Monday, June 26, 2023

Coming of the Holy Spirit

Acts 2:1 - Question:  who is all
                Answer:  probably the 120 spoken of in Chapter 1.  Probably included, besides the disciples, Mary, Jesus' mother, Jesus' brothers, etc.

Looking back:  - been a lot going on in Jerusalem in the past 2 months:
                    * Jesus enters city with great celebration
                    * Jesus betrayed and sold out
                    * Jesus on trial, beaten
                    * Jesus crucified - "It is finished" = veil in temple torn in two
                    * Jesus resurrected
                    * appears to 2 on road to Emmaus
                    * with disciples 40 days, the the Ascension

Acts 2:2-3 -  Now, God going to begin an amazing work - something new.
A)  Violent, mighty wind - not warm summer breeze
B)  Tongues of fire -  Exodus 3 - God spoke from burning bush;  led Israelites by pillars of fire at night

Through these physical signs God's appearance was known, and Holy Spirit began amazing work - Jesus promised before his ascension in Acts 1, and John 14.

Acts 2:4-12 - taking place after the above happenings

Acts 2:4-6 - Spirit gave believers tongues = act of God.  Holy Spirit speaking through them.  Talking about other known languages - vs. 6
(Greek word for tongues used in Acts 2:4 can be translated as languages and is same word used for tongues throughout the book of Acts.)

Acts 2:5-12 - Jews from all over back in Jerusalem to celebrate Passover, and now, 7 weeks later, are celebrating Moses given the Law (Torah) at Mt. Sinai.  Were devout men who feared the Lord.  Basically all know world had people in town who had been waiting for the promised Messiah. 
So... was amazing time for God to send His Holy Spirit, and then the ability to hear the gospel message in their own language.

Interesting side note:  In Genesis 11, people of the earth rebelled against God at the tower of Babel.   At that point, God confuses their language and scatters them across the face of the earth. 
In next chapter, chooses Abraham and sets him apart for Himself to make him a great nation.

Now in Acts 2, God is bringing it all back together and fulfilling the promise He made to Abraham long ago.

Of course, when God does something amazing, always have some skeptics, naysayers, mockers.
Vs. Acts 2:13 - "they were filled with new wine".  Said they were drunk.  How ridiculous.  Never in history has someone, uneducated, gotten drunk and learned a new language.  It doesn't work. If it did, we'd probably have more bi-lingual people in our midst.
What God says in Rom. 1:18 - "who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth."


Point 1:  Don't harden your heart.  Heb. 3:7-8 - "...... if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts ...."
                                                     2 Pet. 3:9 - "... Lord is not slow to fulfill  his promise, .... not wishing that any should perish."

God = loving, merciful, patient God.  You can't outrun Him, and your arms are too short to swing at Him.
Instead, respond to what He is calling you to do.  And, know, eventually may run out of chances to repent, to follow, to respond.  

Acts 2:14-15 - Peter about to courageously stand up and deliver powerful sermon.   Isn't it amazing that this is the same Peter who denied Christ 3 times 50 days before.

Point 2:  God uses a repentant heart - John 21:15-17
Now to the sermon:
Acts 2:16-21 - Quick Note:  is debate over this passage.  Peter quoting from prophet Joel.  Making it very clear, prophecy being fulfilled before they eyes = outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Language sounds very similar to Matt. 24 and Revelation.  Thus the debate.  Was this fulfilled here at Pentecost, or will it also have complete fulfillment at the end of time?    Or, is the language here being used to describe judgment that all took place in first century.  Answer:  "I don't know".

Acts 2:22-23 - quick note:  is amazing how God can use evil men with evil intent to accomplish a good thing.
If there had been no crucifixion and no resurrection, we would still be in our sin.  Was God's plan to accomplish this righteous thing, yet, evil men with evil intentions accomplished that.  

Acts 2:24-36 - Rest of Peter's sermon.  Peter gets straight to the scripture, briefly explains it, and then says, "You are all guilty!"  - And, IT WAS EFFECTIVE!!  God uses His Spirit to teach us His word to point us to His Son and He does it for His glory!!!

