Thursday, December 14, 2023

The Other Christmas Narrative

Are familiar with the Christmas story - Bible narratives in Matthew and Luke

So.... here's one less recognized!  Rev. 12:1-7

This is Apocalyptic Literature - very common in this time.
end times focus = battle between good and evil  (God & Satan)
This uses highly figurative language, symbolism, poetic imagery

One one hand = describing actual/ real events (not just imagination) - past, present, future
However = doing so in exaggerated terms!!  (hyperbole)

Is NOT exaggeration to cloud or distort the truth, but rather to EMPHASIZE truth!!

Examples = poetry - Isa. 55:12  - poetic imagery
                  political cartoons (in caricature)
Ex.  Rev. 19:15 - speaking of the Word

On one hand, is endless debat4e about the symbols/their meaning, etc.
However, generally agreed that here (Rev. 12) =
(1)  boy child = Christ
(2)  woman = Israel or Church or Both  (ie:  God's people)
(3)  dragon = Satan  (Vs. 9)
(4)  child escapes --> caught up to God's Throne (Resurrection)
(5)  Satan (+ his) cast out of heaven to earth
(6)  in rage .... makes war against ... Christians!!  (Vs. 17)

How does this apply to Christians?
On one hand war began BEFORE the incarnation
However, has intensified since Jesus' birth, death, resurrection

Christ came to defeat Satan IN THE FLESH!!!
So.... we might know and share (in the flesh) HIS VICTORY!!

And That = Big Part of the Christmas Story!!!


#1.  You were born into a world at war!!
(This is not a battle!  But we refer to battles within the war!!)

#2.  This is spiritual warfare with spiritual battles 
Eph. 6:10-12 - note:  sometimes spiritual battles are more intense during the holidays.

#3.  Spiritual battles often overflow into the physical realm!!  examples:  Martyrs, (today's) anti Semitism, temptations to sin.
On one hand, spiritual battle but on the other hand, generally culminates in physical actions!!
Examples:  alcohol, drugs, illicit sex, anger, greed, pride

#4.  As a believer you are a specific target. 
Rev. 12:17 - compare to Peter (in Luke) = "sift as wheat"
1 Pet. 5:8 (same Peter!!)  1 Pet. 4:12 - Satan wants to show how bad you really are.

The war is won!!!  (Resurrection)  Victory is certain. 
ie:  Christ came IN FLESH so WE might participate in HIS victory!!! ("first fruits")

#5.  The Battles will continue until Christ's Return!!

Satan = angry, vengeful, hasn't conceded, surrendered...
AND if he can't get at Christ, will attack His brothers/sisters - No utopia on earth for Christians

#6.  Satan's attacks are always vicious BUT not always VIOLENT   example:  Adam and Eve  (so "schemes") - was sweet and deceptive.   You can be under assault from the devil, but it seems good!

Note:  Not every sin problem has a demonic origin!  James 1:14 - "dragged away and enticed by own evil desire"
So, on one hand, expect attacks!!
However, Accept responsibility when = your own doing!!

Note:  it's not just Michael and his angels who defeat Satan's army!  It's also faithful believers!!  Rev. 12:1

Point =
#7)  You can have a part in Satan's defeat!! 
Christ fights FOR you and ALONGSIDE you!
BUT..... you are expected to FIGHT!!  (Christian life is not intended to be Passive!)

#8.  Sometimes you will experience battle fatigue
Because you are human!!  wear down, wear out, need Rest and Relaxation
Bible Illustration = Elijah (1 Kings 18-19)  3 1/2 years against Ahab, showdown on Mt. Carmel, threats of Jezebel ---- flees to the wilderness - receives 40 days R & R
THEN  "back to work"

God will likely grant you periods of R & R.  BUT don't ever expect to be discharged from duty!! 
Example:  Abraham @115

Finally  #9.  If you are faithful to Christ, you'll be a Victor
(even Martyrs who died came out Victors!!)  This = clear message of Revelation!!

So.... Do you want to be on the winning side??
   (1)  sign up, join up TODAY!  (Receive Christ as Savior and Lord!)
   (2)  follow    fight    be faithful!!

Rev. 12 shouldn't dampen the Christmas spirit .... it should ENHANCE it!!
ie:  Christ came IN flesh TO destroy the works of Satan, and You can have a part in that!!!

Closing Scripture:  Rev. 3:21-22

Monday, December 4, 2023

How to Become a Wise Man

Matt. 2:1-12

I'd like all of you to look back and reflect on all that God has done for you this past year - the messages, the blessings, the answered prayers, etc.

Today = the most interesting characters in the nativity scenes except for Jesus.  - The Wise Men.  Didn't show up when Jesus was in the manger, but some time later.  Still, nice to have as part of the Nativity scene.

They play very interesting part in the story.  Lot of questions regarding them and their arrival:

Who were they?
Where did they come from?
How many were there?
Why did they come?
What was the significance in their coming

Another question:  What kind of star was that!

Can't definitively answer all of those questions today, but can certainly learn a lot from them and from this story.
Sermon title = "How to be a wise man", however, we want to see in this passage truths about Jesus.

Matt. 2:1-2
How many wise men were there?  Obviously 3 because that's what all the Bible pictures show and that's how many gifts were named.  However, we'd just be speculating, because we really don't know.  All we know is there was more than one and they brought three gifts.

Where did they come from?  Bible tells us - the East.  East of what?  East of Jerusalem.  How far east?  Don't know but they were most certainly not Jews because they came to bring gifts and worship "the King of the Jews". 
Are theories out there abut them being from Sheba, Persia, or Babylon, or even what would be modern China.  All are super interesting.  Good possibility was Babylon.  Daniel mentions men like this (Magi or wise men) in Babylon in Daniel 2, Daniel 4, and Daniel 5.  Also, if they were from Babylon, they could have known the writings of Daniel and could have known Daniel 9, and roughly the time when this anointed one, this prince would arrive.
Also, just would be neat if the place where the exiles were taken, is where the Wise Men came from.

Anyway, they were from a long ways off, and were led by a star to find the King of the Jews. 
What kind of star was this?  Are arguments for just a regular old star, comets, planets, asteroids, and all kinds of things, but not sure and don't like any of these. Because, Matt. 2:9, anyone ever seen anything like that?

 Adrian Rogers argues that it was the glory of Glory revealed in the sky to these wise men.  Much like the pillar of cloud and fire that led the Israelites in the Old Testament. Some argue was an angel. 
However, what ever it was, God was obviously in control and used it to bring these men to His Son, Jesus.

Why did these men come?   First thing is they came to acknowledge Jesus as King.  

How to Be a Wise Man - 

Point #1:  Acknowledge Jesus as King!  Was made King by God.
Wise men acknowledged that Jesus was to rule. 
We live in a time and place where everyone wants their own personal Jesus.  They make this Jesus to be just who they want him to be.  Or, they want Jesus to save them, but have no authority over the rest of their life.
This country is filled with churches and so-called Christians what act as if Jesus has no authority over them. 
Sure, they honor Him with their lips, but their heart is far from Him.  Do exactly what is right in their own eyes.

We must submit EVERYTHING to the King!!

Have you submitted to Jesus as King?  Are you still in rebellion in part of your life?  Rebelling against Jesus is a miserable endeavor.  SUBMIT NOW!!!

Point #2:  Worship Jesus 
The second thing these wise men came to do was to worship Jesus!!! 
Is interesting because begs the question, How much did the magi know about what they were doing?  BUT... they worshiped Jesus!!  A wise man worships Jesus.  Why???  Because He is God!  He is Immanuel, God with us  (Isa. 7:14)  He is Mighty God - (Isa. 9:6) 

John 1:1 - "He was in the beginning and He was with God and He was God."
John 1:3 - "All things were made through Him and without Him not one thing made that was made."

He is worthy of worship and He accepted Worship in Scripture.  This is what sets Christians apart from Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses.   We do not have the same Jesus.  Worship is reserved for God and God alone!!!  

Matt. 4:10 is Jesus quoting Deut. 6:13-14 - "You shall worship the Lord your God and serve Him only."
God is the only woe worthy of our worship.  Worship of anyone else is idolatry.  The Apostles in Acts would not accept worship from people. 
Examples:  Matt. 14:33 - Apostles in the boat,
                 Matt. 28:8-9  - Women who were witnesses to the resurrection
                 John 20:28 - Thomas after seeing the resurrected Christ "my Lord and my God"
                 Isa. 9:6 - Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace"
Jesus accepts our worship because He IS God!!!

 And here we see the wise men from far off worshiping Jesus. Which points back to the book of Acts that Jesus is for ALL PEOPLE
Angels say in Luke 10, "I bring you good news of great joy."  His Kingdom will know no end!!

Matt. 2:3-12

Point #3.  Give Jesus your very best

A lot could be said about the gifts that were given.  No doubt given for a reason.  Probably real meaning to all of them.  But .... notice ... these men were searching for Jesus, they found Him, worshiped Him and gave Him their very best. 
Now contrast the wise men with the other people in this story.  Not just Herod, but the chief priests, the scribes and the people of Jerusalem. 
Acts 2:4-6
The chief priests and scribes knew where the King, the anointed one, the Christ, the Messiah was to be born.  No doubt had it memorized.  They KNEW the Scriptures!!!
Also would have known Daniel 9 and when He was coming, and now, these men from the East show up to look for Him.  The king tells the wise me to report back showing that the scribes and priests weren't going.  REALLY!!??!  This is a once in all of history moment.  The Mighty God, the Prince of Peace, Immanuel, might be just a little ways down the road and you couldn't be bothered to go look for Him?  What else in your life could be more important that that???
Are we like them?

