Sunday, October 24, 2021

Choosing the 12

 Mark 3:7-12 

(1)  Jesus "withdrew" (from the towns to the rural areas) - why?  - Matt. 12:14-15 - was aware that Pharisees and religious leaders trying to kill him

(2)  when they "touched" Him ... were they healed?
on one hand, it doesn't say!  However, seems implied!
Luke 8:43-44 - woman with issue of blood ... "touched hem of garment...."

(3)  demons ... they recognized Him
                   .... they (unwillingly) obeyed Him.  Jesus tells them to keep quiet - He has authority over demons

Next Section = Mark 3:13-19
(with Luke 6:12-13 - "prayed all night")

Focus on the 12
(1)  Jesus calls them a 2nd. time!  1st. time = "follow"
                                                   2nd time = special office!!

(2)  He appoints them to....
     (A)  be with Him - constant companion, special students
     (B)  go out from Him - ie:  carry the gospel
And  (C)  He grants authority (and power) to drive out evil spirits, heal all diseases - Matt. 10:1
And  (D)  He designates them Apostles!!

Greek word apostle = messenger/ one sent
BUT... this is different - spelled with lower case a
Vs.  capital A = an office, position, title....

These (except Judas) will become Representatives for Christ AND Spokesmen for Christ (after His ascension)
They hold a Unique place in church history!!

They will be the ones to (1) define the gospel
                                    (2)  establish church doctrine
                                    (3)  interpret Old Testament prophecies of Messiah
                                   (4)  Speak for Christ in His (physical) absence

This will be come to know as Apostolic Authority!!
  We are just as much in need of answers in the 21st. century ans in the 1st. century

Qualifications of an Apostle?  Acts 1:21-22
      (1)  with Christ throughout His earthly ministry
      (2)  an eye witness to the resurrection
      (3)  appointed by Christ Himself (through the lots in the case of Matthias)

Question:  What about Paul?
Answer:  he claimed to ... (1)  meet the Risen Lord
                                       (2)  be taught by the Risen Lord
                                       (3)  be appointed by the Risen Lord
Example:  Titus 1:1 - (this explicitly stated in 9 letters)

AND ... the Apostles accepted Paul's claims and endorsed his ministry
Example:  2 Pet. 3:15-16

And so Apostolic Authority was established and accepted 
Scriptural examples:
Eph. 2:19-20 - "built on foundation of Apostles and Paul"
2 Pet. 1:16 - "eyewitnesses of His majesty"
1 John 1:1-3
And Paul and his revelations .... Gal. 1:11-12

So... early church --> Acts 2:42
Recognizing ... this was NOT the Apostles' doctrine;  but (rather) = Jesus' doctrine!  given to the Apostles

Any Application?  for us today?

#1.  Our faith is in Jesus Christ.
BUT, what we know of Him is found int he Words of the Apostles.  This is where we go for our faith.

#2.  God chooses whom He will (for His work).  We must decide IF we'll accept the call.  - to salvation, to service, to a task, to a lifestyle.....
AND we must decide if we'll stick!!  example:  Judas Iscariot

#3.  Your call is similar to that of the Apostles.  ie... to be with Him, to go our FOR Him - you'll never be an Apostle, but can be apostle.

NOTE:  if you accept His call to serve.....
      (1)  you'll never feel adequate to the task - 1 Cor. 2:3
      (2)  you'll never be adequate to the task!!  (God's work = the work of the Holy Spirit!) - 1 Cor. 15:9-10

#4.  Being a faithful follower means great blessings.  BUT ... it doesn't necessarily mean great comfort
Example:  11 of the 12 Apostles were martyred!  2 Tim. 3:12

#5.  God uses ordinary people to Make a Difference.  (to change the world)!!
Example:  #1 = the 12!!  Ex. #2 = people like you

Closing Scripture:  Heb. 10:35-36

Monday, October 18, 2021

Jesus and Sabbath Observance

 Last week = Jesus clashes with religious leaders over "tradition" - were not necessarily following the spirit of the Law.
Post - exile interest in the Law (1st. 5 books of the Bible = the Torah) led to TRADITION OF THE ELDERS

Last week = fasting         this week = Sabbath Observance

I)  Sabbath = the 7th. day - Gen. 2:1-3 - 7th. day set apart

II) Shabbath or Shabbat is literally "Rest"   and/or "cessation"  - God ceased from creative labors.

The next reference (1st. after creation)  = gathering manna double on Friday  - Ex. 16:22
Then = the 4th. Commandment - Ex. 20:8-11

Before the Exile..... prophets preached "Israel desecrated the Sabbath" - (definition = treated something Sacred with disrespect - profaned

So ... 2 Chron. 36:20-21
Then ... the return led to development of Sabbath observation which led to TRADITIONS of the elders.!!  "Rabbinic Law"

These traditions turned into 39 creative activities forbidden, extreme applications, and expansions for us today due to time and technology.