Our responsibility:
Point #3.  Speak the Truth of God's Word - Rom. 1:16 - "For I am not ashamed of the gospel......."
Heb. 4:12 - "the Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword. ........."

Don't water the message down, don't sugarcoat it.  Just share it with love.  God will take care of the rest.

Let's see how the people responded to the message: 
Acts 2:37-41

Monday, June 19, 2023

Declaring Your Name

Focus today is on MEN but the content/application = ALL!!

How important are Fathers?  Dads? 
Some Stats - Dads and sons
1)  71% of H.S. dropouts come from fatherless homes
2) 90% of homeless runaways come from a fatherless home
3)  7% of all juveniles in state reform schools come from a  fatherless home.
4)  85% of imprisoned youths grew up in a fatherless home
5)  43% of adult inmates grew up in a single parent home - generally w/o a dad
6)  80% of rapists come from fatherless homes
7)  Crime rates in ALL categories are highest among those raised w/o a dad
8)  boys raised in a single parent home are twice as likely to commit a crime that leads to incarceration
9)  boys raised in step-families are 3times as likely to commit a crime that leads to incarceration
10) 95% of men on death row HATED their fathers

Dads make a difference.

Dads and daughters
1)  teenage girls living in a fatherless home are 60% more likely to be involved in premarital sex than those in 2 parent home
2)  90% of girls with anorexia (nervosa) lack a close relationship with their father
3) girls growing up in a home where dad is absent are far more likely to exhibit:
       A.  low motivation for achievement
       B.  a tendency to choose immediate gratification rather that self=discipline for later rewards
      C.  greater tendency toward group influence/peer pressure
      D.  lower self esteem
4)  A woman's self esteem largely determined by 2 men in her life - ie:  her dad and her 1st. husband

On one hand, stats may vary, however, the pattern is consistent!

In other words, kids growing up in a home with father present have a distinct advantage!!
They are less likely to live in poverty, less likely ot abuse drugs and alcohol, do jail time, be sexually active as teens, even be obese!!

There are always exceptions, but this is generally true.

They do better in school, have a larger vocabulary!!  (this doesn't mean curse words)
         are willing to take healthy risks - which translates - confidence in abilities
This is true of more than in childhood.   = adolescence and adulthood

The point is NOT that moms can't   (many do well!!)
Doesn't mean kids without fathers can't achieve...  moms can raise excellent children!

Point = dads Make a Difference!!

Conversion stats:
when a child is the first to convert, family will convert 4% of the time
when mom is first, 17% of the time.
when dad is first, 93% of the time.

Church attendance as adults

If only mom attends church, 30% of children will attend as adults
If only dad attends church, 70% will attend as adults

This is not to say moms are less important!!
The point = dads Make a Difference!!!  Which adds gravity (weight) to 1 Tim. 5:8

So --- Paul ..... "Rise Up" - 1 Cor. 16:13

Call = "rise up and become what are created to be, called to be.  - If have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, there is a great call on your life.

Yet ..... we often mostly fail..... why????

(1)  Sin and selfishness
an obvious and universal condition  - Rom. 3:23
NOT due to 'male-ness' but to 'Human-ness'

(2)  fear of God's calling - what might He ask of me?  to give up?  take up?  "I'll lose control" -
(this is true of all people, but especially grown men!!)

(3)  uncertainty - ie   what exactly to do?  how?  because sometimes = unclear!  confusing! 
Especially if didn't have a role model to look up to growing up

(4)  despair - "tried and tried and failed repeatedly"  so why bother?  (unspoken defeatism)

Question:  Is this every man's battle?  - don't know, maybe
BUT for sure = every Christian man's battle!! - every Christian man wants to do better!!

So.... illustrations and some help from Bible Story - Jacob - 2nd. born of twins
Gen:  32:22-31

On one hand, the story = mysterious
However, clearly Jacob ... (1)  wrestles with God
                                        (2)  wrestles with himself

Focus  Gen. 32:27 - "what's your name?  declare your name!!!"  - forcing Jacob to confess what he's like.

The significance  declaring/ confessing Name = declaration, an admission of:
(1)  Character - Jacob meant supplanter, trickster, manipulator, a dishonorable man!!