Point #4.  Are we comfortable just knowing about God?  Do we Prioritize seeking God?  

If we are honest, a lot of times we don't.  WE need to be better at that.  We should WANT to know God!!!
James 4:8 - "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you."
Jer. 29:13 - "You will seek Me and find Me, when you seek Me with all your heart."

How about the people of Jerusalem?  Matt. 2:3 - the people of God's holy city were "troubled" about the King of the Jews being born.
OR, were they afraid of King Herod, a blood thirsty psychopath, and his response?  Whatever, Jesus' arriveal is troubling to them.

BUT ... the wise me came, saw, and worshiped Jesus and then were warned in a dream NOT to return to Herod.  No doubt a message from God.  They had to choose to obey God and avoid Herod or obey Herod and return and give a report to Him.  They chose to obey God rather than men.
And, if/when that time comes, hopefully in a fashion not so dramatic, we must do the same!!!


 If there is something God is laying on your heart today, if something in this message touched you, are you willing to do what He's calling you to do?  Whatever it is that God is calling you to do, DO IT!!!  Tell someone about it.  

Isa. 9:6-7

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Paul's 1st. Missionary Journey

 Acts 12:24-25 - back to Antioch

Acts 13:1-12 - people in Antioch from all over the Roman Empire.  Manaen was raised with Herod the Great's son.  
Vs. 2 - the divine calling

One one hand, Acts = mostly narrative, history, the story.... (contrast w/Ephesians = doctrine & application)
However, this narrative is full of lessons and life applications  

#1.  The Gospel is for all people and all people groups.
  (one of the major points of Acts!)
No one is beyond the need FOR or Reach of the Gospel.  This truth is unfolding here in Acts - started with the Jews, then the Hellenistic Jews, then the Samaritans, Greeks, Gentiles, etc.

#2.  The Gospel is the SAME for all people groups! 
On one hand, language, customs, culture may affect the PRESENTATION
However, nothing is to change the CONTENT  (message)

As Paul crosses geographic, cultural and social boundaries, the Message remains the SAME
So... "Jesus Film"  - in many languages, the wordless book, etc.

If you encounter a 'gospel' that does NOT fit all people ... is best to re-examine it!!  Gal. 1:6-9

#3.  The presentation of the gospel will always result in mixed reactions. 
Example:  Sergius Paulus vs Elymas

Maybe:  (1)  Apparent Indifference - not really indifferent but in rebellion against receiving
             (2)   Joyous Reception
            (3)  Violent Opposition - always is opposition.  Not always violent, but opposition nonetheless.

Why such opposition? 
(1)  The Gospel declares the hearer is a sinner 
(ie:  out of God's favor and in need of reconciliation)

(2)  The Gospel implies the presenter is in favor with God! 
Therefore often perceived as "holier than thou"!)

(3)  The Gospel states there is no other way to God (Salvation) 
John 14:6  (exclusivity seen as BAD!!)

(4)  The Gospel declares that apart from Christ you'll spend eternity in hell. 
Compare gospel to "ugly pill"
The message - offensive vs. the messenger - offensive!! 

(5)  The presentation of the Gospel sets the stage for spiritual warfare!  Acts 13:10
   Hence  Eph. 6:12

(A)  if you're not prepared for difficulty and opposition... you're not prepared to serve the Lord!! 
(if can't handle opposition, can't do ministry)
(B)  if Satan can't turn a person against the faith ... he'll attempt to distract them FROM the Faith!
And distraction maybe the biggest obstacle to American people!!!  (ie:  Both believers an non-believers.)

#4.  There are still false prophets among us.  Sometimes they 'operate' as CHRISTIANS!! with/in the church!!
       Compare:  "Jewish Sorceror" 

How to 'test' for false (beyond predictions that fail)

(measure a false prophet by their about:  (1)  The Person of Jesus Christ
                                                             (2)  The Bible (as God's Word)  (God's Revelation)
                                                             (3)  Orthodoxy ie:  the central, primary, cardinal teachings of the Faith.

Acts 13:12 - Sergius Paulus convinced by the miracle or the Word
On one hand, Don't know.
However, compare the Sadducees and Pharisees who witnessed many miracles but would not accept Christ.
Compare Rich man (and Lazarus) = "send Lazarus to my brothers".  "They have the Law and Prophets"
Can't always go by the miracles.  Example:  Rev. 16:10-11

#5.  You may not be able to work a miracle (like Paul) but you can do a Gospel Presentations (like Paul).

Question:  was Sergius Paulus ONLY convert on this leg of the journey?  Was the only one named.  However, NOT LIKELY!!

Point:  #6.  The effective work of the Lord often takes place without notice or fanfare!!  - we don't always notice.
OR... God is often at work even whenwe don't see it.

1 Cor. 15:58

Monday, November 20, 2023

Acts 12 - Bible Story

 Bible Story --> Bible verse --> Spiritual truth.

Romans 8:28?? - But, you remember Joseph. Things didn't always go well, but God worked in all to accomplish His plan.

Psalm 91:1-16, Isa. 41:10, Psm. 138:7

Daniel in the lions' den - angel shut lion's mouth.
Shadrach, Meschach, Abendigo in fiery furnace.  4th. man appeared, and the three came out with not even the SMELL of smoke.

You are never to old to learn from a Bible story.  Sunday School teachers - you will never know what the outcome of your lessons may be.
Example:  Edward Kimball - leading D.L. Moody to Christ.

Today = one of those stories.  You've got a wicked ruler, an innocent inmate, angels, a prison escape, evil man gets what's coming to him.

Acts 12:1 - Herod Agrippa (grandson of Herod the Great who had all the babies 2 and under killed when Jesus was born.) began persecuting the disciples.    Now, HA has followed his grandfather's footsteps   Pro. 22:6 - Herod blazed the trail.  

Acts 12:2-4 - had the Apostle James killed.  Saw that it pleased the Jews  so had Peter imprisoned as well with the intent to execute.  HA loved man's praise.  However, couldn't execute during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, so had Peter imprisoned under heavy guard. 
What a hopeless situation - James and now Peter.

Acts 12:5   BUT the other disciples (believers) were in earnest, fervent prayer for him.  Fervently = fully stretched, no slack . 
Have you ever prayed like that?  for other people? 
James 5:16  Is prayer the first option or last resort?  We need to pray for other people!!

Note:  Most of our battles are spiritual
  Examples:  David - you come at me with sword, spear, and Javelin, but I come in the name of the Lord of Hosts, God of the armies of  Israel.
Eph. 6:12 - for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood

Do you act accordingly?

Acts 12:6  Peter's last night, and he was sleeping?  Peacefully although guarded by 4 x 4 soldiers keeping 3 hour watch under threat of death if he escaped.

Acts 12:7-10 - God - angel = supernatural rescue. 
Question:  What about James?  Why did Peter get rescued and not James?  Paul & Silas?
Answer:  God has different plans for different people.  He also has different plans for the same people at different times.

Isa. 55:8-9 - Why do they get this?  Why me?  Ever been there?  What do you want from me?  What are you teaching me?  How can I be faithful in this?

God loved James and Peter and Stephen and Paul, etc.  but lives Rom. 8:28
Sometimes God cares for his people by bringing them home.

Examples:  All the disciples were martyred with the exception of Jude (who killed himself) and John.  They were a testimony to the truth of the resurrection, the teaching of the scripture. 
God was glorified through the ages in these deaths.

To live is Christ, to die is gain.

Acts 12:11-17 - God answers prayer!!
Do you believe Him?  Do you give Him credit?  thanks?
Rhoda believed ... no one else did.  And, they were praying for Peter.  

Brings up and interesting question:  Does this teach that we have guardian angels?

Our Wed. night Bible Study - Jewish belief  and Matt. 18:10 = Maybe??

Multitude of angels ... many things they can do.

* fight in spiritual realm against evil.  Dan. 10:1, Jude 1;4, Rev. 12:7-9
* deliver messages (Dan. 8, Luke 1-2)
* Worship the Lord and offer praises to Him. ( Psm. 148:2, Luke 2:13, Heb. 1:6, Rev. 8:11-12)
* Can be sent to answer prayer  (Dan. 10 and here)
* Serve and protect God's people  (Psm. 34:7, Dan. 6:22, Heb. 1:14)
* rejoice when sinners repent  (Luke 15;10)
* I believe they care for believers at time of death ( Luke 16:22)
* serve God and obey His commands  (Psm. 103:20)
* bring judgment and death to the wicked

Acts 12:18-21  

According to Josephus, Herod Agrippa wore garments of silver when he delivered this oration at a time when the sun was just right to shine.  Trying to set himself up as God.

Acts 12:22-25 -  got his reward.  Josephus wrote that he suffered 5 days in agonizing pain before he died - judgment from God.
He wanted worship and praise of men.  Contrast with Peter and Cornelius.

Who are you trying to please?  living and dying?

Closing Scripture:  Psm. 23:1-6

Monday, November 13, 2023

Spreading the Gospel

Last Time - Peter takes gospel to the Gentiles  - example Cornelius
Explains how/why this happened to the leadership - Acts 11:18

Now the gospel spreads even further - (BOTH geographically and socially) mainly to the Jews
Acts 11:19 - "scattered" - Acts 8:1,4

But Acts 11:20 - probably = Hellenistic Jews ... (not strong Jewish traditionalists, spoke Greek) - took gospel to NON-Jews ie.  Gentiles.  Went to Antioch - 3rd. most influential city in the Roman Empire

Why??  (1)  excited about the gospel ??
            (2)  Inherent knowledge - (Holy Spirit) that salvation is available to ALL people!!
Acts 11:21 = God Present and active.  Hence  "many turned"

Acts 11:22 - this made a "big splash!:  The news carried  (approximately 225 land miles)
So.... the Apostles send Barnabas to "check it out".  - Compare:  Acts 8:14

Acts 11:23 - Barnabas SAW evidence!! and therefore encouraged them... Acts 11:24 implies even MORE turned because of his presence and ministry.


