Sunday, April 24, 2022

Faith of Gentile Woman

Jesus - in Galilee, heart of popularity, moves around seeking rest and relaxation, disciple time, avoid crowds.

AND - ... possibly to avoid the Pharisees!  Mark 7:1-2 - they are looking for ways to discredit Jesus, corner Him.  Not yet time for him to be revealed as to who He is.

So.... went to Tyre - Mark 7:24
Tyre = seaport city NW of Galilee, in Gentile territory - 30 -50 mile journey.  Modern day Lebanon
This area avoided by the Jews because to be in that land around those people would render them ceremonially unclean!  

Story:  Mark 7:24-30, Matt. 15:21-28  (dogs = lap dogs, not feral curs that ran the streets)
Note:  greeting:  "Lord, Son of David = Messianic designation.   

This woman = (1)  gentile ..
                      (2)  had some  knowledge of the Jewish Messiah"
                      (3)  aware of Jesus' reputation as a healer!  - healer of everyone.  He didn't turn people away.

She comes ... IN desperation AND in FAITH!!
Jesus ignores/rejects/even insults her!!!  Why???  (because bad day, burn out, no ompassion for a gentile?)

POINT:  in light of Jesus' character, mission, etc.  .... was HE ..
(1)  turning her away to extinguish her faith?   Or,
(2)  challenging her .... to develop her faith?

Compare - Example:   Rich young ruler - Mark 10:21-22 - on one hand, is harsh, yet "He loved him"
                                  Other followers - Matt. 8:19-22
Point = cause to examine their commitment, faith.  - rich young ruler was very attached to his wealth and position. 
God already knows the heart!!!!  This = for (1) the believer
                                                                   (2)  the observer
Necessary to take a close look at the profession made, the commitment agreeing to.  Harsh words used to make us examine or real commitment.

Back to the story:

Jesus said she has "great faith"!   what evidence?  manifestiation?  visibility?

Answer = combination of her boldness, her humility, her persistence.  She showed her faith with these three traits that can be seen.

These = 3 important measures of Christian faith.

I)  Boldness - Heb. 4:16
translations all = boldness/confidence (without fear)

On one hand, approaching a Holy, Righteous, GOD/JUDGE!
However, granted access by the SON!  Examples:  bridge, curtain in the temple

Don't confuse Boldness with Arrogance!! and flippancy
(the woman came begging, NOT demanding!)

II.  Humility
based on the knowledge she had, she believed....
(1)  Jesus could heal   and (2)  Jesus would heal

BUT she recognized no claim, right, privilege, reward due her
So... approached appealing to HIS GRACE NOT HER GOODNESS!

humility = knowing self ... NO exaggerated view!!  (pride) - humility is opposite of pride.

This is huge issue in Scripture!!!   James 4:6,  Matt. 23:11-12, 1 Pet. 5:6, 2 Chron. 7:14, Rom. 12:3
2 examples:  foot washing (including Judas) and the Cross - Phil. 2:5

GRACE - free of charge - unearned, unmerited, undeserved FAVOR
ENTITLEMENT - I deserve that!  Is my right!  even if unearned!!

Micah 6:8

III.  Persistence ... as evidence of faith!!
Luke 18:1-8
example:  Jacob wrestling with angel - "won't turn loose until you bless me" - angel wanted perseverance, persistence from Jacob.
Isa. 62:6-7

On one hand, can carry this too far!  - example:   Paul's thorn. finally "my grace = sufficient"
So, these = 3 visible elements of your faith.



(1)  Your faith is of no value without the proper object of faith.
Example:  if this woman had  great faith in pagan gods!! would her request been answered?
Point = you need more than faith.  You need faith in YHWH/Jesus!!!
It's not what you believe, but what you believe in!!!

(2)  You never know where you might find "great faith"
Example:  pagan woman in a pagan land!
POINT:  be careful you don't cull people in your evangelism!!

(3)  You don't have to KNOW EVERYTHING about Jesus to come to Jesus!! 
She know of... His reputation to heal, His reputation to heal ALL!!
Which was enough to drive her to kneel before Him!!

Monday, April 18, 2022

The Christians' Confidence

The Resurrection = the defining event in Christianity -- 1 Cor. 15:12-20  (addressing believers' resurrection)
Jesus rose - Physically, healed (tho' still had his scars), glorified (new and improved), eternal

If Christ was not really resurrected, then all our faith is futile - we are still in our sins!!

