Sunday, April 28, 2024

Paul in Troas: The Comfort of the Resurrection

 Acts 20:1-6
Paul headed back to Jerusalem, is collecting offering for believers there. 
    (Ref:  1 Cor. 16:1-4, 2 Cor. 8:1-9:15, Rom. 15:25-28)
Representatives from churches accompanying Paul - 2 Cor. 8:23 - 3 from Macedonia, 2 from Galatia, 2 from Asia.  Forms a beautiful picture of the unity we should have in Christ.

Stopped at Troas which is in modern day Turkey, port city to the Aegean Sea, near ancient Troy (was here on his 2nd journey, received the Macedonian call here) 

Were in Troas a whole week. 
Acts 20:7 - first day of the week - partake in Lord's Supper and preaching. 
(churches in Galatia and Corinth also assembled on the first day of the week - Lord's Day.  Resurrection day.)
Were meeting in the home of Carpus (2 Tim. 413).  Most churches started in a home. 
Preached til midnight.  Paul giving the listeners all he could before leaving.  Probably not to see them again.

Acts 20:7-9 - Paul feels the weight of what he wants to tell them.  - long preaching.  Talked on and on.

Young man?  prob. 7-14 yrs. old

Acts 20:9 - young man = dead.  Luke was a physician.  He KNEW he was dead.  Different from Paul (Acts 14:9 - "supposing him to be dead".

Acts 20:10 - like Elijah and Elisha body.  Life was restored.  Appropriate place to conclude, but, Paul leaving, not to see them again, so continued preaching till early morning.

Acts 20:12 - "Greatly comforted" - of course!!!  

WHY does God raise people from the dead?  HE IS powerful.  However, is still pretty rare.  Up until this point - instances of people being raised from the dead:
1 Kings 17, 2 Kings 4 - Elijah and Elisha - confirmed the prophet and message
2 Kings 13 - man thrown into Elisha's grave
Jesus healing synagogue ruler's daughter, widow's son, Lazarus - Mark 5, Luke 7, John 11 - showed power, authority, approval of message, faith of family members
Acts 9 - Peter raised Dorcas.
AND - the word of the Lord spread.

Then right here - Acts. 20:12 - family and friends were greatly comforted.  How many times when someone we love dies, do we pray and plead and at times bargain with God to bring them back. 
But, heaven is real, there is an age of accountability, and this is biblical.  Rom. 1:18-21 - what may be known about God is made plain to mankind.

All who have lost believing loved ones can take comfort in this. 
Matt. 18:2-4, Matt.  19:13-14, 2 Sam. 12:19-23 

Same word used in 1 Thess. 4:13-18 - encourage, comfort

2 Cor. 5:8 - prefer to be "away from the body and present with the Lord"
Phil. 1:21-23  "depart and be with the Lord"

Believers in Christ never truly say goodby.  How can we keep that to ourselves.  We should be compelled by our love of God to share this.

Closing Scripture:  1 Thess. 5:9-11

Monday, April 22, 2024

What was God up to in Ephesus?

Great works happening in Ephesus:

1)  Apollos preached there - got his start
2)  Paul taught there in the synagogues
3)  Paul went back to Jerusalem, then to his home church of Antioch, and then hurried back to Ephesus
4)  Paul wrote the church a letter known as Ephesians
5)  Jesus wrote them a letter in Revelation
6)  Paul spoke boldly in the synagogue here for 3 months
7)  Paul was pushed out and for two years so spoke in the Hall of Tyranus.
8)  God did extraordinary miracles through the hands of Paul.
9)  Believers came, confessed their sins, especially magic arts
10)   Had a camp experience - burned their Dark arts materials.
11)  Paul was there 3 years.  Timothy would Pastor there

Acts 19:20 - The word of the Lord continued to increase and prevail mightily.  God was up to something special in Ephesus. 
Ephesus was the capital of the Roman Province in Asia.  Had the giant Temple of Artemis or Diana (one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world) - people came from all over to see the temple, worship at the temple.  The whole known world had people who came to Ephesus.