Acts 4:36-37, 9:26-28 = well known, highly respected, TRUSTED!! 
Great influencer!!

BUT...He was NOT a theologian!!  So... Acts 11:25-26 - That's when they go after Paul.

Question:  Why is a theologian needed?
Answer:  "we believe death, burial, resurrection and current reign of Jesus Christ: 
But ... what else???? 
(1)  NO New Testament at this time
(2)  these converts without Jewish (Old Testament) background!!

So..... what kind of Belief and Practice might evolve?  All kinds of heresies could form..

OK.  Why Paul??
(1)  Barnabas knew him!!
(2)  Paul well schooled in Old Testament Hebrew Tradition  (studied under Gameliel)
(3)  also had "liberal arts degree" = therefore could identify with both Jews AND Gentiles (customs, philosophies, etc.)
(4)  personally schooled bu the Risen Christ!!  (2 Cor. 12, Gal. 1)
(5)  (eventually) recognized BY the Apostles as a fellow apostle!!  (2 Pet. 3:15-16)

Acts 11:26b  "Christian" almost certainly not a SELF designation!!  Words used by Christians in the New Testament to describe themselves = believer - Saint - Disciple - Servant - Brethren
The non-Christians in Antioch called them 'Christian' (little Christs)

Suggests... Christians' numbers and influence in Antioch was sufficient to merit a Name tag! 
A designation as an identifiable people group!
Which means ... they were making a Big Splash in Antioch.

Let's look at....

I.  The process of Gentile Conversion

     A.  They HEARD the Gospel

     B.  They were CONVICTED by the Holy Spirit  

    C.  They BELIEVED  (or not!!)   Paul in Romans Chap. 1 says ALL know!!!  Just a matter of choosing, deciding!!

    D.  They TURNED 
         turned FROM --- not necessarily from great evil!  maybe from indifference, selfishness, self-sufficiency, preferred lifestyle, etc.
        turned TO == this is always the same in Christian conversion.  ie:  turn TO Jesus (as Savior and Lord)

This process has not changed!!  Is always the same.

II.  True conversion has visible results  Acts 11:23
      hence "fruit" - Gal. 5:22-23
and so .. James 2:14, 26 - fruit is result of having been saved.

III.  The early Church needed to embrace Apostolic Authority.  men trained BY Christ Both Before and After Resurrection!!  TO PUT the church on the right track and Keep church on the right track!!

The Church today needs that same Apostolic Authority.  (for the same reasons!!) 
Where is this authority found? 
Answer = Scriptures  Eph. 2:19-20  Doesn't change through time.

Zeal without Knowledge is a recipe for error.  (faith without a head)
Knowledge without zeal is a passionless faith  (faith without a heart)

IV.  THE church today needs BOTH Zeal and Knowledge!!
to ward off APATHY!
Knowledge to ward off HERESY!!
We NEED BOTH - Pauls and Barnabas's!!

REVISIT:  Not everyone can be a Paul!!
But (nearly) everyone can be a Barnabas!!  Example:  Robert Sheffey - circuit riding encourager

V.  The people who carried the Gospel to Antioch remain unknown, un-named  (to us)

POINT:  You don't have to be known to be influential!  

example = Billy Graham - thru crusades/radio & TV preached gospel to more than 2 billion people. 
Chain of conversion? 
Billy Graham led by Mordecai Ham
Mordecai Ham led by Billy Sunday
Billy Sunday led by Wilbur Chapman
Wilbur Chapman led by D L Moody
All these men = well know and very successful evangelists!

BUT... who led D L Moody?
Answer:  a virtual 'unknown' ie.  a Sunday School teacher by the name of Edward Kimball!!

So... again... You don't need to be known to be influentialYou need only be Faithful to the calling God gives you  to be influential.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Accepting the Gentiles into the Church

 Acts 11:1-18

Rehash of last week - 

Acts 11:1-3 -  received the Word = received Christ
(A)  "circumcised believers" ?  Weren't all believers circumcised at this point? - up to this point - yes! Including the Samaritans and the Egyptian Eunuch.
Probably reference to "Judaizers" - Acts 15:1-2, also Galatians - Thought new believers had to follow Mosaic Law

(B)  The criticism" ? not that "you took gospel to the Gentiles",  rather = "you entered and ate with them!" - 

On one hand, no "Law" against sharing gospel with the Gentiles
However, "tradition of the elders" forbade (unnecessary) communion with them.
This = not a salvation or baptism issue, but fellowship issue.

So... Acts 11:4-18 - what God has made clean is clean.
NOW the issue of receiving Gentiles into the church = covered
BUT ... issue of "should they now keep Mosaic Law?" is not nearly covered!!

Since some of this still surfaces today... - "not under the law"/what about Sabbath keeping?/ marriage and divorce? foods?

Just a quick note on the 3 divisions of the LAW:

   the Civil Law of Israel - are not under this
   the Ceremonial Law - not under this.  designed to lead people to Christ.  Jesus fulfilled.
   the Moral Law - hasn't changed

NOW:  some observations, lessons, applications for us today:

#1.  The early church was (obviously) NOT a Baptist church!!??  IF it were..... Acts 11:18 ... "OK!  Gentiles accepted BUT ... Issue = you entered and at!!  And a long, volitile Business meeting would follow!!

PointDon't Major on the Minors  = peripheral issues but they are not essential issues.  Peripheral issues are important!  BUT ... they are not essential!!

#2.  Questioning God is not necessarily doubting (or disobeying) God.
Acts 11:8 - Peter = confused, perplexed/ seeking clarity.
Compare:  Ananias (Acts 9:13-14)   Job,  Jeremiah "buy the field"

#3.  You don't have to understand God to obey God
   examples:  Peter - here.  Ananias & Saul   Jeremiah & field
You need to understand WHAT He wants, not WHY!!   - Peter didn't understand, but was obedient.
FAITH = acting on what you Know ... Even when you're confused, puzzled, afraid or grieved by it!  (Abraham told to sacrifice Isaac)

#4 Acts 11:16 "then I remembered" = Peter heard this 3 years earlier ... and it made NO sense then... But NOW!!??
Point = All Biblical Knowledge is useful at some time and place.

And You'll never outgrow the need or capacity for learning more about God.  Never get that mature!!
example:  apostle John in his 90's when he received "Revelation" 

#5. How to maintain Purity without maintaining distance?   1 Cor. 5:9-11  1 Pet. 2:9
We are supposed to be different.

#6.  Acts 11:18 - still stands today - Acts 11:18 - shortened ... "God has granted repentance unto life"
(ie:  Eternal life - through His Son)

OR might say "He has granted the opportunity/option of...
But.... "Grace offered is not necessarily grace received.  MUST accept Jesus Christ.

#7.  Acts 11:13-14 = "angel said 'send for Peter and hes message!'
Question:  Why didn't the Angel share the message?  gospel??
On one hand, don't know!  However, I do know
God has called and charged us (Christians) to share this message Matt. 28:18-20
Angels don't seem to be allowed to do this.

Therefore, Octavia Baptist Church mission statement = CP2G - (connect people to God)  go MAD (make a difference)  go MAED - (make an eternal difference)

Closing:  Rom. 1:14-17

Monday, October 23, 2023

The Gospel for All

Acts 10:1 - Cornelius - Roman Centurion - devout and God-fearing - generous - prayerful - good man.  Well thought of by his countrymen.   But still lost.

Point #1.  Being a great guy will not save you.
Rom. 3:23, Isa. 64:6 - our righteousness as filthy rags.

Acts 10:4- many good works - cannot earn your way into heaven.

Acts 10:4-8
Point #2:  If you seek God with all your heart ... He'll show up.  Probably not as an angel. 
Seek God out. 
Examples:  Jer. 33:3, Jer. 29:13, Deut. 4:29, James 4:8, Matt. 7-7-8

Acts 10:9-10 - Not a dream or imagination, but heightened consciousness.  God was working in both ends of this story.  Clean and unclean animals on one sheet. 

Acts 10:11-16 - directives of New Covenant for dietary and ceremonial laws. 
See also:  1 Tim. 4:3-5, Gal. 2, Matt. 15:11, Mark 7:19 - commanded of God.  Peter was faithful to follow.
Old Testament dietary and ceremonial laws set Israel apart, but now there is no separation.  (Jews tended to think they were better.)
But:  Rom. 1:16, Gal. 3:26-29  - all are equal in Christ alone!

God was dealing with Peter's heart.  3 times was told to rise up, kill, and eat.  3 times he denied knowing Christ before the crucifixion, 3 times Jesus asked "do you love me?"   

No longer separation between Jews and Gentiles.

Acts 10:17-23 - Peter was confused, shook up, but obedient.

Point #3.  Be immediate in your obedience  (Jonah, children of Israel - found the hard way when disobeyed the command)
Tough obedience - Peter was a self-respecting Jew.  Still struggled with Jew/Gentile situation.  Gal. 2 shows later struggle.
But, he invited the group from Cornelius into the house as his guests.  Wonder what did Simon the tanner think of this?  neighbors down the street?  

Acts 10:23 - brought some of the brothers with him.

Acts 10:24-25
Point #4 - Are you humble?
James 4:10 - humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will exalt you.

