Sunday, January 29, 2023

Mary Anoints Jesus

 Mark 14:1-9 - Mary of Bethany
with Matt. 26:6-13, John 12:1-8

Problems:  (1)  2 anointings (Luke 7:36 - "sinful woman")  This = not Mary of Bethany

              = different woman/Simon/occasion  (early ministry) (Galilee)

                (2)  "2 days" (Mark) vs. "6 days" (John) before Passover
Possible Mark begins with "2 days before...." and then backs up a couple days

So.. Tuesday?  Wednesday?  before the crucifixion.  (hard to determine, their day begins at sundown)

Mark 14:1-2
Passover celebrates the 10th plague resulting in delivery from Egypt
Feast of Unleavened Bread starts the next day - lasts 7 days.

At this time, the leadership NOT content to discredit Jesus.  NOW want to eliminate Him!
But..... "not during the Feast"
Because ... Jerusalem is full of pilgrims with Messianic Fervor  (delivered from Egypt!!! Deliver from Rome???)
Therefore, leaders fear a riot and revolt which would result in Roman military action (which DID happen in AD70)
They planned to wait til after the feast, but God didn't!!

Mark 14:3
Simon = a healed Leper? (still called Simon, the leper)  so.... appreciation dinner?

Reclining at leisurely meals (started with Greeks, then to Romans, and then the Mediterranean)

Woman = Mary, sister of Martha and Lazarus  (identified by John)

Alabaster resembles marble but is soft, carve-able!!

Nard (spikenard) from the root of Himalayan Plant  (very costly!!!)  Very condensed (ie:  strong)

Question:  Why did Mary have this nard???  heirloom?  investment?  future security?  burial preparation?  (her own)

What we do know....
(1)  she broke the bottle
(2)  she emptied it on Jesus
(3)  she poured it on His head and feet   (John's account)
(4)  she wiped His feet with her hair       (John's account)

(5)  the odor "filled the house" - very strong
This = act of pure love and devotion

Mark 14:4-5 - OBJECTIONS!!!  "year's wages!!"

Some justification in this criticism!!  (could assist the poor!)
BUT ... (1)  we don't always know the mind of God!!!
                  (disciples "wasted"   Jesus "beautiful thing"
and       (2)  criticism came largely from Judas  - John 12:4-6

Jesus' response?  Mark 14:6-9

Question:  Mary recognized what the disciples missed?  the cross?  Don't know.
BUT ... she = good listener!!  - Luke 10:39  Paid attention when He spoke

By Contrast ... Judas   Mark 14:10-11
Question:  What motivated Judas??
   - the rebuke?
   - realization that the Kingdom wasn't coming as he thought (get on the winning side?)
   - force Jesus' hand - to be Warrior Messiah?
   - overwhelmed by Satan's temptations?/  (John 13:27)
   - predestined??

Can question/debate Judas' motives ... but actions speak!!   

So..... Acts of Mary vs. Acts of Judas!!


#1.  Mary's gift - extravagant and to be praised!!
BUT... The Value of an offering s not determined by cost.    Example:  Widow's Mite!!   

Lev. 5:7   give the best you can!   (sin offering)
(this = gift at Jesus' presentation in the temple when 8 days old!  Luke 2:24)

#2.  The Smallest offering (properly given) is never overlooked or forgotten. 
Mal. 3:16 - He doesn't miss a thing, forget a thing
Matt. 25:34-40
Contrast large gift Improperly given!! - 1 Cor. 13:1-3  Will not be accepted. 
Motive = important

#3.  You cannot know what a difference your gift might make -
     Mary's gift?  - remembered where ever gospel preached
     Widow's Mite?  likewise
     Little boy's lunch?

#4.  The greatest gift is the gift of yourself
Which = what Mary was signifying - giving herself - Rom. 12:1-2 - "living sacrifice"

#5.  The most difficult gifts are the ones that can be re-claimed!!  Mary's nard/Widow's mite = GONE!!
But:  example:  "Lord, I give myself and my all to you!"  ie:  today!!!!!
but tomorrow?  next week?  next year?
Not so difficult giving initially, but staying.  Then have to re-commit.