Acts 19:21-22 - Paul = very strategic guy.  Made plans to visit some very strategic cities.  Sends his two helpers on, but stays back in Ephesus.  Why?  Probably because the Artemesian Games (little Olympics, partying, tourism, big crowds) fixing to start.  Took place every spring - people came from all over world.
Great opportunity for the merchants in the city to make money.
Provincial Officials were all there.  Most events centered around the worship of the goddess Diana.

Acts 19:23 -  The word of God was bad for seedy business.
                     Motivated by greed.
                     Do YOU love money or ______ more than God?
This was bad for business because Paul was teaching that there was no other God except the true God and the idols they were making and selling were good for nothing.
They knew with all the people coming, this is how they would make their money.

Paul was turning their hearts away from idolatry to the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob.

Obviously, Demetrius saw God's power displayed thru the miracles Paul worked, heard the preaching, saw people turn and change their lives, yet he didn't submit to God.
Matt. 6:24    Matt. 6:19-21 - Where our treasure is, there our heart will be.

Demetrius - money was his god.  Not all that concerned about the worship of Artemis.
Judas sold Christ for 30 pieces of silver
Are stories of tavern owners and brothel owners in the old west who would run preachers out of town and burn church buildings - because money was their god and gospel had hurt their businesses so much.

Acts 19:18-19 - in Ephesus, people were coming to Christ and REALLY repenting.  They couldn't support their bad practices anymore.  They told the truth.

Where is our treasure?  Where is YOUR treasure?   Often times it is NOT God.

Why does this type of stuff NOT happen now?  Happened in Ephesus because people were coming to Christ and really Repented.   They looked different than the world around them.

Question:  Does your life look different than an unbeliever?  Can't expect an unbeliever to act like a Christian?  They are unbelievers.  But, there is a problem when we Christians act like unbelievers.
So many look, act, speak, think, spend and talk like pagans (unbelievers).  Hard to distinguish from the non-believers)
Problem in America is that we try to preach the gospel without preaching repentance.

You can't separate repentance (turning away from) from the Gospel.

Are there things in our life that need to go?  everything that hinders and sin entangles.  If that stuff is your god, then Jesus is not.  If Jesus is not your Lord, than He's not your Savior.  If He's not your Savior, then He's nothing.

Christians should be different.

Jesus calls us to come and die. To take up our cross and follow Him.  Turn from our sins and follow Him.  It's sad that we've come to a place in America that we think the way we're going to win people to Jesus is by convincing them that they don't have to change.  We're just like them.  WE SHOULD BE DIFFERENT.
Heb. 12:1-2  

Sin is slowing us down, clouding our vision, killing our witness.
The problem isn't that we're not cool enough.  Church stopped being the church!
The problem is we've watered down the truth and are bogged down in our sin!

Why would the world want anything to do with us, if we are exactly like them!  They don't see any need to change if we act the exact same way.

This was not the case for the Ephesian believers.  Not the case with Paul.

Acts 19:28-32 - theater - held between 20 and 30 thousand people.  Most didn't know why they were there.  Filled with good intentions but empty heads. 
    Mobs then did not have cars, spray paint, buildings to set on fire, just slogans to shout.
Message to us all - don't let your emotions rule.  Think clearly.  Think like a believer.

Notice the courage of Paul.  That was some serious courage.  God gave Paul a special courage
How could he have that?  Been a few years since he was beaten, drug out and stoned, etc.

  Paul wrote "to live is Christ and to die is gain."  Phil. 2:1 
   to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.  2 Cor. 5:8,
   2 Tim. 1:7 - God did not give us a spirit of fear.
Paul really believed this!

Do your lack courage

Courage comes when eternity is settled and we're walking faithfully with the Lord.  Then God has a way of giving us boldness.

Be ready when you are called. 

 Ask God for courage. 
Acts 19:33-34 - shouted over and over.
Spend some time and ask God for that courage.