What a picture:  a Roman Centurion and a Galilean fisherman.  Humility to reconcile wit God and also with others.

Point #5:  Are you hungry?  (for the things of God)  Cornelius was anxious, family and friends gathered.  Have you ever had that zeal?  What happened to the zeal and passion that you started out with?

Acts 10:26 - Ananias and Sapphira? - more concerned with the praise of men than of pleasing God.

Acts 10:27-43.  Peter = Jesus is for all.  YHWH is for all.  King of kings.  How?  Believe in Him!!!

Acts 10:44-48 - Yes, God can even save "those people" that perhaps you don't like, don't think they can ever be saved.  He loves those people. 
If people in the Middle East were all saved and living for Jesus Christ, the situation would be solved.

2 Challenges:

A)  Be reconciled to God, or at least seek Him out.

B)  Invite someone to church this week.

Closing Scripture:

Eph. 2:11-22

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Following Saul's Conversion

 Last week - Acts 9:1-16 - Saul's Conversion account

Today:  Acts 9:17-25 - Saul receives physical healing (sight restored) and spiritual healing.  Vs. 22 - Jesus IS the Christ, the Son of God 
Vs. 25 - Saul already has followers

The order of events?? 
(1)  short time in Damascus (preaching in the synagogues
(2)  went to Arabia  (covers a large area, not exact as to where)
(3)  back to Damascus  (see 2 Cor. 11:32-33)  is making a real stir
(4)  eventually (after 3 years?) goes to Jerusalem

Acts 9:26-30

Acts 9:31 - "time of peace"? for THE church.  Why?  Saul = been out of commission for three years.

Possible answer:  (according to Josephus and Philo)
In the 3rd. year of Caligula, Roman ruler (39AD?) he sent Petronius to Jerusalem (with a large army) to set up a statue of himself ... AS a God ... IN the temple!  (Holy of Holies!!)  with orders:
if Jews opposed ...
(1)  put all to death who resist
(2)  make the rest of the nation slaves
(he was finally dissuaded by King Herod Agrippa)

Acts 9:31
(1)  The church was strengthened  (in faith and testimony, witnessing, etc.)

(2)  The church was encouraged  (by the holy spirit)
(His presence with them and in a noticeable way!!!)   experiencing His presence

(3)  The church grew in numbers.


#1.  Christian conversion is a turning around.
is more than an decision to join a religious group.
== a turning ... from MY way... to HIS way!
(FROM "I direct my life" TO "HE directs my life")

hence need to present Him as BOTH Savior AND Lord!!

#2.  in the new Testament model ... baptism follows conversion.  (hence = believers baptism)
Baptism = a public declaration of decision and intent

#3.  An extensive Bible Knowledge does not guarantee a mature faith (or Christian lifestyle)
Examples:  Saul, Satan - both knew the scriptures inside out

Ed's definition:
Faith = Action based on Knowledge  (living according to the knowledge God gives)
On one hand, James 2:17
However, Rom. 10:1-2
mature faith requires both!! - Zeal and knowledge doesn't get you saved.

#4.  Your best argument, testimony, and prayer will not convert anyone. 
Example:  Paul - had many converts!  Also, had many enemies!!
What to do?
(1)  Present your best argument, testimony. - do the best with what you have and know.

(2)  Pray the Holy Spirit will use it  - 2 Cor. 4:3-4

(3)  leave the results in God's hands
(which doesn't mean don't continue to witness, pray)

NOTE:  The Gospel was offensive in Paul's day....  the Gospel is offensive TODAY!!!!  - Gospel exposes our sinfulness. Shows us who we are.

Therefore, you'll have some success
AND you'll have some opposition

Now.... concerning teaching, preaching, witnessing, leading, etc.

#5.  Not everyone can be a Paul = amazing leader
     BUT, anyone can be a Barnabas!!
The Jerusalem Apostles didn't trust Saul!!  BUT .. they trusted Barnabas!!  Therefore, on his word, they accepted Paul!!!

Barnabas = an encourager, helper, promoter, supporter

Closing Scripture:  1 Cor. 15:58

Monday, October 9, 2023

Saul's Conversion

 Acts 9 = initial account of conversion

Acts 22 - recount of conversion by Paul before the Jews in Jerusalem

Acts 26 - 2nd. recount before King Agrippa in Caesarea.

Order of Events:  

(1)  martyrdom of Stephen - first Christian martyr
(2)  Acts. 8:1-3   persecution of Christians by Jewish leadership -  Acts 8:4 - word preached wherever they went

(3)  Acts 8:5 - Philip goes to Samaritans

(4)  Acts 8:26-27 - Philip goes to Ethiopian Eunuch

So... the gospel is spreading like crazy (or being spread by the people that were scattered due to persecution)
However, persecutions were increasing!  By the Jews.  Not Rome.

Acts 9:1-2 -
(1)  Damascus approximately 150 miles north
(2)  the church is already well established there!
(3)  this was not Saul's 1st. or only persecution trip!!! - Acts 26;11 (numerous times)

Acts 9:3-5 - mid day
Acts 26:12-14 - "goads/ pricks" - (ox goads)  long stick with sharp pointed end

Acts 9:6-10  (note:  companions SAW light and heard sound but not a voice!!)  God speaking to Saul!!

Ananias?  Acts 22:12 - "devout and respected"

Acts 9:11-23

Saul's experience = dramatic, traumatic, "stunning", and immediately LIFE CHANGING!!

SO... some lessons, applications for US gleaned from Saul's experience on the Damascus Road.  
There are parallels here to any call made on our life.

#1.  No one is beyond God's grace
(Paul later) states "I'm chief of sinner":  "I persecuted the church"

Yet.... was chosen!! Example:  John Newton (slave trader); converted, became a preacher, wrote "Amazing Grace"

Point:  don't give up on anybody!!  Including... yourself!!!

But note (distinction)
The Gospel message is NOT a call to come and Receive salvation, Eternal Life, etc.
Rather = call to accept Jesus Christ as LORD and SAVIOR!!  and with Him comes forgiveness, reconciliation, eternal life, etc.
It is not God passing out tickets to Eternal Life - come and get yours!

#2. Few conversions are as dramatic as Saul's, BUT all conversions share some common elements!
        (1)  a call from Jesus - (still small voice?  conviction of the Holy Spirit?
        (2)  a decision - (to respond to the call!)  Everybody has a choice!  (Note:  Acts 26:19 - didn't have to obey!!)

       (3)  A confession  (profession, admission)
Rom. 10:9-10
On one hand the prayer deos not save ..... Christ Saves!!
But Question:  Can a person make a real commitment without (verbal) profession?

      (4)  a turn-around  (converts, turn FROM and turn TO)
(Obviously less "turn" for a child is less obvious ... BUT ... (can you have a changed nature without no visible fruits?)

     (5)  A commission
On one hand = child of God
But, on the other hand, ALSO = SERVANT of God!!
So... (eventually) orders?  task? work? ministry?
God will call you to do something!!!  

#3.  A highly emotionally religious experience is not necessarily a conversion
= result of receiving Christ as Lord and Savior regardless of emotion

#4.  An encounter with Jesus is not always pleasant! 
maybe .... frightening?  shameful!  humbling, et.
(this is true even of subsequent encounters)

#5.  obedience to Christ does not always result in comfort.
Acts 9:16
(But .... does always result in Blessing!!)

#6.  Nevertheless, "it's hard to kick against the pricks"
Question:  point of goad?  = to motivate and direct!
Question:  "kicking against" hurts whom????   - the one being prodded

#7.  God often begins an encounter with a question.
Examples:  Adam - "where art thou?"
                Elijah -  "what are you doing here?"
why a question?  Maybe because He KNOWS that you already know the answer ... and He's trying to get you to be honest with yourself!!  Act on the knowledge you have.

Example:  Saul = excellent example of our ability to deceive self!!

Closing Scripture:  1 Tim. 1:15-17

Monday, October 2, 2023

Be An Effective Witness

Acts 8 - recap:  Philip went to Samaria, preached there and people saved.  Peter and John come to verify, lay hands on new Christians, Holy Spirit is given. 

Acts 8:26  
Angel comes to Philip and directs him to desert road going from Jerusalem to Gaza. Philip meets with the Ethiopian Eunuch

Side note:  angel visitation was not a commonplace occurrence.   A few examples of angel visitations:
John the Baptist's father, Mary, Joseph, Shepherds, the Marys at the resurrection, broke apostles out of prison, but still - not an everyday happening.

So this was a very big deal.

We are called to be Ambassadors and Witnesses.  The Holy Spirit is in us!!  May be scary.

Some truths to help us be effective Witnesses.

Truth #1.  God Prepares the way.
Matt. 28:18-20, Acts 1:8 - Jesus has the authority.  God is always working to change hearts, prepare the way.

Acts 8:27-28

Truth #2.  Jesus is for all people.
Isa. 49:6, 51:4, Psm. 67:1-7, Psm. 68:31, Psm. 87:1-7

God had a plan for all people from the beginning.

The Ethiopian was a Gentile, traveled by chariot over 1000 miles, this is the area of the Queen of Sheba who came to visit Solomon.
Very complex:  royal (was in the court of Candace - sister to the king) and lowly, powerful (handled all the secular things of the kingdomy) and a eunuch.  He = in need and recognizes his need, is searching.  Maybe a proselyte.  Definitely is seeking hard. 

Truth #3.  People Need What You Got!
Matt. 11:28-30 - 1 John 4:7-12 -
If are a born again Christian, the Holy Spirit lives in you.  Everybody needs what we have.  May not realize it but they do.
Quote by Glassman:  we have "possession of an elegant solution to the world's most vexing problem."
All the stuff we have will never satisfy.  World doesn't know love.  Unless the Son of God is living inside, you don't know love!