One more thing to note here...

ie:  when the anointing was done, Jesus was fragrant and the whoe house was fragrant!!

BUT ... so was Mary!!  ie:  after the anointing... the fragrance stuck to her also!!

Point = your gift follows you, goes with you, sticks to you.
in other words,
#6.  Your gift changes YOU!!!  and people around you.  Is not to change God.

The more we give away to the Lord, the more the faith grows!

Closing Scripture:  Luke 6:38

Monday, January 23, 2023

The End - Mark 13

Theme = events leading to and accompanying THE END
Problem = What END??  end of the TEMPLE?  end of the Jewish Nation?  end of the world (time)?  all of these?  

Additional problem = Some of these evens = obviously, literally fulfilled  (example:  destruction of the temple - roughly 35 years after Jesus crucifixion/resurrection)
However, some events NOT fulfilled!!  (ex.  return of Christ)

So.... (1)  what = already fulfilled?
         (2) what = yet to be fulfilled?
         (3)  which have seen Partial fulfillment?  (multiples)
         (4)  are any of these events NON-LITERAL?  (symbolic -a  s is common in Apocalyptic Literature? - end times)
        (5)  Why are all these events MIXED TOGETHER??  (literal/non-literal - fulfilled/not fulfilled)
        (6)  CAN WE REALLY KNOW answers to these questions??

NOTE:  (1)  Christians have been studying Mark 13 ( and other tests) for 2,000+ years!! 
AND, we should!  Rev. 1:3

hence ... (2)  Many theories/explanations/timelines/charts/etc....
BUT      (3)  ALL who have been Specific.... have been (at least partially) WRONG!!

Problem is not the theory/speculation/viewpoints...
Problem = DOGMA .... ie.  holding a view/explanation as if it were Uncontroversial and beyond questioning!!

Results in more than disagreement.    = (1)  division  (a test of fellowship)
                                                  even  (2)  accusation  (of unbelief!)  

Fact is.... to Some Pre-Millennial = Best Sense!
               to others .... Post/A-Mill  makes best sense.   Early leaders of our country were almost all Post-Millennials
Again ... No problem to have a theory (IF Scripturally based)
But to say "I KNOW!:  = arrogant (ignorant) - (especially in light of MANY failed predictions)

So... The Text ... IN BRIEF!!!
Mark 13:1-4
Matt. 24:3  "end of age"?  - disciples had no notion of Christ's return.  Didn't know he would die.
Mark 13:5-13 (he = Messiah  their view = destruction of temple means end of the world.

"beginning of pains" = things that will occur and Re-occur before and until the Lord's return.
Things that Jesus said in the text:
false Messiahs
wars (and rumors of wars)
Persecution (of believers)
Strife and Division (even among families - because of Christ)
Gospel preached throughout the world..

Additional events not spoken of here?
Great Apostasy?

Generally assumed; these signs will increase in occurrence and intensity as His Day approaches.

Mark 13:14 with Matt. 24:15  ("spoken of.... "Standing in the Holy Place")

Definition?  Something so disgusting/horrible it causes abandonment (desolation)

Fulfillment?  167 BC by Antiochus Epiphanes
                   AD 70 by Titus and Roman army
                   in future?  Anti-Christ?  TEMPLE RE-BUILT??

Next = "days of distress" - Mark 13:15-23

then "Cosmic disturbances" - Mark 13:24-25
          (often listed in conjunction with Day of the Lord - literal or no?)

Finally ... Return of Christ
        Mark 13:26-27, Mat. 24:27 = obvious, visible, literal, physical
And NOTE ... Matt. 24:30-31  (non-believers mourn, Christians gathered)

Mark 13:28-31 - "this generation" = ????
(a)  disciples' generation?  (b)  generation that see all these things   (c)  this people group?  (Jews)
popular recent = generation that sees Israel regathered (which happened 74 years ago!)