POINT:  The Resurrection demonstrates His authority over all things!! - Matt. 28:18

So Paul writes:  Rom. 1:4

Resurrection changed the disciples ... from confused and fearful to single-minded and Bold!!
It can do the same for us!!

On one hand, we don't get a visible, physical appearance ... However, we have a promise .. John 20:28-29

POINT:  IF we are convinced of the Resurrection... THEN it leads to a confidence, certainty ...

Biblical Word = FAITH
Modern word = Confidence
Result = a PEACE ... Not absolute and always ... because (1) life = turmoil
                                                                                          (2) we = human (Rom. 3:23)
But we should have the ability to be calm in the midst of certain things.

Nevertheless, His Resurrection should inspire our Confidence ... which should lead to a certain degree of Peace!!

Belief in Resurrection should result in...

I)  Confidence in Christ - who demonstrated ALL AUTHORITY!!
Note:  early church statement of faith = JESUS IS LORD!

This is not confidence in the event of the Resurrection)
Rather = confidence in the Person of Christ!!
Example:  can admire Abe Lincoln, but that doesn't mean you trust him!!
Contrast:  Heb. 7:24-25

IF you have confidence in Christ, then it should inspire...

II)  Allegiance to Christ  (obedience to Him)
This is more than recognition.  = loyalty and obedience
       is more than He is Lord.  = You're MY Lord
Luke 6:46

Note:  distinction:  demons believe ... do not bow!  (yet)

Naturally follows ... allegiance to Christ should result in ....

III)  An interest in His Word(s) - Luke 6:46-49

A Distinction:  love for His word(s) not necessarily = love for reading!!  BUT.... does = desire for exposure to His Word(s)

The Resurrection should confer a certain...

IV)  Courage in the face of death

Because - He more than overcame His own death, He overcomes ALL death!! 
1 Cor. 15:21-26, Rev. 20:14

This does not mean you won't tremble in the face of death, rather = a confidence in spite of fear!
This is more than our own death ... death of loved ones may be harder to face!! _ Psm. 23:4 "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...."

These promises = for those who Receive Him!!!  - John 3:16-18, 1 John 1:10-13

Courage in the face of death naturally precedes ...

V)  Confidence in the Next Life   (after death!)
Rev. 21:3-5

Nearly all people assume this without accepting, recognizing Christ!!!  That is NOT a Biblical Hope ...
but a cultural hope!!
(Build your Hope on Christ and Scripture!!! Not on current culture)

IF you've accepted, received, embraced Jesus AS your Lord and Savior...

THEN this confidence (assurance, peace, etc) can be yours!!!

BUT ... it is not an instant miracle!!  It comes with time, learning, experience, growth, knowledge.
Paul = "I have learned ... to be content"
Example:  the disciples

But... this confidence, faith, certainty, peace... begins with a decision to accept Jesus as Savior and LORD  (again - compare the disciples)

CS Lewis .... Liar - Lunatic - Lord?
Is nothing wrong with healthy, honest skepticism.  BUT don't let that lead to willful disobedience (rebellion, refusal)

Heb. 9:23-28

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Lord's Supper Worship Service

 Lord's Supper - instituted at the last Passover meal (night of Jesus' betrayal)
Matt. 26:17-19, 26-28  1 Cor. 11:23-26

So.... Lord's Supper/ Communion. Euchrist/ etc. .... whatever form and tradition... it is:

(1)  a recognition of His Substitutionary death
(2)  a celebration of our part in that ... ie:  forgiveness, reconciliation, eternal life, etc.
(3)  a proclamation of our confidence (faith) in Him - what He'd DONE, DOING, going to DO!!

 On one hand = a very Personal event

However = celebrated Corporately ... as a church!!!

Special:  "A Picture of Good Friday" - written by Joan Babcock

 Today I saw a picture of Golgotha's lonely hill

There were three crosses standing there

Two hung against their will.

But the third man was so diff’rent as quietly He stayed

Upon the cruel cross, while on Him my sins were laid.

 He cried, "Oh Father, where are You? Why have You left me here

To pay the price that You demand for these whom You hold dear?

But Father if this be Thy will, I want it to be done,

I willingly lay down my life to buy back ev'ryone."\

 Then I saw Him lift His thorn-crowned head and gasp thru bleeding lips,

"Father, it is finished," and from this life He slipped.

 *And, at that moment, the price was paid.

My slate was new and clean. And only my selfish, foolish

pride could ever stand between

 a life of sin or one of joy where all has been made new.

And Jesus, so You know again, today I'm choosing You.  * back to*

Tag:   Yes, Jesus, now You know again that I have chosen You.