Acts 8:29 - Philip directed to the chariot and to stay near it.  Going when directed should not be our biggest fear.  Rom. 1:16 - don't be ashamed of the gospel.

Acts 8:30-35 - God is all over that.  Eunuch just happened to be reading in the scroll of Isaiah.  Happened to be reading Isa. 53 - this written 700 years before Jesus was despised and rejected by His own people; (My God...., (Nails), (Scourged), (behold), (between criminals), (Father, forgive).  This = the Gospel according to Isaiah - the Old Testament story of Jesus.

What a softball!  Spirit of God - using the Word - to proclaim the Son - by using people - for the glory - praise God!

Truth #4.   Scripture is Powerful.  God's Word does the heavy lifting.  He prepares the ground. 
Isa. 55:10-11, Heb. 4:12, 2 Tim. 3:16-17
Therefore, must read, know, meditate, use, trust God's Word.  - never change or alter.

Acts 8:36-38 - Be baptized.

Acts 8:39-40
Truth #5:  Salvation brings rejoicing ... God handles results
Remember:  the Good News is GOOD!!

Acts 16:33-34 - Philippian jailer 

Question:  what happened to the Eunuch? Scripture doesn't tell us.  Tradition states that there are 53 million professing Christians (64%) in Ethiopia.  The Ethiopia now not the same as it was then, but general area. 
All from one man - one encounter!! 

A)  pray for one lost person
B) pray for opportunity to share the gospel
C)  if given, take the opportunity.

Closing Scripture:
Rom. 10:14-17

Monday, September 18, 2023

Saving the Samaritans

Acts 8:1-25  Recap and additional comments from sermon last week.

Acts 8:1-8 - Philip = 2nd deacon listed in Acts 6. 

Samaritans lived north of Jerusalem = 1/2 Jews (got intermingled when northern tribes exiled by Assyria.  Were scattered all over the Assyrian empire)
Samaritans = despised by the Jews - were considered impure.
However, Philip's move NOT without precedent.  He was preceded by Jesus - John 4 - woman at the well.

Acts 8:12 - "believed, baptized, "Both men and women"!  1st time women were mentioned in the conversion process.

Acts 8:14-17 - Apostles get word .... send Peter and John to check it out.  Were satisfied enough to 'lay on hands', they received the Holy Spirit and were considered equals in the church!!!  - (same signs as at Pentecost)

Acts 8:25 - Peter and John so convinced, they preach to other Samaritan villages on their way back to Jerusalem!

OBSERVATIONS (about incident and text)

#1.  Philip went to a despised people

#2.  The Holy Spirit went with him (or before hm?)

#3.  These people had a  PARTIAL knowledge of truth.   (accepted the 1st 5 books of Old Testament, expected Messiah to come - however, to Mt. Gerizim)
Philip and Peter and John jst "filling in hte gaps"
(Paul says this = true of ALL people" - Rom. 1   (Everyone has an inherent knowledge of God)

#4.  The Samaritans were "ripe unto harvest" - John 4:35
Compare the Apostles' earlier visit with Jesus in John 4.  (Jesus talking about the Samaritans)  Sometimes we just don't see (recognize) spiritual ripeness!   

#5.  This movement (ministry/revival) was LAY LED!!  These (Philip, Peter, John) were common folk.
Which = one reason early church grew so widely and rapidly., 
Acts 8:4 - ie.  early church didn't wait on (or depend on) their leadership to spread the Word!!!


#1.  There is no person (or people group) that is beyond Salvation. 
(ie.  beyond the NEED or beyond the POSSIBILITY)
1 Tim. 2:1-4, 2 Pet. 3:9 - here = Samaritans
                                      next = Gentiles!  (chapter 10)

#2.  Therefore, You should not eliminate anyone from your evangelistic efforts.    (acting toward them in love)
Josh said "do you LOVE your enemies?"  (or are you like Jonah?)
1 John 2:2   Rom. 10:9, 13

#3.  When you go (to share, witness) God goes with you.
Matt. 28:19-20 - Great Commission
This doesn't mean you will feel His Presence or SEE the results
Rather = when you share ...God works!! Isa. 55:10-11
Josh said "have some confidence!"  (ie:  in GOD, not necessarily in 'self)

#4.  We are to minister to those in need REGARDLESS  of their openness to the gospel!   Anyone in need regardless of their beliefs.   Luke 10:36-37  (Good Samaritan)  

#5.  We are also called to SHARE the Gospel Message. 
Josh referred to "friendship evangelism"
Add:  ministry evangelism
         lifestyle evangelism"
        confrontational evangelism
Common denominator = EVANGELISM - Don't miss this!!!
Point = (1)  share gospel so people can make an education decision
            (2)  help fill in their 'blanks' - evangelism = Bridge Illustration

OBJECTION!!  I feel inadequate!!!
On one hand, God's part = convince them.
On the other hand, our part = share the message.  Rom. 10:13-14, 17

Also note: 
Is safe to say that the Apostles inspired Philip  (to accept Christ, become a deacon, become an evangelist)

BUT - here = Philip inspires the Apostles!!  to examine Samaritans, accept their salvation, lay hands on them, and "preach in many Samaritan villages" on way home.

Point here:  Leaders should be source of inspiration and encouragement to you.
However, you can be a source of inspiration and encouragement to them!!

So.... challenge..... As you grow in Christ, develop Christian character, live the Christian life... be sure to:

(1)  pursue a ministry of evangelism
because  (A)  all people need it - Rom. 1:16-17 
 and       (B)  you can do it.   example:  Bridge Illustration  Put confidence in God not self
2)   Pursue a ministry of Encouragement 

because (A)  all people need that also!!  (leaders, followers, baby Christians, Aged Christians!!  NON Christians!!)
and       (B)  you can do it!!!

Closing Scripture:  Gal. 6:9-10

Monday, September 11, 2023

The Gospel Goes to Samaria

 Acts 8:6-8

Recap:  Stephen (one of first deacons) stoned.  Great persecution followed, led by Saul.

Acts 8:1-3 - this was an awful time.  Persecution went door to door.  2 Tim. 3:12 - "All who want to live a Godly life will suffer persecution."

However, God used the persecution for good. 
Examples:  Acts 1:8  - Judea, Samaria, and ends of the earth
               Joseph- sold into slavery, ends up 2nd in command in Egypt and saves his family from famine

Why some apostles stayed in Jerusalem?  God wanted them in Jerusalem.  Hebraic Jews?  Specific assignment from God.

Acts 8:4  Those persecuting the Christians didn't intend for the word to be spread. 
They messed up.  At first, the movement was contained in Jerusalem, but now, it was all over.
The people were not preaching from a pulpit, but preaching the Gospel as they went. Were faithful witnesses.  Friendship evangelism.

God has a way of taking what some meant for evil and turning it into good.

Acts 8:5 - why Samaria?  Why the Samaritans?  - Acts 1:8
There was hatred of the Jews there. 
John 4:9 - woman at the well
1)  Built a temple in Gerizim
2)  Samaria was the place for outlaws - Josh. 20:6-7, 21:21
3)  Samaritans rejected everything but the first 5 books of Moses
4)  They opposed Nehemiah rebuilding Jerusalem's walls
5)  Were half-breed with Gentiles - ethnically and religiously

When the Jews were on route, would go around Samaria rather than passing through.
Luke 9:51-56 - Jesus rejected, James and John want to call down fire, Jesus rebuked them

Jesus, and now Philip had compassion on them.

#1)  Do you love your enemies?
Matt. 5:44 - love your enemies.  Like Jesus and Stephen - "forgive them, don't hold it against them"
Or like Jonah and Nineveh?
Pray for those who persecute you.
Do you pray for your enemies? 
Tyndale - strangled and burned in 1536.  Last words were "Lord, open the King of England's eyes"

Acts 8:6-8
Philip doing signs and wonders just like Stephen had.  Must have been spectacular.

Acts 8:9-13
Was one man (Philip) for a whole city.  A city with a powerful magician (sorcerer).  Simon was powerful.  Amazed the people of Samaria. 
He claimed greatness.  The people thought he was speaking and acting on behalf of God.
He was powerful + his works are real.

 magician?  Sorcery?

Eph. 6:12 - spiritual enemies of God
2 Kings 17:17 - sorcery connected to worship of other gods
Acts 13:10 - Paul calls magician "son of the devil and .......  Full of all kinds of deceit and trickery.  >>> perverting the right ways of the Lord"
Acts 16:16-19 - girl possessed by spirit, could tell fortunes
Exodus sorcerers - brought forth snakes, frogs, blood by secret arts
Medium in 1 Sam. 28

When God was doing great things through the apostles, the other side was doing great things, too.

We have a powerful enemy, but He's not ALL powerful.
We serve an ALL-POWERFUL King!!!  (Omnipotent) 
It's amazing what God can do when He changes someone's life.

Acts 8:10-13

2)  Have Some Confidence 

2 Tim. 1:7 - "For God gave us not a spirit of fear, but of power and love and self-control"

Acts 8:14-17
This = very strange.  Howard Marshal, from Aberdeen University, said "perhaps the most extraordinary statement in Acts. - Acts 19:1-6
Why was the Holy Spirit withheld? 
   a)  transitional - Apostles laid hand approving and commissions
   b) showing they're one, it's the same.  Bridges the gap.

Acts 8:18-25
3)  Examine Your Motivation
Psm. 24:3-4
Question:  Was Simon genuine?
Did he really want Christ, or just what the Apostles had and were doing.