Mark 13:32 w/Acts 1:6-7
Mark 13:33-37

#1.  Points of agreement - *by nearly all Christians of all times)
                                             (ie:  orthodox Overview without specifics!!)
       A.  Christ will return - to earth ... AS promised - in glory and victory
       B.  The dead will be raised
       C.  Christ will judge all men ... (in righteousness)
       D.  The unrighteous will be consigned to hell  (everlasting punishment)
       E.  The righteous will be rewarded
                (glorified body - place in heaven ... eternally)
       F.  All this will be done according to the Lord's timing.  As HE chooses and directs!!!

#2.  (and Most Important) Jesus' Emphasis here!!
      "watch out/ don't be deceived/ be on your guard/ stand firm/ keep watch/ BE READY!!"

Which means (A)  know enough NOT to be deceived - not be be taken in (aside) by false teachers, false prophesies, world's philosophies, media hype, etc.....

                    (B)  Know enough NOT to be ALARMED!! - afraid, distraught
                           suppose we see ... temple rebuilt, world ruler arise, great apostasy, increased persecution...
    On one hand, wouldn't be pleasant
    However, = :Lord's plan?  "your redemption draweth nigh"

                    (C)  Don't expect to know it all
     On one hand, don't be discouraged from studying prophecy
     However, you're NOT going to unravel this ball of twine!!

                   (D)  TRUST CHRIST!! - initially for salvation.  Subsequently - for care, providence, direction, protection... AND trust Him with the future!! and how it unfolds! 
Even when the 'unfolding' doesn't go the way WE think it should!!  (example:  disciples and Jesus' death)

                   (E)  Be Prepared - get prepared/prepare yourself!!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

The Widow's Mite

 Mark 12:41-42

Offerings put into "TRUMPETS" - were freewill offerings - designated for Temple services.

The coins = lepton (singular), lepta (plural)
Were small, copper, rough stamped.  Smallest denomination of that time.

Are Available today - $25 = $50 .  Value then = 1/80th. of a workingman's average daily pay - OR 6 minutes pay for the workingman.   (1/80th of a denarius which was a day's pay for a workingman.)

Why a "mite"? 
When KJV = translated "mite" = the smallest English coin  (2 mites = 1 farthing) = 1/4 of a penny. 
Hence, "a penny" today)

Point being ... a mite = an insignificant amount by any monetary measure!!

Mark 12:43-44
The text/story = very simple /straight forward  (4 verses!)
But full of truths, lessons, illustrations and life applications for Christians.

#1)Jesus was watching the givers
       He knows what we give;  what we keep, spend, waste

Question:  do $$ really matter?  Is God interested in our $$??

A few stats regarding this:

The Bible devotes approximately 500 vs. to prayer, less than 400 vs. to faith, but over 2,000 vs. to money and possessions

1 or every 10 verses in the Gospels deals with money (in some form) and over half the parables have money as their theme.

The recorded sayings of Jesus deal with money more than any other subject except the Kingdom of God.

Question:  Is money that important to God
Answer:  No.  But (a)  it's important to us (materialistic)
                      and (b) WE are important to God!!

The Bible deals with the proper attitude toward money and the proper acquisition of money

It instructs us concerning borrowing, lending, signing for other people's debts, charging interest and paying taxes.

It talks about financial planning; saving, investing, and sahring our money.

It addresses earning an honest wage and paying an honest wage.

It instructs us to honor our personal debts, give assistance to the poor and pay a tithe to God in support of His work.

It applauds the wise use of money and condemns the foolish use of money.

Scripture contains financial advice for the rich, the poor, the middle class.

It talks of wealth being both a blessing and a curse.

And says the way we use our money can lead to eternal rewqards.... or eternal loss.  

Hence, is enough to give the subject consideration!

On one hand, God's interest = your HEART, not your money.
However, how you handle money = good measure of your HEART!!

