Sunday, October 30, 2022

The Triumphant Entry (Palm Sunday)

 (6 days before the cross)  

Mark 11:1-10 -  (hundreds of thousands of people came to Passover.)
                       - approaching Jerusalem - vs. 9 - common greeting
                                                            - vs. 10 - recognition as the possible or probable Messiah
(cloaks on the road common for kingly procession)

Matt. 21:4-5 - from Zechariah

Luke 19:35-40 = fulfilled AD 70

John mentions palm branches ... hence Palm Sunday

I)  The Entry marks a change in Jesus' ministry
The END of avoiding crowds, protecting His secrecy
The Beginning of (1) open confrontation with opponents
                and....(2)  open declaration of His ministry  (which culminates in the cross)

II)  The Passover celebrates the Jews' release from bondage  (in Egypt) - roughly 1500 years before this time
Therefore, Messianic Fervor ... in hopes of....
     (1)  the Messiah coming
     (2)  their release form bondage .... to Rome!!
     (3)  re-establishment of the Davidic Kingdom

And ... Who better to fulfill that role than Jesus of Nazareth.  worked untold # of miracles, no one ever spoke or taught like Him.

III)  The Donkey identifies and portrays the King
identifies who He is, AND portrays what He's like.
Zech. 9:9-10 - donkey is not an animal of War, but of peace

Compare to 2nd. Coming!!  Rev. 19:11-16 - whole different set up when He returns

IV)  The Entry was not ALL joyous!  Luke 19:41-44 - literally fulfilled about 40 years later.

Why weep?  Ezek. 33:11   1 Tim. 2:4

V)  The Entry was anticlimactic - Mark 11:11 - "looked and left"


1)  sometimes God's methods are beyond our understanding - (understatement!!)
Isa. 55:8-9,  So..... John 12:16

Faith is not understanding all things about Christ ....
Faith is understanding enough about Christ to Trust Him in all things!!
Ex =:  Hab. 3:16-18   ex. = Job - Deut. 29:29

2)  The disciples got it wrong!!  (about the Kingdom)
That doesn't mean Jesus was wrong!!

Point = Christina leaders will often mis-understand, mis-interpret and therefore mis-teach (apply) God's Word,

But... their mistakes and failures should Not shake your faith in Christ!!  (your faith is in Him; not man's interpretation of Him)
= doctrinal errors, = moral failures

3)  Rejection of Jesus as Lord and Christ has definite and serious consequences.
Example:  Israel as nation / AD 70/ dispersion 1900 years!!

example:  individually - John 8:23-24

Note:  He is a s much King Now as will be then!!
But now = you have option (and opportunity) to bow the knee!!
Then it will be too late!

The next 4 chapters of Mark = The Passion Week - much teaching, preaching, instructing, confrontation But not every thing that happened is recorded.  What IS recorded is for a distinct prupose!!

all 4 gospels = same goal/purpose;  summarized by John ... John 20:30-31

Application = that you might know Christ, trust Christ, follow Christ.

Monday, October 24, 2022

The Ballad of Blind Bart (Bartimaeus)

 Takes place on the road to Jerusalem for annual Passover feast - crowds of pilgrims - coming from the northern part of Judea.
We are 8-10 days from the cross.
Jesus passes through Jericho - 21 road miles yet to Jerusalem and a 3500 ft. climb!

Mark 10:46-52  (with Matt. 20 and Luke 18)
Cry "Son of David" = recognition of Jesus as Messiah

Note:  this - last healing miracle recorded (except the servant's ear).  Is the only healing in Mark with a personal name!!
Tradition = Bartimaeus became a major figure in the early church, was well-known

The Story (event) = simple, straight-forward - no difficult teaching, hard sayings, instruction to followers....

Question:  Wouldn't it be great if this were a model for physical healing today???  (ie:  ask in faith and be healed!)

BUT ... it doesn't generally work that way!!   (is God's choice)

However ... healing miracles typically are more than just evidence of Jesus' power, authority...

