Monday, December 27, 2021

God's Visitations

 At Christmas we:  (1)  celebrate His Coming  (Incarnation - came in humility as a human baby)
                             (2)  Anticipate His Return  (2nd coming) - He will come in power and glory
But in the 'tween time ....??  ie:  the time between his first coming and his 2nd coming.
                            (3)  We hope for His Visitation(s)

Definition:  On one hand He is always with us - as a people group and as an individual
However, we sometimes have a special sense of His Immediate Presence!  (an experience, sensation, or evidence.)
Hence the song:  "O Come, O Come Emmanuel"

Broken into 2 categories:

I)  Corporate Visitations - moves among a people group
Examples from Scripture:   the Exodus, the time of Christ, Pentecost
Non-Scriptural examples = the Great Awakenings - 1730s and 1790s.  (1740 - 1742 church membership in New England doubled!!  in 2 years!!!

II)  Personal Visitations = reveals Himself to individuals.
example:  (nearly) al conversion experiences begin here - personal wooing, personal drawing

Question #1 - In what form do visitations come?  look like?
Scripture = visions, dreams, angelic visitations - examples:  Christmas story, Mary, Joseph, shepherds, magi
                  miracles; God manifests His presence in miracles - thru the Exodus, Elijah, Moses, etc.
But ... these are rare, unusual ... never the norm!!

The  most common = Presence and movement of the Holy Spirit working in a life.
John 14:15-18, 25-26, 16:12-14
example (again) - the Great Awakenings.  These were not a result of dreams, visions, angels, miracles!!!
Comparison:  Elijah's Visitation .. wind, earthquak3, fire - not in these.  But in a "still small voice" - 1 Kings 19

So.... Question #2... When will He visit?
:  when HE deems it wise, best... according to His wisdom, His timing, purpose, etc.  - We have NO control.  He is in TOTAL control!!
On one hand expect an initial Visitation (call to salvation) - Rev. 3:20, 22:17
However, beyond that??? expect Him to do what's BEST!!!

Question #3 - Should I seek a Visitation? (pursue, etc)
Answer:  Yes... BUT... He's Lord, you are not.  Must be willing to accept the absence of His presence.
On one hand, scripture says "seek Him  (develop personal relationship)
However, you should be willing to accept His Will in this!!! 
Examples:  Job, Jesus on the cross, the Laments - Psm. 13:1-2
He may want you to be in the darkness for a period of time.   (Christian maturing theory)

Question #4... What if He doesn't Visit Me?  (beyond initial call)
Answer:  "Keep Walking!"  - Isa. 50:10
Job 13:15 - "though He slay me.... yet will I trust Him"
words to Peter - John 2 - "you ...... Follow me!!!"

Caution!! Beware of  "Visitation Envy"
Don't Covet a Visitation.
Don't Fabricate a Visitation.
However, don't be too easily (readily) satisfied!!!

Question #5   Will I Know if He's Visited Me?
On one hand, He's capable of making Himself known!
However, He doesn't always choose to!!! - Heb. 13:2  "unawares"

I suspect... He visits more often than we realize... But ... He doesn't do it in the form we expect!!
Example:  Incarnation, Messiah!!

Summary Point:  Heb. 13:5 = about $$ only?  or broader principle
Example:  Paul's thorn - "my grace is sufficient unto thee"

Additional notes:

I)  A visitation is not always a pleasant thing!!! 
Could be confrontation, chastisement, discipline, challenge, correction

II)  ever received a Visitation through the ministry of another??
IF SO..... THEN ... you (likewise) may be the medium of God's Visitation - (to another) - 1 Pet. 4:10

So... concerning a Personal (or Corporate) Visitation?

(1)  pray - stay in touch (this = a relationship)
(2) seek - a Visitation!!  create an inviting environment!!
(3)  be open ... to receiving a Visitation ... OR ... NOT!!
(4)  be sure (confident) that He IS WITH you!!! - regardless
(5)  Be Available - to be a tool, instrument of Visitation
(6)  Above all - Keep Walking!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The Incarnation; The Coming of Christ

 All the celebrations around the world came about because of Christ's birth.

John 1:1 and John 1:14 

At Christmas we celebrate His coming AS a man .... TO Earth.
Matt. 1:22-23 - this title "Immanuel" - God Incarnate
On one hand, is a great mystery - 1 Tim. 3:16
However, just because it is beyond comprehension does not mean it's beyond truth!!!

So... what did He come to Accomplish?  (what purpose?)

He Came To

#1)  Reveal God - John 1:18  (word is exegete - to reveal)
To reveal ... God's Person/Character
                   God's will/ plan  (for us (people))

On one hand, more fully but NOT completely!!! - He is infinite.  We will never be infinite.
However, how much more we know of God .. when you add the gospels and the New Testament! - Christ came to reveal this stuff.  2 Pet. 1:19

#2)  To Redeem Man - ("buy back")
Justice demands payment
(hence the Old Testament Sacrificial System - ceremonially saved from sins)

#3)  to Reconcile Man
Redeem has legal aspects            Reconcile = relational aspect.  (personal relationship)
Rom.8:14-17 - " with Christ."
2 Cor. 5:18 - "...through Christ"  - example:  Bridge illustration

NOTE:  The price paid doesn't assure Redemption  (must accept!!)
              The bridge built doesn't assure Reconciliation  (must cross!!)

#4.  to teach us - how to live this life!!

#5.  To model for us - how to live this life!!

So..... WWJD (what would Jesus do)  based on what DID Jesus do?!   Not what you think Jesus would do.
The answer to both = found in Scripture!!!  Not in your mind, your heart!!  It is irrelevant what you think!!

Some of Jesus' human actions, expressions modeled for us":
     humility - "emptied 'self" - Phil. 2
     compassion/sympathy - example:  the 5000 - "sheep without a shepherd"
     forgiveness - ex.  woman caught in adultery - "neither do I condemn..."
                                on cross - "Father, forgive... they know not...."
     sense of duty/responsibility - John 5:17 - "Father works and I work...."
     sense of purpose!!  "came to seek and save"
     self - discipline, self sacrifice/ obedience...

Above exercised NOT ONLY in pleasant times.
But amidst ... grief/sorrow/pain/frustration (anger)/hunger/thirst/fatigue (also = human!)
So... Heb. 4:15 = our Mediator also our Model!!

#6.  To Enable us - John 14:15-18
(doesn't give TASK without Provision!)
On one hand, not enabled to perfection
However, enabled to ... live the Christian life ... to follow... to serve... to model... to Promote!

The above 6 = things He came to accomplish (achieve)

But... motivation?  ie:  why would God come, live, Die...?

Because... (1)  He Loves You - John 3:16
            on one hand "world" = us...
            however the Scripture is clear ... includes you as an individual person!!!

                (2)  (obviously)  He Values You   (agape)
                      (A)  made you in His image
                     (B) you are worth dying for!!!

               (3)  He sees potential in you ... He's willing to beckon you, save you, indwell you, work with you.... and spend eternity with you!!!

Short Summary:  John 10:10

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Parables of Jesus (continued)

 Last week = Parable of Soils  (soil is your heart, ou are responsible for the condition of the soil.)
Included Mark 4:10-12  along with Matthew 13

Point = Parables are designed to :  Reveal and Conceal Spiritual truths
Jesus wanted those who wanted to hear and see to see, and those who didn't, did not.

So now.... Mark 4:21-22
Is God's desire that all see and hear the spiritual truths.
However, He won't violate your free will.    If you are determined to not let God's truths in, He won't force you to hear.

So... Mark 4:23-24 The Warning (admonition)
IF you ahve Spiritual capacity to see, hear....
THEN .. you should (1) TAKE NOTE  (pay attention)
                      and    (2)  Consider carefully what's being taught and said..

Because:  Mark 4:24-25
(1)  the degree to which you apply yourself to these truths largely determines what you'll get out of them. 
Mark 4:14-15

(2)  if you don't use what you have, you cane expect to lose what you have! 
Illustration:  Matt. 25:26-29
(3)  Paul's last words to Timothy - 2 Tim. 2:15

2 Kingdom Parables

I)  Mark 4:26-29 - Kingdom is like... a field of seeds that grow and develop regardless of farmer's understanding!

This does not mean we spread the Word and let God do all the rest.  Example:  1 Cor. 3:5-9
So... (1)  We are to apply ourselves to the Word in our own heart  (ex.  Parable of the Soils)

AND  (2)  we are to (attempt to) nurture the seed in other's hearts as well!!

II)  Mark 4:30-32
On one hand, the Kingdom had (apparently) insignificant beginnings
However, the Kingdom has had incredible growth and impact.

We tend to choose Pre-Mill (things get worse and worse before Jesus returns)
                  or        Post-Mill  (things get better and better)

BUT  - Kingdom growth often includes BOTH ... at the SAME TIME
Example:  Roman Empire after the Resurrection! 
Question:  Did things get better and better??  Christina growth and influence
Or... things get worse?? - decadence and decay

ANSWER = Both.... at the same time!

Another example = Corinth.    Yet ... 1 Cor. 15:58

Final takeaway from all this??    Mark 4:33
"as much as they could understand"...

