Sunday, April 28, 2024

Paul in Troas: The Comfort of the Resurrection

 Acts 20:1-6
Paul headed back to Jerusalem, is collecting offering for believers there. 
    (Ref:  1 Cor. 16:1-4, 2 Cor. 8:1-9:15, Rom. 15:25-28)
Representatives from churches accompanying Paul - 2 Cor. 8:23 - 3 from Macedonia, 2 from Galatia, 2 from Asia.  Forms a beautiful picture of the unity we should have in Christ.

Stopped at Troas which is in modern day Turkey, port city to the Aegean Sea, near ancient Troy (was here on his 2nd journey, received the Macedonian call here) 

Were in Troas a whole week. 
Acts 20:7 - first day of the week - partake in Lord's Supper and preaching. 
(churches in Galatia and Corinth also assembled on the first day of the week - Lord's Day.  Resurrection day.)
Were meeting in the home of Carpus (2 Tim. 413).  Most churches started in a home. 
Preached til midnight.  Paul giving the listeners all he could before leaving.  Probably not to see them again.

Acts 20:7-9 - Paul feels the weight of what he wants to tell them.  - long preaching.  Talked on and on.

Young man?  prob. 7-14 yrs. old

Acts 20:9 - young man = dead.  Luke was a physician.  He KNEW he was dead.  Different from Paul (Acts 14:9 - "supposing him to be dead".

Acts 20:10 - like Elijah and Elisha body.  Life was restored.  Appropriate place to conclude, but, Paul leaving, not to see them again, so continued preaching till early morning.

Acts 20:12 - "Greatly comforted" - of course!!!  

WHY does God raise people from the dead?  HE IS powerful.  However, is still pretty rare.  Up until this point - instances of people being raised from the dead:
1 Kings 17, 2 Kings 4 - Elijah and Elisha - confirmed the prophet and message
2 Kings 13 - man thrown into Elisha's grave
Jesus healing synagogue ruler's daughter, widow's son, Lazarus - Mark 5, Luke 7, John 11 - showed power, authority, approval of message, faith of family members
Acts 9 - Peter raised Dorcas.
AND - the word of the Lord spread.

Then right here - Acts. 20:12 - family and friends were greatly comforted.  How many times when someone we love dies, do we pray and plead and at times bargain with God to bring them back. 
But, heaven is real, there is an age of accountability, and this is biblical.  Rom. 1:18-21 - what may be known about God is made plain to mankind.

All who have lost believing loved ones can take comfort in this. 
Matt. 18:2-4, Matt.  19:13-14, 2 Sam. 12:19-23 

Same word used in 1 Thess. 4:13-18 - encourage, comfort

2 Cor. 5:8 - prefer to be "away from the body and present with the Lord"
Phil. 1:21-23  "depart and be with the Lord"

Believers in Christ never truly say goodby.  How can we keep that to ourselves.  We should be compelled by our love of God to share this.

Closing Scripture:  1 Thess. 5:9-11

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