Also = a model for our Spiritual healing!!

I)  The Healing of Salvation ie:  on 2 levels - salvation
    #1.  the healing of reconciliation (salvation - example:  the Bridge)

II)  the Healing of Sanctification - continual, lifelong
     #2.  The ongoing healing process ... of becoming what He saved us to be. (Sanctification)

So.... look at the story;  what we can learn about
(A)  Bart's physical healing
and (B)  Our spiritual healing

Bart 1st:

(1)  Bart was blind
(2)  He knew it
(3)  He knew no one could fix it  (ie:  no human)
(4)  (assume) he'd heard many stories about Jesus (and His healings)
(5)  suddenly, unexpectedly he became aware of Jesus' presence!!
(6)  likely.... he feared Jesus would pass him by.
(7)  So he cried out  (in desperation) unashamedly
(8)  Some tried to stifle his cries  (why?  not bother Jesus?  spoil mood of festivities?)
(9)  but he persisted - cried out louder!! he's determined
(10)  Jesus heard his cries
(11)  Jesus took the time to deal with him personally!  one on one
(12)  Bart confessed his condition and requested a healing
(13) he was healed!  instantly, completely
(14) he praised God
(15) he followed Jesus - Luke 18:43

IF tradition is correct ... he became a faithful, long-term follower and influencer for Christ!!

NOW following that same list .... are there things here to learn about our spiritual healing?

ie:  (1)  the healing event of Salvation
     (2)  the healing Process of Sanctification

#1.  We all have need of healing
in Both A) Salvation
            B)  Sanctification - Rom. 3:23 - is not just before salvation!  We still sin and come short of the glory of God.

#2.  We don't always realize it  (or admit it!!  Rev. 3:17
Contrast Bart - He knew he had a need, was deficient.  

#3.  If we do realize it, we often think WE can fix it!
Contrast Bart - he knew he couldn't fix it.  On one hand, self-help = good stuff...
but..... Spiritual problems require a spiritual solution!!

So.... what are you going to do IF you know your need and suddenly become aware of His Presence??  (Visitation?)

Choices = (1)  Remain Silent - out of fear, embarrassment, guilt, pride, love for your sins!!!
      or       (2)  Cry Out - confess your need, request your healing

AND ... what if Family, friends, etc. dis-suade you??
Answer:  Cry louder and longer!!
Example:  the persistent widow - Luke 28:8
Isa. 62:6-7

Note:  Jesus always hears your cry and gives personal time!!

Do... Blind Bart ws heard and healed!!

And here we deviate!!

Because, on one hand, Rom. 10:13  (Salvation!)
But, on the other hand, pride, anger, selfishness, bitterness, jealousy, lust, greed, laziness, indifference - NOT IMMEDIATELY Healed!!

But ... all spiritual healing starts here!!
ie:  when we Recognize our sin
                    Cry out to God
                    Confess and Request!!

So, on one hand, things are very different from Bart's experience!
However, there are remarkable parallels!!

2 more things to note:
I)  Mark 10:52 - "your faith has healed you"
(important distinction)  Bart wasn't healed by faith!!
He was healed BY Jesus because of his faith!! 
Faith was the tool, the instrument.
Faith = head, heart, hands 

II)  "he followed Jesus along the road"
Bart was healed of Blindness ... but NOT of all the things that plague the human life.
(within 10 days he likely Watched Jesus crucified!)
If tradition = trusted, he followed, faithful and long!

Which (after all) is the measure of Faith  (Christianity)
Not whether you are healed
But whether you'll follow .... healed or Not!!

Monday, October 17, 2022

On the Road to Jerusalem

 Mark 10:32-34 - on route to Jerusalem for Passover  (approximately 90 miles by the eastern route)
This = annual trip But is Jesus' last trip to Jerusalem/Passover
(we are 8-10 days from the cross!)