The disciples didn't understand everything He said, so you're not going to understand all He says
But .. the final issue is not one of understanding.  It's one of TRUST!!!

ie:  Will you TRUST Him ... even when you don't understand?  (it's called FAITH!!)
                as your SAVIOR?
                as your LORD  (Boss)?
                when you can see?
           and when you can't?

Monday, November 29, 2021

The Parable of the Sower

 Mark 4:1-20 with Matt. 13 and Luke 8

Mark 4:1-2 - parable - a story designed to teach, illustrate a spiritual truth; short, catchy, memorable (and often a bit of a a riddle), a comparing something we know (soil/seed) to explain something we don't know or aren't familiar with;  ie: (spiritual growth/ spiritual productivity)

this parable = longer than most and includes explanation found in Matt., Mark, Luke  (Jesus gives the meaning)

Question:  Why use parables??
Answer = Mark 4:10-12 with Matt. 13:10-15 - quoting from Isaiah chapter 6.   Jesus doesn't heal, save, instruct people against their will.

Parables designed to:  on one hand, bring spiritual truths to light! 
While, on the other hand, veiling, concealing those same truths!!

So that those who want to know the truth will see... while those not interested will NOT see!!  Matthew Henry refers to "a dark lantern" - light to some, dark to others.
Example:  in Exodus - pillar of light .... was light to Israel and darkness to Pharaoh.   Ex. 14:19-20

So... while many were amused by the parable/stories, only a few were instructed by the same parable!!
Point = how you approach a parable will (partly) determine what you receive from that parable!! 
If you approach a parable seeking to get instruction, will tend to find it.

The Parable of the Sower/Soils ... Mark 4:2-9

The Explanation of the Parable - Mark 4:14-20

(1)  The seed is the Work of God = compare Luke 8:11
Is broadcast (available) to ALL!!!   But lands on different soils!

(2)  The seed is good.  The outcome is determined by the soil!!!!

(3)  The soil is the heart of man - Matt. 13:19   Luke 8:12
Attitude matters (a great deal in this).!!!  how you approach the parable determines the outcome.

(4)  You determine the type of soil... the condition of your heart.  Soil is determined by the individual

#1)  The hardened soil (heart) - Mark 4:15  hears word, doesn't attend to it.
Example:  attends church, stays awake ... BUT message lost in the parking lot!!!

#2).  The Shallow soil (heart) - Mark 4:16-17
"receives the Word with joy!!"  BUT any difficulty ... and "fall away"!  

#3).  The thorny soil (heart) - Mark 4:18-19   Luke 8:14
at issue is not the soil but = competition for the soil!!!  Note:  these weeds are NOT necessarily evil in themselves.
Example:  Solomon's riches, Job's possessions, Joseph's position...  When not properly handled, they choke out the Word.

#4)  The fertile soil (heart) - Mark 4;20
Especially note:  Luke 8:15 - "hear
                                          - retain
                                          - persevere
                                          - produce

following Christ is more than just perseverance!
Also = PRODUCTION!!!  are called to produce Good Works!
Example:  parable of the talents
Compare/contrast ..a  Christian hermit  (perseveres, but doesn't produce!!)  God calls us to grow the kingdom, Make a Difference.

So.... How to develop a fertile heart???
#1.  expose yourself to the Word - (ie the seed!)
This = intentional, continual exposure 

#2.  Attend to the Word
soils 1, 2, and 2 didn't reject the Word ... however, did not "attend" to it!! - "Remember!  Pay attention!  Lookout!  Be careful!

#3.  guard your heart
     The input - example:  porn, trash
     the content - anger? bitter? envy?  if feed and fertilize it?  will continue to grow!!
     the response - can't always control input and content (feelings)  but CAN control Response!! - what we do with it!!

Proverbs 4:23 -
heart determines course of your life!!    Is source of all the issues in life!

Closing Scripture:  Gal. 6:7-9

Monday, November 22, 2021

Give Thanks

 John 1:16 - (refer to Nov. 25, 2019 sermon notes for Blessings List)

Because you are so blessed, you should.....

#1)  Be Grateful - Col. 2:6-7 - continue in Him - should overflow with attitude of gratitue

#2)  Give Thanks - attitude to action!!    Times action mentioned in Bible to times attitude mentioned = 50 to 1.
Example:  10 lepers - all were healed.  Undoubtedly all were very grateful to be healed.  BUT, only one came back to say Thank You!!  - Luke 17:11-19 - we are called to give thanks.

#3)  Give Thanks in proportion to your blessings.  Deut. 16:16-17

#4)  give thanks in midst of every situation.  1 Thess. 5:18 - (IN everything - not FOR everything!")
Because  (A) in all things God WORKS!  Rom. 8:28
               (B)  sometimes blessings come wrapped in the rags of a curse!!  - examples:  Jacob and angel; Paul and thorn in the flesh.

NOTE:  Heb. 13:15 - "Sacrifice ...."  because is not always easy!!  But, is always acceptable.  

#5)  Be willing to give thanks publicly.  Psm. 35:18,  Psm. 105:1


(1)  Giving thanks is a command - not an option - benefits us.

(2)  Giving thanks is a reasonable command - Rom. 13:7

(3)  Giving thanks is an action  (as well as an attitude)

(4)  Giving thanks is an act of worship - comes from weorth scibe = ascribe worth to.

(5)  Giving thanks is a testimony of your faith -
       a model for your kids
       a witness to the non-believer

(6)  giving thanks is a habit  (like whining, complaining, etc) 
     Point - it can be developed!

(7)  Giving thanks is contagious  (like whining, complaining)  Gen. 21:6 - Sarah @ 90

(8)  Giving thanks is healthy - Phil. 4:6-7
      contrast:  Rom. 1:21 - being unthankful is unhealthy


Some online dictionaries chart recent usage of a word.  Example "Blessing" (in English)

From 1800 to 2019, the usage has dropped considerably. 
Meaning what?  Why?

Not sure - But - we see American's increasing sense of Entitlement!!  - advertisements = "everyone deserves the best!!"
In other words:  (1)  Good things are my right!  It's what I deserve!!  (not a blessing but a basic Right!!)

AND......          (2)  it's God's JOB to give them to me!!!  (no need to thank Him for doing His job!!)


SUMMARY:   You Should Give Thanks!!!

Closing Scripture:  Psm. 89:1-2, 8

Monday, November 8, 2021

The Unpardonable Sin

 Mark 3:20-21 - "family"?  (as in NIV, ESV, NLT)                             
                          "friends"?  (as in KJV, NKVJ, NAS
                          "his relatives"?  (Phillips, Jerusalem Bible)
These translations not typically used of any of these!!  Literally = "those from His side" ... meaning is unsure, but know they were close to Him.  

Statement:  "out of His mind" = insane?  probably not.  Probably = beside Himself, not thinking straight.  Considering the constant pressure, He was in need of R & R!!   (This was NOT Jesus' situation)

But .. could be family!!  Mark 3:31-35 - Jesus didn't deny His family.  Just included others.
Question:  What family did He have?  Mark 6:3
Question:  Did they believe in Him??  John 7:1-5
       On one hand, they believed His miracles - nobody was denying these.
       However, Messiah?  Son of God?  (were they even aware of the Virgin Birth?)

BUT - after the Resurrection!!!  Acts 1:14 - brothers and family were NOW believers. 
(1)  Example: brother James = James the Just, leader of the church in Jerusalem.  Called "camel knees" because he spent so much time in prayer.  Author of the book of James, martyred in 62AD

(2)  Example:  brother Judas - Jude, author of Jude

The brothers came to believe and promote His gospel.  This = evidence of the Resurrection!!!

By contrast - (many religious leaders of the day ...Mark 3:22-30.
NOTE:  (1)  Jesus = healing and casting out demons ....  even His enemies admitted that!!!  Everybody in Jesus' time admitted to the miracles.

BUT (2)  some = so jealous of His success and zealous of their religious stance ... that they wouldn't (or couldn't) admit to the Presence, Power of the Holy Spirit in His life!!

Which led to... The Unpardonable Sin
- often defined as "Rejecting Christ" - which is unpardonable if not repented of in THIS life!!

But here appears to be ... attributing to Satan (what is clearly) the work of the Holy Spirit.!!

This is not talking about honest inquiry, questioning - example:  Nicodemus
This is more than a hard-core religious stance - example:  Paul before his conversion

This = (1)  a denial of the work of the Holy Spirit ... in spite of ...
                    (A)  external evidence  (healings, exorcisms)
                    (B)  internal evidence (promptings of the Holy Spirit within their hearts)
                    (C)  common sense reasoning (which Jesus uses here) -
                                        Illustration:  John the Baptist - Luke 7:20-22

AND (2)  Attributing that work  (of the Holy Spirit) to Satan!!
This = a settled condition, hardened heart - gone so far as to be incapable of faith
Compare:  Rom. 1:20-21, 28, 32

Question:  Why is this unpardonable???
Because God WON'T pardon ad forgive????
OR the offender WON'T seek pardon and forgiveness??  (either way = miserable state!!!)


