Sunday, May 20, 2018

Family Series - Christian Marriage 101

BASIC Christian marital instruction - Eph. 5

Word "BASIC" = forming the base, the starting point, the foundation.
Example:  the concrete and steel that under girds and supports the (visible) structure.

On one hand - the foundation is NOT the whole house!!
BUT - it is that on which the whole house stands!!

So - Basics - Eph. 5:21-33 - these truths will work for any couple.  However, will work better if the couple is Christian.

I)  Husbands - love your wife as Christ loves the church.
The word "Agape" = to value, treasure, cherish
to treat as the Chosen One, THE Special One.
Means provide more than physical needs = intimate, feminine needs - which are God given and legitimate

This (Agape) love is:
(1) Chosen = a decision to love her...
         (a) according to God's instruction
         (b) according to her needs - not yours!
(2) Intentional .. which = (a) on purpose
                                      (b) with a  purpose which = to edify, buildup!!

(3)  Active - ie:  more than attitude or feeling
                   - (a) shown, manifest, and (b) shown IN PINK!!  (her way)  Rom. 5:8

(4)  Sacrificial ... you give up to build up
(5)  Beneficial - ie:  to you!!  ie.  build up your wife... to your advantage!!
"happy wife, happy life"
(6) Possible - else it wouldn't be commanded.   (note:  not perfectly possible because are dealing with 2 flawed people!!)
(7)  Primary = the concrete and steel that under-girds!!

II)   Wives - Respect your husband  
honor, admire, look up to
Show confidence in his abilities, judgments, intentions (toward you)
to treat him as if he were competent, capable, trustworthy

This Respect is:
(1)  Chosen = a decision to honor him.
                 (a) according to God's instruction
                (b)  according to his needs
(2)  Intentional which = (a) on purpose
                                   (b) with a purpose - which = edify!!  - Prov. 14:1
(Side note - Gen. 2:18 - "helper" used in the Scripture for God, Holy Spirit, and Eve  - does that speak to your role?  influence?  importance?)

(3)  Active - ie:  it's (a) shown, displayed, manifest   (b) in BLUE!! - his way.

(4)  Sacrificial - because often difficult to show!

(5)  Beneficial - ie:  for you!!  Build up him = benefit you!!
(6)  Possible - else wouldn't be commanded
(7)  Primary = the concrete and steel that under girds.

Next week - the foundation beneath the foundation - ie:  Christ

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