"Jesus leading the way" - followed by.....
(1)  the 12
(2)  other followers, disciples, women
(3)  other pilgrims going to Jerusalem - many knew of Jesus!!
(estimated number of pilgrims in Jerusalem at Passover varies from 100,000 to 1 million. 
Josephus says "250,000 lambs are slain at the temple - one per family

"disciples astonished" - crowd "afraid"
(1)  they were aware of hte opposition there (and their power!)
(2)  they were aware of Jesus continual emphasis on suffering and death
(3)  they were astonished at His resolve in light of all this!!

Note:  Mark 10:32 - "again!!  - not the first time He told them.
What did the disciples think of this???
Maybe..... expected literal, physical opposition...  but.... death and resurrection???? - they never expected Jesus to die.  They were convinced He was the Messiah, and expected Him to establish His kingdom on this trip.

BUT ... they didn't understand!!!
         .... they didn't ask!! - Luke 18:34
had NO idea Messiah would be killed!!
to them "Resurrection" was the general resurrection!!

Now, Mark 10:35-40
Why ask for that at this time???

(1)  they expected Jesus to establish kingdom soon!!!  at Jerusalem??
ie:  earthly kingdom, a reviving of Davidic Kingdom!!

(2)  Kingdoms have rulers!  heads of state!

(3)  clearly the 12 were in line for this!! - Matt. 19:28

(4)  James and John - part of the "inner circle of 3"
(Peter might be suited for Secretary of War!!)

(5)  Because they apparently forgot last week's lesson on Servant Leadership.  Mark 9:33-35

AND ... (6) because mama told them to!!! Matt. 20:20-21
"the cup" - = the drink set before Christ (suffering, persecution, death), which He was destined to drink
"the baptism" - immersion into His trials, suffering

Question:  did James and John drink?  baptized? 
James = first of the 12 martyred - Acts 12:1-3
John - long life (lived somewhere around 90 years) but suffered much persecution.  Was exiled on Patmos.

Reaction of the other 10 = Mark 10:41-45 - "Servant Leadership" lesson
Others were "indignant" - because James and John asked? 
                                 or - because the asked ahead of the others?

Mostly this = simple passage.  But illustrates truths for us.....

#1.  double-mindedness plagues all of us! - (ie:  Christians)
have a foot in the Kingdom, foot in the world.  Care about the Kingdom, live in the world!!  (generally talking about the philosophy of the world - not the stuff)

So, on one hand requires balance  (citizens of both worlds!
However, we don't have to work at being worldly!
By Contrast - discipleship requires effort and discipline!! - continual renewal!

(2)   We all start our Christian walk immature
example:  the disciples sometimes = self-centered, insensitive, worldly, etc.  They weren't that way after the Resurrection.
On one hand, we all start as babies/ newborns in Christ.
However, proper raising gives a good head start.  Example: parents raising

BUT (3)  we don't have to remain immature
example: Post-resurrection disciples!!   Were a changed group!! - Heb. 5:11-14 (constant use)
Eph. 4:14-15 - Maturity leads to stability!!

(4)  You should always seek more Knowledge, understanding, etc.
... don't forget what you already know!

example:  = servant leadership lesson - just a few days before this!!
IF you go with your heart, feelings.... you'll often be outside His will!! 

(5)  be careful what you pray for.... you might get it!
examples:  James and John

(6)  You don't need to see the whole journey to commit to the journey!
example:  James & John, and the others!
"we walk by faith, not by sight!"
So........... commit to the long haul
then ..... live it day by day!

(7)  disciples always do better when they work together
Post-resurrection church ... No jockeying for position by the Apostles!!!  willing to Serve and cooperate!!

Unity and harmony is not easy but = goal!!
(Jesus said, "blessed are the peace-MAKERS - for they shall be called the Sons of God" - Matt. 5:9

Monday, October 10, 2022

Let the Children Come

Mark 10:13-16 - was customary in Jewish tradition for esteemed elders to lay on hands and pray a blessing for kids.

Question:  Why did disciples rebuke parents?  probably protecting Jesus - was being swamped by people.
(too much ministry - too little time - for kids!!) = assumption.  Don't know for sure.