#1.  You are probably not in danger of committing the "unpardonable sin". 
BUT, we are all prone to quenching, grieving, and resisting the Holy Spirit.  (these = Biblical terms used in the New Testament!)
Examples:  David and Bathsheba .... you and me!!    
Because His promptings OFTEN go contrary to our desires!!!  BUT .. His promptings are Always for good!  (ours and others)

#2.  Labeling evil as good and good as evil is nothing new..  - example:  today's social environment
          compare:  (1)  Jesus' day, this text    (2) Isaiah's da
y - Isa. 5:20-21   (3)  Adam and Eve - Gen. 3:1-5
in every age there will be .... seekers and believers... but also skeptics, detractors, even enemies of the Gospel.    BE AWARE!! Don't  be alarmed!!! - 1 Pet. 4:12, 1 Cor. 10:13

#3.  Entry into Jesus' family is available to ALL who will accept it!!  _ Mark 3:35 with "whosoever will may come"  - open to scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees, tax collectors, sinners;  seekers, skeptics, detractors
BUT ... don't wait till the heart is hardened!!

#4.  Doing God's will consists first and foremost (primarily and most importantly) of accepting Jesus as  your Savior and Lord.
On one hand, nobody keeps His will perfectly - Rom. 3:23
However, Receiving Christ = the beginning, the basis, the doorway to the family of Jesus!!

But entry is more than agreeing, believing  "demons believe and tremble" ...
It is accepting, receiving, bowing the knew to, making the decision ad declaration  (cross the Bridge)

On one hand, rejecting Jesus and the Holy Spirit's call on your life is NOT unpardonable.  However, rejecting that call too long ... can lead to an "unpardonable" state.

Psalm:  "today.... if you hear His voice... do NOT harden your heart."
Is true of the initial call  (salvation)
Is true of the daily call (sanctification)

Closing Scripture:  John 1:11-13

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Octavia Baptist Church - Past to Future

OBC born from a brush arbor meeting - Aug. 1905.   After the meeting, people met and organized "Eagle Fork Missionary Baptist Church"  = 116 years old.

This was during Indian Territory!!  Was 2 years before statehood (11-16-07)

First building = log cabin built near the brush arbor (thought to be on right side of Cemetery Road somewhere across from the cemetery)  Was used as a church and school house!
Thought to have been built by Raymond Wilson.
Building burned in 1913, and moved to the Octavia School.

1st. pastor - JM Widner (who preached revival meeting)  Over next 78 years - 28 men served as Pastor.  At least 7 served multiple times; Pastor was voted on every year until the mid 50s.  Baptisms were held in the creek just west of Octavia (old bridge was still there)

Preaching = "1/4 time" = meaning every 4th. Sunday.  (this does NOT mean 15 minute sermons)  Sunday School met every week.
Under J.T. Bowling, preaching went to "1/2 time" - (1929).  Went to "full time" in 1945.

Money was tight. In 1910 - 40 cents was given to start a "church bell" fund.  (a year later as fund never grew, church voted to us the 40cents to buy a lantern!

in 1926 - 15 votes were cast to build a church building.  Was completed in 1928.  (Pastor's pay in 1928 - $150/year.  Changed in 1947 to 75% of the offering!  

Electricity came in 1949.

1st couple married in new (old) church = Sam and Judy Maggard  (most couples got licenses in Mena, therefore had to marry in Arkansas.  Had to go to Poteau or Idabel to get Oklahoma license.)
1st. couple married in NEW church = Kevin and Jaquita Toon

Until 1965, men sat on south side of the church and women sat on the north side.  (RL & Gloria Williams credited with changing that)

Some deacons over the years:
William Littrel  (Charlotte's husband, Harold's family.)
Raymond Wilson (Tommy and Johnny Phillips' great grandfather)  He donated land for church/school, cemetery
Jim Blackwell  (Jim's grandfather)
John Hensley  (Glen's grandfathe; Joe's great great uncle)
Dukes Wilson (son of Raymond - Helen Caldwell's father)
Ballard Maggard (Tommy and Johnny's grandfather)
RL Williams

Another change/new beginning - October 1983 - First full time Pastor
( 1st. official day = Halloween!)

Halloween became a fun time!!  Did a "Hillbilly" Halloween, then an "Under the Big Top" theme, then a "Wild West" theme.

Started Mother's Day breakfast - in '85 or '86.

MRP's first wedding performed = Elicia Babcock and Phillip Stone - on creek bank at Babcock's original home on Big Eagle Creek

A memorable baptism = Havis Batchelor (was 90+ years old) - in Eagle Fork Creek on a very cold, dreary day. 
First baptism in the new church baptistry = Ron Ratliff (Betty Heaton's son)

Then had to expand --- so moved to a new site!  Bought property for $1000/acre.  (23 acres)
Pad was build by Glen Hensley
Work done primarily by volunteers.
Building completed in 1992..  Then moved old building from Octavia to new site. 
Set the bell.

Then, ... 4th. of July events began with parade in 1983.  Then parade and events ramped up in 1984 and became a major community event.

Patrice dreamed up the "Pig Party" to take place Friday afternoon after completion of VBS.

VBS - all handled by Volunteers.  (volunteers are a huge part of OBC)

Then, started Day Camp!!!  originally held in sanctuary and foyer only!  had no SS rooms, no fellowship hall, etc.
Betty Heaton served lunch under the drive through..  Expected 50+ kids, had 110 the first day!!

Then, transformed the old building to the Fellowship Hall (with kitchen addition)

Built youth building and bathroom building

Added Education Wing

This = brief overview of the church.

Point = #1   for a church to stay alive, relevant, effective... must be open to CHANGE!!   That doesn't mean compromise the Gospel, or God's Word
However, times, cultures, communities, congregations change!!!

#2.  Change always = a challenge
       Usually = uncomfortable for many!!  Nevertheless, it's necessary!!

#3.  it's time for OBC to comtemplate - another significant change!!

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Choosing the 12

 Mark 3:7-12 

(1)  Jesus "withdrew" (from the towns to the rural areas) - why?  - Matt. 12:14-15 - was aware that Pharisees and religious leaders trying to kill him

(2)  when they "touched" Him ... were they healed?
on one hand, it doesn't say!  However, seems implied!
Luke 8:43-44 - woman with issue of blood ... "touched hem of garment...."

(3)  demons ... they recognized Him
                   .... they (unwillingly) obeyed Him.  Jesus tells them to keep quiet - He has authority over demons

Next Section = Mark 3:13-19
(with Luke 6:12-13 - "prayed all night")

Focus on the 12
(1)  Jesus calls them a 2nd. time!  1st. time = "follow"
                                                   2nd time = special office!!

(2)  He appoints them to....
     (A)  be with Him - constant companion, special students
     (B)  go out from Him - ie:  carry the gospel
And  (C)  He grants authority (and power) to drive out evil spirits, heal all diseases - Matt. 10:1
And  (D)  He designates them Apostles!!

Greek word apostle = messenger/ one sent
BUT... this is different - spelled with lower case a
Vs.  capital A = an office, position, title....

These (except Judas) will become Representatives for Christ AND Spokesmen for Christ (after His ascension)
They hold a Unique place in church history!!

They will be the ones to (1) define the gospel
                                    (2)  establish church doctrine
                                    (3)  interpret Old Testament prophecies of Messiah
                                   (4)  Speak for Christ in His (physical) absence

This will be come to know as Apostolic Authority!!
  We are just as much in need of answers in the 21st. century ans in the 1st. century

Qualifications of an Apostle?  Acts 1:21-22
      (1)  with Christ throughout His earthly ministry
      (2)  an eye witness to the resurrection
      (3)  appointed by Christ Himself (through the lots in the case of Matthias)

Question:  What about Paul?
Answer:  he claimed to ... (1)  meet the Risen Lord
                                       (2)  be taught by the Risen Lord
                                       (3)  be appointed by the Risen Lord
Example:  Titus 1:1 - (this explicitly stated in 9 letters)

AND ... the Apostles accepted Paul's claims and endorsed his ministry
Example:  2 Pet. 3:15-16

And so Apostolic Authority was established and accepted 
Scriptural examples:
Eph. 2:19-20 - "built on foundation of Apostles and Paul"
2 Pet. 1:16 - "eyewitnesses of His majesty"
1 John 1:1-3
And Paul and his revelations .... Gal. 1:11-12

So... early church --> Acts 2:42
Recognizing ... this was NOT the Apostles' doctrine;  but (rather) = Jesus' doctrine!  given to the Apostles

Any Application?  for us today?

#1.  Our faith is in Jesus Christ.
BUT, what we know of Him is found int he Words of the Apostles.  This is where we go for our faith.

#2.  God chooses whom He will (for His work).  We must decide IF we'll accept the call.  - to salvation, to service, to a task, to a lifestyle.....
AND we must decide if we'll stick!!  example:  Judas Iscariot

#3.  Your call is similar to that of the Apostles.  ie... to be with Him, to go our FOR Him - you'll never be an Apostle, but can be apostle.