#2).  had they known ... The Pharisees would not have been impressed with her gift.
2 mites = insignificant (almost embarrassing)
How much practical good can 2 cents make in a temple?

BUT ...
#3).  Jesus was impressed.... to the point that....
                    (A)  He called the disciples to observe and learn!  (remember this is 2-3 days from cross)
                    (B)  He began the lesson with "truly I say...."   KJV - "verily" -  Greek - AMEN)
                    (C)  He said "she put in more than all the others!"  clearly God's math is not always the
                           same as ours
                    (D)  He made her the model of Christian giving - for 2,000+  years!            

This was more than an act of giving...
#4).  This was an act of Worship 
Definition of Worship = to declare His worth, value
example:  offering plate = You are worthy!"

Not all are called to give up/ give away all their money - (contrast Rich Young Ruler)
However, all are called to give some $$

(Question?  Why the LAW specify 10% - tithe?) 
Guess?? if left to fallen man,,, what percent would he choose?)

#5).  This was also an act of faith - confidence, trust in God's ability and willingness to PROVIDE!
Matt.  6:25/31-33

On one hand, Scripture calls us to GIVE!
However, scripture calls us to work, save, be industrious, be frugal, invest, handle money wisely to balance all this???

Answer (in a word) = Practice STEWARDSHIP
ie:  it all belongs to Him, but He trusts ME to manage it for Him!

Which requires (1)  a basic knowledge of His Word to determine His will for your money!  Scripture is the answer!
                        (2)  An openness to the Holy Spirit's leadership. 
                        (3)  Discernment - which often = get advice!! Prov. 11:14, Prov. 15:22 (Godly advisors)

Summary of all this:

#6.  He doesn't want your money ... He wants you!!

And:#7.  IF He has you (fully) He'll have your money!!

So.... question:  How much of you does He have?  (how far does His LORDSHIP go in your life? 
Does it include Lordship of your money??

IF NOT ... adjustments are in order!!!

Closing Scripture:  1 Kings 2:1-3

Friday, January 13, 2023

Woe to the Pharisees & Hypocrites

 Num. 15:37-40 - tassels = Tzitzit - Orthodox Jews still wear to this day.  Reminder of Lord's Commandments.  Orthodox Jews wear these tassels ALWAYS!
on prayer shawl, dressy, casual, under shirt (not at all)

 Judaism ranges all the way from very orthodox to fairly liberal.   

Three days from the cross at this point.

Jewish leadership has bee questioning Jesus ... "by what authority?, taxes to Caesar? resurrection? whose wife? Greatest commandment?  Testing, trying to corner Him with these questions.
NOW - Jesus asks them questions!!   Mark 12:35-37

Scribes = religious lawyers - were THE experts in the Law.  Many scribes were Pharisees.

Messiah = son of David.   

Jewish leadership looking for Messiah - an anointed chosen man (chosen by God), leader, deliverer, a great man, but A MAN.  (fully human)

Jesus says "why would David (great patriarch) call his descendant (great, great, great grandson) 'Lord'??  (my Master, my better)?

Psm. 110:1 = "YHWH... says to my Adonai..."  (in other words, David, speaking by the Holy Spirit, refers to a descendant who will supersede him ... higher, better, more exalted!!)

Jesus' point here?  Messiah is more than a man.... He = the God-Man  (fully man, fully God)  He is divine!!  God incarnate!!  God in the flesh!

Question:  HOW???  mystery that is beyond us.
Answer:  our inability to explain it doesn't mean it's not so!!  1 Tim. 3:16

So... now ---- Mark 12:38-40 = "teachers of Law/Scribes"  Best seats in the synagogues, love the praise and adulation they receive.
They will receive the greater condemnation.

