Sunday, January 22, 2017

Study of 2nd. Timothy continued - Evangelism

2nd. Timothy = final instructions, last words from the Apostle Paul to Timothy, his son in the faith.

Last 2 weeks - dealt with Personal lifestyle and development because can't build the "peak" without the "foundation"

Today - Paul's words to Timothy concerning Evangelism.

The English work = take off from the Greek noun - translated the evangel - meaning the message, good news, gospel.  From the old English - Godspel - good tale, story
          Greek verb - to evangelize - (declare, proclaim) - the evangelist - the one who declares, shares, tell the tale

1. Paul was a herald of the good news (Evangelist).

2.  His words to Timothy = "do likewise"

3.  The New Testament is clear - we also should "do likewise"  (all Christians)

Before we look at Paul's words to Timothy (concerning Evangelism), let's look at evangelism generally:

1)  Definition of Evangelism is telling the story - Acts 8:34-35 - Example:  Phillip and the Enunuch
     ie:  bridge illustration, wordless book, Roman road, etc.

2)  All Christians are responsible to tell the story.  (Great Commission - Matt. 28:18-20)

BUT, 3)  There are many ways to tell the story!
      LIST - Methods of Personal Evangelism done intentionally
      1.  Preaching Evangelism
      2.  Confrontational Evangelism
           Example:  Billy Graham, D.L. Moody - these two = the most commonly known - most aggressive form of evangelism.
      3.  Teaching Evangelism - AWANA, Bible Time, Day Camp, etc.
      4.  Testimonial Evangelism - how you encountered God in a particular setting
      5.  Ministry Evangelism - helping people in some form with hopeful purpose of sharing the gospel - however, can't JUST do good deeds and helpful things.  Must be some form of verbal presentation of the gospel message.
      6.  Relational Evangelism - building friendships in order to share gospel  - 70% say friendship was instrumental in their coming to Christ
      7.  Family Evangelism - parents leading children to Christ
      8.  Lifestyle Evangelism -
      9.  Discipling Evangelism - not only after salvation but many times before      
     10.  Conversational Evangelism
     11.  Invitational Evangelism - inviting people to something where gospel is going to be presented
     12.  Tract/Literature Evangelism
     13.  Child Evangelism -  43% come to Christ before age 13,  56 % before age 18   77 % before age 21.  After 21 percentage drops way down.
     14.  Prayer Evangelism - prayer for person to be saved.  However, can't expect salvation without a presentation of the message.

Remember:  it's not our job to win people to Christ - that's God's job - Our job is to present the gospel message.

Paul's words to Timothy (concerning Evangelism)

#1.  2 Tim. 1:8 - Don't be ashamed - why the hesitancy??  Maybe because message is offensive?  exclusive?? - Jesus is the only way.  Simple?  (therefore "foolishness")  Spiritual opposition? 

Whatever the reason - it's there!!  1 Cor. 2:3 - Apostle Paul.    But, also - Rom. 1:16 - the means by which people find God. 
Note:  2 Tim. 1:6-8

#2.  2 Tim. 2:8-9 - Remember Jesus Christ raised from the dead 
         1)  Resurrection = central to the gospel - can't have gospel message without the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
          2)  We are not proclaiming a dead Savior, we are proclaiming a Living LORD!! - Rev. 1:17-18
Not serving the memory of a guy, but a risen LORD,

#3.  2 Tim. 4:3-5 - Do the work of an evangelist -
        Note:  a) it = WORK
                  b) why Timothy needs to do it = 2 Tim. 4:6-7
Point:  each generation is responsible to reach the next generation!!!


Monday, January 16, 2017

Study of 2nd. Timothy - Part 2

Last week - learned that book of 2nd. Timothy =
Pastoral Epistle                                                                     
Prison Epistle - written from Roman prison during Paul's last imprisonment                                                Personal Epistle - "last words" to someone Paul called "his son in the faith"

Even though these were "last words", contained more instruction than sentiment!!  Why??  Because Paul desires Timothy to fulfill his calling (discharge all duties ..)  There are at least 50 imperatives - ie:  if you want to achieve must do these things.

On one hand, these words written to Timothy - WASM
However, can apply to us -                               ISM       Not everything applies to us, but much does.