NOTE:  if you accept His call to serve.....
      (1)  you'll never feel adequate to the task - 1 Cor. 2:3
      (2)  you'll never be adequate to the task!!  (God's work = the work of the Holy Spirit!) - 1 Cor. 15:9-10

#4.  Being a faithful follower means great blessings.  BUT ... it doesn't necessarily mean great comfort
Example:  11 of the 12 Apostles were martyred!  2 Tim. 3:12

#5.  God uses ordinary people to Make a Difference.  (to change the world)!!
Example:  #1 = the 12!!  Ex. #2 = people like you

Closing Scripture:  Heb. 10:35-36

Monday, October 18, 2021

Jesus and Sabbath Observance

 Last week = Jesus clashes with religious leaders over "tradition" - were not necessarily following the spirit of the Law.
Post - exile interest in the Law (1st. 5 books of the Bible = the Torah) led to TRADITION OF THE ELDERS

Last week = fasting         this week = Sabbath Observance

I)  Sabbath = the 7th. day - Gen. 2:1-3 - 7th. day set apart

II) Shabbath or Shabbat is literally "Rest"   and/or "cessation"  - God ceased from creative labors.

The next reference (1st. after creation)  = gathering manna double on Friday  - Ex. 16:22
Then = the 4th. Commandment - Ex. 20:8-11

Before the Exile..... prophets preached "Israel desecrated the Sabbath" - (definition = treated something Sacred with disrespect - profaned

So ... 2 Chron. 36:20-21
Then ... the return led to development of Sabbath observation which led to TRADITIONS of the elders.!!  "Rabbinic Law"

These traditions turned into 39 creative activities forbidden, extreme applications, and expansions for us today due to time and technology.

NOTE... exceptions .. to save human life.  If a human life is endangered, a Jew is Required to violate Sabbath law to save life.  (which = answer to a higher law!!!)

Result = (1)  the blessings (of Sabbath) became burdens
             (2)  those who made no attempt to Keep the Rabbinic Law were labeled "sinners".

My paraphrase:  The Sabbath was established to benefit man"  (not vice versa)
In other words, God didn't create men to bless the Sabbath.  God created the Sabbath to bless Man!

Text:  Mark 2:23-28  Mark 3:1-6 - (they had no doubt that Jesus could heal.  But, would he?)
Luke adds  "they were furious!"  
(1)  Jesus healed on the Sabbath  (contrary to their view)
(2) Jesus challenged their views, interpretations, the traditions!
(3)  Jesus declared that He had Both ... the knowledge AND the authority to do so!!!!
(Galilean carpenter challenges teachers of the Law!?!

The Purpose of the Sabbath

I)  REST - physical, mental, emotional break

II)  WORSHIPfocus on God's person, Word, will,  blessings...... etc.  (because our knowledge of, view of, relationship with Him affects our lifestyle.   We need to come together!

III)  WITNESS - Ex. 31:12-13  "sign..."
(1)  to future generations of Jews
(2)  to Gentiles also?? Jews not always popular, but always distinct!!

Three parts of Jewish Law = Civil, Ceremonial, Moral.  Jesus fulfilled the Ceremonial Law - no longer obligated to keep that. 
The Civil Law was for Israel at that time in that nation.  Not obligated to keep that.
However, God's Moral Law - never changes - same today as it was then.
Therefore, Gentile believers, wanting to worship, decided to do so on the "Lord's Day" (Resurrection Day) for worship

Some observations:
(1)  Sabbath observance was instituted for man's benefit - ie.... to bless, not to burden.
Question:  HAS THAT CHANGED?  If not, ... then....

(2)  Sabbath observance is still a valid issue.
On one hand we needn't repeat the error of Israel....
However, there is still a need for...
WITNESS  (Sabbath observance is NOT just for you!!)

(3)  "The Sabbath was made for man" does NOT mean we can do with it as we please!!
Compare:  creation made for man:  therefore do with it as we please.  Not so.
                 Eve made for Adam, therefore he could do with her as he pleased.  Not so.
Question:  Therefore, how to treat the Lord's Day in a manner that pleases God?

(4)  honoring God's laws does not necessarily determine your salvation.  (which = by grace)
BUT... honoring God's law affects your sanctification!! - ie:  the process of spiritual growth, becoming what He created and saved you to be!!! - When constantly disregard God's laws, it hinders growth.

(5)  Sabbath laws were not instituted to honor the Sabbath... but to honor God!
Point being:  do you treat the Lord's Day in a manner that honors God?? good for me, those around me, the lost?

Monday, October 11, 2021

Jesus and Religious Traditions

 Jesus is now more than one year into His ministry.  Primarily in Galilee.
On one hand, He's growing in popularity. - Mark 2:13
However, He's growing in opposition - Mark 2:7, 16 - question is legitimate, but attitude is not.  ie: criticism

So... today = Mark 2:18

Background on fasting:  600 years earlier = THE EXILE - to Babylon for 70 years.
after the return = effort to KEEP the Law and Please God!

Hence:  (1)  THE LAW - they found 613 commands (248 shalts and 365 shalt nots)
This = the written, recorded Law - THE TORAH.

Then (2)  THE ORAL LAW (orally passed down) - either additional laws or exposition f written laws - called THE MISHNAH  

(3)  Additional questions about exactly how to practice these laws lead to THE TRADITION of the ELDERS - example:  Matt. 15:1-2
One of those practices = FASTING = which generally meant abstain from food (could be other comforts, pleasures)

I)  FASTING and the LAW of Moses - only required 1 day per year ... ie:  Day of Atonement  (Lev. 16)

II)  The Purpose of fasting = to deny self, humble self - KJV in Leviticus = "afflict your soul"

III)  The Point = to seek God by sharpening your focus, increasing your sensitivity to Him, to the Holy Spirit
          (A)  how it works - every time tempted with food, reminder as to why are fasting
          (B)  therefore the often used phrase - "fasting and prayer"

IV)  The Tradition of fasting - had grown until in Jesus' times = (A) fasting twice a week - Luke 18:11-12
                                                                                              (B)  to show piety!!!  Matt. 4:

BUT Jesus is saying  (1)  for my disciples, this is not the time for fasting
                         And (2)  your fasting rules are NOT obligatory to all people  (ie:  all believers)

NOW leads to Mark 2:21-22 - examples;  new patch on old already shrunk jeans?  new wine in old wineskins?
The Point:  Pharisees are so rigid, inflexible they can't accept His teachings.  (contrast:  His disciples)

IMPORTANT POINT:  Jesus is NOT presenting new truths (that the Pharisees can't handle)  Rather = a proper understanding of ANCIENT TRUTHS!!!  (established truths, eternal truths)  The truths are God's eternal laws.

ie:  God's will has not changed!  But with Christ comes a New understanding of Old truths .... which the Pharisees were too rigid to accept!!
So He'll clash with them about fasting, Sabbath, eating with sinners, accepting Gentiles, etc. 
Example:  Mark 3:6  Phariess and Herodians are like modern day Democrats and Republicans.  Hated each other but worked together here to get rid of Jesus.

Observations and Applications for us today:  

(1)  Religious traditions are subject to alteration, reform, even disposal  ie:  IF are mere tradition and NOT scriptural mandate!  (learn to recognize the difference!)
(2)  Religious traditions should not be highly dismissed.  They were important and weighty to some people or would never have become tradition!!!  Mattered to some people in a big way so need to seriously consider.

(3)  Not all that is ancient is mere tradition
Example:  sanctity of life, marriage, sexual boundaries.    God's Word does not change!  We are NOT free to alter that!!!

(4)  Your traditions are not binding on others
"we've always done it that way" is no reason to continue
(However, "we've always done it that way" is no reason to change it either.   If it WORKS!!!)

(5)  To be flexible does not mean to change ... it means being OPEN to change!!!

(6)  don't rebel against tradition fo the sake of rebellion!   example:  the 60's - rebelled against everything just because that's the way it was always done.  

(7)  On one hand, we say "don't be afraid to challenge tradition.
However, don't be afraid to KEEP tradition!!  It doesn't make you an 'old foggy' to hold to what still works well!

(8)  don't be afraid to ESTABLISH traditions! 
example:  family series, buffaloes and butterflies  (However, don't be upset when others abandon your traditions!!)

(9)  ABOVE ALL ... don't be a Pharisee... ie:  Don't let your traditions keep you from Christ!!

Sunday, October 3, 2021

The Calling of Matthew

 Mark 2:13-17

About Matthew:

(1)  he had 2 names - "Levi Son of Alphaeus" and "Matthew"

(2)  he was a Jew

(3)  he was a tax collector "publican" - collected from the 'public' - taxes went to Rome
Personal taxes?  interstate tariffs?  both?
his position = lucrative and secure!! - he was well to do.

(4)  he was considered a traitor  - collected from Israel for Rome.

(5) and an extortionist - because he collected over and above what was actually due.  The more charged the more he made!! 
(Question:  what did the other disciples think of Jesus' calling him?)

(6)  he was familiar with the Old Testament
(quotes if often in his gospel)

(7)  he was educated - shows knowledge of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.  Was capable of writing the gospel account.

