one can be saved without Jesus' sacrifice.  You are not good enough!  You are marred by sin and separated from God.  Only hope is through the sacrifice of Christ.  Must be "in Christ".  This is not just an intellectual exercise.  Needs to flow in and through us.

Eph. 2:8 - For by grace you ave been saved through faith.  And his is not your own doing.  It si the gift of God.

You must submit to the King of all Kings.  Then, you will be changed. 
2 Cor. 5:17 - Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has passed away, behold the new has come".

You need a new heart

God will instill in you a hope and a purpose and as you walk with the Lord, His Spirit will begin to produce in you, things like love and joy and peace.
You start having those things and you're going to look much different than the world around you.  You'll have a opportunity to do what the shepherds did. 
Luke 2:15-20
They went to see Jesus!  They followed through on what God had revealed to them.  Then went and proclaimed what God had showed them.  They HAD to share the good news!  The scribes and pharisees knew exactly where Jesus was to be born, but they couldn't be bothered to go and seek Him out!

We, as believers, are commanded to share the good news.  Our walk needs to back up our talk!!
The natural overflow of our hearts ought to be for us to glorify and praise God!!

This Christmas time, let us live lives that point people to the King of Kings.  Not just this season, but always.  God help us practice what we preach!!

And, for the non-believer - you must do something with Jesus.  You either receive Him or reject Him.  You can have the peace with God that we have been talking about.  You'll never know that peace without Him.

Whatever God is calling you to do today, do it!

Closing Scripture:  John 1:1-18