But... Jesus said  (1)  "let them come"
         AND         (2)  "the Kingdom belongs to such as these!"
Meaning:  doesn't mean innocence!
      Examples:  (1)  work the church nursery!!
          and        (2)  salvation is not due to innocence!!!  - ex  thief on the cross; apostle Paul before his conversion

Probably = (1) receptive (open)                
                  (2)  dependent - naturally without giving a thought
                  (3)  trusting - to believe in the New Testament sense = TRUST!! - John 3:16

Clearly  (1)  Jesus loves the children
             (2)  He praises their child-like trust
  and     (3)  He declares that Adults must come the same way - Matt. 18;3  (different instance, similar message)
Adults must trust and rely on Jesus Christ.

Contrast the kids with another seeker - Mark 10:17-22 - (Matt. adds "young man"  Luke says "ruler"_
hence - Rich Young Ruler

He = young adult, wealthy, influential, with some authority
But ... with no assurance of salvation!!

Rich Young Ruler seems  (1) sincere
                                       (2) humble - "ran to /fell down"
                                       (3)  believing - Jesus has the answer

Jesus' first answer - 6 commands of the 2nd. tablet - all for man to man
Rich Young Ruler - "I've kept those"
Jesus' 2nd. answer - not a rebuke!
"looked at him, loved him" - pleased with him!?
(note:  we cannot see the RYR's heart, mind - but Jesus did!!) - is apparently sincere.

might paraphrase Jesus' answer as ... "you're doing good!  NOW forsake all and follow me!!
On one hand, this is not everyone's call  ("sell goods and follow me")
However, it is everyone's call to Christ - total surrender to Christ.  Is not a one time thing@

Rich Young Ruler's response - Mark 10:22 - Because ... he really did want Eternal life and assurance of that life!!
But... not at that price!!
So...... Mark 10:23-27

Disciples were amazed!!??  Don't riches and position show God's favor???
So......"who then CAN be saved??"

Answer: = NOBODY!!  IF it depends on own works, goodness, righteousness, etc.
BUT ... all things are possible with God!!!!  - Rom. 3:20-24,  Eph. 2:8-9

Point:  God built a bridge - BUT you can't Buy a ticket (pay the price with works, etc.) to cross it!!  BUT . you can come freely ... depending on and trusting in Christ!!!    (John 3:16)

So.... example:  Peter..... Mark 10:28 - We've left all!!  (in contrast to Rich Young Ruler)

Jesus' response - Mark 10:29-31  (paraphrase) "Yes you have.  And I Promise you....
#1.  More than you've given up ... IN THIS LIFE!! 
      On one hand, this is difficult to grasp
      However = follow me and be blessed in THIS LIFE .. Abundantly!
(in the end, who had the most blessings in THIS LIFE?  Peter or the Rich Young Ruler?

BUT also
#2.  Persecutions!! = a blessing!!  - Matt. 5:11-12
      a blessing AND a promise!! - 2 Tim. 3:12

#3.   Eternal Life - an inheritance in God's Kingdom!

But ... for NOW - (vs. 31)
          Many who appear to be a the front of the line will really end up at the end of the line!  Example:  Rich Young Ruler.
           And many who appear to be a t the end of the line will end up at the front!!!  Example:  children, believers

So.... some observations/ lessons from this......

#1.  We should bring the children to Jesus
Can't MAKE them accept, but can point them to Christ!!
Example:  Salvation stats:  (according to Gallup study)  19 of every 20 people who come to Christ do so Before age 25
Hence:  Sunday School, Bible Time, Day Camp, AND in home influence!!

On one hand, be cautious with their decisions (profession)
However, we must not DENY them!!!

#2.  Any who receive Christ must come as little children!  ie:  trusting in and dependent on
(this does not mean it's A way, or the Best way.... = the ONLY Way!!  John 14:6

#3.  Be careful lest your "blessings" become a curse!
Wealth is not evil, or bad, but can have evil influence   Example:  King Solomon!
And the evil influence MAY NOT appear evil at all!!! Example:  Rich Young Ruler = "good boy!!"