Acts 19:35-41 - mayor gets them calmed down.  Were a free city in Roman Empire.  Didn't want to lose that status.  

God continued to do stuff through the Ephesian Christians.

Rev. 2:1-4 - Jesus' letter to Ephesus.  Commends them for having being Biblically sound church.  BUT, vs 4 - I have this against you.  Lost your first love.  

Serious warning to all of us:  can get to the point where we have the head knowledge, know the truth, stick to the truth, and that's good.  BUT start just going through the motions, hearts not right, have grown cold.  Jesus says return to your first love.

Greatest commandment = "love the Lord your God with all your heart, and mind, and strength...".  Somewhere along the line they lost that first love.
Let that never be said of us, our church.  We are all in danger of that if we do not give God the time that He desires.  If we try to live this life, do the ministry, walk the walk on our own power, our own will, our own might.  Very difficult to do God's work without spending time WITH GOD!!!

Really hard to tell people about Jesus when you haven't spent any time talking with Him.

Really hard to get up in front of people and share a gospel message when haven't spent any time saturated in His Word and in prayer.

Don't let this be you.  don't let this be us.  Don't let God say of this church, you have lost your first love, and I will remove the lamp stand from you.

Exercise:  self-evaluation - if Jesus were to look at your life, what would he say was right, wrong. 

Do you lack love?  Are we really being all that God called us to be?  God is not done with the Ephesians.

Closing Scripture:  Eph. 2:1-10


Monday, April 15, 2024

Paul at Ephesus

 Ephesus = port city, major commercial trade center, AND has temple of Artemis (4 time the size of the Parthenon in Athens) - one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world

Paul's 1st visit - Acts 18:19-21 - well received, asked to stay!  Only there a short time.
But .... left to check on other churches, then to Jerusalem, and on to Antioch (his home church)

Paul's Return to Ephesus - Acts. 19:1, 8-10
Again = well received ..... BUT within 3 months..
   (1)  some grew obstinate (stubborn, hardened)
  (2)  some refused to believe  (a choice in spite of the evidence)
  (3)  some publicly maligned The Way  (spoke openly against Christianity, tried to verbally discredit the message, Christ Himself)

NOTE:  gradual decline!!  Compare to Rom. 1:21 - followed by 3 statements of
"gave them up to/ over to"..... "reprobate, depraved mind" = 3rd. and final stage

POINTRefusing to accept, receive what God had revealed to you leads to HARDENING (callousness)

APPLICATION:    You may NOT be in danger of hardening to the point of Condemnation
Any/ALL refusal of God's revelation/Holy Spirit prompting leads to Some Hardening  (which = insensitivity)

Light received ..... increases light.
Light refused ......increases darkness

So... Paul left the synagogue for a lecture hall....
Note:  (1)  he took many with him
          (2)  (obviously) gathered many more
         (3)  lectured, discussed DAILY .... for 2 years!!!

Acts 19:10 - "word spread throughout the province"
Not all went to the lecture hall, however everyone heard....  likely the disciples/students took the gospel HOME with them.
This area includes the 7 churches spoken of in Rev. 2 and 3

NOTE:  on one hand, Paul encountered much opposition
             however, Paul experienced great success!!
Had highs and lows, ups and downs.
POINT:  that's how Christian life and ministry works!!!  is always going to be some opposition, but also successes.

So... Christian shouldn't be 'doomsday pessimist' - Matt. 16:18 - the church will rise and survive!
However, Christian shouldn't be a 'foolish optimist' - 2 Tim. 3:12
(between) should be a REALIST
BUT ... a Realist with a Biblical HOPE - Isa. 55:10-11

John 5:17 - "my Father is always at work...."
Acts 19:11-12 - "extraordinary miracles" - example:  Paul's sweat rag, apron healing people
compare:  Jesus' robe  (Luke 8:44)  Peter's shadow  (Acts 5:15)

Question:  Why such miracles?
Maybe because Ephesus was home to so much DARK MAGIC  (Voodoo)
Evil forces working in a big way here.   ( Hence, Holy Spirit activity to counter and verify the Gospel.)