NOTE... exceptions .. to save human life.  If a human life is endangered, a Jew is Required to violate Sabbath law to save life.  (which = answer to a higher law!!!)

Result = (1)  the blessings (of Sabbath) became burdens
             (2)  those who made no attempt to Keep the Rabbinic Law were labeled "sinners".

My paraphrase:  The Sabbath was established to benefit man"  (not vice versa)
In other words, God didn't create men to bless the Sabbath.  God created the Sabbath to bless Man!

Text:  Mark 2:23-28  Mark 3:1-6 - (they had no doubt that Jesus could heal.  But, would he?)
Luke adds  "they were furious!"  
(1)  Jesus healed on the Sabbath  (contrary to their view)
(2) Jesus challenged their views, interpretations, the traditions!
(3)  Jesus declared that He had Both ... the knowledge AND the authority to do so!!!!
(Galilean carpenter challenges teachers of the Law!?!

The Purpose of the Sabbath

I)  REST - physical, mental, emotional break

II)  WORSHIPfocus on God's person, Word, will,  blessings...... etc.  (because our knowledge of, view of, relationship with Him affects our lifestyle.   We need to come together!

III)  WITNESS - Ex. 31:12-13  "sign..."
(1)  to future generations of Jews
(2)  to Gentiles also?? Jews not always popular, but always distinct!!

Three parts of Jewish Law = Civil, Ceremonial, Moral.  Jesus fulfilled the Ceremonial Law - no longer obligated to keep that. 
The Civil Law was for Israel at that time in that nation.  Not obligated to keep that.
However, God's Moral Law - never changes - same today as it was then.
Therefore, Gentile believers, wanting to worship, decided to do so on the "Lord's Day" (Resurrection Day) for worship

Some observations:
(1)  Sabbath observance was instituted for man's benefit - ie.... to bless, not to burden.
Question:  HAS THAT CHANGED?  If not, ... then....

(2)  Sabbath observance is still a valid issue.
On one hand we needn't repeat the error of Israel....
However, there is still a need for...
WITNESS  (Sabbath observance is NOT just for you!!)

(3)  "The Sabbath was made for man" does NOT mean we can do with it as we please!!
Compare:  creation made for man:  therefore do with it as we please.  Not so.
                 Eve made for Adam, therefore he could do with her as he pleased.  Not so.
Question:  Therefore, how to treat the Lord's Day in a manner that pleases God?

(4)  honoring God's laws does not necessarily determine your salvation.  (which = by grace)
BUT... honoring God's law affects your sanctification!! - ie:  the process of spiritual growth, becoming what He created and saved you to be!!! - When constantly disregard God's laws, it hinders growth.

(5)  Sabbath laws were not instituted to honor the Sabbath... but to honor God!
Point being:  do you treat the Lord's Day in a manner that honors God?? good for me, those around me, the lost?

Monday, October 11, 2021

Jesus and Religious Traditions

 Jesus is now more than one year into His ministry.  Primarily in Galilee.
On one hand, He's growing in popularity. - Mark 2:13
However, He's growing in opposition - Mark 2:7, 16 - question is legitimate, but attitude is not.  ie: criticism

So... today = Mark 2:18

Background on fasting:  600 years earlier = THE EXILE - to Babylon for 70 years.
after the return = effort to KEEP the Law and Please God!

Hence:  (1)  THE LAW - they found 613 commands (248 shalts and 365 shalt nots)
This = the written, recorded Law - THE TORAH.

Then (2)  THE ORAL LAW (orally passed down) - either additional laws or exposition f written laws - called THE MISHNAH  

(3)  Additional questions about exactly how to practice these laws lead to THE TRADITION of the ELDERS - example:  Matt. 15:1-2
One of those practices = FASTING = which generally meant abstain from food (could be other comforts, pleasures)

I)  FASTING and the LAW of Moses - only required 1 day per year ... ie:  Day of Atonement  (Lev. 16)

II)  The Purpose of fasting = to deny self, humble self - KJV in Leviticus = "afflict your soul"

III)  The Point = to seek God by sharpening your focus, increasing your sensitivity to Him, to the Holy Spirit
          (A)  how it works - every time tempted with food, reminder as to why are fasting
          (B)  therefore the often used phrase - "fasting and prayer"

IV)  The Tradition of fasting - had grown until in Jesus' times = (A) fasting twice a week - Luke 18:11-12
                                                                                              (B)  to show piety!!!  Matt. 4:

BUT Jesus is saying  (1)  for my disciples, this is not the time for fasting
                         And (2)  your fasting rules are NOT obligatory to all people  (ie:  all believers)

NOW leads to Mark 2:21-22 - examples;  new patch on old already shrunk jeans?  new wine in old wineskins?
The Point:  Pharisees are so rigid, inflexible they can't accept His teachings.  (contrast:  His disciples)

IMPORTANT POINT:  Jesus is NOT presenting new truths (that the Pharisees can't handle)  Rather = a proper understanding of ANCIENT TRUTHS!!!  (established truths, eternal truths)  The truths are God's eternal laws.

ie:  God's will has not changed!  But with Christ comes a New understanding of Old truths .... which the Pharisees were too rigid to accept!!
So He'll clash with them about fasting, Sabbath, eating with sinners, accepting Gentiles, etc. 
Example:  Mark 3:6  Phariess and Herodians are like modern day Democrats and Republicans.  Hated each other but worked together here to get rid of Jesus.