Do we want the Kingdom, or are we doing what we do for selfish motives?

Closing:  Eph. 2:1-10

Monday, September 4, 2023

Opposition Begins

 Acts 6:7-10 -->Luke 21:12-18 -->Acts 6:11-14

Acts 6:5 - Stephen appointed as one of the first deacons

"Freedmen" = freed Jews?  people from Libertina in Africa?  Basically people from all over the Roman Empire.

Apostles having great success.  Brings great opposition.

(Cyrene and Alexandria - north Africa)  Celicia, Asia Minor - north and west
(were 480 synagogues in Jerusalem at this time!  Mostly composed of like-minded people)

Side note:  "false witnesses" - Ex. 20:16, 23:1   Deut. 19:16-19

What of accusations of Acts 6:14? 
(1)  Jesus said temple would be destroyed - Mark 13:1-2
      He did NOT say HE would destroy it!

(2)  Jesus said the law will not pass away  - Matt. 5:17
      But He didn't uphold their interpretation of the Law
Example:  healing on the Sabbath

POINT:  they've take PARTIAL TRUTHS and twisted them to their own use!!
       BEWARE of this!!!!  2 Tim. 2:15    Most cults have some truths

Acts 6:15-7:3
followed by a brief overview of Israel's history.   (covers 2,000 years)  which the listeners already know!!!
We don't know why Stephen did that whole history.

Stephen's Point!! 
On one hand, YES!!  God did choose us, call us, give us the Law, the Land, the Temple.....
However, generation after generation of Jews have shown themselves UNFAITHFUL to that calling, privilege.
Example:  Acts 7:39 

NOW... Stephen makes sudden, hard application!!!
Acts 7:51-8:4

Lessons?? Applications?  for us:

#1.  people are not much different today!  basic makeup = the same.
Jews claimed "good standing" with God based on...
     (1)  Inherited Righteousness - ie.  assumed privileges passed from Fathers; WHO THEY WERE!!!
     (2)  Earned Righteousness - ie:  assumed good standing based on their moral stance: 
          WHAT THEY DID (and didn't do)

Compare Americans today:  "I deserve heaven because of..
          (1)  who I am  (inherited)
         (2)  what I do  (don't do)  (earned)

The Gospel says:
       (1)  You are not as righteous as you think, claim!  Rom. 3:23
       (2)  You're (earned) righteousness is NOT (never) sufficient!! - John 14:6

#2.  The Gospel tends to be offensive - example:  Ugly Pill!!!  - have a pill that will cure the "uglies".  Great news.  Bad news = YOU need the pill!!
         However, doesn't give you license to be offensive  (a jerk)

#3.  nevertheless, We are all called to share the Gospel   Acts 8:4 - NOT just the preachers!!

#4.  We cannot predict how people will respond.
Contrast with Acts 2:37 - people were cut to the heart.  

Our job = share
God/Holy Spirit's job = convict, convince, persuade - Isa. 55:10-11

#5.  We are to be true to the Gospel regardless of how people respond.  We are not to withdraw

Corresponding passage:  Luke 21:12-18
Compare Vs, 16 and Vs. 18?  How do we answer that?
Answer:  Luke 21:19
We are never promised not to have persecution, ridicule, etc.


Sunday, August 27, 2023

Service, Conflict, and Sharing the Work

 Questions:  What do we do when conflict arises?  What did the apostles do?  How God took the conflict, solved it, and brought in more ministry.

Acts 6:1 - Conflict arises - Hellenistic Jews vs. Hebraic Jews.  Hellenistic (raised Greek) Jews born outside of Holy Land.  Hebraic Jews = those born in Palestine.
Conflict = Hellenistic widows being slighted when distributions were made.

Acts 6:2-4  Huge gathering of the church.  What appears to be first deacons were selected.  

4 Points to consider.

#1)  Be Humble and Care
Phil. 2:1-5 - Peter and John cared for the people and we, as Christians, should, too. 

#2)   You can't do everything!  Set priorities, delegate, share the blessing (by sharing the ministry) - deacons and pastors both important.  When you attempt to do everything, you do nothing well.

Acts 6:3-4  Apostles let some the responsibility go for the glory of God and the good of the church.  Then could focus on their specific calling.  We need to be the same way.

#3)  Get a ministry and be great at it! 
If you have been saved through faith in Jesus Christ, Then God has placed his Holy Spirit in you and has gifted you in a way that you can serve the body of Christ.  If part of the body is not doing anything, the body is not functioning as well as it should.

1 Cor. 12:12-20
Find a place to serve and serve with all your heart.  God didn't give everyone the same calling, but wherever God places you to serve, do it and do it well.  There are no small jobs in the Kingdom of God.
Col. 3:23

Acts 6:5
Godly men really important.  This was a hug moment and responsibility.  Spotlight will be on them, and Stephen, especially, will be used for something mighty in the next chapter.

Acts 6:6
They blessed them, laid hands on them, and prayed for them, and commissioned them.  What an awesome deal!

Acts 6:7
Bod's word is powerful and effective, even the priests of the temple were coming to Christ.  Those that would offer sacrifices would believe in Christ and his ultimate sacrifice.  An amazing work is happening.

#4)  We should desire to be reconciled and work together.
This took a lot for the apostles to hand off this great work to men that were Hellenist of Grecian Jews.  Took a lot for the Hellenistic Jews to forgive and move past the overlooking of their widows, but they did.  It's one thing to tell someone you love them and forgive them.  That;s hard enough, but it's another thing altogether to really mean it in your heart and put that into action.
It is tough to forgive people and love them and more on, but we must!

Matt. 6:14-15
Don't like that one sometimes.

Col. 3:13
Don't like that one either.
Mat. 7:2
These are really tough!! However, know that when God measures me I want him to use as merciful a measuring tape as he can find, and since that's what I want, I, too, need to show mercy.

John 13:34-35 - Coming days

Monday, August 21, 2023

Acts 5:11-42

Acts 5:11-16
 Apostles did many sings and wonders;  ALL were healed  (could mean vast majority - could be 'all'.)
(implication - healings even by Peter's shadow)
In other words, God clearly was validating the Message and the MESSENGERS!! 

The bulk of Acts is narrative = telling the story.  But = narrative with a point!

However, though many indisputable miracles, and many turning to Christ ..
nevertheless, some became more hostile, calloused, hardened!!

Acts 5:17-18
Sadducees = social and political elite - yet = losing control to a dead Galilean Carpenter!!
(temple police - kept order in temple area with Rome's permission)

Acts 5:19-21
Sanhedrin = ruling body of Israel;  70 elders/judges patterned after Moses' helpers.  (Num. 11)

Acts 5:22-32 - Verse 29 - very important
Implication of verse 32b?  

Acts 5:33-40
Gamaliel = grandson of Hillel.  Was tutor of Saul (Paul)
So.... Apostles - (1) released
             But        (2)  punished
            and        (3) ordered NOT to speak in Jesus' name! 
at issue was not the miracles, teaching the people. 
At issue = doing this IN JESUS' NAME!!!
ie:  A)  promoting the One the Sanhedrin had worked to eliminate
     B)  having people follow them (in huge numbers)

Apostles' Response = "Rejoicing" and "proclaiming" - went back to same place, preached same message

AS we continue through Acts ... will see on one hand, many turning to Christ.
However, persecutions increasing!!

Some Truths; Applications; Lessons for us:

#1.  "We must obey God rather than men"  Acts 5:29
(This = primary point of the text!)
Doesn't mean Christians are free to defy all civil authorities/statutes - Rom. 13:1
Rather - when civil authorities in Clear contradiction to God's will ... Allegiance and Obedience to be with God!!!

#2.  Living for Christ will (sometimes) put you at odds with the world.  2 Tim. 3:12 - mindset, thinking
Why?  The difference is more than cultural, personal preference, etc. 
It = Spiritual   Eph. 6:12

Therefore, we should, on one hand, Count the cost of following Christ (Luke 14)
However, should also Consider the benefits  (compensation)
Rom. 8:18    2 Cor. 4:17

#3.  God doesn't always deliver His messengers from persecution!  (as here)
(10 of 11 Apostles were martyred!!

He will deliver you!!  BUT ... not necessarily from physical harm in this life!!
And He promises to be with you whatever the situation.  We don't always see the blessings.

#4.  The immediate, powerful and active Presence of the Holy Spirit does NOT guarantee repentance or conversion!
(those who recognize and submit => mercy, grace, salvation
(those who continually resist can expect...
    (1)  Strong delusion  2 Thess. 2:9-12  God gives what asked for
    (2)  Spiritual callousness - Rom. 1:21, 32  (God gave them up)
                                            Rev. 16:10-11
Be careful what you seek in life;  God might just let you have it!!

#5. What was 'Good News' THEN is still 'Good News' today!
The offer of grace/salvation still stands.. AND "whosoever will may come!!"

You may NOT experience miracles (of that generation)
But the gentle wooing/still small voice is sufficient for you!!
You don't' need a miracle to convince you of what you already KNOW is true!!

So... IF He's been calling... THEN you should respond!
This = true not only of salvation.  Also true of call to repent; greater commitment; a call to serve; a call to grow, etc.

So, IF you know.... don't wait for a SIGN before you do what you Know is Right!!

Closing Scripture:  Isa. 41:10


Monday, August 14, 2023

The Heart of Giving

 Today's subject:  the heart and the focus of our giving and our good deeds.

We live in a very self-centered, self-glorifying, self-seeking, and self-promoting world.  We Christians need to stand out and be different.

One way we can be truly different is by not being so desperate for the applause of men. That will be noticed.

Let's take a look at how seriously God takes this.