Note again:  Acts 19:11 - GOD did miracles ... THROUGH Paul.  ie:  Paul - instrument, tool.... in hands of the Master Craftsman.
Question:  Is it any different for you and me?
TOOL need only be .... AVAILABLE and WILLING  

One Example of "unusual events at Ephesus.... - Acts 19:13-16

Note here:  (1)  The demon KNEW Jesus
                  (2)  The demon KNEW "about" Paul! - ie:  his reputation preceded him INTO spiritual (demonic) realms!
                 (3)  the demon Knew something about the Sons of Sceva - ie:  they had no real connection with Jesus, no authority!!

Question:  does your reputation precede you in the spiritual realm?
IF SO.... are you considered ... A THREAT?  or AN INSIGNIFICANT PLAYER?   ie:  bench sitter

Acts 19:17-20 - Result of ALL these things.....
    (1)  The WORD spread ... text/ the stories/ = WORD of GOD!

    (2)  people "seized with fear"... = ?  suddenly recognized you don't toy with the name of Jesus

    (3)  Name of Jesus held in high honor!!!  even by NON-Believers!

   (4)  there was EVIDENCE of REPENTANCE
ie:  believed - confessed - acted on that confession!!! (burned scrolls - estimated million $$ worth)

Acts 19:20 "in this way... word spread and grew in power"

(1)  Paul's preaching/teaching
(2)  Disciples doing likewise - carrying it to cities in surrounding area
(3)  extra-ordinary miracles

So...... in Absence of "extraordinary miracles... what are we to do?
(1)  teach/preach/proclaim/spread the Good news
(2)  Encourage our disciples to do likewise
(3)  trust the Lord to work according to His will and wisdom    
(4)  respond to promptings of the Holy Spirit IN YOUR OWN LIFE  (ie: be WILLING - be AVAILABLE)


Closing Scripture:  1 Cor. 15:58     

Monday, April 8, 2024

Ephesus, Apollos, and Knowing Jesus More

 Recap:  Paul has been in Corinth - city of great vice.  Had 1 1/2 years of encouragement, success, no beatings devoted himself to the ministry, and made new friends - Priscilla and Aquila.

Now, is called to leave Corinth, but brings Priscilla and Aquila with him.

Acts 18:18 - Paul stops to get his hair cut - probably Nazarite vow - ex. Samson, John the Baptist -
                    probably to say 'thanks' for the refreshing time at Corinth
                    Jewish custom to then go to temple in Jerusalem and present hair as thank offering

Point #1:  Remember to thank God
                2 Thess. 5:18 - Give thanks in all circumstances
                Phil. 4:6 - do not be anxious about anything
               Acts 18:19-21 - reasoned with the Jews.  Will return if is God's will

Point #2:  Remember God is in control
               James 4:13-16
               Acts 18:22 - went up to Jerusalem, then back down to Antioch (Paul's home-sending church)
               Acts 18:23- no doubt gave report of his journey.  Then went on 3rd. Missionary journey.  Begins retracing 2nd. journey's stops, but breaks it off and goes straight to Ephesus
              Acts 18:24-25 - meets Apollos

Apollos = gifted speaker, intelligent (from Alexandria, has library, Septuagint written), is mighty in the scriptures, passionate
Although he was very intelligent, he lacked some very important information.
However, he was very accurate with what he had. - 'the Messiah was coming, need to repent, maybe even knew Jesus was the Messiah, but he did not know of the death,burial, resurrection, ascension before now.

