Monday, December 16, 2024

Joy to the World! The Lord Is Come!

It is very special to reflect on Christ's 1st. Coming

A favorite Christmas song is "Joy to the World".  Was written by Isaac Watts - 1674 - 1748.  A non-conformist, meaning he didn't conform to the teachings of the Anglican Church.

Message = first 4 lines of song.  

Are 4 points on the importance of Christ's advent.  Should be great joy at Christmas time.

I)  Joy to the World!  The Lord is Come!  This should bring us great joy.

Question:  Why should the world rejoice?

      A)  Christ's coming showed God's good will to men. - John 3:16-17
      Shows how precious we are to Him.  Christ came willingly to demonstrate God's love for us  

     B)  Christ's coming made the Father visible - John 14:6,9  Matt. 1:23, Isa. 7:14  (700 plus years before)
           He is the image of the invisible God.  Jesus is our perfect example.  Humans will let you down.

     C)  Christ's coming showed God keeps His word!  Hos. 11:1 (Egypt)  Micah 5:2 (Bethlehem), Isa. 7:14 (born of a virgin.  All promised 600/700 years earlier.
            God's faithfulness in the past gives confidence He'll continue to be faithful.  All of us have been let down by somebody sometime.  God will never let us down!  God wants good for us!

II)  Let Earth Receive Her King
      Jesus is King whether you recognize it or not.  Whether it's labeled hate speech or not.  He is not dethroned.  Truth is truth whether you like it or not.
      Not just for the Jews, for for all nations.  We are to be a part of a Messianic Psalm.  If we are in Christ, are part of His kingdom.  Psm. 2:8, Matt. 28:18-20, Acts 1:8  Rev. 1:5-6 
He is ruler of the kings of the earth.  Has made us a  kingdom of priests.  Psm. 2:1-12 - warning

III)  Let every heart prepare Him room
       Who is the us?  Gen. 12:3 - Gal. 3:7-8 - ... of the faith....  Eph. 2:8  is not generic faith  acts 4:11-12 - must submit to Christ
       Give life to Jesus.  Will never find purpose until you do.  Is no better time than the present to give your life to Christ.

IV)  And Heaven and Nature Sing  - Is what your were created to do... all creatures and creation created to serve and worship God.
Psm. 19:1 - the Heavens declare   Psm. 98:7-9 - what inspired Isaac Watts
Heavenly Beings - Job 38:4-7, Isa. 6:2-3, Rev. 4:8, Rev. 5:11-14  
Song "All Creatures of Our God and King" written in 1225 - We were created in God's image with more responsibility than any other created thing on the earth to praise Him.

So----- what should this season inspire us to do?
REJOICE!  Trust God moreServe the King!  Submit our heart to Him!  Join creation in His worship!

St. Francis Assisi wrote "All Creatures of Our God and King" in 1225 which tells all created beings to praise the Lord.  Will never find joy and satisfaction until you do!

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Onesiphorus, A Brother Born for Adversity

 As believers, we should be good to people. 

Onesiphorus - great example of what to be and what to be as a believer and a friend.

Paul was a great friend and had great friends:  can see this from groups, fellowship tender words, was ripped away when had to leave them, was gifted.  

Examples:  Onesimus, Epaphroditus, Priscilla, Aquila, Thychicus (a beloved brother), Tertius, Ampliatus (my beloved in the Lord), Luke (with him during his imprisonment), Timothy, and of course, Onesiphorus.

Paul = writing to Timothy from an awful prison to encourage and instruct.  Probably = last words.  He was lonely, and knows his time is coming to an end.

2 Tim. 1:13-15 - Guard and Practice because:

1)  People will abandon the faith.  Example:  Matt. 13:20-21 - Parable of the sower.  When hard times come, is a time for growth, the real believers stay firm. 
     So, build and train - is good to know the 'why' we believe.