(2)  failure = on one hand = he had financial success
                   however, had relational failure w/father, w/brother, with 1st. wife, w/father-in-law, with God!

(3)  predicament - fleeing father-in-law, facing brother's wrath, had NO home, has BAD name - all own doing!!

(4)  inability to fix any of this!! - no way he can make this right
 He = morally and relationally inadequate!!

(5)   need (of divine assistance) - He admits to his need
Jacob has spent 30 years climbing the ladder of success only to realize he's been sliding down in what really matters!! Because he needed God, therefore, "won't let go until you Bless Me!!"

Result = turning point!!!  Jacob => Israel  

This is NOT immediate, complete transformation, BUT it = the 1st. VITAL STEP in the Process!!

Lessons/Application here = Very Simple!!

(1)  declaring your name is the 1st. step in 'Rising Up'
because we don't fix what ain't broke.  This doesn't mean are broken and failing in Every WAY!!
rather = broken and failing in most important areas!!

(2)  declaring your name is merely admitting and confessing
to... (A)  your flaws (faults/conduct)   Question:  Why is this so hard?
(B)  Your inability to fix this   ("I've tried and I've tried")   therefore,
(C)  Your need of Divine Assistance

(3)  declaring your name is designed to raise you UP, not press you down!!
Points = see the truth, seek God, correct behavior and therefore, RISE!!

(4)  declaring your name is only the 1st step.   Is important step, vital step, (example:  salvation/sanctification)
but is NOT the cure = the beginnings of the cure!

(5)  declaring your name is not a 1 time event - examples:  1 Tim. 1:15, Phil. 3:12-15
example:  Abraham still being tested at 115 years of age
This can be discouraging , ... Phil. 1:6 - goes on lifelong, but He will keep on with you
Gen. 32:31 - Jacob didn't look blessed but he WAS!! and he Knew it!!

You (like Jacob) will never reach perfection (in this life) but CAN (like Jacob Rise up and Move toward what God created you to be/ calls you to be, AND what wife, kids, family, church, community, NEED you to be!!

Is never too late to Start
Never too late to Re-Start!!! - Can teach an old dog new tricks!!

Closing Scripture:

1 Cor. 16:13

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Day Camp - 2023

A few comments from pastor after Day Camp.

 Not just VBS - VBS on steroids!!

Question:  Is it worth the time?  effort?  expense?
Answer:  how to measure?  Can't measure spiritual impact.

On one hand, should do all we can to measure and assess
However, spiritual impact is often beyond our measure!!

Illustration:  Matt. 28:18-20 - Great Commission

Our part = "go and do" - (preach, teach, disciple, equip)
His part = convict, convert, grow
We are not responsible for people to get saved.  That is up to God.  He could do this on His own, but mostly God chooses to work through us.

Phil. 2:12-13   Col. 1:28-29
James 2:17-18    Faith without works is dead.

One more step...... We are to do ... OUR BEST!!
Mal. 1  - Israel is chastised for 'blemished offerings'

Problem not that the offering was less than perfect.
Problem = offering was less than they were capable of bringing!!
In other words, "YHWH is worthy of LEFTOVERS"
contrast Jesus "IF I be lifted up..... THEN....'    God is calling us to quality as well as quantity.

So.... I want to (1)  thank you - job well done, effort, sacrifice, performance

                       (2)  Encourage you ... to continue with that   (referring to more than Day Camp) 

                       (3)  Challenge you.... next year can be BETTER!!

When you are Actively Involved in Great Ministry....

#1.  People will be blessed -  (find God and His favor)

#2.  You'll be blessed!!  (a win/win situation)

1 Cor. 15:58


Monday, June 5, 2023

The Perfect Family

The Perfect Family - Steps we can take to achieve.

Step 1 - Have children  (follows marriage - not precedes)

Gen. 1:28 - "be fruitful and multiply"
Psm. 127:3-5 - should view children as valuable, a blessing from God, the image of God to glorify Him.

Proverbs tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge (chap. 1) and the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (chap. 9)

Example:  a college friend got the idea that to preserve the earth, we need to do away with ourselves in order to preserve the earth. But, the earth was created for us.  We should take care of it, but to think that we need to do away with ourselves and our children so that the earth can survive is not a Christian idea.