(8)  he was (eventually) chosen as an Apostle

(9)  he is the author of "the Book of Matthew" - the longest gospel

(10) tradition claims he was martyred for the faith - all the disciples except Judas Iscariot were martyred

The Text/Story - Mark 2:13-17

Additional accounts:  (1)  Matthew's own account - Matt. chapter 9
(2) Luke's additions: 
     A)  he left everything - Luke 5:28
     B) this was more than a 'dinner' - Luke 5:29
            a) "great banquet" - (men of means, were many there!
           b)  "for Jesus" ... to HONOR Him?
                                     to INTRODUCE Him?  was an evangelical banquet!

Question:  Was this his 1st encounter?
On one hand 1st. encounters did happen - example:  Philippian jailer - Acts 16
On the other hand, Jesus says "count the cost" ... think it through!  Use your head!
Make an intelligent decision, informed decision, considered decision.

Now ... look at teachings......found and/or illustrated here.

(1)  Jesus taught the people - Mark 2:13 - not just doing things - healing, feeding, etc.
Illustration:  a teaching church?  or an active church?
Answer = an Active church based on (determined by) God's Word - the sole authority for faith and practice.

(2)  Jesus' message and ministry is to ALL people!
Matthew = left wing liberal
Simon the Zealot = right wing radical
Jesus took in BOTH!!
But - He didn't call them to discuss and compromise...  rather He called them to ... FOLLOW HIM!!!

(3)  Jesus came to save sinners - Mark 2:17
Luke 19:10 - "seek and save"  John 3:17 - "not to condemn"

Problem (illustrated here) was Jesus was willing to save sinners
BUT ... Many refuse to recognize their sin
Luke 18:9-14
"I'm right!!" attitude.  (illustrated in the Beatitudes - blessed are.....?)

(4)  Jesus doesn't just call people to come (to Himself)....
Jesus calls people to come in repentance - Luke 5:31-32

the distinction??  (1)  Come to Jesus;
                          (2)  Come AS you are!!!
           BUT       (3)  Come with the intent of changing who you are!!!
Example:  today's easy evangelism!)
So.... He calls Matthew and Simon - "come as you are" does NOT mean "stay as you are!!!"
Come and let God change your heart, mind, actions, desires, worldview, etc.

Closing Scripture:  1 Tim. 1:15-17

Sunday, September 26, 2021

The Healing of a Paralytic

 Intro:  Jesus = now 1 year into His ministry - Chapter 1 of Mark.  Popularity is growing.  Mark 1:45

Today = next of Mark's recorded miracles, The Healing of the Paralytic - Mark 2:1-12

Some thoughts, lesson,s observations from this story:

#1.  Jesus' emphasis was on preaching - Mark 2:2 
example:  feeding of the 5,000 - Mark 6:34
Miracles were a sideline to His preaching.

#2.  He did work many miracles .. because .. The Miracles were confirmation of His Authority
Had already shown he had authority over sickness, disease, demons, nature
But here... was to demonstrate His Authority over sin, forgiveness!!
Where are we going to put our faith?  our confidence?  In the words of a highly educated man or a man who heals at a word???

#3.  There's a difference in questioning His words and challenging His authority!
"who can forgive but God?" = reasonable question!!
The difference = the heart!!  Examples:  Nicodemus regarding being "born again" - "how can this be?"
The disciples and "eat my flesh" - "to whom will we go?"  - honest questions to confusing statements, but not said with bad attitude.   Attitude in this passage = one that rejects, challenges His authority.

#4.  True faith comes with visible evidence
On one hand = invisible (compare love, hate, joy, peace, jealousy, anger, etc.
However, it manifests itself!!! - "Jesus SAW their faith"!!  They had confidence that Jesus could heal their friend.
James 2:14-19, 26

NOW ... Some personal, practical application of this:

(1)  Jesus has all authority
OR in other words, Jesus is Lord!!
This has been demonstrated and recorded - John 20:30-31
And stated and noted by Jesus Himself - Matt. 28:18

(2)  All authority naturally leads to ... Jesus has SOLE Authority   John 14:6 - He is THE authority!!  Very exclusive!!

(3)  Also noted ... recognizing His authority won't save you ... (example:  the demons)
Salvation is found in Submission to His Authority.  Matt. 7:21
Note:  initial submission leads to Salvation
submission leads to Sanctification!!!

(4)  Faith without fruit is questionable faith - Matt. 7:20
Examples:  good fruit/bad fruit .... NO FRUIT?! - Faith without works is dead!!!

(5)  Your spiritual healing is more important than your physical healing.
Spiritual healing is eternal.
Physical healing is temporal.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Lessons from a Leper

 Mark 1:38-39 - (last week) --> Mark 1:40-45  (1st. recorded stop on His journey through Galilee
Leprosy = incurable disease
leprosy left - same work used when demon leaves

The LAW and the Leper - Lev. 13:45-46
(the cleansing ritual - Lev. 14)


I)  The Leper was not supposed to approach Jesus. 
Luke 17:11-13 = typical response for a leper.
But .... he did!!  Because Jesus = his only hope!!

as long as can fix SELF .. you won't come to Jesus.  But when realize can't fix it, ... "Run" to Him!!
There is an advantage to seeing yourself as you really are. 
Example:  1st. step in AA - I AM an alcoholic!
(1)  don't let your condition, situation, keep you away!! - Heb. 4:16
You need Him most at your Worst!!  Sometimes we let our moral condition, keep us from the Lord!

BUT  (2)  Remember .... the throne of grace is still a THRONE!!  Come with humility, contrition - Isa. 57:15

II)  Jesus was not supposed to touch the Leper
BUT ... he did!!!  Question:  did He violate the Law?   Answer = difficult.  But Note - Matt. 23:23
paraphrase??  "these things matter but there are things that matter MORE!"   And the things that matter more are invariably ... PEOPLE!! - love the Lord your God ... and love your neighbor as yourself!!  It's all about people!!

III)  Jesus didn't have to touch the Leper!
Example:  Luke 17:14 - a word was enough!!
But .... He did!!!  He chose to do it.  Conclusion:  the touch was for the Leper!!
(1)  human touch = important, makes a difference
(2)  human touch = conveys a lot!!!
Therefore, don't be afraid to touch, however, be very CAREFUL with touch!!  learn to discern!
(3)  you can 'touch' without physical!!  ex:  a word, call, card, text, gift, prayer...
The church = the Body of Christ.  We = His hands in His absence...   Point:  God may 'touch' them ... THROUGH YOU!!!

IV)  The Leper needed more than healing... He needed cleansing!!! - "unclean" - contrast a cripple, blind man.
We often approach Christ for healing.... BUT overlook ... our great need = cleansing!!   Mark 2:5

cleansing = initial need (salvation)
cleansing = an ongoing need!!! - 1 John 1:8-10

IF you receive your cleansing ... (salvation)
THEN you will (eventually) receive your healing (heaven)

V)  The Leper's healing was his testimony
you encountered Christ and IF He's entered your life..., THEN you have a powerful ministry tool!!!  ie:  your testimony!!

AND it's simple to use!!!
Example:  John 9 - Blind man healed.
Step #1 - "this I know" (was blind, now see.)
Step #2 - "this I Believe" (Jesus made the difference)

but ... interesting twist:
VI)  Even your testimony is to be used according to God's directives.  "(sent away with strong warning!")
So... on one hand, a testimony never shared is of no value to others....
However, everything we have is to be used as He directs and determines.

Also note:  a testimony of healing should include evidence of healing!!
So.... on one hand, you'll never be perfect. 
However, if your testimony = "Jesus so changed my life" and yet it = total wreck?!?   That = no real testimony!

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Jesus' Galilean Ministry

Mark 1:21-39 - all happens before He came back to Jerusalem
Jesus is with at least 4 of the disciples:  James, John, Andrew, Peter.  Perhaps more.

I)  Demons = a big part of Jesus' ministry - so doing a quick overview!

(1)  They are called "unclean (unholy) spirits" - or "demons"
often translates "evil spirits" - come from two different words

(2)  They are a real and present danger
on one hand, are not human.  However, are real persons, personages

(3)  Generally assumed to be fallen angels
Satan's rebellion - Luke 10:18
1/3 of angels fell with him?  Rev. 12:4
Not created evil but with the potential for evil.  God doesn't create evil.

(4)  They oppose God and all that is Godly 
Which = believers!!  - Rev. 12:17   We can anticipate demonic attacks during Christian life.

(5)  They are doomed to destruction - Matt. 25:41

(6)  They know that - Mark 1:24  (different instance = Matt. 8:29)

(7)  They recognized Jesus 
in his humanity - "Jesus of Nazareth..."
in his deity - "the Holy One of God"
in his Authority and power - Mark 1:25-26
(hence they obey reluctantly -- because they have to!!)

(8)  They are still with us today
But.... most visibly active in times and places of:
      (A)  unusual Divine manifestations - example:  Jesus' day
     (B)  places of satanic worship - example:  voodoo, witchcraft, etc.    That's when many times see great deal of holy Spirit activity as well.

(9)  We should be informed, aware, alert.  1 Pet. 5:8-9

(10)  We need not focus on them - Phil. 4:8
beyond, gospels = little interaction with demonic occurrences (until Revelation)
instead = teaching and Focus on Christ!!