Observations and Applications for us today:  

(1)  Religious traditions are subject to alteration, reform, even disposal  ie:  IF are mere tradition and NOT scriptural mandate!  (learn to recognize the difference!)
(2)  Religious traditions should not be highly dismissed.  They were important and weighty to some people or would never have become tradition!!!  Mattered to some people in a big way so need to seriously consider.

(3)  Not all that is ancient is mere tradition
Example:  sanctity of life, marriage, sexual boundaries.    God's Word does not change!  We are NOT free to alter that!!!

(4)  Your traditions are not binding on others
"we've always done it that way" is no reason to continue
(However, "we've always done it that way" is no reason to change it either.   If it WORKS!!!)

(5)  To be flexible does not mean to change ... it means being OPEN to change!!!

(6)  don't rebel against tradition fo the sake of rebellion!   example:  the 60's - rebelled against everything just because that's the way it was always done.  

(7)  On one hand, we say "don't be afraid to challenge tradition.
However, don't be afraid to KEEP tradition!!  It doesn't make you an 'old foggy' to hold to what still works well!

(8)  don't be afraid to ESTABLISH traditions! 
example:  family series, buffaloes and butterflies  (However, don't be upset when others abandon your traditions!!)

(9)  ABOVE ALL ... don't be a Pharisee... ie:  Don't let your traditions keep you from Christ!!

Sunday, October 3, 2021

The Calling of Matthew

 Mark 2:13-17

About Matthew:

(1)  he had 2 names - "Levi Son of Alphaeus" and "Matthew"

(2)  he was a Jew

(3)  he was a tax collector "publican" - collected from the 'public' - taxes went to Rome
Personal taxes?  interstate tariffs?  both?
his position = lucrative and secure!! - he was well to do.

(4)  he was considered a traitor  - collected from Israel for Rome.

(5) and an extortionist - because he collected over and above what was actually due.  The more charged the more he made!! 
(Question:  what did the other disciples think of Jesus' calling him?)

(6)  he was familiar with the Old Testament
(quotes if often in his gospel)

(7)  he was educated - shows knowledge of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.  Was capable of writing the gospel account.

(8)  he was (eventually) chosen as an Apostle

(9)  he is the author of "the Book of Matthew" - the longest gospel

(10) tradition claims he was martyred for the faith - all the disciples except Judas Iscariot were martyred

The Text/Story - Mark 2:13-17

Additional accounts:  (1)  Matthew's own account - Matt. chapter 9
(2) Luke's additions: 
     A)  he left everything - Luke 5:28
     B) this was more than a 'dinner' - Luke 5:29
            a) "great banquet" - (men of means, were many there!
           b)  "for Jesus" ... to HONOR Him?
                                     to INTRODUCE Him?  was an evangelical banquet!

Question:  Was this his 1st encounter?
On one hand 1st. encounters did happen - example:  Philippian jailer - Acts 16
On the other hand, Jesus says "count the cost" ... think it through!  Use your head!
Make an intelligent decision, informed decision, considered decision.

Now ... look at teachings......found and/or illustrated here.

(1)  Jesus taught the people - Mark 2:13 - not just doing things - healing, feeding, etc.
Illustration:  a teaching church?  or an active church?
Answer = an Active church based on (determined by) God's Word - the sole authority for faith and practice.

(2)  Jesus' message and ministry is to ALL people!
Matthew = left wing liberal
Simon the Zealot = right wing radical
Jesus took in BOTH!!
But - He didn't call them to discuss and compromise...  rather He called them to ... FOLLOW HIM!!!

(3)  Jesus came to save sinners - Mark 2:17
Luke 19:10 - "seek and save"  John 3:17 - "not to condemn"

Problem (illustrated here) was Jesus was willing to save sinners
BUT ... Many refuse to recognize their sin
Luke 18:9-14
"I'm right!!" attitude.  (illustrated in the Beatitudes - blessed are.....?)

(4)  Jesus doesn't just call people to come (to Himself)....
Jesus calls people to come in repentance - Luke 5:31-32

the distinction??  (1)  Come to Jesus;
                          (2)  Come AS you are!!!
           BUT       (3)  Come with the intent of changing who you are!!!
Example:  today's easy evangelism!)
So.... He calls Matthew and Simon - "come as you are" does NOT mean "stay as you are!!!"
Come and let God change your heart, mind, actions, desires, worldview, etc.

Closing Scripture:  1 Tim. 1:15-17