Warning Passage:  Rev. 3:15-17  (to church at Laodecia)

#4.  Sincerity is NOT Salvation
Rich Young Ruler - sincerely cared for God, God's laws, Eternal Life, etc.
BUT - still went away SAD!  and lost. - Matt. 7:21

Closing Scripture:  John 10:10

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

The Christian and Divorce

 Mark 10:1-2 - his custom = taught them.  Jesus' primary ministry = teaching.
terms:  test - looking to trip Him up, not looking for info
           lawful - according to law of Moses given by God
Compare:  Matt. 19:3 from Deut. 24:1 - "some indecency/uncleanness" - Question:  what constitutes indecency?

Meaning:  according to school of Shammai (a major rabbi) - "morally indecent" - (usually sexual)
                according to school of Hillel (great rabbi) - "anything unsatisfactory!"  - ie:  burned toast - you're outta here!

This question debated 1500 years before Christ and 2,000 years since!

Our Study - not the American view, contemporary view, majority view.
                 = God's View, Biblical view

Jesus' Response - Mark 10:3-9
(1)  Moses permitted because he knew man would do this
(2)  Moses commanded a written legal paper freeing the woman of any marital entanglements

Example:  tradition of the elders = "written on durable material with ink that will not fade"

NOTE:  God's Provision does not mean God's Approval!   He permitted it but did not approve of it.
Mark 10:10-12 - "by Jewish traditional law a woman could NOT divorce her husband (only he could divorce)
here Jesus is elevating women to equal marital status - Jesus was constantly raising women up.

The "exception clause" - Matt. 19:8-9 - "porneia"
"marital unfaithfulness" prob. = "porneia" - Any forbidden sexual behavior" - sinful, unclean, etc.

Complicated further by 1 Cor. 7:12-13, 15

So... Adultery?  Porneia?  Abandonment?  ... ABUSE?? 
and what constitutes Porneia?  Abandon?  Abuse??

Subject raises MANY questions 
BUT ... don't let complexity overshadow simplicity

Some simplicity observed....:

#1.  God's plan for marriage - clear ....
    Leave - Cleave- Become - Remain

#2.  No Marriage is Perfect!  made up of 2 seriously flawed people
      Every Marriage is difficult!  therefore, takes work, sacrifice, self discipline

This does NOT mean a marriage can't be Good, Great!!
Just means not all the time!!

#3.  3 ways to help avoid divorce...
      (1)  never marry - (which may NOT be God's plan for you!)
      (2)  work at your marriage - ie.  work at  (A)  being the mate you should be
                                                                    (B)  meeting your mate's needs
Takes 2 therefore,  victim of Divorce?

      (3)  (young people) Prepare for Marriage long before you enter Marriage!!
             (A)  Work at becoming the person God wants you to be
             (B)  don't date people who aren't doing the same!!
            (C)  Use your head!!  don't let hormones rule!!    (hard to do ... but ... Gen. 4:6-7

#4.  Recognize that divorce is always due to sin
(without sin there'd be no divorce!)

#5.  Own up to your part
    ignoring guilt is not healthy!!

#6.  Start from where you are today
Single?  separated?  divorced?  rocky marriage?  good marriage?
All these situations should illicit SAME response.....

ie:  (A)  I'm a sinner
but  (B)  I could do better! 
so   (C)  I will do better!
at marriage preparation.  at marriage I'm in


(1)  All divorce is painful - even when necessary and the right thing to do.

(2)  God hates divorce (Mal. 2:15-16) why?  because it = tearing down what He's (attempting) to build up!!

BUT  (3)  God does not hate Divorcees!!  Even if was your fault, doing ... still is not unpardonable sin!!

Never divorced???  - "but for the grace of God there go I..."
(not divorced because your spouse still puts up with you!!)