Now.... Contrast... Knowing and Believing
            and ......Trusting 
James - "you believe in one God?.... "

NOTE:  Both demons AND humans recognized....

II)  Christ's Authority - Mark 1:22, 27

His authority was evident in...
(a)  His teachings  (John 7:46 - "never has a man spoken..."
(b)  demon expulsions
(c)  Miracles
Last two showed His power over Spiritual world, and natural world

Note again: Recognizing His Authority is not the same as Submitting to His Authority.
On one hand, all will eventually submit
However, blessings (both now and future) are reserved for those who willingly submit!!!

III.  Christ's Purpose - Mark 1:38
He didn't come PRIMARILY to cast out demons, work miracles, cure physical ills, etc.

He came PRIMARILY to ... Preach the Good News!!!  To redeem mankind.  The other things were secondary.

Which = what He wanted His disciples to be about.... "let us go some where else - nearby villages so I can preach there    Mark 1:38

Which = what He wants us to be about.....  Matt. 28:18-20 - Go and share the good news. 
All authority = in charge of EVERYTHING!!

Closing Scripture:  Rom. 15:13

Sunday, August 22, 2021

God's Call(s) on Your Life

Mark = the most abbreviated gospel.  But, all 4 gospels together are not the full picture!!
John 21:24-25
So.. on one hand, we have only a partial picture.  However,we have all the picture we need to become believers, ambassadors, etc.  John 20:30-31

That said, Mark 1:12-13, 14-15
NOTE:  time between vs. 13 and vs. 14 = 1 year!?  (Jesus' early ministry)

Mark leaves out... for example:

(1)  wedding at Cana, water into wine, 1st. miracle - John 2

(2)  1st. cleansing of Temple - John 3

(3)  Meeting with Nicodemus - John 3

(4)  Meeting with (Samaritan) woman at the well - John 4

(5)  rejection of Jesus by His own ... synagogue @ Nazareth - Luke 4:28-30

(all this between vs. 13 and 14) 

Back to Mark 1:14 - Merely a time reference?  Answer is more than that!!!  John 4:1-3

Point = John the Baptist = popular with the people, but at odds with the religious establishment and local politicians.  example:  "troublemaker" - results in his arrest and execution (under Herod Antipas)

Compare Jesus:  popular with people, but at odds with leadership.
But ..."his time had not yet come"  (ie:  the time for Him to fulfill His role as Messiah) so.... He leaves Judea, Jerusalem for the countryside (Galilee) - Matt. 4:12

All this = relevant to next passage - Mark 1:16-20

Point:  this is not a spur of the moment, emotionally charged decision!  These guys had known Jesus a year before this calling!! They've been following Him on and off since the day after His baptism.  John 1:35-45

This = well thought out, carefully weighed response to a HIGH CALLING!
(on one hand, they couldn't know all this calling would entail .. however, they didn't answer without consideration!!!  not blindly!!  They knew what they were doing.   Following with head, not only with heart!

Application:  God's Call(s) on Your Life!

I)  The call to Salvation - Mark 1:14-15   "repent"  (turn)  "believe"  (embrace)
comes t all men ... 1 Tim. 2:3-4, 2 Pet. 3:9, Rev. 22:17
On one hand, this call should cover all calls - (Savior and LORD!)
However, as we grow, learn more of what He wants ...
Are additional calls.  

II)  The call to return - because have drifted, strayed, turned away.
Example:   Prodigal son, Peter at the Lord's breakfast (was embarrassed and ashamed, but came back),
Rev. 2:4-5 

III)  The call to greater commitment
because have strayed, but because have grown and learned (as here!)
Maybe call to greater service.  Will certainly include call to grow,  develop, become.  He calls every Christian to this.

 IV)  The call to 'higher service'
Maybe ... vocational ministry, an office, a position, a duty, task, service

V)  A call to a particular duty, task, service
long term, short term
within the church, secular
Examples:  medical - teacher - politician

in all these cases
(1)  the Call is from God - (not simply your choice) - is Divine calling

(2)  The call is to serve Him - may be serving people, BUT = serving Him 1st. 
Example:  Peter:  "do you love me?  then "feed my sheep!"  He's not serving sheep, he's serving God 1st.

(3)  The goal is to further the Kingdom
May include a living wage - BUT .. the motivation = serve the Lord
Example:  Levites called to serve, but provided for by the people.

Our call tends to be.....
(1)  Non-verbal, non-audible - (contrasted with the disciples)  We mostly hear a still, small voice.

(2)  Nevertheless, compelling  (But, is still can be ignored!!)

Therefore, (3)  it's a matter of both head and heart
Worthy of consideration, reasoning!!! - not just an emotional decision.  

Additional notes:  the Call ....
(4)  May not be pleasing! 

(5)  may not be pleasant
examples:  Jonah, Jeremiah

(6)  Usually in line with your giftedness!!
(Though you may not recognize that!!!  ie;  the prophets

Therefore:  (7) generally recognized by others  (their confirmation)

(8)  Generally fruitful - but not necessarily by man's measure!!!  Example:  Jeremiah - preached 40 years, not one convert!  (Jesus at the cross)

The call includes the obligation of Self Development
on one hand, with the call comes provision
However, you must take opportunity to develop gift, ability - 2 Tim. 2:15
This = lifelong, never ends in this life

So, listen for the call(s)
Consider the call (with head AND heart)
Commit, re-commit, develop 'self 

Trust God to use you .. to His glory!! - 1 Cor. 15:58

Monday, August 16, 2021

The Temptation of Jesus

Last week = Baptism - Mark 1:9-11 - declaration of Sonship
This week = Temptation - Mark 1:12-13

Mark = brief account.  So, add Matt. 4:1-11 - Vs. 6 from Psm. 91:11-12
Also Luke 4:1-2   (tempted the full 40 days)
        Luke 4:13  ("until .... opportune time")

First:  a word study/ Bible Study

The word used here in the Greek is (peer-od-zo) means TEMPT or TEST   When translated, was based on the context as to which word was used.

(noun) #1.  A Temptation -- to do evil, a solicitation, enticement to ACT contrary to God's will  (as here)

(noun) #2. A test, a testing - Gen. 22:1-2, Heb. 11:17
God's purpose = (A) to reveal your heart  (to you and to others)
                          (B)  to develop your character

distinction between temptation and test?  = James 1:13
ie:  (A)  God can't be tempted WITH Evil
     (B)  God doesn't tempt (us) WITH Evil
BUT (C)  God does allow us to BE TEMPTED!!  He did not offer the evil, but allowed it!

And then (D)  God uses that temptation for our Good!!  
ie:  to (A) reveal our heart.  (to 'self and others)
         (B)  Develop our character
Example:  Peter - Luke 22:31-32 - Satan's intent is to show that Peter is nothing but chaff, worthless.  God allowed this so Peter will see what's inside him.

#3.  When we test God - Matt. 4:7 
This = challenge God!  Call Him out!  try to provoke Him to action!!  Ex. 17:1-2, 17
Essence = "are you God?  Sovereign?  Present?  Caring? Faithful? 

This doesn't mean should never question God, but means should trust Him ... when don't get answer, or don't understand answer.  Example:  Job - "though He slay me.... yet will I trust Him"

Exception:  when invited to test!!! - Mal. 3:10

Back to the story:  NOTES ON TEMPTATION

#1.  Satan is Real - if he wasn't, Jesus wouldn't be talking to, fighting with him.
But ... (a)  he is not omnipresent  (therefore has minions, demons)
and    (b)  he is not behind ALL temptations!  James 1:14-15 - evil in 'self tempts

#2.  Satan will attempt to draw you away from God.
summary verse:  1 Pet. 5:8-9  "Resist ... By standing"
ie:  he can attempt to draw you out of God's will.  However, he cannot push you out!  You step out!  

#3.  God may allow that  (ie:  Both temptation and failure!!)
Good news = Satan cannot touch you without permission
Bad news = he often gets permission!
Examples:  Job, Peter, Christ!!
Note:  Rev. 13:5-10

#4.  IF God allows it... He will USE it!  Rom. 8:28
all temptation has potential for good!! 
(again) to Reveal character  (to 'self/ to others)
           to Develop character
example: Peter - better man because he failed  - Deut. 8:2-5

Failure needn't be fatal!!  Contrast Peter and Judas Iscariot
Failure CAN BE (and should be) motivation for improvement  (Peter)
What we do with the failure is the big issue.

#5.  Temptations will continue throughout life - John 16:33

#6.  Jesus' response to temptation (Satan) was the PROPER use of God's Word - Satan used God's Word, too, but improperly.
On one hand, the Word = sword of the Spirit! - Eph. 6:17
However, must be properly handled!! - 2 Tim. 2:15
Contrast a sword in the hands of a swordsman vs a novice)

Additional note:  All Jesus' responses were from Deuteronomy.  A book we tend to overlook!  Might be a lesson here!!

Testing will happen to show you what's inside!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2021

The Baptism of Jesus

 Mark 1:9-12

(story in all 4 gospels - shows importance and significance!!)

