Sunday, March 19, 2023

The Suffering Messiah - Part IV

 Words from the Cross.   (May have been more than these 7, but these = all recorded)

last words = interesting & sometimes Revealing!!  

Last Words of Christ.... IF the words of Jesus = worthy of our attention...THEN His Last words are especially so!!!

7 Sayings of Christ on Cross

I)  Luke 23:34 - "Father forgive.... they know not..."
Question:  for whom is He praying
           On one hand, those who had Him crucified - Sanhedrin, Herod, Pilate, the crowd, the soldiers, etc.
           However, broader application = ALL MANKIND!! - He died for sins of all.
This illustrates:
     (1)  WE SIN -  is a real thing - an offense to God
     (2)  WE NEED to be FORGIVEN
     (3)  We need to FORGIVE others!!   Eph. 4:32

Question:  did they know? 
On one hand, they knew they were crucifying an innocent man>
However, couldn't fully know!!! - 1 Cor. 2:8  (they didn't, couldn't know what they were doing to God's Son)
(awareness of Sin not necessarily aware of seriousness of Sin)

II)  Luke 23:43 - "today = with me in Paradise"
Jesus = delusional?  lying?  or...... Heaven Exists (afterlife exists)  AND IS Available to any who will turn to Christ.  (up to the last breath!!)

But, foolish to wait!!  don't know your time/ limit to Holy Spirit's patience/ can become calloused to the Holy Spirit's calling/ loss of blessings in this life/ loss of rewards in next!

Point = if the Holy Spirit draws you ... don't put if off!!!   (till the last minute)

III)  John 19:26-27 - "behold son/ mother" - in midst of greatest ministry in history/ amidst great pain and agony... Jesus addresses needs of mother!!!

We often say... "God 1st/ family 2nd."  (technically true) BUT NO NEED for separation of the 2!!  Faith and Family are designed to Complement one another.

IV) Mark 15:34 (Matt. 27:46) "why forsaken me?"
Questionwas He forsaken???
Answer:  apparently YES!!  (3 hours of darkness)
BUT... (A)  temporary and (B)  For a Purpose 

2 Cor. 5:21    1 Pet. 2:24
May be times you'll not feel, sense, see His Presence, but... His Promise = you'll NEVER be forsaken!!

V)  John 19:28  "I thirst"  - in midst of saving the world... Jesus still experienced PHYSICAL needs!!

to which should we attend?  Physical needs or Spiritual needs
Answer = both!  BUT ...
Be careful about letting your physical needs dictate your Spiritual ministry!!

Physical needs = real, must be attended to BUT  no excuse to be spiritually lax!  Matt. 6:31-33

 VI)  John 19:28-30  - "it is finished"
Question:  what = finished?  His Life or HIS MISSION?? = the work that H was sent to do.

In the Greek = one word - used of the completion of a business transaction - "done/ complete/ finished"
Heb. 10:11-12
All that's left is for you to accept the gift - Eph. 2:8-9

BUT... You don't Receive the Gift apart from Receiving the GIVER!!  - John 1:10-12  - Jesus IS eternal life!!

VII)  Luke 23:46 - "Father.... commend my Spirit"
Is still dark!  Jesus still in state of forsaken-ness!!
Yet declared His faith/ confidence in God!!!  Was no physical or external evidence that God was there.
maybe the ultimate expression of Faith in God.... in state of utter abandonment, excruciating pain bearing the weight of the world,
yet... (1)  still express faith, confidence in God
AND (2)  calls Him "FATHER"!! - a title of respect, affection, personal interaction...

TRUE FAITH is trusting your Father in dark night of the soul!

Much more to be said about Jesus' death in coming weeks - (Lord's Supper, Easter)
So... throughout this season... do you believe in Him?  Have you accepted, received Him?  Do you trust Him?
Serve Him?  

Closing Scripture:  1 Tim. 1:15-17


Sunday, March 12, 2023

The Suffering Messiah - Part III

JESUS CRUCIFIED  (He suffered for me - personally!  He suffered for you - personally!!)

Mark 15:15-20
Why all the abuse?  Ridicule? Mockery? Motive?