Jesus denounces their:  (1)  Pride - felt themselves above others, therefore looked down with disdain.
                                    (2)  Love of acclaim  (recognition, attention, honor)
                                    (3)  Show off tendencies - religious braggarts
                                    (4)  their hypocrisy - pretense, outward show of piety (vs.a inner sinfulness)

Jesus has harsh criticism for these men!!!! - Matt. 23:1-3  (in other words ... "they are well-trained, educated, versed in LAW, So...... Listen to them (as they teach)
BUT ... don't act like them!!!  (follow their example)  Because they exalt themselves instead of God - Matt. 23:5-7

Then ... 7 woes!!   Matt. 23:13-15, 23-28, 33

This didn't mean all the scribes and pharisees.  (example:  Nicodemus, Joseph of Aramathea)
But, of those who believed .... many were afraid to confess.  John 12:42-43

So.... what lessons?  Applications from these passages?

I)  God's Word is inspired and authoritative
Mark 12:36 = Jesus affirming that,   on one hand, liberal scholars = NOT inspired"  However, Jesus  said was "inspired and authoritative"
Question:  Who do you want to trust for your Eternal State??  The guys from Harvard, Yale, or Jesus who walked on water, rose from the dead, healed the cripples?

II)  There will always be people open to God's Word  - Mark 12:37
On one hand, many will ignore, deny, reject, ridicule the Gospel
However, always some open to the Word - John 4:35

III)  Hypocrisy is clearly a big issue with God.
(this is not the only text where Jesus hammers hypocrites!)

          Hypocrisy = airing a pretense of piety, righteousness  (putting on a show)
it does not mean, to keep from being a hypocrite, you should publicly air all your sins, faults
it means should recognize, admit your sins (at least to yourself!)

          Hypocrisy is a by-product of Pride
ie:  over-valuing, over-rating yourself

           the opposite (and the answer to) of Pride is humility
ie: knowing who, what you really are!!!
this is not defeated attitude = honest assessment - Rom. 12:3

           Pride leads to Spiritual Blindness - "you blind guides"

           Spiritual blindness is generally self-afflicted!!
Pharisees' problem - not cannot see - WILL NOT See!!!  Because, to see (admit) OBLIGATES us to Act!!

The Holy Spirit's job includes "conviction"  (convict = convince)
But He will not force you to see!!!  John 3:19  If you WON'T see it, then you won't see it!!!

Make no mistake .....
IV)  Self-inflicted Spiritual blindness will be punished!!  - Mark 12:40  Matt. 23:33    2 Thess. 2:9-10


The Primary point and teaching of this passage

V)  Jesus is God Incarnate (ie:  here .... in the flesh!!) - John 1:1, 14 - All this other stuff is good, but this is the key. 

If this is true, then .... to reject Jesus = to reject God!!  - John 5:22-23


Closing Scripture:  John 6:38-40

Sunday, January 1, 2023

God's Plan for Changing You

 Are you planning a New Year's Resolution?
Polls = 40 -50% of Americans do!
And 1/2 of all resolutions = health related!  (#1 = exercise more.  #2 = lose weight)

New Year's Resolutions are not unique to Americans.  Are common throughout the world.
And are not a new thing!  common to Babylonians and Romans.

WHY???  Because (1)  people recognize need to improve, do better.
                              (2)  New Year's Day = great place to start!!
(polls show have greater success IF started on New Year's Day!!)

Question:  What does Bible have to say about New Year's Resolutions?
On one hand, Nothing!
However = a lot about ...
                             (1)  Resolutions - "choose, decide, determine, etc"
                    And  (2)  New Beginnings!  example:  New:  birth, creation, man, heart, name, family...
                                                                              new perspective, purpose, world view
Resulting in ... .NEW SONG  (Psm. 40) and New Walk (life style)

all of this = "change for the better"
But Biblical concept is more than change.  It = GROWTH!!

Personal growth, Spiritual growth, character growth, growth in wisdom, understanding, strength, abilities.  Even growth amidst trials and tribulations!!

Question:  difference in change and growth?
On one hand, they share a lot of similarities
However, there are distinct differences.

deals with actions, habits what you do!
focuses on attitude and heart.  Who you ARE!  which determines what you do!!

