Monday, September 27, 2010

Called To Go

Matt. 28:16-20 - The Great Commission - traditionally applied to all Christians. All are to be about "going and making disciples".

Definition of "go make disciples":
A. leave home, travel forth - examples: the apostles, missionaries, etc.
B. stay home and make disciples as you go about your life and business
Mark 5:18-20
Rom. 16:3-16

"Make disciples" means an attempt to win (convert), develop, and send forth others. 2 Tim. 2:1-2
This is not simply evangelism.

Why go?? Why "make disciples"?
(obviously) because it's commanded by Christ.

BUT, the purpose is more that to promote our brand of religion, more than to promote a brand of religion or the best brand.

Point is... go and make disciples to:
1. Spread truth - because truth matters and truth has immediate and long term consequences.
2. Save souls - John 14:6 - if this is true, it is very important to spread
3. Affect eternity
4. transform lives - through knowing and accepting truth
which leads to:
5. transform society(s), culture(s) - this is best done through the transformation of lives.
6. form future generations
7. build the Kingdom - on earth as it is in heaven. Matt. 6:9-10

On one hand, we can't do it apart from God, but He has chosen to accomplish this through us!!

Additional scripture:
Matt. 5:13-16
Matt. 9:35-38
John 4:35-38
Acts 1:8
2 Cor. 5:17-20
1 Pet. 2:9

#1. this is part of God's will for you if you are saved, born again, etc.
You are:
A. saved to go - Eph. 2:10
B. summoned to go (doesn't require personal call. Scriptural call is sufficient)
C. equipped to go (gifted to fulfill your purpose)

#2. if God's people go.... it'll make a difference in the world

There are no guarantees of success as we measure it.
But, we have this assurance - Isa. 55:10-11

#3. If you go, it will make a difference in you! Whether or not you feel it, sense it, see it. God will:
A. work through you (to make a difference in others)
B. work in you (to transform your heart and mind)

So.... are we obligated to go?? Answer: yes and no

No, we're not obligated because you received salvation by grace (alone)
But, yes... you are obligated ... because you received your salvation by grace (alone)!
Rom. 1:14-15 "debt" owed to Christ; payable to mankind.

Close: Rom. 1:16

1. Come to Christ
2. Go and make disciples for Christ.

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