2)  Serving the Lord can FEEL lonely   But, are never alone if really in the faith.  Psm. 94:14, Matt. 28:20, Heb. 13:5-6, Rom. 8:31-35

Lessons from Onesiphorus.    2 Tim. 1:16-18

A.  Be a real bro.  Prov. 17:17    How?

B.  Be present - ministry of presence is fairly easy now.  Was a lot harder in Paul's time.

C.  Make an effort - Matt. 25:37-40  traveled a long distance to go to Paul.  searched earnestly, at great risk, had a history of service

D.  Have your brother's back.  He was not ashamed of Paul.  Was a friend all the time.  Gal. 6:2, Heb. 13:1-3, John 13:34-35, John 15:13 - greater love hath no man....  Brothers should defend, care for each other.  We should have a special love for other Christians

Inspire others to be better believers.  We can be inspired by others to do better. 
    Heb. 11, Heb. 12:1-2, 1 Cor. 11:1 - Imitate me as I imitate Christ --- let that be a goal in our lives.

How can we stir up love and good works   Heb. 10:24 - one of the chief jobs of Christians

Challenge:  think am I refreshing the saints?  Am I loyal to God and his people?  Am I pulling people to or pushing them away?  Can't love the Lord and hate His people.

Closing Scripture:  Eph. 4:29-5:2

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

2 Timothy 1:8-14

 In the New Testament, we have Pastoral Epistles  (1 & 2 Tim, Titus)
                                            and Prison Epistles  (Ephesians, Philipians, Colossians, Philemon)

2nd. Timothy = Both!!  in other words - TO Timothy FROM prison.

Closed Acts with Paul in Rome under house arrest!  Evidence suggests were 2 Roman imprisonments.
So NOW (2nd. Tim) Paul IN prison awaiting execution.  (is pretty confident that he will be executed)

So.... pens "last words" to Timothy  (at Ephesus)
Hence, there is much advice, instruction, encouragement - MOST of which applies to ANY and ALL Christians!
Note:  Timothy is in charge of all the churches in the area.

(Josh did 2 Tim. 1:1-7 last time)   Today = 2 Tim. 1:8-14

BUT, ... vs. 8 begins with "therefore", So leading up to this? 
              vs. 3 .... I thank God as I remember you"
              vs. 5 .... I'm reminded of your sincere faith"
              vs. 6.... fan into flame ... the gift within you"

In other words, "because of who you are and what you are called to do (the task before you) ... additional advice!

2 Tim. 1:8-14 - Watch  for specific charges that apply to Timothy AND to you!

4 Specific Charges:

I)  Don't be ashamed (of the Gospel)

II)  Join me in suffering (for the Gospel)

III)  Follow the pattern (you've been shown)

IV)  Guard the good deposit (you've been given)

I)  Don't be ashamed  (of the Gospel, of me)  - Vs. 8
      Why 'ashamed?? 
(A)  THEN  - Example:  Alexamenos = weakness!  Worshiping a God who was crucified and hung naked on a cross.  Showed sign of weakness to Romans.  Ridicule in Rome still found today.  Christians saw this as a great victory over death.  Mockery still true today.

(B)  NOW = foolish!!  ie:  direct your life based on myths, legends, antiquated morals?"  (still a mockery)

Paul's answer ... #1)  2 Tim. 1:12 - "I know WHOM I have believed" 
Christianity is more than a belief system.  It = a personal interaction with a risen Christ!

                         #2)  Rom. 1:16-17 - "it is the Power of God... to salvation"
In other words, it works!!!  John 14:6,  Acts 4:12

II)  Join me in suffering  (share in)  Vs. 8b

     A)  suffering for the gospel - in other words, when presenting, promoting the Gospel entails a degree of suffering .... DON'T SHY AWAY!
     B)  suffering by the Power of God - ie:  with the Presence and assistance of God.  When are suffering for the Gospel, are NEVER alone!  

Note:  vs. "His prisoner" - (Christ's)
     C)  Suffer well  (properly - in an exemplary manner)
ie:  when suffering is not immediately, directly tied to the Gospel ... Nevertheless.. Christians should suffer in a manner that shows Faith and Confidence in God - 2 Tim. 2:3,  1 Pet. 2:21  (context = slavery)

III)  Keep to the Pattern  (vs. 13)  in other words, what you've been taught (the truth), is true... DON'T DEVIATE FROM IT!!!
early on.... many received the Gospel But wanted to "adjust, correct, improve on it" 
example:  Gnostics
Today? = Same!!!  example:  Progressive Christianity 
Titus 1:9 - applies to more than "elders".  Should be true of all Christians. "If it's new, it's probably not TRUE!" 