Children are the future, and the enemy understands that.  He wants your children.  Just watch commercials on TV and you tube videos if aren't sure of that.  

Step 2 - Pray for Those Children

It works.  James 5:16 - prayer of a righteous man has much power as it's working.
Pray often.  1 Thess. 5:17 - Pray without ceasing.
Example:  Grandma Hazel's funeral - lived to 103 - entire family in attendance all Christians.  She prayed constantly for her family.

Step 3 - Love & Encourage Those Children
Col. 3:21 - Kids don't need any help being discouraged.  The get beat down plenty at school, by their "friends".  We should do our best to encourage them - put courage into them.  They need to be built up at home, encouraged.  Pray they'll be strong and courageous, be confident. 
Sometimes they do need to be brought down a few notches or really put back on the right track.  Leads to step 4.

Step 4 - Discipline Those Children
If you don't, you literally hate your sons and daughters.  Prov. 13:24
You are setting your children up for a life of pain and hurt and disappointment if you don't set boundaries for them and enforce them.  Teach them right from wrong.  Teach them what God requires of them.
Prov. 29:15 - Discipline your children out of love, as God does with us.  

Step 5 - Train Those Children
Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.
Eph. 6:4  Other translations:  exasperate - training and instruction
                                            provoke - nurture and admonition
We are to be correcting their behavior, of course, but we are also seeking to guide them and shape their minds, their understanding, their heart.   Don't just make them do the right thing.  Make them understand why it's the right thing. 

Train CONSTANTLY, and consistently!  Example:  boxers, fighters, soldiers.  they train so they will be ready when the real fight comes.  Are to be preparing children for a world that is trying to tear them down.
Is not something to be taken lightly, or take a break from.
Deut. 6:4-7
Always put it before them!  Always, always, always, be teaching and training and coaching and admonishing.  ALWAYS!!

Grandparents, you can get in on this as well and you should get in on this.  2 Tim.1:5
Example:  come over to Grandma's house for cookies and candy, and then when they put their guard down, you can hit them with a Sunday school lesson, too.
Never underestimate the power of Godly, praying grandparents.  Grandparents are dealing blows to the kingdom of darkness.  If Satan had a post office, there'd be a lot of grandmas and grandpas with worn out Bibles and coffee stained prayer lists on the most wanted wall.

But ---- this is a 2 way street.  Children, teens.  You are next. There are some things that God requires of you in this family deal. 
What can you do to be part of an amazing God-honoring family?


Step 1:  Heed your parents' instruction
Your obedience to your parents is an act of obedience to God.  In so doing you will also please your parents.  They will feel loved.
John 14:15 - If you love your parents, you will demonstrate that by your obedience to them.
Eph. 6:1-3
Believe it or not, your parents have some wisdom that they have learned through life experience. You can save yourself a lot of pain and heartache if you would listen to them and put these things into practice.
Also, when you honor them, it comes with a perk "that you may live long in the land" ... and the inverse of that is ... also probably true. 

If you have parents who have set rules for you and discipline you and take an interest in your life and your well-being, you are blessed!!  There are plenty of kids in the world who would love to have parents like that.  I've never known a mature adult worth their salt that looks back on their life and says, "man, I wish my parents would've let me get away with more" and "I wished I would've lived a little bit wilder when I was younger".  Be grateful for, and obey your parents.   Prov. 13:5

Step #2 - Honor your father and mother
This is still true for grown children with older or elderly parents.  We still need to honor them when we are grown.  Today, we are focusing more on children still at home.

So, how can you honor your father and mother?
      Attitude - how about - don't roll your eyes?
                             say   "Yes sir" and Yes ma'am"
                                     don't talk about how terrible they are to your friends - God sees and hears everything
                                     spend time with them
                                     have grace with them - even when they're weird
We are a unit, a team, working together for God's glory.  Let's make the team better.  Work together to glorify God as a family.


Spend tech-free time together
Talk together
Pray together
Worship together
Work together - on a home project, etc.
Have fun together
Have grace for each other