Thursday, December 14, 2023

The Other Christmas Narrative

Are familiar with the Christmas story - Bible narratives in Matthew and Luke

So.... here's one less recognized!  Rev. 12:1-7

This is Apocalyptic Literature - very common in this time.
end times focus = battle between good and evil  (God & Satan)
This uses highly figurative language, symbolism, poetic imagery

One one hand = describing actual/ real events (not just imagination) - past, present, future
However = doing so in exaggerated terms!!  (hyperbole)

Is NOT exaggeration to cloud or distort the truth, but rather to EMPHASIZE truth!!

Examples = poetry - Isa. 55:12  - poetic imagery
                  political cartoons (in caricature)
Ex.  Rev. 19:15 - speaking of the Word

On one hand, is endless debat4e about the symbols/their meaning, etc.
However, generally agreed that here (Rev. 12) =
(1)  boy child = Christ
(2)  woman = Israel or Church or Both  (ie:  God's people)
(3)  dragon = Satan  (Vs. 9)
(4)  child escapes --> caught up to God's Throne (Resurrection)
(5)  Satan (+ his) cast out of heaven to earth
(6)  in rage .... makes war against ... Christians!!  (Vs. 17)

How does this apply to Christians?
On one hand war began BEFORE the incarnation
However, has intensified since Jesus' birth, death, resurrection

Christ came to defeat Satan IN THE FLESH!!!
So.... we might know and share (in the flesh) HIS VICTORY!!

And That = Big Part of the Christmas Story!!!


#1.  You were born into a world at war!!
(This is not a battle!  But we refer to battles within the war!!)

#2.  This is spiritual warfare with spiritual battles 
Eph. 6:10-12 - note:  sometimes spiritual battles are more intense during the holidays.

#3.  Spiritual battles often overflow into the physical realm!!  examples:  Martyrs, (today's) anti Semitism, temptations to sin.
On one hand, spiritual battle but on the other hand, generally culminates in physical actions!!
Examples:  alcohol, drugs, illicit sex, anger, greed, pride

#4.  As a believer you are a specific target. 
Rev. 12:17 - compare to Peter (in Luke) = "sift as wheat"
1 Pet. 5:8 (same Peter!!)  1 Pet. 4:12 - Satan wants to show how bad you really are.

The war is won!!!  (Resurrection)  Victory is certain. 
ie:  Christ came IN FLESH so WE might participate in HIS victory!!! ("first fruits")

#5.  The Battles will continue until Christ's Return!!

Satan = angry, vengeful, hasn't conceded, surrendered...
AND if he can't get at Christ, will attack His brothers/sisters - No utopia on earth for Christians

#6.  Satan's attacks are always vicious BUT not always VIOLENT   example:  Adam and Eve  (so "schemes") - was sweet and deceptive.   You can be under assault from the devil, but it seems good!

Note:  Not every sin problem has a demonic origin!  James 1:14 - "dragged away and enticed by own evil desire"
So, on one hand, expect attacks!!
However, Accept responsibility when = your own doing!!

Note:  it's not just Michael and his angels who defeat Satan's army!  It's also faithful believers!!  Rev. 12:1

Point =
#7)  You can have a part in Satan's defeat!! 
Christ fights FOR you and ALONGSIDE you!
BUT..... you are expected to FIGHT!!  (Christian life is not intended to be Passive!)

#8.  Sometimes you will experience battle fatigue
Because you are human!!  wear down, wear out, need Rest and Relaxation
Bible Illustration = Elijah (1 Kings 18-19)  3 1/2 years against Ahab, showdown on Mt. Carmel, threats of Jezebel ---- flees to the wilderness - receives 40 days R & R
THEN  "back to work"

God will likely grant you periods of R & R.  BUT don't ever expect to be discharged from duty!! 
Example:  Abraham @115

Finally  #9.  If you are faithful to Christ, you'll be a Victor
(even Martyrs who died came out Victors!!)  This = clear message of Revelation!!

So.... Do you want to be on the winning side??
   (1)  sign up, join up TODAY!  (Receive Christ as Savior and Lord!)
   (2)  follow    fight    be faithful!!

Rev. 12 shouldn't dampen the Christmas spirit .... it should ENHANCE it!!
ie:  Christ came IN flesh TO destroy the works of Satan, and You can have a part in that!!!

Closing Scripture:  Rev. 3:21-22

Monday, December 4, 2023

How to Become a Wise Man

Matt. 2:1-12

I'd like all of you to look back and reflect on all that God has done for you this past year - the messages, the blessings, the answered prayers, etc.

Today = the most interesting characters in the nativity scenes except for Jesus.  - The Wise Men.  Didn't show up when Jesus was in the manger, but some time later.  Still, nice to have as part of the Nativity scene.

They play very interesting part in the story.  Lot of questions regarding them and their arrival:

Who were they?
Where did they come from?
How many were there?
Why did they come?
What was the significance in their coming

Another question:  What kind of star was that!

Can't definitively answer all of those questions today, but can certainly learn a lot from them and from this story.
Sermon title = "How to be a wise man", however, we want to see in this passage truths about Jesus.

Matt. 2:1-2
How many wise men were there?  Obviously 3 because that's what all the Bible pictures show and that's how many gifts were named.  However, we'd just be speculating, because we really don't know.  All we know is there was more than one and they brought three gifts.