Closely related...
IV)  Guard the good deposit - Vs. 14
"you've been ENTRUSTED with something valuable & precious..."GUARD IT!!"  watch over, protect, keep safe, be diligent, alert, attentive.
Which = (1) protect it from corruption - on one hand, can't keep others from corrupting, BUT can keep self from corrupting it!
              (2)  put it to use Example:  Parable of the Talents - "wicked, lazy servant"
Don't SIT on your salvation!
Note:  closing of 1 Tim. 6:20 - with help of Holy Spirit

V)  Entrust this deposit to others 2 Tim. 2:2
     ie:  evangelism, discipleship, teaching, training, equipping, etc.
Which = Pass it on and multiply the effects!

2nd. Timothy is full of direct, explicit charges ... to Timothy, to US... to you! 
So... (1)  give serious consideration to these charges
and  (2)  measure your faith according to them.!

Closing scripture:  2 Tim. 4:1-5


Monday, November 25, 2024

How Giving Thanks Changes the World

 God's people have been giving thanks long before it was started in this country.  America did not invent Thanksgiving. 

James 1:16-17 - How soon we forget that all the good gifts we have are from God. 
Bitterness and Discontentment are results of ingratitude.  They are the marks of a crumbling society - one that refuses to honor God.  We, as God's children, cannot or should not be ungrateful.

2 Tim. 3:2-4, Rom. 1:21-24

Josh. 4:1-7, 19-24  - Before this, there was the exodus from Egypt, disobedience at Kadesh Barnea, a generation wanders for 40 years, Joshua takes them into the Promised Land.

I.   Reasons to give God Thanks
     #1.  For what He's done:  Examples:   Exodus, enemies, provided manna and quail in the wilderness, Pilgrims

Question:  What has he done for you?  Physically?  Spiritually?  We seldom give God credit.

     #2,   For what he's promised.  John 10:10  "I have come that you might have life..."  (direction, peace, purpose) Promised Land.  Ultimate Promised Land..  John 11:25-27 - Do you believe this?  What a day that will be. - God is doing good things in our lives right now.

There are many reasons to give Him thanks, but, How?

II.  How to give God thanks.
      #1.  Remember - ex. 12 stones after then crossed the Jordan. 
           Psm.  78:9-11 - Ephraimites condemned.  they failed to remember what God had done.  Remember daily in prayer - 1 Thess. 5:18  Count your blessings.
Pass down faith.  Demonstrate in front of your children what He's done.

III.  What are the results of giving thanks? 
       #1.  A grateful heart is a happy heart. = Psm. 9:1-2  God has a way of using gratitude to change heart and mind.
       #2.  People turn to God.  When have a grateful heart, look different - Matt. 5:16  As Christians, when we live a life of gratitude, we will look different to the world.

Psm. 67 - Before you eat, thank God for what He's done, promised.  Recount His faithfulness and provision through song like Psm. 13:6

Monday, November 18, 2024

What Parents Should Want for Their Children

2 Tim. 1:1-7

 Parents' greatest job, fears, joys - often wrapped up in their children.  

We all have desires for our children, wonder what to pray, what to teach.

From God - we see some of Paul's heart, desire and prayer.  Calls Timothy his son in the faith.  This written by the Apostle Paul.

2 Tim. 1:1-2 - Paul met Timothy during his 2nd. missionary journey. 
          Timothy had believing grandmother and mother, Greek father.  He impressed Paul who brought him along on his missionary journey.

1 Timothy is more a manual for church business.  Paul was hoping to visit Ephesus.

2 Timothy - more personal for Timothy.  Shows his love and care for Timothy.  Was in Roman prison at the time he wrote this.  2 Tim. 4:6-8 - eventually was executed for preaching the Gospel.

This letter comes when Timothy was a young pastor, but was struggling, dealing with desertions, heretics, Hymenaus.

