Monday, August 12, 2019

Everyman's Gospel

Last week = Paul's charge to Rome's pagan society!
Those who rejected God's revelation, God's will - Rom. 1:18-20  - (they received some light from God but refused it = "without excuse"  They rejected the light they had been given.

This Week:  Romans chapter 2 - Paul addresses Rome's Jewish community.
Look how he begins :  Rom. 2:1 - "without excuse"
Have rejected God's will in an internal sense.

So:  On one hand, pagans received some light -- (general revelation) but refused it, therefore subject to God's wrath!  (ie:  righteous anger)

However, Jews received much light (special revelation, scripture).  They received it but did not practice it internally - therefore subject to God's wrath!  (ie:  righteous anger)

Paul's Point:  Rom. 3:23 - all sin, are separated, need a Savior - not just the pagan gentiles

So:  Paul's words to Jewish community:
Rom. 2:1-24, 28-29, 3:1-4, 9, 19-20

He's talking about the attitude toward God's word.  Vs. 11:  God doesn't prefer Jews over Gentiles

Now a closer look:

I.)  1st. Century pagan - received some light (general revelation) yet rejects God's word and will.  Therefore, without excuse and subject to wrath  (righteous anger)

II.  1st. Century Jew - received much light (Old Testament Scripture) yet found ways to manipulate that revelation - example:  Matt. 15:1-9.
Therefore, without excuse and subject to wrath  (righteous anger)

Question:  Any application for us today???

III.  21st Century Neo-pagan (new pagan - return to pagan thinking, worshiping nature rather than God, etc.)  They (likewise) received some light, BUT rejects, refuses it ... therefore without excuse, subject to God's wrath (righteous anger)

IV.  21st. Century Cultural Christian - (goes to church once in a while, maybe at Easter or Christmas, attends church weddings, is not Hindu or Jew or Muslim, so must be Christian.)    Has been exposed to much light!  (went to Sunday School, VBS, lives "good" life)  BUT picks and chooses from Scripture, ignores that which is inconvenient, etc.
Therefore, without excuse and subject to wrath  (righteous anger)

CONCLUSION:  Rom. 3:23   - That's BAD NEWS!!!

Question:  Why is Paul so passionate, emphatic, insistent about BAD NEWS???

Some reasons:

(1)  Sin Separates  - example:  Bridge Illustration
which places man in position of condemnation. - John 3:18
Which is NOT God's desire - John 3:16-17, 2 Pet. 3:9

(2)  Sin incurs God's wrath - (ie Righteous Anger!!)
Wrath may be Passive                 active               Future
                  (backs away)       (intervenes)         (final judgment)

Note:  sin doesn't always lead to immediate wicked behavior  Rather ... SIN leads to distorted thinking which leads to wicked behavior.
Example:  Adam and Eve - Romans 1
This is why repentance, conversion is more than a change of action, behavior.  It = change of MIND!!

(3)  Sin is universal - Rom. 3:23 - 1 John 1:8

(4)  Unless and Until man sees his sin, he will not address it as sin!!  Example:  Step #1 of AA?  - admit you have a problem)

(5)  the Holy Spirit uses the proclamation of sin to convince(convict) man of sin.  example:  Acts 2:37.
Rom. 10:14

So.... Paul IS passionate about the BAD NEWS.
BUT ... even more passionate about the GOOD NEWS!! - Rom. 3:21-27

One issue within the church today - the emphasis/proclamation of the GOOD NEWS ... (loving God)
with out proclamation and explanation of the BAD NEWS!!! - separation, wrath!

Focus = Love  (agape).  Mercy - compassion - forgiveness

without righteousness, justice, judgment, wrath

The cross proclaims BOTH!!

The proclamation of one is incomplete without the other!!

This doesn't mean we should exclude Love, doesn't mean should move away from Love.
BUT should present His live within the proper framework of Everyman's Gospel

Closing Scripture:  Eph. 3:16-21

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