Where did they come from?  Bible tells us - the East.  East of what?  East of Jerusalem.  How far east?  Don't know but they were most certainly not Jews because they came to bring gifts and worship "the King of the Jews". 
Are theories out there abut them being from Sheba, Persia, or Babylon, or even what would be modern China.  All are super interesting.  Good possibility was Babylon.  Daniel mentions men like this (Magi or wise men) in Babylon in Daniel 2, Daniel 4, and Daniel 5.  Also, if they were from Babylon, they could have known the writings of Daniel and could have known Daniel 9, and roughly the time when this anointed one, this prince would arrive.
Also, just would be neat if the place where the exiles were taken, is where the Wise Men came from.

Anyway, they were from a long ways off, and were led by a star to find the King of the Jews. 
What kind of star was this?  Are arguments for just a regular old star, comets, planets, asteroids, and all kinds of things, but not sure and don't like any of these. Because, Matt. 2:9, anyone ever seen anything like that?

 Adrian Rogers argues that it was the glory of Glory revealed in the sky to these wise men.  Much like the pillar of cloud and fire that led the Israelites in the Old Testament. Some argue was an angel. 
However, what ever it was, God was obviously in control and used it to bring these men to His Son, Jesus.

Why did these men come?   First thing is they came to acknowledge Jesus as King.  

How to Be a Wise Man - 

Point #1:  Acknowledge Jesus as King!  Was made King by God.
Wise men acknowledged that Jesus was to rule. 
We live in a time and place where everyone wants their own personal Jesus.  They make this Jesus to be just who they want him to be.  Or, they want Jesus to save them, but have no authority over the rest of their life.
This country is filled with churches and so-called Christians what act as if Jesus has no authority over them. 
Sure, they honor Him with their lips, but their heart is far from Him.  Do exactly what is right in their own eyes.

We must submit EVERYTHING to the King!!

Have you submitted to Jesus as King?  Are you still in rebellion in part of your life?  Rebelling against Jesus is a miserable endeavor.  SUBMIT NOW!!!

Point #2:  Worship Jesus 
The second thing these wise men came to do was to worship Jesus!!! 
Is interesting because begs the question, How much did the magi know about what they were doing?  BUT... they worshiped Jesus!!  A wise man worships Jesus.  Why???  Because He is God!  He is Immanuel, God with us  (Isa. 7:14)  He is Mighty God - (Isa. 9:6) 

John 1:1 - "He was in the beginning and He was with God and He was God."
John 1:3 - "All things were made through Him and without Him not one thing made that was made."

He is worthy of worship and He accepted Worship in Scripture.  This is what sets Christians apart from Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses.   We do not have the same Jesus.  Worship is reserved for God and God alone!!!  

Matt. 4:10 is Jesus quoting Deut. 6:13-14 - "You shall worship the Lord your God and serve Him only."
God is the only woe worthy of our worship.  Worship of anyone else is idolatry.  The Apostles in Acts would not accept worship from people. 
Examples:  Matt. 14:33 - Apostles in the boat,
                 Matt. 28:8-9  - Women who were witnesses to the resurrection
                 John 20:28 - Thomas after seeing the resurrected Christ "my Lord and my God"
                 Isa. 9:6 - Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace"
Jesus accepts our worship because He IS God!!!

 And here we see the wise men from far off worshiping Jesus. Which points back to the book of Acts that Jesus is for ALL PEOPLE
Angels say in Luke 10, "I bring you good news of great joy."  His Kingdom will know no end!!

Matt. 2:3-12

Point #3.  Give Jesus your very best

A lot could be said about the gifts that were given.  No doubt given for a reason.  Probably real meaning to all of them.  But .... notice ... these men were searching for Jesus, they found Him, worshiped Him and gave Him their very best. 
Now contrast the wise men with the other people in this story.  Not just Herod, but the chief priests, the scribes and the people of Jerusalem. 
Acts 2:4-6
The chief priests and scribes knew where the King, the anointed one, the Christ, the Messiah was to be born.  No doubt had it memorized.  They KNEW the Scriptures!!!
Also would have known Daniel 9 and when He was coming, and now, these men from the East show up to look for Him.  The king tells the wise me to report back showing that the scribes and priests weren't going.  REALLY!!??!  This is a once in all of history moment.  The Mighty God, the Prince of Peace, Immanuel, might be just a little ways down the road and you couldn't be bothered to go look for Him?  What else in your life could be more important that that???
Are we like them?

Point #4.  Are we comfortable just knowing about God?  Do we Prioritize seeking God?  

If we are honest, a lot of times we don't.  WE need to be better at that.  We should WANT to know God!!!
James 4:8 - "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you."
Jer. 29:13 - "You will seek Me and find Me, when you seek Me with all your heart."

How about the people of Jerusalem?  Matt. 2:3 - the people of God's holy city were "troubled" about the King of the Jews being born.
OR, were they afraid of King Herod, a blood thirsty psychopath, and his response?  Whatever, Jesus' arriveal is troubling to them.

BUT ... the wise me came, saw, and worshiped Jesus and then were warned in a dream NOT to return to Herod.  No doubt a message from God.  They had to choose to obey God and avoid Herod or obey Herod and return and give a report to Him.  They chose to obey God rather than men.
And, if/when that time comes, hopefully in a fashion not so dramatic, we must do the same!!!


 If there is something God is laying on your heart today, if something in this message touched you, are you willing to do what He's calling you to do?  Whatever it is that God is calling you to do, DO IT!!!  Tell someone about it.  

Isa. 9:6-7