Sunday, August 4, 2019

Romans 1: 18-32

Book of Romans - condensed:  "Paul, an Apostle, concerning the gospel (good news! - evangelical witness) of Jesus Christ."

The Good News = you can be right with God (ie:  in right standing; able to stand "at ease" in His Presence - won't be condemned)

BUT ... it's preceded by the BAD NEWS!!  ie:  (until you come to God through His Son, Jesus Christ.....) you are NOT in good standing with God!!!
Illustration:  the Ugly Pill.   Fellow says to his friend,  Good news!  We have discovered a pill that will cure ALL the uglies no matter what.   The bad news is that you need this pill!!!
This is why the gospel is so offensive!

Romans Chapter 1, verses 18-32 = the BAD NEWS!!
Is a lot of heavy content therein!  So..... before reading it, will define some terms!!

(1)  Righteousness = able to stand "at ease" in His Presence.  Talking about our righteousness here.  God's righteousness = He is always right, all the time.
Two types of righteousness - (a) Positional righteousness = in right position with God
                                            (b) Practical righteousness = practice of right living

(2)  Sin = any transgression of God's law, or any lack of conformity to God's law.  (commission & omission)

(3) Wrath of God = Anger!!  emotional response to evil and injustice.
it = righteous anger - always
it = settled (or studied) anger  (not sudden) - rational, reasonable, thought out.

Also note:  Active wrath  (in anger He intervenes)
             w/ Passive wrath (in anger He withdraws) - We see this passive anger in this passage

(4)  Revelation  = two types:  general revelation - general in scope and content - given to all people
                                             special (specific) revelation - available in scripture.  Example:  Christ's substitutionary death.  Would not get that from general revelation.

(5)  Free Will - which = on one hand, the freedom to choose, however is NOT freedom to choose without consequences.  Choices have consequences.

(6)  Progressive Depravity - ie:  moral corruption in a downward spiral

Text:  Rom. 1:16-32

  • Rom. 1:18 - present tense; wrath not primarily against men, but against the godlessness and wickedness that men do;  suppression - holding down with force something that will pop back to surface if released.
  • Rom. 1:27 - current wrath;  punishment for sin is sin itself.  (continued downward spiral)


  • 1.  God takes sin seriously  
  • 2.  A just God deals with sin .... justly!!  But,
  • Mercy is also available!  
The most vivid display of God's righteous anger against sin = The CROSS!! - Matt. 27:45-46

The clearest demonstration of God's love and concern for His creation = The CROSS!! - Rom. 5:8-9

Put love and justice together --> 2 Cor. 5:21
(it's fitting that the symbol = CROSS - where love and justice meet!!)

"Good news" - labored over the next 8 chapters, but, we must be convinced of our "lostness".  1 Pet. 3:18

Are 2 paths available:  (1)  Justice  (which = wrath) - take your chances with God.  Get what's coming to you.

  or (2)  Mercy --- you choose!!  

Closing Scripture:  Rom. 8:12-14

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