Tuesday, October 29, 2024

The Cure for Weariness

 I)  Why are we weary?  Why are we tired?  Answer:  Our souls are malnourished.

      A.   - Man does not live by bread alone......  Matt. 4:4, Deut. 8:3
           God gives peace, satisfaction, rest

           Junk food doesn't satisfy - gives a burst of bad energy, then crash
           Example:  candy to kids on bus.  Great for a while, but crash is coming!

     B.  We aren't getting our work done - Gen. 2:2 - in 6 days you shall do your work, and 7th. day cease from labor.
           Sabbath = rest or cease
           Mixing work with leisure = do neither well
           God gave 7th day of rest as example for us.  He doesn't get tired.  You do!

    C.  We are weighed down by sin and useless stuff.
           Psm. 38:3-4 - Psm. 31:10, Psm. 32:3-4  so ... Psm. 32:5-7
           Heb. 12:1 - sin and junk
            "if your social media causes you to miss out on life, delete it."
            "if your cell phone causes you misery, light it on fire and smile"
            "if video games consume 6 hours of your day, sell them.  You'll have money and time."

    D.  We fail to rest.   First of all, repent of sins and trust Christ - Rom. 6:16-18
                    Matt. 11:28-30 = rest and refreshment for your soul in Christ.
             Yoke sounds like bondage .... My yoke.....
             Matt. 23:4     - not by works
             Eph. 2:8 - God draws - God saves - God keeps by grace

             Luke 10 - Mary sits and listens to Jesus, while Martha is busy.  It's good to serve, but it's hard to serve in your own might without God.
            Give God a day - Gen. 2:2 - a little every day 

You have an example in Elijah - (rested and refreshed) 
             1 King. 1:9 - defeated prophets of Baal, brought rain, raced Ahab on foot
                               - then on run from wicked Jezebel
              1 Kings 19:4 - meets with God, eats, drinks, gets some naps (good spiritual advice)
                                   = back at it in strength after 4o days.

We - need to find rest so we can work, fight, live as intended
       - turn to Jesus
       - repent of sin, get rid of junk
       - give Him time (a day) - for the Word, prayer, Worship, fellowship, enjoy the outdoors, family, enjoy God's gifts and cease mentally, physically, spiritually from work.

Closing Scripture:  Heb. 4:1-11                           

Friday, October 25, 2024

Obedience, Faithfulness, Provision

 God teaches us through stories.  Today - story of Abraham.

Gen. 12:1-3 - much has happened prior to this section of Scripture:  

                     The flood, tower of Babel,

Now God chooses and calls a man called Abram to leave his country, his family, to a place He tells him. 
                      Will make him a great nation, all families of the earth will be blessed.
                       Name will be great.

 God Blesses and works through Obedience 
Shows great faith, even when don't  have all the details.  Was a big ask.   Abram left everything.

 Sometimes God calls us to something that we aren't comfortable with, but we have to step out of our comfort zone in faith to obey.

 Went to Egypt because of famine - claimed Sarah his sister - 

Heb. 11:8-9 - Matt. 19:29 

God does this not only to Christians but to unbelievers as well.
In order to follow Christ, they have to leave a lot.

When God calls you to step out in faith, we can look at Abraham as an example.
Goes to Egypt due to famine, not totally honest with Egyptians about who Sarah was,
God brings plagues, uses plagues to bring them out.

Later on, due to famine, Joseph's family moved to Egypt, then were called out after 400 years - used plagues to get them out.  

Jesus went to Egypt as a baby to avoid Herod's decree to kill all the male children. - Hos. 11:1

God using all these things to show us that God is faithful.

Gen. 13 - 14 - separates with Lot, rescues him in battle, Melchizedek shows up.

Gen. 15:1-6, 12-21 - God makes covenant with Abram - and he believed God.  Was counted as righteousness.  Jer. 34:18-19 - how covenants worked in those days

God is faithful even when we're not.   Abram cannot mess this covenant up - both parts taken by God.

   a) - dishonesty about Sarah
   b)  - Sarah, Hagar, Ishmael
   c)  Gen. 17:15-21- Abraham laughs -
   d)  Sarah laughs later and God chastises - can't lie to God.  Just be honest.