Timothy was young. - 1 Tim. 4:12, 2 Tim. 2:22  sick - 1 Tim. 5:23,  timid - 1 Cor. 16;10
Paul brought him along, discipled, poured out, demonstrated.  He mentored him - similar to the way Jesus mentor his apostles.

 Parents should want:
#1.  Good Influences for their children.
        Prov. 13:20
        2 Tim. 1:3 - clear conscience.  Paul at the end of life.  Not how he was.  Heb. 10:22
        Need to get right.  Only way to get there is through Jesus Christ.

       2 Tim. 1:3-4 - see the love?  need to pray like that for children.  Has a Pastor's heart.  a Fatherly heart.

       2 Tim. 1:5 - Importance of godly fammily.  Taught, modeled.  

#2.  Have Sincere Faith - John 1:12 - Faith that won't fade with trials or successes - forever.

#3.  Develop and use their godly gifts.  2 Tim. 1:6   Serve the Lord with all they have.
       Fan into flame.  Charisma.  Spiritual gift (s) - (discernment, evangelism, giving, hospitality, leadership mercy teaching... )  Evangelist, Pastor. 
      Is a gift, but must work and use what have been given.
1 Tim. 4:14-15 - not only spiritual, but all gifts.  Praying and helping discover and practice.  If we don't fan the flame, the fire dies and the talents get taken.

#4.  Have Confidence to use their gifts.   2 Tim. 1:7  Are those who poke holes in confidence.  ie:  fear, cowardice.  Timothy struggled.  Why do we fear?  - embarrassment, failure, task too big not good enough, scared of naysayers.  All of that is not from God. 
God gives us power, Acts 1:8 - strength, power, ability.  That's from God.  Heb. 13:6

With that power, love, and self-control that we may not fall.

Paul eventually executed in Rom.  Not sure if Timothy ever made it to see him.  Paul would be so proud to see how Timothy was using his gifts.  Tradition records he faithfully served in Ephesus until he was 80.  God used him, was so bold that he was stoned trying to stop pagan festival there.  Stoned to death. 
He, like Paul, could say, 'I've fought the good fight.  I've finished the race.'

Challenge:  pray for and work with your children.  Work on this yourself.  Let us all strive to fan into flame the gift that God has given.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Suffering for Jesus

Suffering is a reality, a big part of the reality, and we all will suffer sometime.

2 Tim. 1:8, 12, 2:3, 2:9, 3:11, 4:5

Reasons for suffering:

1)  We live in a sinful, fallen world

2)  Our own sinfulness - we make bad decisions, etc.

3)  For discipline - Deut. 8:56, Heb. 12:6-7, Prov. 3:11-12

4)  For the sake of Christ - we are going to be opposed if we love Jesus.  Are people who hate Jesus.

     2 Tim. 3:12, 1 Pet. 3:16-17, 1 Pet. 4:14-16
There will come times of persecution and suffering when we honor God.

Responses, when it comes, if it comes:

A)  Rejoice  - Acts. 5:41, Acts 16:25 - Paul and Silas thanking God in prison

B)  See it as an opportunity.  God uses hardships to grow us, to mold us.  Suffering helps us grow.

Result of suffering

   1)  Can strengthen your ministry potential - 2 Cor. 1:3-4
   2)  Can strengthen connection with others - God uses these times
   3)  Sometimes puts us in the right ministry environment. 
         Ex. Joseph, Paul - Phil. 1:12-14
   4)  It just makes us better - Rom. 5:4-5

God works all these things together for good.  2 Tim. 4:6-8

God has great reward for those who suffer and are obedient.  2 Cor. 5:10, Matt. 6:20


Closing Scripture:  Rom. 8:18-25

Monday, November 4, 2024

Ordination Service for Josh Smith

To ordain = set apart to an office, duty, task.....

Ordination = a ceremony wherein an individual is
          #1 - recognized as called, gifted for a task
  and   #2 - FORMALLY INDUCTED - into that office or given a title reflecting that

So... are gathered to FORMALLY recognize and induct Josh into the office of Pastoral MINISTRY

Pastoral Qualifications?  1 Tim. 3:1-7

Additional charges in Pastoral Epistles = 102  (my count)  - Timothy and Titus

Whittled down to 3 categories....