Sanhedrin - "out of envy" - Jesus = threat to their authority, status, position, comfortable lifestyle

Crowd - wanted Barabbas freed - didn't care about Jesus.  His death = mans to an end (goal of getting their leader released)

Pilate - political expediency, protect his career, keep good standing with Rome AND Jewish leadership.  Could be a riot, etc.

BUT --- these Soldiers???
On one hand were charged with the task of execution (by crucifixion)
However, why the ridicule? mockery? Making sport of Jesus?

Could be (1)  (Roman) soldier humor - (calloused/hard) (trained to be merciless, without compassion)

               (2)  Was part of their culture - example the Roman Games!  Estimated that in the Colosseum at Rome over 500,000 died during the Games.

              (3)  Expressing feelings of superiority - compare to Nazi Germany - Romans considered themselves the best.

             (4)  were stationed among a people who despise them and treat them as 'unclean'... This = opportunity for PAYBACK!!  In other words, unleashing hatred of Jews ... onto Jesus!!

Whatever the reasons ... the Biblical answer to 'Why the Abuse' boils down to ...


(1)  Adam and Eve sinned  (chose to disobey God)
(2)  they fell from state of righteousness/innocence
(3)  We've inherited those sinful tendencies
and, (4) we've Acted on those sinful tendencies (from time to time)

And... we are incapable of correcting the problem!!
So..... God's Christ has come to fix it!!  Rom. 5:18-19

What Jesus is experiencing is Exactly what He came to address and remedy!!!  (through His death)

Mark 15:22-32
Even with 'mission accomplished" they continued to mock, ridicule!!

NOTE:  Not all Jews, Roman, soldiers, people = so calloused... But... ALL mankind is in a FALLEN STATE therefore, ALL come short - Rom. 3:23

Jesus (here) is doing exactly what He came to do.  (completing His mission, fulfilling His role, God's work)
The Result being - they and you CAN be redeemed!!  (repaired!)

This = the Gospel = Here's how it works:

IF you accept Jesus as your SAVIOR (substitute sacrifice)
THEN you can experience forgiveness, reconciliation, assurance of heaven

You also receive:  A NEW BIRTH - "born again"
                           A NEW NAME - ie new designation/title - "Saint" , child of God
                           A NEW NATURE  - 2 Cor. 5:17 "new creation"

Problem = old nature still with you!!
hence ---- A saint who sins
                 A child but often a disobedient child


(1)  All sin and come short of what we should be

(2)  You can't fix this  (individual, community, government, education, etc.)

(3)  Christ can IF you surrender to Him as Substitute Sacrifice (and Lord)

(4)  This does NOT result in a sinless lifestyle!!
It = proper standing, assurance of heaven

(5)  Those who reject Christ will have to build their own bridge

(6)  Building your own bridge is a futile endeavor!!  Can't be done.  John 14:6

This = The Gospel!!

Good news for those who accept Christ - Rom. 8:1

(bad news for those who do not)

2 more players ot consider today:

I)  SIMON OF CYRENE - Mark 15:21
Who = Simon?  Alexander and Rufus?
Test suggest ... Mark's readers knew them!
Tradition says... Simon converted, sons became leaders in early church

(This = a 1 verse illustration of fact that...)
#1)  An unexpected (unintended/unsought) encounter with Christ CAN dramatically change your Life  

And ... the lives of your family!  for generations!!

#2.)  An encounter with Christ is not ALWAYS a pleasant event!!
Examples:  Jacob and the angel, Job with God, Moses' call

BUT ... #3.)  ANY encounter with Christ has the POTENTIAL for great blessing!! So.. if it happens... DON'T ignore it/ deny it/ take it lightly!!

II)  THE 2ND. THIEF - Mark 15:32 with Luke 23:39-43
(appears he changed his mind!!)

#1.)  it's never too late to accept Christ (until death)
So... last minute conversions CAN be Valid but... waiting = FOOLISH MOVE!!

#2)  As long as you are moved by His Holy Spirit... you are not beyond redemption.

Closing Scripture:  1 Tim. 1:15-17

Sunday, March 5, 2023

The Suffering Messiah - Part II

 Jesus on Trial.

