Monday, June 24, 2013

The Need for Blessing

Mark 10:13-16

Last week - Father's Day - discussed fatherless homes - problems?  lack of discipline?  direction?  lack of a masculine model?  The greatest social problem today is Fatherless homes.

The general answer for the resulting issues is:  children "missed their blessing"

Definition of Blessing:  1) to pray down God's divine favor (prophet, rabbi, patriarch) so that would result in
                                  2) to cause to prosper:  to promote wellness or well-being: may be physical, psychological, spiritual, relational, etc.

People desire (and need!!) to know that they are loved (lovable), valued (valuable) significant (special/matter).
To communicate this constitutes "Blessing"
(on one hand it's hard to define.  on the other hand, all know when they experience it)
When people miss a blessing, it makes a difference in their life.

1)  All people long for blessing.
(innate, inherent - known long before can define it)

2)  Blessing is especially important in Formative years.

3)  Blessing (or lack thereof) carries into adulthood.  According to stats:  when person receives blessing, results in their being more mentally, emotionally, relationally, socially stable!!

4)  Most effective time for blessing is childhood.  Called "formative years" because that's when feelings, attitudes, world view, etc. is being formed.
BUT this is NOT the only time!!!

5)  Most effective arena for blessing is home/family
BUT this is NOT the only arena!!!

6)  It is within your power to bless - not only for Rabbi, etc.

Some are gifted with the gift of blessings, but even if not, doesn't take away the responsibility to do it.

So...... A FEW simple but effective ways to Bless.

#1.  the most powerful, most effective - With Words.  Prov. 18:21 (a) - ---> Matt. 12:36
ie:  words of Praise, Encouragement ... "to speak well of"
Note:  this does not negate need of discipline/correction...  ( Heb. 12:11 )
Summary verse:  Eph. 4:29

#2.  With appropriate touch - (touch conveys a lot!!)
Mark 10:13  Mark 1:40-42
*touch works both ways -- ie. bless/curse

#3.  With apology (more than apologetic words -- but heart!!)
importance??  Matt.  5:23-24
(Kids need this from adults!!!)

#4.  With forgiveness (even blessed by forgiveness??  Eph. 4:32 )
Forgiveness = A.  release from guilt/debt - (and the burden thereof)
                      B.  removal of barrier between parties

#5.  With an Education in God's Word
(contrast exposure to His Word) - ie.  TAKE to Sunday School, AWANA, Day Camp - vs. living and educating by actions in daily life.
NOTE:  temporal blessings are of some value!!!  but not magic.
             eternal blessings are of great value!!!  

1)  No all will recognize your blessing.  Compare to God's Salvation - available to all but not all will accept.  Our responsibility is to OFFER - Prov. 3:27

2)  Remember - when you bless, God blesses through you!!!

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