    A.  Preaching
    B.  Pastoring 
    C.  Personal Development   

So.....The Charge to Josh  

I.  Preaching - because this is a ministry of THE WORD!! - if not of the Word, is not preaching.
    1 Tim. 4:13
    Titus 2:1 - "teach according to sound Doctrine" - get it right
    2 Tim. 2:14 - Keep reminding, warn them  (REPETITION)

On one hand - "with great patience"
On the other hand - Titus 2:15 - "with all authority"

In other words, be authoritative, but don't be an arrogant Know it all!!!!

1 Tim. 6:2 - "urge these things upon the people"

II.  Pastoring (Shepherding)
Because this = ministry of Word AND of People!!   A person who doesn't do well with people can't be a pastor.
1 Tim. 4:12 "example" live the faith as well as preach it
2 Tim. 5:1-2  On one hand "exhort" (confront, challenge) without being arrogant
                     However, "don't rebuke sharply" and "treat people properly"
1 Tim. 5:21  "Without partiality"
                Some people are more likeable but all due equal respect and concern
2 Tim. 2:24   "kind to everyone" (includes non-believers)
2 Tim. 2:25   "gently instruct" those who oppose

Titus - "teach older men, teach older women, encourage young men, be a n example, show integrity"

Add:  2 Tim. 4:5 - don't be a 'short fused' preacher
       endure, do the work, discharge ALL duties!!!

Add also:  John 21 - "feed my sheep" IF you love me!!!!
And  1 Pet. 5:2-4

Octavia Baptist Church needs BOTH a preacher AND a pastor!!!

III.  Personal Development
1 Tim. 4:7 - TRAIN YOURSELF!!  Nobody is going to do it for you!!!

1 Tim. 4:14 - don't neglect your gift
1 Tim. 4:15 - be diligent (give self wholly to this)
1 Tim. 4:16  - watch LIFE and DOCTRINE  (persevere in both)

Add these....:  "flee sin, pursue righteousness"
                      "fan into flame the gift within you"
                      "guard what has been entrusted to you"
                      "endure hardship"
                      "join me in suffering for the gospel"
                      "fight the good fight of faith"

Summary:   1 Tim. 2:15
Only 1 person can develop you into a great preacher, pastor - YOURSELF!!! Even God won't do it without your cooperation adn effort!!!

This = your Calling, ministry, JOB!!
DON'T BE LAZY!  DEVELOP YOURSELF!! NEVER  stop studying, pursuing, developing, learning!

NOW  A Charge to the church - Josh is being ordained BY OBC to soon be your Pastor.  You have obligations and responsibilities also!!!!

#1.  If you recognize him as a preacher, teacher ... listen to him!!
Doesn't mean he's always right!  But always give due consideration and respect.

#2.  If you recognize him as a leader... follow him. 
    On one hand, he's not always right
    However, he is the one most likely to recognize God's Vision and direction

#3.  If you recognize him as a defender of the faith.... support him!  Example:  Ex. 17 - Israel and Amalekites
Aaron adn Hur holding up Moses' hands!! - a leader needs to be supported

#4. If you recognize him as a man of God... Pray for him!! - that is our obligation  
      The greater the ministry... the greater the pressures and attacks!! By Satan, by non-believers

NOTE - his call, position does not lessen his humanity!!

#5.  If you recognize him as a fellow human being.... minister to him!!
      He will need - encouragement, compassion, sympathy, affirmation, backing, forgiveness!!! 
Jesus - "spirit is willing, flesh is weak"

#6.  If your recognize him as  a family man.... minister to his family!  If you want to bless him bless his family!

#7. If you recognize him as a n employee ... Pay him! 
      Don't be so "spiritual" that you are impractical!  1 Cor. 9:7-11

#8.  If you recognize him as an Outstanding employee... reward him!!   (this is more than money)
      IF he blesses this church and this community, then it is only fitting for the church and community to bless him!!

Closing:  presentation of Certificate of Ordination, signed Bible, prayer and congratulations!!