The historical events:
When the 4 gospels are harmonized, we see Jesus tried before ...

(1)  Annas - former High Priest (7 years) deposed by Pilate's predecessor
(2)  Caiaphas - current High Priest/ son-in-law of Annas
(3)  Sanhedrin - the 70 ruling elders of Israel - (the people with the real clout)
(4)  Pontius Pilate - Roman Governor of Judea - appointed to oversee military, keep peace, collect taxes
(5)  Herod Antipas - son of Herod the Great - appointed ruler of Galilee - (had ordered John the Baptist's beheading)
(6)  back to Pilate - tries to release Him
(7)  Add?  The crowd - that clamors for Jesus' crucifixion.   

Mark's account - Mark 15:1-15

Sanhedrin - finds Jesus guilty of blasphemy BUT needs Rome's approval/assistance to execute Him. Pilate with accusations of  Civil Disobedience!!   Luke 23:2 - Rome could care less about the religious complaints.

(1)  Subverting the nation = creating public discord, disturbing the peace on grand scale, fomenting revolution.
(2)  Opposing taxes to Caesar - which = rebellion against Rome and personal affront to Caesar.
(3)  Claiming to be King - challenge to Roman authority, rule.

The Irony!!  They are accusing Him of Exactly what He refused to do/be.... ie:  a political, military Messiah!!

To their charges  (1)  Jesus makes no reply, which (2)  amazes Pilate!
But Jesus did give some information!! - John 18:36

Pilate attempts to pass off the responsibility!! - Luke 23:4-12

back to Pilate ... has Jesus flogged (scourged) in hopes of pacifying the Jews. - John 19:1-16 with Luke 23:20-25
Add interesting note... Matt. 27:19 so ... Matt. 27:24-26

Question Who is Barabbas?  "led insurrection and murder" - (possibly a Zealot)
Some manuscripts and early commentaries give his Full name as ... JESUS BARABBAS  (breakdown = Bar - son of, ABBA... father)  Jesus, Son of the father!

Question:  What about the crowd?  clamoring for crucifixion

are likely not former followers/admirers of Christ.
Rather = followers/supporters of Barabbas!!  here to secure his release  (custom at Passover) and are willing to sacrifice a 'pacifist' rabbi.  (they want a military leader to overthrow Rome, and Barabbas was likely their leader)

Normally, naturally, we see this as Jesus on trial before the Sanhedrin/Pilate

BUT ... from a Biblical perspective/ Biblical worldview, we see....

These men are judging and determining Jesus' earthly and immediate fate.  BUT... in fact, these men are being tried!! Their hearts, minds, motives, actions are all being measured and weighed before God and His Christ!!

AND, whereas THEY could find NO REAL, Valid reason to condemn Him... there stands a mountain of evidence against them!!!

So, on one hand, Jesus' immediate, earthly fate determined by them.... However, their final, eternal fate will be determined by Jesus!!

Some Applications:  

(1)  As these men had to decide (what to do with Jesus) SO you must decide (what to do with Jesus).
Your decision is not whether to crucify.
But it DOES = whether to Bow the knee!! - accept Him as Lord!

You (like them_ are privileged with free will and so know this: 
2)  Your free will decision will have eternal consequences.

(3)  A Non-decision is still a decision
example:  Herod ("whatever")  but will face Christ at the Judgment seat!!  
You must decide, one way or the other.

(4)  You cannot simply 'wash your hands' of the matter (compare to Pilate)
Once you are confronted with His claims and conviction of the Holy Spirit ... you cannot argue ignorance, innocence, indifference.

(5)  Unlike them.... you'll have to choose repeatedly
... (A)  IS Jesus the Savior?
then... (B)  will I accept Him as MY Savior?
          (C)  is He my Lord?  (in a practical way)
          (D)  is He my Lord... TODAY?? in this situation/circumstance?

(6)  Concerning Christ.... don't let others make up your mind for you!!  like Pilate/ like the crowd
You should determine your eternal state

(7)  Know this.... deciding for Christ is not always easy, comfortable, or joyous,  But it is always RIGHT!! -
Example:  C.S. Lewis ' "reluctant convert"

Closing Scripture:

Eph. 1:7-8