Gen. 18:14 - Is anything too hard for the Lord  

Psm. 86:15 - get back in the game - 1 John 1:9 - God does keep His promises.

Chapter 21 - Isaac born, Abraham was 100 and Sarah 90.

Though Abraham was a great man of faith, and a hero in the Bible, he was still a man just like us and still messed up.  If God chooses to work with and through us, He has to work with broken and flawed people.

God provides for our greatest needs. 
Psm. 23:1 - The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

Gen. 22:1-3 - God tested Abraham. - Was quick to obey. 

Gen. 22:8 - that's faith - said God would provide a lamb
Gen. 22:9 -  willingly lay life down in obedience to his father. 
Can see gospel message played out. - Mt. Moriah very close to where temple was built, and close to where Jesus was crucified.

Gen. 22:13-14 - God provided a substitute
         He still does this for us.  1 John 4:9-10, Rom. 5:8
         Accept it.
         Don't get numb to it.  

Greatest need any of us have is a Savior.  God placed in us the desire to know Him.

A. Give life to Jesus.  Don't give up or give in after you fail.
Examples:  Peter, David, Abraham

B.  Get Back in the fight.

Never going to find true love, true peace, without Christ.


Monday, October 14, 2024

Start Winning the Battle in Your Mind

 We all struggle with discouragement, anger, depression, fear, frustration, etc,  Many are completely destroyed.  The major battles start in the mind.

Today:  Paul to the Philippians, from prison.

Phil. 4:4  - Major theme = REJOICE!
Phil. 2:18 - you also be glad and rejoice with me.
Phil. 3:1 - ..... rejoice in the Lord
1 Thess. 5:16 - Rejoice always - regardless of circumstances - be glad in, celebrate, delight in God's grace

Antonym of rejoice:  be annoyed, aggravated, irritated, gripe

Why rejoice?  We have reason to rejoice!!  It sets our heart and mind right.

Phil. 4:5 - reasonableness, gentleness - speaking to two women. 
quote from Preach the Word - "A rejoicing spirit is a gentle spirit and a gentle spirit is a healing balm to the church and the world!"

The Lord is at hand, near.  God is with His people.  - Isa. 57:15 - Rest in that!

Phil. 4:6 - Do not be anxious - don't worry about it 
              Paul writes from prison - Phil. 4:9 - model what you've seen in me.  He had dealt with hunger, poverty, ostracism, infiltrators, and heretics.
Matt. 6:25, 31, 34 - states 3 times 'do not be anxious'.  It steals from God's gift and plan for today.

We worry about so much that will never happen.
Matt. 6:27 - who can add a cubit to height by worrying
Luke 12:25 - who can add single hour to life

Now I'm worried about my worrying.  What do I do??

Pray with a thankful heart.  God knows what is going on around you.
Sounds simple and it works.

Pray without ceasing = 1 Thess. 5:17-18
Song:  "oh, what peace we often forfeit, oh what needless pain we bear"

Phil. 4:7 - Peace of God - prayer works.  John 14:27 - Jesus gives peace far beyond what anything else cn give.

Phil. 4:8 - Fill your mind with and think of good things. 
Think on true things instead of lies.
              honorable things instead of dishonorable, unethical, unprincipled things
              just things instead of unjust, unreasonable, wrong
              pure things instead of filthy, contaminated things
              lovely things instead of ugly, grotesque
              commendable instead of reprehensible

Media, blog, TV, podcast social media - What we consume matters.

Psm. 101:3 - peaceful mind - or tumultuous, anxious, angry

Rejoice --- don't complain
Set self to not worry --- don't be consumed with it
Pray without ceasing ---- instead of prayerless
Fill your mind with good and not evil.

Ask self - What do you add and what do you subtract?