Putting all 4 accounts together we learn.....

(1)  Jesus came FROM Nazareth in Galilee.  (about 43 miles) - to the place where John was baptizing.

(2)  He came TO be baptized!! - Matt. 3:13  - purpose for the journey

(3)  John objects - Matt. 3:14

(4)  Jesus' reply - Matt. 3:15  - "fulfill all righteousness" 

(5)  Holy Spirit descends on Him
   "like a dove" (form? appearance?)
   "as He was praying"
   "in Bodily form"
Luke 3:21-22

(6)  A Voice  "from heaven" - (Matt., Mark, Luke)
Matt.  "this is my Son..."
Mark and Luke  "You are my Son...."
Question:  who heard the Voice?  Jesus?  John?  Others?

(7)  John the Baptist SAW the Spirit - John 1:32-34  (confirmation!!)

(8)  Luke adds  - Luke 3:23  "about 30 years old"  - baptism at the beginning of His ministry

Question:  What's the significance of "dove"? 
Answer:  sign of Divine Anointing ... (for His ministry)
Isa. 42:1  "...spirit on Him...."     Luke 4:14-21

Before ministry = temptation by Satan!  (Matt., Mark, Luke)

So... WHY was Jesus baptized??

On one hand, symbolism = washing away sin
However, with Jesus = NO NEED!!

So... back to Matt. 3:15 - "proper for us, fulfill righteousness"  - mild paraphrase = "it's the right thing for us to do"

Exactly why it's "right thing" ???  Don't know!  BUT .... in baptism ...
    (1)  Jesus identifies with John - validates John's ministry, John's message

    (2)  Jesus identifies with mankind - ie.  doesn't exclude Himself from something He'll ask all followers to do!!  Heb. 2:14-15

    (3)  Jesus models humility - He didn't HAVE to submit to baptism

 All this leads to a deep theological consideration ...

ie:  THE DUAL NATURE of Christ
ie:  He was FULLY MAN and FULLY GOD ... at the same time!!!  = incredible mystery!!

On one hand, He was (fully) Human!   normal pregnancy, birth, growth - Luke 2:40, 52
Experienced weariness, hunger, thirst ... AND DEATH!!
Rose with same physical body (though glorified) - Luke 24:36-43
Ate after the Resurrection!!!  Ascended with same body!!!  - Acts 1:9
had human mind, emotions.... frustration, sorrow, grief....

On the other hand, He was (fully) DIVINE - (ie  God .. at the same time!!)
John 1:1, 20:28, Heb. 1:8, 2 Pet. 1:1  Isa. 9:6
Was a HUGE thing for a Jew to declare Jesus God

How Possible???  - don't know - 1 Tim. 3:16
On one hand, beyond our comprehension
On other hand, beyond comprehension DOES NOT mean beyond possibility!!

.. IF you can accept  this, you can see that .... - (this is the mystery of Christianity)

#1)  As MAN, He is our perfect MODEL - for mankind
Heb. 4:15  (again)  "tempted.... yet without sin"
So... 'What Would Jesus Do?" WWJD => What should I do?

#2.  As God, He was the Perfect Substitute
Who could pay for sin except God?
So.... Phil. 2:6-8 - (emptied self of Privileges, not of Deity!! 

#3.  As the God-Man, He is the Perfect Mediator 
ie.  understands man's weakness!,  needs,
as well as God's demands

Therefore, can represent God TO us perfectly
and, can represent US to GOD perfectly
Heb. 4:14-16, 1 Tim. 2:5

He's the perfect Lord, Master of your life!!

Closing scripture:  John 20:24-29

Monday, August 2, 2021

John the Baptist

Mark 1:1-8

Mark opens Not with Jesus, but with John the Baptist!!  All 4 gospels record John's ministry -  therefore, is significant)

Biography of John the Baptist:  

(1)  his birth - miraculous - Luke 1:5-17
Note:  "Zacharia's Song"  (after his birth) - Luke 1:76-77

(2)  his formative years - Luke 1:80  - John's childhood - all that is recorded

(3)  his sudden appearance!! - Mark " "And so John came ....." -
great parallel between John and Elijah - 1 Kings. 17:1
This breaks 400 years of prophetic silence!!

(4)  his outward appearance - "camel's hair, leather belt - again, compare to Elijah

(5)  his ministry = predicted/prophecy -Isa. 40:3-5  The synoptic gospels all use this test - refers to John
note also:  Mal. 3:1, 4:5-6 - Jesus anticipated Elijah would come before the appearing of the Lord

(6)  his message
A)  Repent and Be Baptized - Mark 1:4 - baptism of repentance, not baptism to be saved
B0  Produce Fruit - Matt. 3:709 - fruit in conjunction with repentance

(7)  his ministry = prepare people for Messiah - Luke 1:17

(8)  Jesus assessment of John - Matt. 11:10-11

I)  John = extraordinary man!!! -  ".... no name greater than John....."
BUT ... totally human!!!  Matt. 11:2-3  (had doubts!)
So..... what made him extra-ordinary..???

#1.  John was CHOSEN for a particular task!! 
ie:  selected, called ... to BE Jesus' (Messiah)  forerunner

#2.  John was gifted (equipped) for that task!! 
spiritual gifts, personal traits and temperament  (he fit the calling)

#3.  John was faithful to that task!  

So.... question:  what makes John so different than me or you?
         answer:  Only the time, place, gifts, calling.....

1 Cor. 12:4-12 - God gifts according to the calling, task

11 Cor. 12:7-9 - true only of Paul?  Apostles?

Again.... what made John extra-ordinary = (1) his calling  (2)  his gifts  AND (3)  his FAITHFULNESS (to use these gifts)

Example:  Parable of the Talents - Matt. 25:14-15, 19-28
Point:  the man with 2 talents was not expected to gain 10 talents or 5 talents.  (his calling, his giftedness not the same!)
BUT... the same FAITHFULNESS is expected!!!

NOTE:  John did NO miracles!!! - John 10:40-42

II.  John knew who he was  (and who he was NOT!!)
John 1:19-23 - on one hand "not the Christ"
                        however,  "His herald!"

Compare you and me: 
On one hand, just a poor sinner
However, a sinner called, selected, cleansed, redeemed, reconciled, child of God, heir to the Kingdom, joint heir with Christ!!!! - I'm just a child, but I'm HIS child!!

1 Cor. 1:2, 6:9-11
2 points:  (1)  know who you are
              (2)  Act like who you are - a child of God, brought into the family of God.
On one hand, may be unprofitable servant
  However, are His servant

 III.  John's ministry centered on Christ (NOT on himself!)  John 1:35-37 - gospel wasn't about John
John was a very important person ... but ministry is not about YOU!!

Monday, July 26, 2021

Mark ... His Story

Not yet the gospel of Mark, rather = The Story of Mark!!

Jewish name = John, surname (Greek/Latin) Mark - hence ... "John Mark"

1st. appearance - Jesus' arrest in Gethsemane - Mark 14:51-52.
This = 1st. Biblical reference to Mark - was with the followers of Jesus

Shortly, later, after resurrection .. Peter miraculously released from prison by angel, goes to ... Acts 12:11-12.  Mark's mother - assumed to be a widow.

Was Mark there?  or at Antioch?  Acts 12:25 - he comes fro a Godly home - among the movers in the early church.

next = Paul's 1st. Missionary journey - Acts 13:1-5

BUT... Acts 13:13 he "left" them....
with!! Acts 15:36-41  "deserted them ..." - result = division between Paul and Barnabas over Mark

Not mentioned again in Acts ...But ... later when .. Paul is in Roman prison  - Col. 4:10-11 = change in relationship with Mark

later still ... Mark is with Peter (apparently in home!)  1 Pet. 5:13   (around 63AD)

After Peter's death .. (?AD64?) Back with Paul ... Paul's final letter .. (?AD66?)  2 Tim. 4:9-11

this = last of Mark in the Scriptural record .. BUT... the early church fathers and historians (ex:  Eusebius, Origen, Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, Iraneus) all declare ... (1) John Mark = Author of the Book of Mark.                                                                                       (2)  the content = the gospel story according to Peter!! (ie Peter authorized and approved it!)  The Apostle's view written by Mark.
When written?  between 35 and 65 AD, probably around 50 AD

it is also largely assumed ... Mark's gospel was a primary source for Matthew and Luke!!!  (90% of Mark's content is found in Matthew.)  (50% of Mark's content is found in Luke.)
Mark had a tremendous impact on the early church.

That = the Bio - "meet your author" notes.

Question:  Any relevance in that?  for us?  today?
Answer:  the story of Mark is an excellent source of illustration for living the Christian Life.

I)  A faulty start does not necessitate a poor ending!   --- Mark - started with exuberance (in the garden), obviously considered a follower, BUT ... when things got tough?  "fell away"

BUT .. he came back, cam back strong, he remained faithful, God used him in a great way!!!

Our failures needn't define our future .. because ... Phil. 1:6
On one hand, sin has consequences that may last a lifetime!
However, God = God of 2nd. chances  ( & 3rd & 4th, etc.)
AND His people should be also!!  Example:  Paul and John Mark

II)  God will grant opportunities - we must decide what to do with them!!
On one hand, Mark had many good influences (Mother, Barnabas, Paul, Peter ...)
However, He had to decide what to do with that!!

