Sunday, June 3, 2018

Family Series: Laying a Proper Foundation for Children

Being are in Family Series and this week we start Day Camp = focus is on Kids!

Observations on:
1)  Age of accepting Christ - stats refer to a "4 -14 window" - acceptance of Christ at about 68%

2)  Moral and Spiritual development - coming to a stance of what's right and wrong.  Moral foundation set by the age of 9.  This foundation starts forming as early as age 2.  Is way easier to form foundation from the start then to have to re-form it later.

3)  Reverse child evangelism  - Kids bringing parents to Christ
On one hand, kids responding to the gospel.
On the other hand, kids carrying the gospel!

4)  Primary influences  - peers?  society?  media?  - at age 4?  at age 6?
IF the primary caregivers are not the primary influences then something is seriously wrong with the relationship!!!

The last two weeks = "foundations of r marriage" - building on Christ, building on love and Respect

TODAY:  Laying a Proper Foundation for Children  - Prov. 22:6
On one hand, kids lead to teens lead to adults -- make own decisions/choices
However, IF a proper foundation is laid, IF the blueprints are made available?   Chances are much greater that they will build on Christian principles, precepts.

#1.  Develop your own Biblical Worldview - because, you can't pass on what you don't possess
2 Tim.2:1-2

#2.  Teach the faith - (1) the content of the faith, (2) the story of the faith, (3)  the story of their faith.

#3.  Model the faith  - "60% of learning that affects behavior is based on WATCHING someone we know and trust" - 1 Cor. 4:16-17 - "Timothy knows what I teach and how I live"

#4.  Start Early - building vs remodeling

#5.  Focus on Character (NOT achievement!) 
Because - if they have character, ... achievement will follow!!  100% of Revolutionary parents agreed with this!
They will achieve, move ahead.  God's primary concern is your character, not your vocation.

#6. Be intentional - more apt to hit what you aim for!!
(a)  what are you shooting for?  (b)  is it Biblical?  God's desire?
#7.  Don't push - on one hand, seek to be influential/persuasive.  Is a delicate balance!!  However, they must choose!!

#8.  Insist on servant hood  - shows kid that he/she is NOT center of the Universe!
(which means ..... you gotta serve, too!! - serve other people

#9.  Pray  - Make A Difference in the child - James 5:16.
                  Make a Difference in you!!!  if want to be a better parent, a better partner,  must be a better person.   Would change your mightily.

#10.  Don't give us  - example:  the baptism of the Georges - Father's Day - 2001 - because, you never know!!!

#1.  your children (grand children, etc)
#2.  Our children!  Those God has granted to OBC - opportunity to influence, persuade.   ie:  Sunday School, AWANA, Bible Time, Day Camp!!!

So.....  #1)  GO and DO!!  (family)

           #2)  Come and help!  (Day Camp)

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