Three areas of Instruction:   

1)  Evangelism   (sharing faith)
2)  teaching and discipling (passing the faith)
3)  personal lifestyle and personal development

      /\  if want to be Godly pastor, must be
     /   \  Godly parent, and to be a Godly parent must be
    /      \  Godly partner, and to be a Godly partner must be
  /          \  Godly person - it all begins here.

Last week - some instructions:
1)  fan into flame - (keep your faith alive)
2)  be strong in grace  (strength more than state of being, matter of choice.)
3)  endure hardship = suffer well - in a way that honors Christ and benefits others!
4)  Continue in what you've learned already - don't drift away.

Additional Instructions in Personal Lifestyle and Development

#1.  2 Tim. 2:15 - Apply yourself to God's Word - understand the whole picture
the word is workman, idea is craftsman - someone who knows inside and out - "a craftsman who has God's approval" - properly handles God's Word.
So --- 1)  Know God's Word, and 2) and handle it properly - (example of mishandling :  Ezek. 22:30 - taught as reference to Trump foretold in the Bible from the line to "build a wall")

#2.  2 Tim. 2:22 - Flee evil desires  
the word in the Greek = strong desire of any kind - dependent on the context
Point = flee any desire that is contrary to God's will for you.
Application is more than youth/sexual - Timothy was about 35 years old at this time.

2 Tim. 2:22 - Additional instructions = flee/pursue = Run from - put off
                                                                               Run to -  put on
any desires that apply to you at your age, at your place in life.

#3.  2 Tim. 3:1-5 - Avoid Godless People OR Choose your companions wisely
Doesn't mean no association.  But means friends, traveling companions.
Example:  Jesus "ate with sinners", BUT 1) didn't partake of their sins
                                                             2) didn't make them daily companions
                                                             3) didn't withhold the gospel in their presence, at their party!!
Prov. 13:20 - makes a difference who we hang with.

#4.  2 Tim. 4:3-5 - "in all situations"   KJV - "watch thou in all things", NAS - "be sober in all things" (clearheaded)  USE YOUR HEAD!!  - sober judgment
The problem is not following your heart!  The problem is following your heart WHEN IT'S WRONG!!!

2 more from 1st. Timothy:
#5.  1 Tim. 4:12 - Conduct yourself in a manner that wins respect  - this is not age/gender specific!!

#6.  2 Tim. 4:7 - TRAIN Yourself to be godly - the Greek word leads to gymnasium, gymnast - exercise, discipline yourself  because it all begins at the bottom of the triangle - being a Godly person

Why so much instruction and so little sentiment?
Not because Paul didn't love Timothy, but because (1) he did love him, and (2) wanted to see him PROSPER!!! in the spiritual sense - the sense that mattered!!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Bible Study - 2nd. Timothy

Timothy and Titus = (1) pastoral epistles (Timothy @ Ephesus, and Titus @ Crete)
Paul is writing to two young ministers.

2 Tim. = (2) prison epistles (written approximately 66AD) - written from Roman prison

Were possibly Paul's last words!!! therefore, (3) very Personal epistles

All 3 epistles are full of simple, direct charges (instructions)
Example:  1 Tim. 4:7-19 = at least 11
1st & 2nd Timothy combined have minimum of 50.

These = imperatives/commands
BUT, are not 'or else' commands.  Rather = 'in order to' commands

As we look, we separate:
 the WASM = what was to Tim/for Tim./then
 the ISM = what applies to us today
EXAMPLE:  1 Tim. 1:3 - "stay at Ephesus" - this is personal to Timothy
                     1 Tim. 1:18 - "fight the good fight" - directive for all of us

The Bible Study focus = 2nd. Timothy
Divided into 3 areas:
1)  Instruction in Personal lifestyle and development
2) instruction in Evangelism, Sharing the Gospel
3) Instruction in Teaching & Discipleship; passing on the Faith

Lesson in Personal Lifestyle & Development  (from 2nd. Timothy)

#1.  Fan into flame - 2 Tim. 1:5-6 - example:  a hot fire unattended ==> going out.  So, 'kindle afresh'.

Question:  why not instruction in "how to"?
Answer:  Timothy already knew!!!  - Bible Study, Prayer, Fellowship with believers
Problem - sometimes is a lack of knowledge.  But often = failure to apply the knowledge we already have!!!  In which case, don't need more information to 'fan the flames'.

