Proverbs 31:10-31 - The virtuous woman - a wife of noble character.
Concerning money and possessions, she is praised because.......
#1. She works hard. It is God's intent that the primary source of income is from work. This refers to more than manual labor. Point being - apply yourself to your work - be diligent and productive in whatever work you do.
Gen. 2:15 - "...put man in the Garden of Eden to work it......" This was BEFORE the fall.
2 Thess. 3:6-15 - warns against idleness. "If a man will not work, he shall not eat."
#2. She works well. She is skilled and diligent.
Prov. 18:9 - "One who is slack in his work is brother to one who destroys."
Statistics: 70% of Americans say they could be more productive on the job.
45% say they could do twice as much as they actually do.
If you are a Christian and could be doing more, you should do it.
Prov. 22:29 - "....skilled man will serve before kings;...."
Col. 3:23 & 24 - " at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord,....."
#3. She manages well. Prov. 31:15, 18, 27 It doesn't matter how much you earn if you can't manage!
The woman of Prov. 31 is WISE in buying/selling/spending/saving.....
#4. She invests well. Vs. 16 she buys a field and plants for the long term investment.
In the parable of the talents, the first two servants handled their talents wisely - invested them.
NOTE: To invest well equals to invest reasonably. Prov. 12:11 - "He who works his land will have abundant food, but he who chases fantasies lacks judgment."
God has blessed us a lot and we should be using it wisely for Kingdom work.
#5. She shares Vs. 20 - "she opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy."
God's math is different from that of a CPA.
CPA says, you can't give away 10% of your money. You'll never make it.
God says, "Give Me the 10% and I will take care of you with the 90% that's left."
Prov. 11:24 - "One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty."
The promise is not that we will be wealthy if we give, but we will be blessed. Not always financially.
#6. She leaves a legacy of financial responsibility.
May or may not leave an inheritance, but does leave a positive legacy regarding finances.
#1 Her family is well provided for... Vs. 21 Sometimes due to various circumstances, this is not possible, but
if it is possible and we don't.... he who doesn't take care of those in his own household is worse than an
#2 Her marriage is strengthened....Vs. 11 Now, financial issues are the #1 cause of divorce.
#3. She is praised by her children..... Vs. 28 - They have a practical, Visible model of financial responsibility.
One of the biggest faults we have is not teaching our children how to manage money.
#4 She is financially secure..... Vs. 25 According to Social Security Department - 85% of those 65 and older can't
write a check for $250.00 at any given time.
#5. Her husband is respected...... Vs. 23 because she handles the finances well.
#6. She is used as a Godly example..... Vs. 30 She fears the Lord by doing all of the above.
Vs.31 - "let her works bring her praise at the city gate."
This is not intended only for the women. The principles of financial responsibility apply to all Christians who handle finances - male or female.
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