Col. 4:2-6 All of us have the responsibility of sharing the gospel.
Vs. 6 - conversation = speech, witness
(Using Paul's 'Prayer Requests' as a guideline for Personal Evangelism)
I. Pray for opportunity (to share the gospel)
Note: Col. 4:3 - "that God may open a door for our message"
Point: a place PRE-PLANNED by God
So.... (A) Pray for opportunity to share the gospel
(B) WATCH for that opportunity - be open to it, be perceptive to it
II. Make the most of every opportunity (to share the gospel) - take advantage of the opportunity
Note: last part of vs. 5
so... I) pray for and watch for opportunities
II) RESPOND to those opportunities (ie: share!)
Question: Does sharing the gospel make you nervous? hesitant? - Most Christians get that way.
See 1 Cor. 2:1-3 (this is the Apostle Paul)
III) Pray for a clear presentation - of the gospel
examples: Bridge illustration Wordless book Personal testimony = (I know. I believe because of what I know)
"Objection!! I just don't know enough!!"
Answer = If you are saved, then you know more than the lost person!!
(1) The gospel must be presented (in whatever form) - lifestyle is NOT enough!! - Lifestyle doesn't say one thing about Christ dying for sins.
Therefore (2) You must be prepared - NOT to answer every question! But to answer why they should accept Christ. - 1 Pet. 3:15
Question: What about ... Luke 12:11-12
Answer = Be prepared AND THEN let the Holy Spirit lead you!!
(3) This is a Moral obligation - Col. 4:4 - last part ....."as I should"!! - something you are supposed to do.
Add: (4) This is part of healthy Christian development - Philemon 6
Note: Your job = present the Gospel Clearly!!
Your job is NOT to save them!!!
IV. Be wise in your witness (ing)
How??? (A) Col. 4:6 - "full of grace" - 1 Pet. 3:15 b
the Gospel is offensive!! That doesn't men you must be offensive!
(B) vs. 6 - "seasoned with salt" ??? palatable? tasty? pleasant? OR acceptable?? - not trying to win an argument, trying to win a soul.
Examples: Jesus and Apostles - presented the Love of God without omitting the Judgment of God - they didn't take out the eternal judgment.
Presenting the Gospel requires........
(1) Personal willingness - you must decide if you will do it.
(2) Personal preparation
mental preparation - 2 Tim. 2:15 - "study to show 'self approved..."
spiritual preparation - because you are instrument of the Lord
(3) The Presence and Assistance of the Holy Spirit
which is promised to those who will go!!! - Matt. 28:19-20 - "go an I'll go with you"
Bottom line = do you believe salvation, gospel makes a difference? makes an Eternal difference?
Then.... why not more determined to share??
why not more prepared to share??
Closing Scripture: Matt. 9:35-38