(1)  God attempts to 'mold' our character - "sanctification' - becoming God-like, or becoming like God
(2)  He uses many tools to accomplish that  (the primary tools = people!!)
BUT, (3)  finally ... we must decide how we'll be shaped!! - 2 Tim. 2:20-21

III)  We are not only shaped BY people .... we are shapers OF people!!!  What leaders said of Mark = "fellow worker"  "a comfort to me"  "my son"

Point:  great men shaped Mark, but Mark helped shape them!!

IV)  Mark accomplished great things NOT as a leader but as a helper!!  (assistant)
He's never 'out front'; when he writes, it = Peter's story  BUT ... his gospel influenced Matthew and Luke and millions since!!

when he shucked his robe .. did he ever expect to influence the Kingdom??
when he abandoned Paul and Barnabas..." did he ever expect to assist Apostles?
when he wrote Peter's story ... did he think it would be a 'best seller' for 2,000 years?

POINT:  don't belittle 'self for not being a leader
just pursue being a faithful servant!! - Mark 9:33-35, 10:42-45

So.... what is it the Lord wants from me?
Answer:  same as He wanted from John Mark ...

#1.  Submission:  surrender to Him (as Lord, Boss)
which = surrender to (a) the work He calls you to
                                (b) the position He has for you
(leader or assistant/ out front or in the rear

#2.  Servanthood - in whatever is your position, calling EVEN in, ESPECIALLY in position as leader!!
1 Pet. 5:1-4

#3.  Faithfulness  - example:  parable of the talents
Matt. 25:14-15, 21, 23     "each according to his ability"  "well done good and faithful servant"

#4.  Perseverance - which doesn't mean never fail.  Means always get back up!!!

NO guarantee ... you'll influence the world as did John Mark

Is the Guarantee = IF you surrender fully to Christ, IF are faithful with opportunities and abilities,  IF you hang in there .. Then .... God will do His work .. IN you and Through you!!!
So it'll be ... "well done good and faithful servant .. enter into the joy of your Lord."

 Closing Scripture:  1 Cor. 15:58 

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Building for the Lord

 Last week = Nehemiah (cupbearer to the King, ie.  Prime Minister) gets word of Jerusalem's wall in disrepair nearly 100 years after the return from Babylon.
He prays earnestly (4 months) - prayed, fasted, wept.
The king grants him Authority and Assistance.

POINT:  prayer makes a difference - in individuals and in nations

Continuation of story:  

Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem & leads people in rebuilding the walls..Not just doing for himself or for the people, but for God.

BUT ... Problems:

I)  opposition from neighboring peoples 
     ridicule, accusation, political undermining, military attack
Neh. 2:10, 19-20, 4:6-9, 11, 16-18

II)  obstacles from within Israel
     rubble, fatigue, expense, discouragement
Neh. 4: 10, 21-23

BUT .. task completed; walls rebuilt - Neh. 6:15-16

when completed, they gather for
(1) the reading of the LAW - Neh. 8:1-3
(2) celebration - Neh. 8:8-12

This = historical account of the story of building Jerusalem's walls ... for the Lord can serve illustration of building bigger things for the Lord.
Like Godly character, marriage, family, home, Legacy!!

Some elements of building for God (illustrated from this story)

#1.  Divine Assistance (Nehemiah prayed 4 months before he went to the king!)
Because he wanted more than walls, he wanted Revival, Renewal, Reform

(If Nehemiah needed God's assistance to build a wall, how much more to change heart, forge marriage, construct family.  Can do a lot of stuff without God, but can't do Godly stuff without God.

So we should (1) seek God's assistance (prayer)
                     (2)  seek it earnestly (wrestling in prayer)
                     (3)  give Him credit when it comes (praise and honor)

Neh. 6:15-16 - God's assistance even obvious to pagans!!!   Compare:  Psm. 127:1

Note:  The following points will not stand for eternity without the Lord's assistance.

#2.  A Clear Vision  (Nehemiah knew what he wanted before he attempted it)
We hit what we aim at.
So... A)  what do you wnat for your character? marriage?  family?  church?
Note:  B)  This is not just your vision .... it = God's Vision given to you .. concerning His desire for you!!!
(don't have a clear vision?  Pray for one!!!)

#3.  Hard Work
Remember General Wm. Booth?  - Pray as if everything depends on your prayers.
                                                      "Work as if everything depends on your labors.
This = complimentary, not contradictory!!
Col. 1:28-29 - Paul and his work
Phil. 2:12-13 - You work so He'll work - John 5:17 - (hence his words to Philipians)

#4.  Sacrifice  (ie self-sacrifice)
irony;  to get what you want (if a Godly goal), you must deny 'self!!

#5.  Teamwork  (cooperation)
On one hand, may accomplish some things - just you and God.
However, mostly these things require assistance of others!!

hence church = "Body of Christ" - with many important members!!! (1 Cor. 12-14)
By God's design we NEED One Another!!

#6.  Patience - built the wall in 52 days, Godly character takes a lifetime!  Therefore Phil. 1:6  "until..."

#7.  Perseverance  (endurance, stick-to-it-ness) because you'll face opposition!!
A)  within = ridicule, fatigue, boredom, discontentment
But, Phil. 16
And, B) without - Eph. 6:12  (Jesus did and you will also!)

#8.  Celebration - Neh. 8:10 - the joy of the Lord is your strength.  You haven't arrived but are a long way from where you were, if are trying to build Godly character, so celebrate!!

Monday, July 5, 2021

Prayer Makes a Difference

 James 5:16-18
2 Chron. 7:11-14
1 Tim. 2:1-4
Prayer makes a difference  (M.A.D.) - (1)  in individuals  (2)  in governments!!

Example of this - in a story from Nehemiah
Background:  Israel/Judah in exile and return under Cyrus (538 BC)  but ... many stayed in Babylon.  Back in Jerusalem, the temple was rebuilt, sacrifices restored ...  BUT ... Nehemiah = 100 years after the return .. and the walls still not rebuilt!  

Meanwhile - Nehemiah is in Susa (winter palace of Cyrus, Susa of Esther)

So.... Neh. 1:1-2:8

On one hand, we don't always see our prayers answered.  (ie:  God sees, hears, responds BUT not necessarily as we wish!!
However, the Bible declares "Prayer MAD" and we occasionally see remarkable examples of this!!


#1.  Nehemiah prayed!
Point:  prayer M.A.D. ... not your belief, philosophy, stance on Prayer, BUT ACTIVITY of prayer, not the attitude toward prayer.  - James 5:17 - "he prayed ..." - the action!!

#2.  Nehemiah prayed hard!!!
He wept, mourned, fasted .... Dec. thru April (4 months) -  labored in prayer.
This - "wrestling in prayer" - Examples:  Abraham and Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 18), Jacob's Angel, Moses and the 1st generation.

Compare:  persistent widow - Luke 18:1, 6-8
Note:  Isa. 62:1, 6-7 - don't give up

#3.  Nehemiah prayed to the God he KNEW - "your servant..."
ie:  they were on personal terms with one another!

And, he recognized God as (1) the Sovereign God - "ALL-mighty"
                                          (2) the God of Covenant ... ie promise keeper
                                          (3) the God of Israel ... who established the nation!!!   Who brought back the nation, who is the Keeper of nations!!!  (parallel application to the USA??)

#4.  Nehemiah prayed confessing - Neh. 1:6-7
Compare:  Dan. 9:3-8 
Note:  the confession not just "them" ... = "ME"

God blesses those who recognize their inadequacy!!
"Blessed are the poor in spirit
"blessed ... are those who mourn
"blessed... are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness...

#5.  Nehemiah prayed BEFORE he went to the King!! 
Because ... what he wanted was bigger than the King!!   He wanted more than walls ... he wanted revival, renewal, reform

King can change policy ... can't change hearts!
         can build hospitals ... can't heal nation....
         can offer education ....can't confer wisdom...
Point:  don't depend on government to do what only GOD can do!!!
Psm. 127:1

So.... Nehemiah prayed before he went to the King ....
BUT, #6. He still wnt tot he King!!!
Point = prayer is more the heart and mouth ... = hands and feet!!

Example:  Gen. William Booth (Salvation Army) - quote:  "Pray as if everything depended on your prayers ... Work as if everything depended on your labors!!!"

Note:  "those who are BOLD for God have the greatest need for prayer"

Result:  God moved the heart of a pagan King!!!

2 Notes:  (1)  this was the same king that had halted the work on the walls a few years before!!!  (Ezra 4)

               (2)  Nehemiah now becomes the official governor of Jerusalem!!  Appointed BY the King!!

Prayer makes a difference - in both individuals and in governments!! 

Objection: "I'll never be a Nehemiah"
Answer:  "Probably true" - On one hand, you are not responsible for the world.  However, you are responsible for your (little) corner of the world!! -  be salt and light

AND ... changing that corner begins with changing You!! - You are responsible for you!!!