Closing Scripture:  Eph. 4:25-32

Monday, October 7, 2024

The Christian Journey - Part 2

 Last Week = Israel out of Egypt + into the wilderness
Egypt = bondage    Wilderness = teaching and testing
Promised Land = where God wanted His people to dwell in this life  (land of blessing) 

Application for us?  - 1 Cor. 10:11

compare to your personal journey!  getting to the place God wants you to be - ie:  IN THIS LIFE!!
We can learn from their mistakes.

Last week = "what 1st. generation did wrong...."
(1)  Stopped!  didn't stop believing, owning, following... but= stopped short;  on the brink of blessing.

(2)  Why stopped?  easier to wander tan to fight - today - easier to be a mediocre, lukewarm Christian than be where God wants us to be.

(2)  Result?  on one hand, God took care of them.
                    however, they missed His best.... for themselves and for their children!  AND, they left a legacy of unbelief (failure)

The REST of the Story?  Conquest by the 2nd. Generation.
(Book of Joshua   Deut. = re-reading of the Law    Joshua - the conquest

So.... today= What the 2nd. Generation did right!

Application = compare to your spiritual journey  ie:  getting to the place God wants you to be (in THIS life!)

I.  They embraced God's Vision   (for them) 
Which = Ex. 3:7-8  ("out of, into")
On one hand  wilderness - part of the journey  (teaching, testing)
However, not intended as permanent residence

Note:  the analogy breaks down here because our Spiritual journey means we OFTEN return to the place of teaching, testing.  Example:  Abraham - Gen. 22:1  - 114 years old.

God's plan for you MAY be scary, difficult, etc. 
But  (1) = a plan for your good  - Ger. 29:10-11
(context = Israel and homeland   But has universal application for believers) - vs. 11

And (2)  a plan for your growth - Eph. 4:11-15

II)  They accepted responsibility (for the conquest (them)
Contrast:  1st. Generation - Korah's Rebellion - Num. 16:12-14

Question:  Who = responsible for your spiritual journey?  growth?  development?  Because = "fix me"!!!
Compare:  2 Pet. 1:3/5

III)  They Planned to Succeed
This is more than hoped, intended, wanted to....
This - planned and prepared to .

NOTE:  this does not mean plans APART from God
             but = in conjunction with God  (His directions)

So... do you want to be a wanderer?  (a victim; "not my fault")
or a conqueror?  (take responsibility)

IV)  They stepped out  (moved forward, acted, went in)
again ... NOT apart from God's directives BUT once you know ... it's time to GO!!

V)  They went into the Land  (redundant?)
WENT IN ... (1) focused - alert, aware
Deutonomy states over and over - "watch out, beward, remember, don't forget" - therefore intent and intense
                     (2)  fighting  - compare  Col. 1:28-29
                     (3) expecting trouble - Eph. 6:10-12 - our struggle ins not against flesh and blood, BUT ... = constant struggle!!
                     (4)  expecting success  - they had the Lord's PROMISE and PRESENCE  Josh. 1:4-6, 9

VI)  They TOOK the Land
On one hand, God GAVE it to them!!
However, they had to TAKE it!  Josh. 1:10-11
AND ... they took it INCREMENTALLY - ie.  1 small piece at a time.  Conquest too 5 - 7 years.
Book of Joshua covers about 25 years. 
On one hand, we have some miracles after Jericho
However, MOST cities fell without miracles!!!

So... they fought to TAKE the Land and then,

VII)  They fought to keep it.
The WAR isn't OVER when the Battle is won.    Satan will try to take it all back!
On one hand, we have VICTORY in Christ
However, the Final Victory is not until we are in His presence!!

So..... the Challenge for us... for you....

(1)  will you leave Egypt?  A way has been provided for that .... The Gospel

(2)  You will travel through the wilderness  (maybe repeatedly)
Question:  will you learn there?  or will you Live there??  Is your decision

(3)  Will you move on ... to the place God wants you to dwell?  May be scary, difficult, dangerous, BUT,.. you don't go alone  "Lo, I am with your ALWAYS..." 
You have to go - no one is going to carry you.  

Closing Scripture:  John 13:17