Sunday, July 28, 2019

Romans: 2nd. Introduction

Last week - Introduction to Romans - Rom. 1:1-7 in a nutshell - "Paul, an Apostle, to the church at Rome .... concerning the gospel of Jesus Christ"

Question:  Why study a letter to a specific people group 2,000 years ago?

Answer:  Because:
 #1 - the letter has universal application!!  - it could have read:  ".... to the church @ Octavia"
And, #2.  DOCTRINE MATTERS  - What we practice (how we behave) must be based on truth.

So, the 2nd. Introduction.  Rom. 1:8-17
Paul hopes to visit Rome (and will in chains!  Acts 28)
He hopes to accomplish:
(1) fresh harvest - (non-Christian to Christian ratio at this time, 100 AD = 360:1)
No Apostle had ever been to Rome at this time.
(2)  Spiritual edification  = build up!!  Most of these letters written to churches!
(3)  mutual encouragement  ie:  to bless and BE blessed by

So Paul says ..... I am.... (1)  obligated - ie.  by Christ!!!
                                      (2)  eager   BUT!!  (approaches with fear and trembling) 1 Cor. 2:3
                                      (3)  unashamed .....then and now!!                                   

Because  the Gospel is  (1)  The Power of God
                                    (2)  for salvation  (to effect)
                                    (3)  to all who believe  
Rom. 10:9-10,  John 14:6

How can a story effect salvation and transformation??

Answer:  Rom. 1:17  (abbreviated)  "the gospel reveals a righteousness from God that is by faith"

This Righteousness is right standing (relationship) before God
ie:  the ability to stand at ease in His Presence - Rev. 1:17

This Righteousness comes from God  
This is more than words, outward actions ... Matt. 7:21-23

AND .. The Gospel reveals all this!   (makes it known!)

Example:  Bridge Illustration:
1.  Right Standing - (in His presence, at ease)
2.  from God - He built the bridge
3.  Obtained ... by faith = CROSSING!!  Believing is not faith!
4.  Revealed in the Gospel!  Hands, heart, head - all together

This gospel has been the power of transformation in billions of people.

Closing Scripture:

Monday, July 22, 2019

Introduction to Romans

Paul - to the church @ Rome
which = (a) mix of Jewish and Gentile believers
            (b)  founded by unknown persons.  Paul had never visited Rome, no apostle had visited Rome at this time, but the church was well established.

Letter was written ... approximately 56 - 58 AD = 25 yrs. after the Resurrection  (Paul had been preaching less than 20 years)

On one hand, though Paul never visited Rome, he knew people in the church - Rom. 16:1-10  (29 names listed in this chapter)

So, the church had trusted friends, solid believers, competent leaders, but had no Apostle or trainee of an Apostle  (examples:  Timothy, Titus - trained by Paul)

So.. While Paul was concerned for their Practice (behavior), he was MORE concerned with their Doctrine (beliefs!)

Why??  Because Christianity is NOT BUILT on Practice, but BUILT on Doctrine/Beliefs/TRUTHS!!!

So - Romans = heavy on doctrine because DOCTRINE MATTERS.  Without proper foundation, a building will NOT STAND!!  Romans deals with fundamental, primary views of the Christian faith.
Example:  ancient builders - Roman library - 6' wide 11' deep - building is gone, foundation is still there.

The Christian view - doctrine = this is what we believe.  Therefore, this is how we should behave (practice)

So Paul for example:  spiritual foundations - Matt. 16:18,  Essential beliefs, eternal truths!!  1 Cor. 3:10-11

Chapters 1 - 11 = Doctrine.  Then Application/Practice - Chapters 12-16

Rom: 1:1-7 - (we often skim the introduction to a book, but here = good material.

Vs. 1 - Paul = willing servant - by choice hence loyalty, service
                      called - by God - to ministry
                      set apart FOR the Gospel (from godspel = good tale, good story)

Vs. 2 this gospel =
           promised by God
           revealed through prophets
           recorded in Scripture
Point:  this was not new!!  Was now brought to fullness in and by Jesus Christ!
The Roman Christians didn't have the New Testament - built on what was written down by the prophets

Vs. 3  This gospel is "regarding His Son".
There Is NO Biblical Gospel apart from Christ!! - John 14:6

Vs. 4(a)  Who (Jesus) on one hand was Son of Davis (human and qualified to be Messiah)
However, was Son of God through the Spirit of Holiness  (therefore qualified to be the substitute sacrifice!)
HOW BOTH??  - don't know but Col. 2:9

Vs. 4(b)  who is clearly shown to be God's Son .. By the Resurrection!!!  Jesus Christ overcame death, defeated death.  Was a sign that He was who He said He was.
This = unique claim of Christianity - founder is still alive.  No other religion can make this claim!!

Vs. 5  Apostolic task includes:
           Call people
           to obedience born of faith
Christianity IS a religion of works!!  BUT - works = born of faith!!!!  Don't obtain salvation by works!!!
Eph. 2:8-10

Vs. 6 - you are among the called
Vs. 7 - you are called to be saints
In Rome then.  In Octavia now!!
Paul wrote to the Romans but through the Holy Spirit wrote to us today.

Closing Scripture:  Rom.12:1-2