To set stage:   Christian church still very young, but growing and growing fast.
On day of Pentecost, 3000 added to their number.  Sometime later after the healing of the lame beggar, 5,000 men believed the gospel and were genuinely converted.

Acts 2:47 - "....the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.."

Christian group = growing into something.  At this time, still concentrated around Jerusalem.  Was an amazing time in history.  Church having a wonderful time of success very quickly.

Acts 4:32-37
1)  The church was unified.
      Vs. 32 - they were of "one heart and soul".  Was pure.  Was innocent.  Was filled with love.  All on same page.  Cared for each other.  Pressures from the outside only seemed to strengthen their love for the Lord and each other.  Great goal for a church to have.  This pleases God. = Psm. 133:1

What causes quarrels and fights among us?  James 4:1-2

But, early church was unified.  Also, the early church was generous!

2)  The people were generous.

We, too, should be generous - in tithes and offerings, but also just to one another.  Generosity is the mark of a true believer and God has a way of blessing our generosity.
Prob.  11:25    2 Cor. 9:7

3)  The people were selfless. 
"There was not a needy person among them." - Acts 4:34
Was distributed by Apostles as people had need.  Many sold lands and houses to do so.  Weren't under any compulsion to do so.  (2 Cor. 9:7) but were more concerned with caring for each other than their own earthly possessions. 
Our love for one another is also a mark of a true Christian.  Jesus = John 13:34-35

Shining example = Barnabas.  Acts 4:36-37 - Sold a field and brought the money from that sale and put it at the apostles' feet.  Was a great thing according to scripture.

Acts 5:1-2 - "also" = comparing this to Barnabas' gift.  Also says 'with his wife's full knowledge, so you know they are up to something.

Acts 5:3-6
Question:  How did Peter know? 
Answer:  God clearly worked in him ans spoke to him in a very special way.  Could have been the man who bought the property, but what follows is CLEARLY and act of God.
Examples of other instances where God dealt severely with people who tried to deceive God.
Achan, Nadab and Abihu, Saul, Cain. 
In some cases the actions were wrong, but in all these cases their hearts were wrong.  

Peter points this out - Acts 5:4 - 'no one forced you to sell';  no one forced you to give the money; But somewhere in there they lied to God. 
Did Ananias TELL God he was giving all of it?  Did he tell the church he was giving all of it? 
Probably 'yes' to both questions.
Peter says tho Ananias that Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit.  THAT IS SERIOUS!!!!

Acts 5:7.  Sapphira shows up 3 hours later.  Why???  Concensus of opinion seems to be that she was getting herself fixed up as everyone would know she and her husband had given a huge gift to the church.

Acts 5:8 - she had a chance to come clean.  Could have confessed.  Her fate would probably have been different.  Again we see that the grave sin - not with the gift, but with the heart!  Was the deception, not the percentage of money.

Acts 5:9-10
Put the Spirit of the Lord to the test.  Testing God. 
Warned in Old Testament and Jesus quoted scripture telling Satan we should not put God to the test. 
Matt. 6:1-4 - Jesus criticized the pharisees for their hypocrisy and for their doing their righteous deeds to be seen by men.  Ne cannot then allow his church especially in this early and most pivotal time to be guilty of the same, so he purifies it.  

Acts 5:11-14 - People respected them.  They saw that they meant business, and people genuinely came to Christ and joined the church. 
We are all hypocrites to a degree, but let's check our hearts.  Let's be people that are genuine.   That we might do right things, and also do them with the right intentions. 
That we might have clean hands and a clean heart.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

"Be Greatly Annoying" - Acts 4

Recap of last week - Acts Chapter 3

Peter and John entering the temple at 3 in the afternoon, saw beggar who'd been lame from birth. 
Told the man "silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give to you:  int he name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene - walk!"  Man was healed.  He began to shout and jump and attracted a huge crowd. 
Peter and John began to preach the gospel to them, called the Jews, including the leadership, to repent of their wickedness.  Did not mince their words.

Acts 3:13-16 - sermon caused quite a commotion.

Acts 4:1-2 - approached by the political and religious giants.
            A)  the priests - set up in Old Testament with Aaron and sons.  Were to speak to God on behalf of the people. Were to confess the sins of the people and offer sacrifices to God for them.  Were supposed to be holy in character.
Once a year the high priest was to go into the holy of holies where the ark of the covenant was and into the presence of God to intercede for the people.

          B)  The Captain of the temple guard.  Basically, the chief of police for the temple.  Composed of Levites.  May have been his men who were guarding the tomb of Christ when He was raised from the dead.  (could also have been a Roman guard) but no doubt that this captain knew about the resurrection account of the soldiers who were on guard.

        C)  The Sadducees - one of the two elite groups that made up the Sanhedrin, the Jewish ruling council.
Held that only the first 5 books of the Pentateuch were divinely inspired.  Didn't hold to the rest of the Old Testament as authoritative.  Did not believe in resurrection, the existence of angels, an afterlife.  Basically denied anything supernatural.  We see them clashing with Jesus over and over along with the Pharisees.

We have record in Acts 15 that some of the Pharisees did become Christians, but have no record of any of the Sadducees coming to faith in the Bible.
Bitter hatred between them and the Pharisees.  Controlled the 70 member Sanhedrin at the time.
However, leaders of  both parties came against Christ and his disciples.

According to John MacArthur, Sadducees "tended to be wealthy, aristocratic members of the priestly tribe."  "The Pharisees were legalists"  Sadducees were liberals."  "Pharisees were separatists;  Sadducees were compromisers and political opportunists", yet they united to oppose Christ.

These people, Acts 4:2, were "greatly annoyed".  Some versions = grieved, disturbed, distressed.

Why were they so annoyed? 
Acts 4:2 = 3 reasons:  

#1)  Peter and John were teaching the people.Sadducees were the gate keepers:  Peter and John  had not been to their schools or their seminaries.   Peter and John not aristocrats and intellectuals such as themselves.
Were fishermen from Galilee.  Fairly young, uneducated men.  And were teaching the people in their temple.

#2)  They were teaching in Jesus name.  The Messiah.  Who they had killed and who they were rejecting.

#3)  They were teaching the resurrection of the dead.  The same Messiah whose resurrection they were covering up.
These nobodies, by the world's standards, were starting to shake up their grip on the people.  It was really starting to shake their tower of authority.
And, because of this, they were Greatly Annoying!!!!

Acts 4:3-4  Because of them being greatly annoying, they were arrested.  Spent the night in jail.  But even so, many who heard their message were saved.  (5000 men - just counting the men) 
Sadducees had good reason to fear.  According to historians, the number of their followers was less than 5000. 
These new converts didn't just walk an aisle or raise a hand or fill out a card, but genuinely came to faith in Christ.  The Sadducees had reason to panic.   They seemed more interested in their own positions, rather than serving the God they supposedly followed.

Acts 4:5-7 - elite gather to pass judgment on Peter and John.  This 71 member group known as the Sanhedrin, (the Jewish national ruling body and supreme court) - included Annas, former high priest and Caiphas, the current high priest.
All the Sanhedrin made up of very powerful men.  Sat in a circle with the accused (Peter and John) in the center and  the accused would state their case.
Ruling council asked the question,  "by what power or by what name do you do this?"  (who do you think you are?)
Peter and John were there right before Jesus ascended into heaven and he told them "all authority in heaven and on earth has been given unto me... therefore go!! - Matt. 28:18
Who cares what these men think or what they can do to them.  These men have seen the resurrected King!!  They were told by Jesus himself - Luke 12:11-12 - ".... Holy Spirit will teach you ... what you ought to say."  - Jesus keeps His promises.

Acts 4:8-12 - message brought by the same Peter who cowered in fear outside the trial of Jesus NOW filled with the Holy Spirit with himself on trial knowing very well how powerful and evil the Sanhedrin is.  He BRINGS IT!!  Explaining to the elites through the Old Testament, Psm. 118, to be the mediator between the people for, that God has sent his Messiah, His very Son and they rejected Him, handed him over to be crucified!  No other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.


#1.  Intellect will not save you
These men all had a knowledge of God.  All, at least, paid lip service to the God of Israel, but clearly missed the point. 
Jesus said of this group "... people honor me with their lips, but ... hearts are far from me." Matt. 15:8
James 2:19 - "... even the demons believe --- and shudder."
Not enough to just be able to rattle off some facts.  Need to submit very life to the Lord Jesus Christ!!
Gal. 2:20 - can this be said of you.

Acts 4:13

#2.  God calls us to be bold!
We live in a world of pansies.  Somewhere along the way pelple started getting the idea that the goal of the Christian life s not to offend anybody.  Someone forgot to tell Peter that!!!  Someone forgot to tell Paul that!  Someone forgot to tell Jesus that!!  Rom. 12:18 - true.  But no hemhawing around the truth of God's word. 
Peter - before the Sanhedrin - and says, "there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved!"

#3.  Christian courage comes from time with God
Acts 4:13 - got this boldness because he had been with Jesus.  Hard to be bold for Jesus when you don't spend time with Him.  Just try to do God's work without spending time in prayer and in the scripture.  You will be miserable. 
When are spending time with God and serving God, He instills in us a boldness in doing His work at just the right time.  "Ordinary/uneducated" by the world's standard, but they'd spent 3 years being trained by the creator of all things an now they are filled with his Holy Spirit.  God still uses his people ad He still shows up when we serve Him.

Acts 4:14-22
#4.  Don't harden your heart.
These leaders KNEW of the resurrection, SAW the miracle of this man being healed, SAW the extraordinary courage of Peter and John, yet their response was still rebellion!! Don't fight God.  You will lose!!!

