Monday, March 3, 2008

1/27/08 AM - Serving as a Steward

SERVING AS A STEWARD Scripture: Matt. 25:14-30

Definition of a Steward is: manager/overseer/caretaker of property
Application: to serve the Master by managing His property and His interests Gen. 39:1-6

#1. Being a good servant includes being a good steward.
Servanthood is just not menial labor. It is overseeing and managing as the Master directs.

#2. For the Christian – servanthood and stewardship are inseparable Scripture: I Cor.4:1 Titus 1:7 I Pet. 5:2


#1. Everything belongs to God. Job 41:11

This doesn’t mean you haven’t worked to obtain wealth/possessions, etc.
But, if they really belong to you, how come you can’t take them with you??

#2. He has entrusted you with some of His wealth.

A. He’s entrusted you with a lot of His wealth
He’s entrusted you with more than material things.

#3. What He’s entrusted to you is to be used…….

A. to expand His holdings --- the Kingdom here!
B. To serve His purpose ---- which is to connect people to God

Note: this doesn’t mean that you can’t use and enjoy the blessings God has entrusted to you, or pass them on to future generations.

#4. You will give an account of your stewardship

This is not a salvation issue; stewardship does not determine whether you will go to heaven, but stewardship is an important issue.
There are blessings and rewards to be had for good stewardship
opposite is also true … loss of blessings and rewards for bad stewardship


#1. Decide This is voluntary, BUT….the greatest blessing is found in stewardship not ownership.

#2. Consider what you have. Inventory what’s been given and entrusted to you. Remember: this is more than material things.

#3. Give it to Him. Why, if it’s already His?

Answer: We tend to think it’s ours if we don’t consciously address the issue. Luke 12:42-46 Luke 12:16-21 – parable of the “rich fool”

#4. Seek His direction. (about how to handle the estate)

a) Prayer b) Bible Study c) consult with partners (spouse, children) d) consult with others

#5. Be honest

a. with Him – He already knows

b. with self – we’re easily self-deceived

c. with the property

#6 Repeat steps 1 – 5 often (because we tent to forget and take charge)


  1. Know the Master – (gospel, salvation, invitation)
  2. Keep in touch with the Master – (relationship)
  3. Obey the Master – (submission and obedience)
  4. Remember Who’s the Master.

FINALLY: Blessings and rewards are many for good stewardship, so…..

Don’t miss the blessings, and ……

Don’t miss the Blessor.

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