The Story:

Matt. 26:36-50, 55-68   Matt. 27:11-54, 57-60

This is NOT the End of the story ... only = our focus today!!!

Taking of the bread

Matt. 26:26

Taking of the wine 

Matt. 26:27-28

Final Songs =

 "Jesus Messiah"

"Go Now In Peace"

Closing Scripture:  Num. 6:24-26





Sunday, April 3, 2022

The Tradition of the Elders

 Have been in Galilee the past two weeks - called Galilean ministry
Jesus feeds 5000, walks on water, etc. and then.....
Mark 6:53-56 - (note the extent of healings!!) - His fame and popularity is now immense!!

Yet --- not everyone positively affected by the miracles!!

Mark 7:1-4 - Pharisees and teachers of the law.  didn't deny Jesus' miracles.  (re:  washing:  was not a hygiene issue)

The Law - 613 (written) commandments = Law of Moses

The Talmud - additional oral laws and commentaries on the laws.  - never written down
(Talmud = "tradition of the elders"_

The Mishah - = the Talmud written down and expanded  (200 AD/ 186 pages) - is the oral law finally written down

Mark 7:5
Pharisees = sect of Judaism - very zealous to keep the Law

Teachers of hte Law = scribes;  experts on the Law  (lawyers whose expertise in the Law of Moses)

In this account, Pharisees focused on ceremonial laws, rather than on the incredible miracles taking place.

Unclean hands - was not about hygiene = ceremonial purity.  (the text = Ex. 30:19/40:12 - priests wash before ministering  (very elaborate method had to be followed)

Mark 7:6-13 = CORBAN = a gift devoted to God.  However, remains in the giver's hands BUT cannot be used for common purposes!!  Jesus said 'worship is meaningless'.

Mark 7:13-15

Mark 7:17-23 - unclean comes from the heart


I)  Concerning Tradition

1)  Tradition is a neutral practice - assuming the tradition doesn't violate God's Word, Law ...

Then ... (A)  tradition can be good if connects you to God
However, (B) tradition can be bad if keeps you from God

Examples:  Right or wrong?
In Africa, church members danced down aisle to give their offering?
KBA suits and dresses?
organ? piano? band? praise choruses vs hymns?
Mexico and church day?
High church or low church?
Meat on Friday?

None of the above is right OR wrong if doesn't keep you from God and doesn't violate God's Word.

BUT  (2)  Man made tradition should never override God's word or intent.

was nothing wrong with CORBAN .... properly practiced... BUT final authority is NOT in tradition!

"Scripture is the sole authority for faith and practice"

(3)  Some Christian traditions are not man-made!
ie:  Baptism - Lord's Supper - Gathering of the church - marriage - 

Don't dump something just because is traditional!  Christians should be mature enough to recognize and practice accordingly.

II)  Concerning purity  (ie:  moral/spiritual purity)

(1)  (generally) physical things can't make you unclean. - food, clothes, makeup, hairstyle!

Jesus intermingled with sinners without being tainted ... because He didn't entertain or participate in the sin!!  - never condoned the sin!

(2)  unclean things that get into your head and heart can render you unclean!
examples:  porn, extra-marital sex, trashy entertainment, intentional inebriation, foul language, etc.

Which is why Paul to Timothy - "flee from all this!"

III)  Concerning Self deception
There is no deception so powerful as self-deception!

Pharisees didn't see the miracles, the truth, because the didn't WANT to see.
Pharisees weren't fooled by Corban, Rabbis, tradition... = FOOLED BY 'SELVES!

beware:  you may be your biggest, greatest enemy!!

IV)  Concerning hypocrisy
We all have a little hypocrite in us!
we all (occasionally) pretend to be what we're not!!
Because - we don't want the world to see us as we really are!!

As a Christian, should be saying ,, "Lord, I want to BE the person I pretend to be..." help me with that!!"

There is a fine line between hypocrisy and responsibility!!
Example:  'I don't want to go to church this morning, so to do so would be hypocritical.'  'I don't want to make dinner tonight so to do so would be hypocritical.' - to do so would be responsible!!!

V)  Concerning the heart

The primary problem of the Pharisee is his heart! - Jer. 17:9
primary problem is not tradition, stubborn, blind, hypocrisy, weaknes, beligerence..
It = hardness, callousness .. of HEART!!

The Primary need (of us all) is not reformation, but regeneration 2 Cor. 5:17

Jesus said, "must be born again"" 

God doesn't want you to just do better, but to be born again!!  and BE better!