Generally viewed as external (actions)
includes internal - change of mind and heart which leads to change of hands (actions) - Rom. 12:2

tends to be event oriented
"this happened and I changed!"
is process oriented - ie:  gradual - over time!!

can be temporary - can easily "fall back into" old behavior
is permanent - may have setbacks - but can't 'UNGROW' 

something you accomplish.  Achieve on your own. 
(Self improvement ... which = good!!)
requires Divine assistance, = transformation beyond your abilities!!
We can't make growth happen.

Some things need to be changed without waiting on growth!!  Examples:  abuse, theft, chronic lying, meanness, laziness, etc.     (don't need to grow out of it!!   Just STOP it!!!

However, God's ultimate method of change = GROWTH!!!

Look at a parallel concept in Scripture ... Maturity.

Maturity Examples in Scripture:

(1) Parable of soils, seeds - Luke 8
3 groups never mature - (bear fruit - grow in to something)
4th. group - Luke 8:15

(2)  (Eph. 4)  God gives the church gifted servants and leaders to grow people into maturity!! - Eph. 4:13

(3)  Paul says 'mature' people will share this viewpoint.  - Phil. 3:15

(4)  Hebre3ws - Encourages people to persevere AND grow up ... into maturity!!!  Heb. 6:1

(5)  James - Perseverance builds maturity  (perfect and complete) - James 1:4

Point here = allowing God to change your HEART and MIND and therefore change what you do by changing WHO you ARE!!

Also note:  this = character development - not just behavioral adjustment!! God is concerned with a lot more than our weight.

I)  (this kind of) growth (Biblical), requires God's Assistance 

You might be able to change your mind. You won't  be able to change your heart!! - Jer. 17:9

Created in God's image, damaged in the fall, now being Re-Shaped! - into image of Christ.

II)  (this kind of) Growth requires your efforts!
God doesn't grow us ... against our will or without our cooperation.
So..... 2 Pet. 1:3, 5-8 - make every effort

Note:  you cannot Cause growth .... is a divine perogative
However, can create an growth environment!
Example:  a plant - can provide good soil, water, sunlight, etc.  (can't make the plant grow)

A spiritual growth environment WILL INCLUDE exposure to God's Word and God's people ... which = Church!!

III)  Growth begins with a recognition of need!
So.... (1)  I examine myself (assessment)
         (2)  I find (recognize) a need (shortcoming, fault)
         (3)  I confess (admit) my inability to fix it.
         (4)  I cry to God for assistance
Example:  Pharisee and Publican - Luke 18:9-14
  compare church at Laodecia - Rev. 3:17-18 - refuse to recognize their shortcomings

IV)  Growth is intended to be an ongoing process. 
example:  Abraham @ 114 years of age.  - "Father of the faith/ friend of God" - Gen. 22:1-2

Point:  still being tested (improved, developed) at age 114!!

--A Short list of things necessary to growth----

(1)  An awareness - (recognition of your needs) - never going to grow until you recognize need to change

(2)  Resolution - (determination to address the needs)

(3)  Effort/ action - (a "want to" is not enough) - God doesn't do it without your cooperation and action.

(4)  Consistency - on one hand, there will be downfalls, setbacks.  However, consistency = get back up and keep going!  No growth without consistency.

(5)  Time - this = gradual process!
As you grow, you become MORE aware of your faults ... Don't let that convince you that you haven't grown!!
If you haven't grown, you wouldn't have the additional awareness.

(6)  Proper information of who you should be and how to attain that ... ie:  God's Word!!!!

(7)  Jesus in your heart!!  need His forgiveness, reconciliation, instruction, Presence, Power AND especially... the Activity of His Holy Spirit within you!!! - Phil. 1:6 - will continue you to the end

Any New Year's Resolutions to change for the better is a good thing!!
BUT don't overlook God's plan to change you l.. through GROWTH!!  

If you are NOT growing, Why????

Closing Scripture:  Phil. 3:12-15