Paul's Third Missionary Journey - spent 2 years in Ephesus, left after a major riot, visited other churches already established, then headed to Jerusalem.
Acts 20:16, 22-25
The journey to Jerusalem = historical narrative.
Acts 21:1-4 = "through the Spirit"? who's right? Paul or disciples?
(1) Spirit is saying "persecution lies ahead" (all agree)
(2) Disciples say "maybe can be avoided"
Note: Prophecy is not always pre-determined Example: Jonah and Nineveh (this was conditional)
BUT (3) Paul knew .... he must go on to Jerusalem - regardless of the outcome.
When God gives you clear, personal, specific instruction...... stay with it!!
Search the Word, question God, ask advice and counsel ... but finally and ultimately follow Him!!!
Acts 21:5-9 - Phillip (1) one of the 7 (see Acts 6)
(2) First (besides Christ) to carry the Gospel to Samaria (Acts 8)
(3) led the Ethiopian Eunuch to Christ (baptized him) who then carries the Gospel to N. Africa (Acts 8)
Was that the last we've seen of him? Acts 8:40
On one hand, this was a most valuable player who dropped out of sight 20+ years ago!
However, (apparently) he was still faithful; still serving! Still a man of consequence.
Bloom where God plants you!
May be exciting! may be drab and dull! But the call = Same!!
IF God offers new places, positions, opportunities ... go for it!!
Meanwhile...serve and be satisfied!!
Matt. 25:20-23 - commendation and reward was the same for 5 talents as well as 2 talents!
Acts 21:10-22 - Ugly Rumors! Saying: Paul preaches against (1) Jewish religion, ritual, lifestyle
(2) the Law (3) the TEMPLE
Fact is: (1) Paul did teach Gentiles NOT obligated to Ceremonial Law
(2) did teach that Jewish lifestyle did not bring salvation!!
Therefore, IF accept Christ..... are free to Keep the Law... or Not!!
IMPORTANT DISTINCTION: ie. free from Ceremonial Law, not the MORAL LAW!! The Moral Law still stands today for all people everywhere!!
So... Acts 21:23-24, 26
how Christian Jews took this? (we don't know)
But, non-Christian Jews caused another riot!!! Acts 21:27-32
If you follow Jesus, you're going to offend some people! (maybe annoyed, irritated, angry, hostile)
WHY?? in summary --- John 14:6
The Gospel says ... (1) Jesus - right way and ONLY way
therefore (2) if you haven't accepted Christ ... you = WRONG!!!
AND (3) you are NOT right with God!! (which = I Am! holier than thou!")
Therefore, to the Non-believer ... the Gospel is Personally offensive!
So... (1) if you haven't accepted Christ ... you are NOT right with God - this is not a Baptist message, not a Christian message, it is Jesus' message!!
(2) don't be surprised if the Gospel (and God's Word) offends you!!!
(3) Accept, follow and "Bloom where you're planted!"
(4) Make Him the LORD of your life!!
Closing Scripture: 2 Tim. 4:1-5