#5.  Don't stop. 
Acts 4:18-20.  They just could NOT stop.  Regardless of the consequences.  The disciples counted it worthy to suffer persecution for Jesus.
Whatever you are struggling with - sin - lost friend - wayward child - don't fit in at school - don't want to be just like everyone else.  Don't stop.  Never grow tired of doing good!"   Gal. 6:9

We need to step up and be bold in opportunities God gives us.  Stop fighting God.  Surrender to what He's calling you to.  Whatever it is that God is calling you to do today, do it!!


Sunday, July 23, 2023

Acts Chapter 3

 Acts 3:1-26  - not sure how many days after Pentecost this took place.

Apostles did many miracles ... Question:  Why this one recorded?
Ans.  - Probably because of the stir it created!!  (Chap. 4 - next week)
Crippled man = not just faking it. 
Glorify = make His glory known.  Same way the moon glorifies the sun.  Moon has no glory of it's own but reflects the glory of the sun even though the sun is not visible.

Today ... Will examine/illustrate 3 areas of Christian Life>

I)  Miracles:  definition:  an event that is un-common, un-usual, INEXPLICABLE (unexplainable) apart from God's intervention.    Generally unnatural.

            The purpose?  1 primary purpose = show God's approval (affirmation) of a message or messenger
Examples:  Moses, Elijah, Jesus, Apostles
Rom. 1:4 - the Resurrection.    Therefore, a miracle = both a sign and a wonder.

            The Prevalence?  = NOT the usual, normal, common ... but = ON occasion, AS GOD DICTATES!!
Examples:  Moses, Elijah, Jesus, Apostles

            The passing?? - We see fewer miracles AS the church age progresses.
Why?  Because the Gospel message was sufficiently confirmed??  (Whatever the reason, it = GOD'S CALL!!!  Not ours!!)

Some say "fewer miracles because there's less faith"
BUT, (1)  John the Baptist - John 10:40-41 - Jesus said was not a man born of woman greater than John the Baptist, yet he never worked a miracle.
and   (2)  every age has faithful and unfaithful followers!

Question:  How effective are miracles in converting people to Christ??
Answer:  On one hand, CAN be very effective!!
              However, not all who see/experience miracles turn to God!!  (example:  majority of the Sanhedrin!  They affirm the miracle but don't turn!)  Miracles are signs to seekers!

Extreme example:  Rev. 16:10-11

Point = Application for today:  WHEN God reveals 'SELF/Glory to you... (by whatever means ... miracle, sense of Presence, Holy Spirit's conviction, etc.) THEN you  must decide, choose ...

Either  1)  Recognize/admit & allow 'self to be drawn to Him...
or       2)  Resist, refuse, pull back from God
example:  "casts out demons by power of Satan!"
Bible presents 2 paths only!!!  No neutral ground!!!
And..... choices don't end with salvation!!

II)  The Role of Faith in healing
God heals ... often through a person ... and faith has a part. 
BUT whose faith?  the healer?  or the healed?  example:  Peter and John, or the cripple?

On one hand, answer not always clear - examples:  Lazarus - dead?  have faith?  Legion - possessed  (have faith?)
But what we DO KNOW is: 
see "your faith has made you whole, healed you"
Also see Acts 14:8-10 (did Peter and John see his faith?)
Contrast Mark 6:4-6

So.... faith matters!!
BUT  #2.  Faith Alone (no matter how pure) does not guarantee healing.  (faith doesn't heal.... GOD heals!)
Hence:  Epaphroditus (Phil. 2) "ill and almost died"
            Trophimus (2 Tim. 4) "left sick ant Miletus"

Point/Application:  (1)  You don't always get what you pray for - (no matter how pure your faith)
                    BUT (2)  sometimes you do!!  (even with a faulty faith!!)

Faith does NOT make miracles a certainty, BUT Faith does make miracles a possibility!!

So... (1)  believe and pray - James 5:16 b
  But (2)  accept GOD'S answer/will - 2 Cor. 12:7-9

Another thing ... we read Chapter 3 and focus (naturally) on the Miracle, but Peter and John focus on the person, work, Resurrection of Christ...

ie:  III.  The Miracle of Salvation
Acts 3:19 a "... wiped out"
in essence saying ... "what God has done physically for this cripple ... He can/will do for you... a Spiritual Cripple!!  (primary meaning of ... 1 Pet. 2:24.  healed spiritually.  May get healed physically.

Note  Acts 3:17 - "done in ignorance..."
BUT ... NOW no longer ignorant!  NOW must make an INFORMED Decision!!
ie:  move toward Christ .... or pull back from Christ!!!

Question:  What IF cripple said "not interested"??? 

Question:  Was he healed when Peter spoke the words?
OR, when he tried to get up?? 


(1)  Is OK to want miracles,, but don't Wait for one!!
whenever God makes Himself known ... Accept, Respond...

(2)  Is OK to pray for healing ... but determine to serve Him regardless!!

(3)  Although miracles and/or healing is sometimes His will... Salvation is Always His will (AND, you are no longer ignorant!!)

And, (as salvation is always His will), so is Sanctification!!  ie:  Spiritual progress, growth toward Spiritual maturity!

Therefore, pray for and accept (receive) any miracle God has for you (great or small)
BUT ... don't wait for a miracle ... to do what you now is the RIGHT THING!

Monday, July 10, 2023


Continuation in Acts. 
Acts 2:37 = when people heard Peter's sermon they were "cut to the heart...", and on that day 3000 souls received the Word, etc.

Acts 2:42 - gives insight into the heart of the early church. 
Four things the early church did:

1)  They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching.
DEVOTED!!!  = totally and completely committed to Christ.  Intense in their faith this was the way it showed up and worked out in their lives.
At this time, apostles were with them.  Apostles were:  teaching the Old Testament, showing how it points to Christ, and teaching what Christ taught them.  Were witnesses to the risen Christ.  They spoke prophetically as the Holy Spirit carried them along.

2 Pet. 1:16-21 - We have their teachings in the New Testament. 
New Testament - written by Apostles and their close associates.
Paul became a Christian and an Apostle later - 2 Pet. 3:15-16

One of the strongest arguments that we have for the truth of the scripture = Apostles willing to lay down life for it.
According to Scripture and early church writings, all except John died gruesome deaths, yet would not recant their faith.
Apostles took their ministry and their writings seriously and so did the early church.  Devoted themselves to it.  Took it to heart!  Lived it!!!

Is easy to get discourage about state of Christianity when look around America.  We should be praying for awakening in this country.  Pray for God to WAKE US UP!!  However, church is growing in China, in Russia, in Latin America, in Asia.  Is growing in Sub-Saharan Africa.  Growing in Iran, in Afghanistan.  

Aren't many fence riding Christians in these countries.  It's dangerous to follow Jesus.  They have to be ALL IN.  Devoted to the Word of God. 
How about us?  are you devoted to the Word in your own personal life?  How about in your family?  Is it evident in your public life?

2)  They devoted themselves to the Fellowship 

This means more that just visiting.  It literally means encourage each other, push each other, hold each other accountable, sharpen each other.
1 Cor. 12, Eph. 4:16, Col. 3:14-16, Rom. 12:3-13 - All talk about us as  members of the body of Christ.
We are to use our gifts to serve each other, care about the spiritual well being of each other. 
When one of us is out of step, it hurts the whole.
Heb. 3:12-13
James 3:15-16 - Not only look after each other's spiritual needs, but physical also when possible. 
Our faith should flow out of our fingertips.

Acts 2:44-45 = acts of genuine Christian compassion and generosity. 
A)  No civil government coercion or compulsion to make you give.  Money not given to the Romans.  Was laid at the Apostles' feet, or given by individuals to other individuals.
B)  People still owned personal possessions, still met in "their homes" and many other Christians still owned homes. - Acts 12:12, 17:5, 18:7, 20:20, 21:8, 21:16, Rom. 16:5, 1 Cor. 16:19, Col. 4:15, Phil. 2, 2 John 10.
In Acts 5:4 - Peter told Ananias and Sapphira they had no obligation to sell their property and give away the money. 
Point being:  be generous ith your time, gifts, and possessions with each other.

3)  They were devoted to Breaking Bread
Probably = Lord's Supper and larger meals of fellowship amongst believers.  Acts 2:46 tells us they were eating together in their homes with glad and generous hearts.  You really get to know people when you have them in your home.

4)  They were devoted to prayer  

Simple concept to grasp.  Tough discipline to live consistently.    James 5:16.  1 Thess. 5:17
We know these things with our heads, but do we really believe with our hearts?
When was last time you spent 30 minutes pleading for your friends, or the lost, or the church, or your family?

Examples:  David Brainerd.  As young man was kicked out of Yale because he became too zealous for the school.  Made a comment about the impious staff and they kicked him out!
Became a missionary to the Indians, on time went into the woods, got on his knees in the snow and pleaded for them of 12 hours.  Died in late 20s of TB. 
              Charles Spurgeon said "I'd rather teach one man to pray that 10 men to preach".
A mark of effective Christians throughout history is a fervent and consistent prayer life. 
              John Wesley got up every morning at 4:00AM to meet with God in prayer.
Are you devoted to prayer?  Prayer is absolutely essential.

Acts 2:46-47 - Normal outflowing of the heart devoted to God is that praise for Him flows out of it.  

The end of Chapter 2 says that the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. 
Here was the start of the Christian church.  No buildings yet, no books or podcasts or conferences, BUT they devoted themselves to God.
They were devoted to His word, to one another, to prayer and God added to their number daily those who were being saved. 
How about you?  Are you devoted?  Really, are you devoted???