#2.  Be strong in grace - 2 Tim. 2:1
Question:  Is this "Christianese?  Lightly spoken? examples:  "bless you", "be well", etc.
NOTE:  these = last words!! Are spoken simply because:
         A.  are important
and   B.  this strength - choice!!  - How strong will you be.  You much choose.

#3.  Endure hardship - 2 Tim. 2:3
Does not mean go out and seek to suffer.
Means when you suffer, do it well - ie:  bear up, bear witness.  Examples:  martyrs

1 Pet. 2:18-21
Note:  2 Tim. 4:5  again?  why?  => 2 Tim. 3:10-12 - stand even if at odds with most of the world when stand for Christ.

#4.  Continue in what you have learned  2 Tim. 3:13-14
Again:  problem sometimes = lack of knowledge
           Problem often not continuing in what we've learned!!  (haven't made application of what we already know)
Heb. 2:1 - very rarely will a Christian step, walk, or turn away from the faith.  Instead, drift, slip, ease away little by little.

Paul goes on to instruct in Evangelism, Ministry, discipleship, etc.  BUT NOTE:  our ability to minister will not exceed our personal development!!!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Who Needs a Messiah?

Messiah:  THE Anointed One who will come and deliver His People - among all other things Messiah expected to do, ultimately - to DELIVER His People

Messiah = prophesied, expected, anticipated - at an all time high at Jesus' time.

Post resurrection message of the Apostles said that:  1)  Messiah (Christ)  has come and 2)  He had delivered His people

BUT - not as expected!!!!  Instead of delivering from a temporal, worldly oppressor (Rome), He has delivered from the Ultimate OPPRESSOR,  ie:  SIN  - Matt. 1:21 - (angel to Joseph)
Jesus means - God, the Lord saves.

Definition:  that which is outside of God's plan, will, design for us.
Note:  singular - Sin (state)   vs.  plural - sins (acts)

Point = all that oppresses man (plagues, burdens, afflicts) finds its ORIGIN in SIN!!

Therefore:  to eliminate Sin = eliminate oppression/calamity
(this idea not exclusive to New Testament, Christians.  Psm. 130:7-8 - was very well known by old testament Jewish people as well.

Various secular/and even some Christian views:

#1.  We don't need saving - "I'm OK, you're OK"

#2.  We don't need saving from Sin - need saving from things like global warming, political parties, etc.

#3.  We can save our self - example:  Evolutionary Ethics postulated back in 19th. century.  We will get better and better and that goodness will then be passed on to future generations.
However, ultimately and finally, we can't save ourselves.

#4.  Biblical View.......
       A.)  Who needs saving?  - on one hand, only the lost'!  Luke 19:10 (Matt. 9:12 - Jesus with sinners)
                                             - however, Rom. 3:23 - it's all of us!

       B)  What do we need saving from?  - Matt. 1:21  Christ saves from:
              a) Penalty - Rom. 6:23
             b) Power - Rom. 7:14, 20, 21, 24   
             c) Presence?
Note:  Past/Present/Future aspects of salvation:  

I have been saved - (justification)

I am being saved - (sanctification)

I will be saved -  (glorification) - best illustration of this is death.

Additional note:  the Jews didn't object to being saved from Sin - BUT their preference = saved from Roman Sin!!  - Matt. 1:21 - "their sins" - not other people's, society's, etc.

Point being:  my preference = be delivered from the sins of others
My need = be delivered from OWN sins!!!

      C)  Can we save ourselves?    - On one hand, we cannot save ourselves, however can allow ourselves to be saved!!!   Acts 2:40 - can cross the bridge

      D)  Who will He save?
            On one hand, 1 John 2:2  However, Matt. 1:21 - "His people" - = all who will come to Him (the ones who have crossed the bridge, will take His name) - Heb. 7:25   Point being:  Salvation = His work plus our choice!!

      E)  What are we saved to?   Short answer ... what we were (originally) created for!!   Fellowship and relationship with Him.

So...... who needs a Messiah???
           ME  (personally)
           YOU  (personally)
           US  (corporately, mankind)
Acts 4:12