Acts 18:26-28

Point #3.  Don't discourage (or ignore) young believers. 1 Tim. 5:1
              Note:  kindness of Priscilla and Aquila - (didn't correct him in public)
              Note:  humility of Apollos - like the Bereans, like John the Baptist
              Note:  Unity of the brothers, sent letters to disciples in Achaia.  Was a great help to all believers.
             Note:  a great outreach to the Jews

Point #4:  Be Open to Instruction - like Apollos
                Prov. 12:1
                Prov. 11:2

Point #5:  Be an Ambassador of Jesus - 1 Pet. 3:5
                2 Tim. 2:24-26
                Luke 10 - Jewish lawyer - who is my neighbor?  Good Samaritan
You never know what God might have in store for us.  Be an ambassador for Jesus Christ.              

 Acts 19:1-7 - These men perhaps converts of Apollos, were pre-Paul, possibly knew John the Baptist, but left before Christ's death, burial, resurrection, and ascension
Paul doesn't mock, but teaches them.  They believe.  They were baptized
                Rom. 10:9 - "if you confess ... will be saved."
                Rom. 8:9 - more theological in nature.
Acts is descriptive of a special transitional time.  - Descriptive, not prescriptive.  Is not a second filling or gift.

Closing Scripture:  2 Cor. 5:14-17


Monday, April 1, 2024

Easter Sunday: The Resurrection - Why It Matters

 I.  Why is the resurrection so important? 

     A.  The Resurrection Confirms Jesus' message - If Jesus hadn't raised from the dead, He would have been a liar.  Matt. 17:22-23, Mark 8:3, Luke 9:22
This confirms the message of God through scripture. 
Deut. 18:20-22 - false prophecy = false prophet.  Bearing false witness would have blemished sacrifice.
Jesus quoted or drew from all the Old Testament collections (history, law, poetry, and prophets).  The resurrection proves His words are reliable.
Jesus put His stamp of approval on scripture - adds to and gives weight to all the scripture.

    B.  The Resurrection confirms Jesus' authority - Rom. 1:4 - Son of God
          Rom. 6:8-10, Acts 2:24 - proves His authority over death - Matt. 28:18-20 - has authority over death - HE IS ALIVE!!!!

   C.  The Resurrection makes justification possible - Rom. 4:25 - Justification - to be declared righteous, acquitted
Who all is justified?  Rom. 4:18-24 -   
 Rom. 10:9-10 - resurection is essential for salvation.   What we believer about Jesus matters!!

    D.  The Resurrection gives believers a living hope!   1 Pet. 1:3-5 - hope = confident optimism.
         1 Thess. 4:13-14, 2 Cor. 5:8 - absent from the body, present with the Lord

II.)  What should we believe in the resurrection?
The Bible says so.  However, other things to consider:
      All 4 gospel accounts mention women as the first witnesses of the resurrection.  In this culture, women were considered of no account when it came to testimony.  If this wasn't absolutely true, it would never have been mentioned.
     Non-biblical historical accounts written by:  Josephus, Tacitus, Pliny the Younger.  There were people who were absolutely convinced of the truth of this.
    Eyewitnesses - the 4 gospels are supplemented with multiple letters and countless verbal agreement  - 1 Cor. 15:3-11.  The movement grew WHERE it happened (in Jerusalem)
    No body.  Many theories - swoon theory, wrong tomb?  They had just been there 2 days before.  Now the guards, women, Joseph of Arimathea - all forgot where the tomb was.  Not likely.  However, to disprove, still need to produce the body. 
The most famous theory perpetrated between the chief priests, Jewish elders, and Roman guard = Disciples stole the body.  Matt. 28 - while guards were sleeping??  Galilean boys vs. Roman soldiers???  Unwrapped and folded the linens He was wrapped in??? Hid the body successfully??? 
Supposed all that happened??

The Apostles were ALL willing to go to their deaths rather than recant their story.  Many of them suffered cruel and horrible deaths.  

III.)  How should we live in light of the Resurrection?
    Acts 17:30-31 - He's risen and coming again to judge the living ad the dead.  ARE YOU READY??? 
    John 11:25-26 - Will you believe like Martha?  

2 Cor. 5:17-21 - Go be His ambassador.  Go be a witness!!!